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    21 #+TITLE: Using python modules
    23 #+EMAIL:     
    24 #+DATE:    
    26 #+DESCRIPTION: 
    27 #+KEYWORDS: 
    28 #+LANGUAGE:  en
    29 #+OPTIONS:   H:3 num:nil toc:nil \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:t *:t <:t
    30 #+OPTIONS:   TeX:t LaTeX:nil skip:nil d:nil todo:nil pri:nil tags:not-in-toc
    32 * Outline
    33   - Running python scripts from command line
    34   - Importing python modules
    35   - Importing scipy \& pylab modules
    36   - About python standard library.
    37 * Running Python script from command line
    38   - Create a script, open text editor and type the following
    39     : print "hello world!"
    40     : print 
    41   - Save the script as
    42 * Running Python script from command line (cont'd)
    43   - Run the script
    44     : $ python
    45   /Syntax :/ *python filename*
    46 * Four plot problem
    47   #+begin_latex
    48     \begin{center}
    49       \includegraphics[scale=0.4]{four_plot}    
    50     \end{center}
    51   #+end_latex   
    52 * Fix ~linspace()~ problem
    53   : from scipy import *
    54 * Fix ~plot()~ problem
    55   : from pylab import *
    56 * Better way of fixing
    57   : from scipy import linspace
    58   instead of
    59   : from scipy import *
    60     ~*~ means import all functions from name-space ~scipy~.
    61 * Instead of ~*~
    62   :  from scipy import linspace, pi, sin
    63   :  from pylab import plot, legend, annotate
    64   :  from pylab import xlim, ylim, title, show
    65   Is better than, ~from scipy import *~ \& ~from pylab import *~.
    66 * Another Fix
    67   #+begin_src python
    68     import scipy
    69     import pylab
    70     x = scipy.linspace(-5*scipy.pi, 5*scipy.pi, 500)
    71     pylab.plot(x, x, 'b')
    72     pylab.plot(x, -x, 'b')
    73     pylab.plot(x, scipy.sin(x), 'g', linewidth=2)
    74     pylab.plot(x, x*scipy.sin(x), 'r', linewidth=3)
    75     pylab.legend(['x', '-x', 'sin(x)', 'xsin(x)'])
    76     pylab.annotate('origin', xy = (0, 0))
    77     pylab.xlim(-5*scipy.pi, 5*scipy.pi)
    78     pylab.ylim(-5*scipy.pi, 5*scipy.pi)
    79   #+end_src
    80 * Exercise 1
    81   Write a python script to plot a sine wave from 
    82   #+begin_latex
    83     $-2\Pi$
    84   #+end_latex
    85   to 
    86   #+begin_latex
    87     $2\Pi$
    88   #+end_latex
    89   .
    90 * What is a module?
    91   Module is simply a file containing Python definitions and
    92   statements. Definitions from a module can be imported into other
    93   modules or into the main module.
    94 * Python standard library
    95   Python has a very rich standard library of modules.
    96   - Few libraries
    97     - Math: ~math~, ~random~
    98     - Internet access: ~urllib2~, ~smtplib~
    99     - System, Command line arguments: ~sys~
   100     - Operating system interface: ~os~
   101     - regular expressions: ~re~
   102     - compression: ~gzip~, ~zipfile~, ~tarfile~
   103   - More information
   104     - [[]]
   105 * Summary
   106   - Running scripts from command line
   107   - Learned about modules
   108     - importing modules
   109   - Python standard library
   110 * Thank you!
   111 #+begin_latex
   112   \begin{block}{}
   113   \begin{center}
   114   This spoken tutorial has been produced by the
   115   \textcolor{blue}{FOSSEE} team, which is funded by the 
   116   \end{center}
   117   \begin{center}
   118     \textcolor{blue}{National Mission on Education through \\
   119       Information \& Communication Technology \\ 
   120       MHRD, Govt. of India}.
   121   \end{center}  
   122   \end{block}
   123 #+end_latex