1 Objective Questions |
2 ------------------- |
3 |
4 .. A mininum of 8 questions here (along with answers) |
5 |
6 1. List the type of quotes that can be used to define strings. |
7 |
8 Answer: 'single quotes', "double quotes", |
9 '''triple single quotes''' |
10 """triple double quotes""" |
11 |
12 #. Given the strings ``s`` and ``S``, ``s='Hello World'`` and |
13 ``S="Hello World``. s and S are different strings. True or False? |
14 |
15 #. What is the output of:: |
16 |
17 s = 'It's all here' |
18 |
19 Answer: ``SyntaxError`` |
20 |
21 #. Write code to assign s, the string ``' is called the apostrophe`` |
22 |
23 Answer: ``s = "`is called the apostrophe"`` |
24 |
25 #. Given strings s and t, ``s = "Hello"`` and ``t = "World"``. What is |
26 the output of s + t? |
27 |
28 Answer: HelloWorld |
29 |
30 #. Given strings s and t, ``s = "Hello"`` and ``t = "World"`` and an |
31 integer r, ``r = 2``. What is the output of s * r + s * t? |
32 |
33 Answer: HelloHelloWorldWorld |
34 |
35 #. Given strings s and t, ``s = "Hello"`` and ``t = "World"`` and an |
36 integer r, ``r = 2``. What is the output of s * 'r' ? |
37 |
38 Answer: TypeError - can't multiply a sequence by non-int |
39 |
40 #. Given the string ``s = "Hello"``, we wish to change it to |
41 ``hello``. what is the result of:: |
42 |
43 s[0] = 'h' |
44 |
45 Answer: TypeError - 'str' object does not support item assignment. |
46 |
47 #. Given the string ``s = "Hello"``, we wish to change it to |
48 ``hello``. what is the result of:: |
49 |
50 s = "hello" |
51 |
52 Answer: s is changed to "hello" |
53 |
54 #. Which type of string can be written in multiple lines, with line |
55 breaks. (Note: more than one answer may be correct.) |
56 |
57 #. triple double quoted strings |
58 #. single quoted strings |
59 #. double quoted strings |
60 #. triple single quoted strings |
61 |
62 Answer: triple double quoted strings and triple single quoted strings |
63 |
64 Larger Questions |
65 ---------------- |
66 |
67 .. A minimum of 2 questions here (along with answers) |
68 |
69 1. Given the string s, ``s = F.R.I.E.N.D.S``, obtain the string |
70 "FRIENDS". |
71 |
72 Answer:: |
73 |
74 s = s[0] + s[2] + s[4] + s[6] + s[8] + s[10] + s[12] |
75 |
76 2. Assign the string ``Today's Quote: "Don't believe in any quote, |
77 including this."`` to the variable ``quote``. |
78 |
79 Answer: |
80 quote = """Today's Quote: "Don't believe in any quote, including this.""" |