author Puneeth Chaganti <punchagan@gmail.com>
Wed, 27 Oct 2010 12:54:41 +0530
changeset 358 284170f2c12e
parent 273 1639ef25a231
permissions -rw-r--r--
Merged Heads.

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#+TITLE:    Embellishing a Plot

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* Outline
  + Modifying the color, line style & linewidth of a plot
  + Adding a title to the plot (with embedded LaTeX)
  + Labelling the axes
  + Annotating the plot
  + Setting the limits of axes. 
* Question 1
  Plot sin(x) in blue colour and with linewidth as 3
* Solution 1
  #+begin_src python
    In []: clf()
    In []: plot(x, sin(x), 'b', linewidth=3)
* Question 2
  Plot the sine curve with green filled circles.
* Solution 2
  #+begin_src python
    In []: clf()
    In []: plot(x, cos(x), 'go')
* Question 3
  Plot the curve of x vs tan(x) in red dashed line and linewidth 3
* Solution 3
  #+begin_src python
    In []: clf()
    In []: plot(x, cos(x), 'r--')
* Question 4
  Change the title of the figure such that the whole title is
  formatted in LaTex style
* Solution 4 
  #+begin_src python
    In []: title("$Parabolic function -x^2+4x-5$")
* Question 5
  Set the x and y labels as "x" and "f(x)" in LaTex style.
* Solution 5
  #+begin_src python
    In []: xlabel("$x$")
    In []: yalbel("$f(x)$")
* Question 6
  Make an annotation called "root" at the point (-4, 0). What happens
  to the first annotation?
* Solution 6
  #+begin_src python
    In []: annotate("root", xy=(-4,0))  
* Question 7
  Set the limits of axes such that the area of interest is the
  rectangle (-1, -15) and (3, 0)
* Solution 7
  #+begin_src python
    In []: xlim(-1, 3)
    In []: ylim(-15, 0)
* Summary
  + Modifying the attributes of plot by passing additional arguments
  + How to add title
  + How to incorporate LaTeX style formatting
  + How to label x and y axes
  + How to add annotations
  + How to set the limits of axes

* Thank you!
  This spoken tutorial has been produced by the
  \textcolor{blue}{FOSSEE} team, which is funded by the 
    \textcolor{blue}{National Mission on Education through \\
      Information \& Communication Technology \\ 
      MHRD, Govt. of India}.