reviewed accessing parts of array script.
using @interact:\\
{\ex \lstinline| @interact
def f(a=5,b=[1,2],c=(0..3))|}
Default argument for a field input:\\
{\ex \lstinline| def f(a="hello")|}
Default argument for slider:\\
{\ex \lstinline| def f(a=(1..8))|}
Default argument for buttons:\\
{\ex \lstinline| def f(a=[1, 2, 3])|}
Publish worksheets:\\
{\ex \lstinline| Use Publish option on top right corner|}
Re-Publish worksheets:\\
{\ex \lstinline| Check the auto re-publish option while publishing or click
on publish and click on the re-publish option on the page.|}
Share the worksheets:\\
{\ex \lstinline| Click on the share button and enter the usernames|}
Editing a published worksheet:\\
{\ex \lstinline| Open the worksheet and click on the edit button on top left