changeset 457 68813d8d80fb
parent 434 c8ffd52305ff
--- a/plotting-data/	Mon Nov 08 02:12:28 2010 +0530
+++ b/plotting-data/	Thu Nov 11 02:28:55 2010 +0530
@@ -2,26 +2,40 @@
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 #+TITLE: Plotting Experimental Data
 #+DATE: 2010-09-14 Tue
-# \author[FOSSEE] {FOSSEE}
-# \institute[IIT Bombay] {Department of Aerospace Engineering\\IIT Bombay}
-# \date{}
+#+LANGUAGE:  en
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-* Tutorial Plan 
-** Plotting Experiment Data and Error Bars 
-* Pre-requisites 
-** Plotting simple analytical Functions 
-* plot L vs. T^2 
+* Outline 
+   - Defining sequence of numbers
+   - Squaring sequence of numbers
+   - Plotting Data Points
+   - Indicating Error through Errorbars
+* Simple Pendulum Data
 #+ORGTBL: L vs T^2 orgtbl-to-latex
@@ -36,46 +50,151 @@
   | 0.8 | 1.83 |
   | 0.9 | 1.94 |
 * Initializing L & T
-  : In []: L = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5,
-  :            0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9]
-  : In []: t = [0.69, 0.90, 1.19,
-  :             1.30, 1.47, 1.58,
-  :            1.77, 1.83, 1.94]
-* square()
-  : In []: tsquare=square(t)
-  : array([ 0.4761,  0.81  ,  1.4161,  1.69  ,  2.1609,  2.4964,  3.1329,
-  :       3.3489,  3.7636])
+  : L = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5,
+  :      0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9]
+  : t = [0.69, 0.90, 1.19,
+  :      1.30, 1.47, 1.58,
+  :      1.77, 1.83, 1.94]
-* Plotting   
-  : In[]: plot(L,t,.)
+* Question 1
+  - Plot the given experimental data with large dots.
+  The data is on your screen.     
-  : In[]: plot(L,t,o)
+* Question 1 Data
+#+ORGTBL: L vs T^2 orgtbl-to-latex
+   |    S |     n |
+   | 0.19 | 10.74 |
+   | 0.38 | 14.01 |
+   | 0.57 | 18.52 |
+   | 0.77 | 20.23 |
+   | 0.96 | 22.88 |
+   | 1.15 | 24.59 |
+   | 1.34 | 27.55 |
+   | 1.54 | 28.48 |
+   | 1.73 | 30.20 |
+* Solution 1
+  : S=[0.19,0.38,0.57,0.77,0.96,
+  :   1.15,1.34,1.54,1.73]
+  : n=[10.74,14.01,18.52,20.23,
+  :    22.88,24.59,27.55,28.48,30.20]
+  : plot(S,n,'o')
+* Question 2
+  - Plot the given experimental data with small dots.
+  The data is on your screen.     
+* Question 2 Data
+#+ORGTBL: L vs T^2 orgtbl-to-latex
+   |    P |    D |
+   | 1.48 | 0.68 |
+   | 2.96 | 0.89 |
+   | 4.44 | 1.18 |
+   | 5.92 | 1.29 |
+   | 7.40 | 1.46 |
+   | 8.88 | 1.57 |
+   | 10.3 | 1.76 |
+   | 11.8 | 1.82 |
+   | 13.3 | 1.93 |
+* Solution 2
+   : P=[1.48,2.96,4.44,5.92,7.40,
+   :   8.88,10.3,11.8,13.3]
+   : D=[0.68,0.89,1.18,1.29,1.46,
+   :   1.57,1.76,1.82,1.93]
+   : plot(P,D,'.')
 * Adding Error 
+#+ORGTBL: L vs T^2 orgtbl-to-latex
-  |   L |    T | /Delta L | /Delta T |
+  |   L |    T | \delta L | \delta T |
   | 0.1 | 0.69 |     0.08 |     0.04 |
   | 0.2 | 0.90 |     0.09 |     0.08 |
-  | 0.3 | 1.19 |     0.07 |     0.11 |
+  | 0.3 | 1.19 |     0.07 |     0.03 |
   | 0.4 | 1.30 |     0.05 |     0.05 |
   | 0.5 | 1.47 |     0.06 |     0.03 |
   | 0.6 | 1.58 |     0.00 |     0.03 |
-  | 0.7 | 1.77 |     0.06 |     0.01 |
+  | 0.7 | 1.77 |     0.06 |     0.04 |
   | 0.8 | 1.83 |     0.06 |     0.07 |
-  | 0.9 | 1.94 |     0.01 |     0.01 |
+  | 0.9 | 1.94 |     0.01 |     0.08 |
 * Plotting Error bar 
-  : In[]: errorbar(L,tsquare,xerr=delta_L, yerr=delta_T,
-  :                fmt='b.')
+  : errorbar(L,tsquare,xerr=delta_L, yerr=delta_T,
+  :         fmt='b.')
+* Question 1
+  - Plot the given experimental data with large green dots.Also include
+  the error in your plot. 
+* Question 1 Data
+  #+ORGTBL: L vs T^2 orgtbl-to-latex
+  |    S |     n | \delta S | \delta n |
+  | 0.19 | 10.74 |    0.006 |     0.61 |
+  | 0.38 | 14.01 |    0.006 |     0.69 |
+  | 0.57 | 18.52 |    0.005 |     0.53 |
+  | 0.77 | 20.23 |    0.003 |     0.38 |
+  | 0.96 | 22.88 |    0.004 |     0.46 |
+  | 1.15 | 24.59 |    0.007 |     0.37 |
+  | 1.34 | 27.55 |    0.004 |     0.46 |
+  | 1.54 | 28.48 |    0.004 |     0.46 |
+  | 1.73 | 30.20 |    0.007 |     0.37 |
+* Solution 1
+  : S=[0.19,0.38,0.57,0.77,0.96,
+  :   1.15,1.34,1.54,1.73]
+  : n=[10.74,14.01,18.52,20.23,
+  :   22.88,24.59,27.55,28.48,30.20]
+  : delta_S=[0.006,0.006,0.005,0.003,
+  :         0.004,0.007,0.004,0.004,0.007]
+  : delta_n=[0.61,0.69,0.53,0.38,0.46,
+  :         0.37,0.46,0.46,0.37]
+  : errorbar(S,n,xerr=delta_S, yerr=delta_n, 
+  :         fmt='go')
+* Summary 
+ : L = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5,
+ :      0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9]  
+ : plot(x,y,'o')
+ : plot(x,y,'.')
+* Thank you!
+  \begin{block}{}                                                                                                                                            
+  \begin{center}                                                                                                                                             
+  This spoken tutorial has been produced by the                                                                                                              
+  \textcolor{blue}{FOSSEE} team, which is funded by the                                                                                                      
+  \end{center}                                                                                                                                               
+  \begin{center}                                                                                                                                             
+    \textcolor{blue}{National Mission on Education through \\                                                                                                
+      Information \& Communication Technology \\                                                                                                             
+      MHRD, Govt. of India}.                                                                                                                                 
+  \end{center}                                                                                                                                               
+  \end{block}                                                                                                                                                