author amit@thunder
Mon, 17 May 2010 22:33:59 +0530
changeset 0 0b061d58aea3
child 1 0eda880b3d25
permissions -rw-r--r--
First commit to Fossee of testapp has the basic Pykata framework on django with some specific changes to Problems model and some views to suit an exam like system

{# {%extends "base.html"%} #}
{%block body%}
<h2>{{ problem.name }}</h2>

{% comment %}
{% load pykata_extras %}
{% autoescape off %}
{% endautoescape %}
{% endcomment %}

{{ problem.examples }}

  <form method="post" action="/run/">
    <p><strong>Enter your solution here:</strong></p>
    <p><textarea id="code-area" name="user_code" rows="22" cols="80">
{% ifequal pu.classname "ProblemUser" %}{{ pu.solution }}{% else %}{{ problem.skeleton }}{% endifequal %}

    <input type="hidden" name="problem_id" value="{{ problem.key.id }}" />
    <p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Run" /></p>

  <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="/static/edit_area_full.js"></script>
  <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
      id: "code-area",
      syntax: "python",
      start_highlight: true,
      allow_resize: "both",
      font_size: 14,
      toolbar: "new_document, select_font, |, help",
      replace_tab_by_spaces: 4