reviewed accessing parts of array script.
Objective Questions
1. How do you split the string "Guido;Rossum;Python" to get the words
Answer: line.split(';')
2. line.split() and line.split(' ') are same
a. True
#. False
Answer: False
3. What is the output of the following code::
line = "Hello;;;World;;"
sub_strs = line.split()
print len(sub_strs)
Answer: 5
4. What is the output of " Hello World ".strip()
a. "Hello World"
#. "Hello World"
#. " Hello World"
#. "Hello World "
Answer: "Hello World"
5. What does "It is a cold night".strip("It") produce
Hint: Read the documentation of strip
a. "is a cold night"
#. " is a cold nigh"
#. "It is a cold nigh"
#. "is a cold nigh"
Answer: " is a cold nigh"
6. What does int("20") produce
a. "20"
#. 20.0
#. 20
#. Error
Answer: 20
7. What does int("20.0") produce
a. 20
#. 20.0
#. Error
#. "20"
Answer: Error
8. What is the value of float(3/2)
a. 1.0
#. 1.5
#. 1
#. Error
Answer: 1.0
9. what doess float("3/2") produce
a. 1.0
#. 1.5
#. 1
#. Error
Answer: Error
10. See if there is a function available in pylab to calculate the mean
Hint: Use tab completion
Larger Questions
1. The file ``pos.txt`` contains two columns of data. The first and second
columns are the x and y co-ordiantes of a particle in motion, respectively.
Plot the trajectory of the particle.
x_values = []
y_values = []
for line in open("/home/fossee/pos.txt");
x_str, y_str = line.split()
x = int(x_str)
y = int(y_str)
plot(x, y, 'b.')