author Anoop Jacob Thomas<>
Tue, 26 Oct 2010 13:06:20 +0530
changeset 348 3f70aeb1e115
parent 342 588b681e70c6
permissions -rw-r--r--
reviewed accessing parts of array script.

Creating an list\\
{\ex \lstinline| empty=[]|}

Create a filled list\\
{\ex \lstinline| nonempty = ['spam', 'eggs', 100, 1.234]  |}

Accessing a list\\
{\ex \lstinline|    nonempty[0] |}
{\ex \lstinline|    nonempty[-1] |}

Length of a list\\
{\ex \lstinline|    len(nonempty) |}

Append an element to a list\\
{\ex \lstinline|    nonempty.append('python') |}

Remove elements of a list\\
{\ex \lstinline|    del(nonempty[1] |}
{\ex \lstinline|  nonempty.remove(100) |}