changeset 484 a1828587a617
parent 463 192559461dcb
child 520 8249ae9d570a
--- a/	Thu Nov 11 03:09:49 2010 +0530
+++ b/	Thu Nov 11 17:39:26 2010 +0530
@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@
 | 4.4 LO: | Least square fit                       |     2 | Nishanth | Punch (Done)    |           |
 | 4.5 LO: | Assessment                             |     3 | Punch    |                 |           |
-| 5.1 LO: | getting started with sage notebook     |     3 | Madhu    |                 |           |
-| 5.2 LO: | getting started with symbolics         |     3 | Amit     | Pending         |           |
+| 5.1 LO: | getting started with sage notebook     |     3 | Madhu    | Punch (Done)    |           |
+| 5.2 LO: | getting started with symbolics         |     3 | Amit     | Punch (Done)    |           |
 | 5.3 LO: | using Sage                             |     4 | Punch    | Anoop (Done)    |           |
-| 5.4 LO: | using sage to teach                    |     3 | Nishanth |                 |           |
+| 5.4 LO: | using sage to teach                    |     3 | Nishanth | Punch (Done)    |           |
 | 5.5 LO: | Assessment                             |     3 | Anoop    |                 |           |
 | 6.1 LO: | basic datatypes & operators            |     4 | Amit     | Punch (Done)    |           |
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
 | 7.5 LO: | sets                                   |     2 | Nishanth | Punch (Done)    |           |
 | 7.6 LO: | Assessment                             |     3 | Amit     |                 |           |
-| 8.1 LO: | getting started with functions         |     3 | Anoop    | Pending         |           |
+| 8.1 LO: | getting started with functions         |     3 | Anoop    | Punch (Done)    |           |
 | 8.2 LO: | advanced features of functions         |     3 | Punch    | Anoop (Done)    |           |
 | 8.3 LO: | using python modules                   |     3 | Anoop    | Punch (Done)    |           |
 | 8.4 LO: | writing python scripts                 |     2 | Nishanth |                 |           |