changeset 3 de4a2ed2f34b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sphinx_django/static/comments.js	Wed Oct 27 13:59:11 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
+ * Java Script/JQuery glue for server-side Python code and the comments/fixes
+ * stuff which is being served along with the documentation.
+ *
+ * :copyright: Copyright 2007-2009 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
+ * :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+ *
+ * Below is a short description of the main functions used to make the tool
+ * work. Internal functions are not listed here.
+ *
+ **  
+ *** checking/downloading/printing/adding comments and fixes ****************
+ **
+ *
+ * load_comments(id) -> check if database file with comments for paragraph 'id'
+ *                      exists on the server; if yes, invoke comments_found()
+ *                      function; if not, invoke no_comments() function.
+ *
+ * load_fixes(id) -> check if database file with fixes for paragraph 'id'
+ *                   exists on the server; if yes, invoke fixes_found()
+ *                   function; if not, invoke no_fixes() function.
+ *
+ * no_comments(id) -> insert a link ('No comments') to the post form after
+ *                    the paragraph 'id'.
+ *
+ * no_fixes(id) -> insert a link ('No fixes') to the post form after the
+ *                 'No comments' string.
+ *
+ * comments_found(id) -> download the comments database file for paragraph 'id'
+ *                       and print it under the paragraph.
+ *
+ * fixes_found(id) -> download the fixes database file for paragraph 'id'
+ *                    and print it under the paragraph.
+ *
+ * print_comments(id, data) -> print comments collected in an array 'data'
+ *                             under the paragraph 'id'.
+ *                             'data' is an array of objects; every object
+ *                             has properties like 'name', 'score', 'comment'.
+ *                             This function also prints a link at the end
+ *                             of paragraph with a number of comments hidden
+ *                             (i.e. "3 Comments").
+ *
+ * print_fixes(id, data) -> print fixes collected in an array 'data' under
+ *                          the paragraph 'id'.
+ *                          The description for print_comments() applies.
+ *
+ * add_new_comment(id) -> ajaxify a comment post form for paragraph 'id'
+ *                        and reload comments (with load_comments() function).
+ *                        This function also validates the form and resets
+ *                        it on successful submit.
+ *
+ **
+ *** displaying/hiding areas *************************************************
+ **
+ *
+ * show_hide_comments(id) -> hide fixes area, show comments area and make sure
+ *                           that the main comments/fixes area is shown
+ *
+ * show_hide_fixes(id) -> hide comments area, show fixes area and make sure
+ *                        that the main comments/fixes area is shown
+ *
+ * show_hide_submitFixFields(id) -> show/hide additional fields in the post
+ *                                  form for fixes view (when 'I would like
+ *                                  to submit a patch' checkbox is 'true')
+ *                                  and fill them with data if needed
+ *
+ *
+ **
+ *** rating comments/fixes ***************************************************
+ **
+ *
+ * comments_up_down(id, comment_no, up_down, db)
+ *                   -> send a GET request to the server with three parameters:
+ *                       - id: paragraph id,
+ *                       - comment_no: a number of a comment to score,
+ *                       - up_down: two values possible: 'up' or 'down'
+ *                                  depending on what kind of action should
+ *                                  be taken ('up' means score+=1, and down
+ *                                  means score-=1).
+ *
+ **
+ *** sorting comments/fixes ************************************************ 
+ **
+ * 
+ * sort_comments(id, by, db) -> sort comments for paragraph 'id' by 'by' argument
+ *                          (two values for 'by' are possible at the moment:
+ *                          'score' and 'date'). The sorting order changes
+ *                          automatically from increasing to decreasing with
+ *                          every sort.
+ *
+ *
+ **
+ *** threading ************************************************************
+ **
+ *
+ * new_thread(id) -> make a particular comment a new thread before submitting
+ *                   it
+ *
+ * reply_to(id, comment_no) -> make a comment a reply to comment 'comment_no'
+ *
+ **
+ *** developer's actions ***************************************************
+ **
+ *
+ * delete_comment(db, id, comment_no) -> delete entry from database 'db'
+ *                                       located in 'id' file under
+ *                                       'comment_no' index
+ *
+ * commit_fix(node, id, fix_no) -> commit a fix located in 'id' file under
+ *                                 'fix_no' index to the repository
+ *
+ **
+ *** general-use functions ************************************************
+ **
+ *
+ * empty_comments(id) -> empty the comments area
+ *
+ * empty_fixes(id) -> empty the fixes area
+ *
+ * is_developer() -> returns true when developer rights should be granted
+ *                   and false when the rights should not be granted.
+ *                   At jQuery level it's only about displaying some
+ *                   additional/developer-only-options. Real authorization
+ *                   is going on on webapp (appserver.py) level.
