First commit to Fossee of testapp has the basic Pykata framework on django with some specific changes to Problems model and some views to suit an exam like system
{%extends "base.html"%}
{% block body %}
<h2>All Problems</h2>
<table class="problems" cellspacing="0" width="900">
<tr style="color:#00ce1d;font-weight:bold;text-align:center">
<!-- commented because this may be used again for doing all the score stuff -->
{# {% if user %}<td>Solved</td><td>Edit</td>{% endif %} #}
{% for entry in entries %}
{{ entry.problem|escape }}
{{ entry.session|escape }}
<div id="solve_{{ entry.problem_id }}">
<a class="comment" href="#solve" onclick="return loadcode({{ entry.problem_id }})">solve</a>
{% endfor %}
{% if user %}<a href="{% url testapp.views.new_edit %}">Create new problem</a>{% endif %}