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    21 #+TITLE: Matrices
    23 #+EMAIL:     
    24 #+DATE:    
    26 #+DESCRIPTION: 
    27 #+KEYWORDS: 
    28 #+LANGUAGE:  en
    29 #+OPTIONS:   H:3 num:nil toc:nil \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:t *:t <:t
    30 #+OPTIONS:   TeX:t LaTeX:nil skip:nil d:nil todo:nil pri:nil tags:not-in-toc
    32 * Outline
    33   - Creating Matrices
    34     - using direct data
    35     - converting a list
    36   - Matrix operations
    37   - Inverse of matrix
    38   - Determinant of matrix
    39   - Eigen values and Eigen vectors of matrices
    40   - Norm of matrix
    41   - Singular Value Decomposition of matrices
    43 * Creating a matrix
    44   - Creating a matrix using direct data
    45   : In []: m1 = matrix([1, 2, 3, 4])
    46   - Creating a matrix using lists
    47   : In []: l1 = [[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8]]
    48   : In []: m2 = matrix(l1)
    49   - A matrix is basically an array
    50   : In []: m3 = array([[5,6,7,8],[9,10,11,12]])
    52 * Matrix operations
    53   - Element-wise addition (both matrix should be of order ~mXn~)
    54     : In []: m3 + m2
    55   - Element-wise subtraction (both matrix should be of order ~mXn~)
    56     : In []: m3 - m2
    57 * Matrix Multiplication
    58   - Matrix Multiplication
    59     : In []: m3 * m2
    60     : Out []: ValueError: objects are not aligned
    61   - Element-wise multiplication using ~multiply()~
    62     : multiply(m3, m2)
    64 * Matrix Multiplication (cont'd)
    65   - Create two compatible matrices of order ~nXm~ and ~mXr~
    66     : In []: m1.shape
    67     - matrix m1 is of order ~1 X 4~
    68   - Creating another matrix of order ~4 X 2~
    69     : In []: m4 = matrix([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6],[7,8]])
    70   - Matrix multiplication
    71     : In []: m1 * m4
    72 * Recall from ~array~
    73   - The functions 
    74     - ~identity(n)~ - 
    75       creates an identity matrix of order ~nXn~
    76     - ~zeros((m,n))~ - 
    77       creates a matrix of order ~mXn~ with 0's
    78     - ~zeros_like(A)~ - 
    79       creates a matrix with 0's similar to the shape of matrix ~A~
    80     - ~ones((m,n))~
    81       creates a matrix of order ~mXn~ with 1's
    82     - ~ones_like(A)~
    83       creates a matrix with 1's similar to the shape of matrix ~A~
    84   Can also be used with matrices
    86 * More matrix operations
    87   Transpose of a matrix
    88   : In []: m4.T
    89 * Exercise 1 : Frobenius norm \& inverse
    90   Find out the Frobenius norm of inverse of a ~4 X 4~ matrix.
    91   : 
    92   The matrix is
    93   : m5 = matrix(arange(1,17).reshape(4,4))
    94   - Inverse of A, 
    95     - 
    96      #+begin_latex
    97        $A^{-1} = inv(A)$
    98      #+end_latex
    99   - Frobenius norm is defined as,
   100     - 
   101       #+begin_latex
   102         $||A||_F = [\sum_{i,j} abs(a_{i,j})^2]^{1/2}$
   103       #+end_latex
   105 * Exercise 2: Infinity norm
   106   Find the infinity norm of the matrix ~im5~
   107   : 
   108   - Infinity norm is defined as,
   109     #+begin_latex
   110        $max([\sum_{i} abs(a_{i})^2])$
   111     #+end_latex
   112 * ~norm()~ method
   113   - Frobenius norm
   114     : In []: norm(im5)
   115   - Infinity norm
   116     : In []: norm(im5, ord=inf)
   117 * Determinant
   118   Find out the determinant of the matrix m5
   119   : 
   120   - determinant can be found out using
   121     - ~det(A)~ - returns the determinant of matrix ~A~
   122 * eigen values \& eigen vectors
   123   Find out the eigen values and eigen vectors of the matrix ~m5~.
   124   : 
   125   - eigen values and vectors can be found out using
   126     : In []: eig(m5)
   127     returns a tuple of /eigen values/ and /eigen vectors/
   128   - /eigen values/ in tuple
   129     - ~In []: eig(m5)[0]~
   130   - /eigen vectors/ in tuple
   131     - ~In []: eig(m5)[1]~
   132   - Computing /eigen values/ using ~eigvals()~
   133     : In []: eigvals(m5)
   134 * Singular Value Decomposition (~svd~)
   135   #+begin_latex
   136     $M = U \Sigma V^*$
   137   #+end_latex
   138     - U, an ~mXm~ unitary matrix over K.
   139     - 
   140       #+begin_latex
   141         $\Sigma$
   142       #+end_latex
   143 	, an ~mXn~ diagonal matrix with non-negative real numbers on diagonal.
   144     - 
   145       #+begin_latex
   146         $V^*$
   147       #+end_latex
   148 	, an ~nXn~ unitary matrix over K, denotes the conjugate transpose of V.
   149   - SVD of matrix ~m5~ can be found out as,
   150     : In []: svd(m5)
   151 * Summary
   152   - Matrices
   153     - creating matrices
   154   - Matrix operations
   155   - Inverse (~inv()~)
   156   - Determinant (~det()~)
   157   - Norm (~norm()~)
   158   - Eigen values \& vectors (~eig(), eigvals()~)
   159   - Singular Value Decomposition (~svd()~)
   161 * Thank you!
   162 #+begin_latex
   163   \begin{block}{}
   164   \begin{center}
   165   This spoken tutorial has been produced by the
   166   \textcolor{blue}{FOSSEE} team, which is funded by the 
   167   \end{center}
   168   \begin{center}
   169     \textcolor{blue}{National Mission on Education through \\
   170       Information \& Communication Technology \\ 
   171       MHRD, Govt. of India}.
   172   \end{center}  
   173   \end{block}
   174 #+end_latex