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21 #+TITLE: Getting started with functions |
23 #+EMAIL: info@fossee.in |
24 #+DATE: |
25 |
27 #+KEYWORDS: |
28 #+LANGUAGE: en |
29 #+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:nil \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:t *:t <:t |
30 #+OPTIONS: TeX:t LaTeX:nil skip:nil d:nil todo:nil pri:nil tags:not-in-toc |
31 |
32 * Outline |
33 - Define functions |
34 - Pass arguments to functions |
35 - Learn about docstrings |
36 - Return values from functions |
37 |
38 * Function |
39 - Eliminate code redundancy |
40 - Help in code reuse |
41 - Subroutine |
42 - relatively independent of remaining code |
43 |
44 * ~f(x)~ a mathematical function |
45 |
46 $f(x) = x^{2}$ |
47 |
48 : f(1) -> 1 |
49 : f(2) -> 4 |
50 |
51 * Define ~f(x)~ in Python |
52 #+begin_src python |
53 def f(x): |
54 return x*x |
55 #+end_src |
56 |
57 - ~def~ - keyword |
58 - ~f~ - function name |
59 - ~x~ - parameter / argument to function ~f~ |
60 |
61 * Exercise 1 |
62 |
63 Write a python function named ~cube~ which computes the cube of a given |
64 number ~n~. |
65 |
66 - Pause here and try to solve the problem yourself. |
67 |
68 * Solution |
69 #+begin_src python |
70 def cube(n): |
71 return n**3 |
72 #+end_src |
73 |
74 * ~greet~ function |
75 |
76 Function ~greet~ which will print ~Hello World!~. |
77 #+begin_src python |
78 def greet(): |
79 print "Hello World!" |
80 #+end_src |
81 - Call the function ~greet~ |
82 : In []: greet() |
83 : Hello World! |
84 |
85 * Exercise 2 |
86 |
87 Write a python function named ~avg~ which computes the average of |
88 ~a~ and ~b~. |
89 |
90 - Pause here and try to solve the problem yourself. |
91 |
92 * Solution 2 |
93 #+begin_src python |
94 def avg(a,b): |
95 return (a + b)/2 |
96 #+end_src |
97 |
98 - ~a~ and ~b~ are parameters |
99 - ~def f(p1, p2, p3, ... , pn)~ |
100 |
101 * Docstring |
102 |
103 - Documenting/commenting code is a good practice |
104 #+begin_src python |
105 def avg(a,b): |
106 """ avg takes two numbers as input |
107 (a & b), and returns the average |
108 of a and b""" |
109 return (a+b)/2 |
110 #+end_src |
111 - Docstring |
112 - written in the line after the ~def~ line. |
113 - Inside triple quote. |
114 - Documentation |
115 : avg? |
116 * Exercise 3 |
117 Add docstring to the function f. |
118 |
119 * Solution 3 |
120 |
121 #+begin_src python |
122 def f(x): |
123 """Accepts a number x as argument and, |
124 returns the square of the number x.""" |
125 return x*x |
126 #+end_src |
127 |
128 * Exercise 4 |
129 Write a python function named ~circle~ which returns the area and |
130 perimeter of a circle given radius ~r~. |
131 |
132 * Solution 4 |
133 #+begin_src python |
134 def circle(r): |
135 """returns area and perimeter of a circle given |
136 radius r""" |
137 pi = 3.14 |
138 area = pi * r * r |
139 perimeter = 2 * pi * r |
140 return area, perimeter |
141 #+end_src |
142 |
143 * ~what~ |
144 #+begin_src python |
145 |
146 def what( n ): |
147 if n < 0: n = -n |
148 while n > 0: |
149 if n % 2 == 1: |
150 return False |
151 n /= 10 |
152 return True |
153 #+end_src |
154 |
155 * ~even_digits~ |
156 #+begin_src python |
157 def even_digits( n ): |
158 """returns True if all the digits of number |
159 n is even returns False if all the digits |
160 of number n is not even""" |
161 if n < 0: n = -n |
162 while n > 0: |
163 if n % 2 == 1: |
164 return False |
165 n /= 10 |
166 return True |
167 #+end_src |
168 |
169 * ~what~ |
170 #+begin_src python |
171 def what( n ): |
172 i = 1 |
173 while i * i < n: |
174 i += 1 |
175 return i * i == n, i |
176 #+end_src |
177 |
178 * ~is_perfect_square~ |
179 #+begin_src python |
180 def is_perfect_square( n ): |
181 """returns True and square root of n, |
182 if n is a perfect square, otherwise |
183 returns False and the square root |
184 of the next perfect square""" |
185 i = 1 |
186 while i * i < n: |
187 i += 1 |
188 return i * i == n, i |
189 #+end_src |
190 |
191 * Summary |
192 - Functions in Python |
193 - Passing parameters to a function |
194 - Returning values from a function |
195 |
196 - We also did few code reading exercises. |
197 |
198 * Thank you! |
199 #+begin_latex |
200 \begin{block}{} |
201 \begin{center} |
202 This spoken tutorial has been produced by the |
203 \textcolor{blue}{FOSSEE} team, which is funded by the |
204 \end{center} |
205 \begin{center} |
206 \textcolor{blue}{National Mission on Education through \\ |
207 Information \& Communication Technology \\ |
208 MHRD, Govt. of India}. |
209 \end{center} |
210 \end{block} |
211 #+end_latex |