author Anoop Jacob Thomas<anoop@fossee.in>
Sun, 07 Nov 2010 18:36:59 +0530
changeset 398 36295bb91766
parent 232 da873a5ac918
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added quickrefs for dictionaries, getting started with arrays, for, matrices, other plots, savefig, using python modules.

Creating a tuple:\\
{\ex \lstinline|    t = (1, "hello", 2.5)|}

Accessing elements of tuples:\\
{\ex \lstinline|    t[index] Ex: t[2]|}

Accessing slices of tuples:\\
{\ex \lstinline|    t[start:stop:step]|}

Swapping values:\\
{\ex \lstinline|    a, b = b, a|}