+ */
+comments_path = "/comments/";
+fixes_path = "/fixes/";
+_db = undefined;
+// *** checking/downloading/printing/adding comments ************************
+function load_generic(what, id, error_func, success_func) {
+   // if the div was filled with the comments before, empty it before appending
+   if(_db == 'comments') {
+      empty_comments(id);
+   } else {
+      empty_fixes(id);
+   }
+   // 'what' -> 'comments_path' or 'fixes_path' variables;
+   var c_path = location.protocol + "//" + location.host + what + id;
+   $.ajax({ url: c_path,
+            type: 'HEAD',
+            error: function() { error_func(id) },
+            success: function() { success_func(id)}
+         });
+function load_comments(id) {
+   return load_generic(comments_path, id, no_comments, comments_found)
+function load_fixes(id) {
+   return load_generic(fixes_path, id, no_fixes, fixes_found)
+function get_load_cf(db) {
+   if(db == 'comments' || db == comments_path) {
+      return load_comments;
+   }
+   return load_fixes;
+function not_found_generic(what, id) {
+   // 'what' -> 'comment' or 'fix' strings
+   plural = what=='comment'?'comments':'fixes';
+   $("a[name*=" + what + "_" + id + "]").replaceWith(
+         '<a name="' + what + '_' + id + '" href="#' + id + '" '
+          + 'onclick="show_hide_' + plural + '(\'' + id + '\')" '
+          + 'id="' + id + '">No ' + plural + '</a>'
+          + '<a name="' + id + '"></a>');
+function no_comments(id) {
+   not_found_generic('comment', id);
+function no_fixes(id) {
+   not_found_generic('fix', id);
+function found_generic(what, id, print_func) {
+   var c_path = location.protocol + "//" + location.host + what + id + "?id=" + id;
+   $.getJSON(c_path, function(data) {
+      print_func(id, data);
+   });
+function comments_found(id) {
+   found_generic(comments_path, id, print_comments);
+function fixes_found(id) {
+   found_generic(fixes_path, id, print_fixes);
+function print_generic(what, id, data) {
+   var c_flag = (what == 'comments') ? true : false;
+   var singular = (what == 'comments') ? 'comment' : 'fix';
+   var isdev = is_developer();
+   var node = $('div[class=submitFixFields_' + id + ']').attr('value');
+   if(what == 'comments') {
+      empty_comments(id);
+   } else {
+      empty_fixes(id);
+   }
+   // A 'factory' function which generates '+' and '-' buttons for every comment.
+   //       'what'  is a kind of database (db for comments or for fixes)
+   //         'id'  is a paragraph id.
+   // 'comment_no'  is a place of a comment in the list of comments for given
+   //               paragraph.
+   //    'up_down'  is passed to POST method. It should be 'up' or 'down'.
+   //       'sign'  is what's displayed on the button, by default it's '+' or '-'.
+   function rate_comment_up_down_button(what, id, comment_no, up_down, sign) {
+      return ' <a href="#' + id + '" onclick="comments_up_down(\'' + id + '\', \'' + comment_no + '\', \'' + up_down + '\', \'' + what + '\')"><b>' + sign + '</b></a> '
+   }
+   // in fixes view - show proposed diff
+   function proposed_fix(c_flag, paragraph) {
+      if(!c_flag) {
+         return   '<tr>'
+                +   '<td>'
+                +     'Fix: ' + paragraph
+                +   '</td>'
+                + '</tr>'
+                +  "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>"
+      }
+      return '';
+   }
+   // for every comment/fix generate a 'Reply' button
+   function link_reply_to(id, comment_no) {
+      return 'Comment no.: ' + data[i].comment_no
+             + ' (<a href="#" onclick="reply_to(\'' + id + '\', \'' + comment_no + '\')">reply</a>).'
+   }
+   /* <developer's actions> */
+   function delete_comment_button(db, id, comment_no) {
+      return '<a href="#" onclick="delete_comment(\'' + db + '\', \'' + id +  '\', \'' + comment_no + '\')">delete</a>' 
+   } 
+   function commit_button(node, id, fix_no) {
+      return '<a href="#" onclick="commit_fix(\'' + node + '\', \'' +  id + '\', \''
+                  + fix_no + '\')">commit</a>'
+   }
+   function developers_actions(what, id, data, i) {
+       return  '<tr>'
+             +  '<td>'
+             +    'Admin actions: '
+             +    delete_comment_button(what, id, data[i].comment_no)
+             +    ', '
+             +    commit_button(node, id, data[i].comment_no)
+             +    '.'
+             +  '</td>'
+             + '</tr>' 
+   }
+   /* </developer's actions> */
+   // add the comments for paragraph
+   for(i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
+      // 'data[i]['date'] * 1000' to convert from milliseconds to seconds
+      var commentDate = new Date(data[i]['date']*1000);
+      $('div[class*=' + what + '_for_' + id + ']').append(
+           "<table name='" + id + "' width='" + data[i].width + "%' align=center "
+         +  "style='background-color: #f1ffc5; border: solid 1px lightblue;'>"
+         +  "<tr>"
+         +    "<td>"
+         +     "Name: <a href='" + data[i].url + "'>" + data[i].name + "</a>. "
+         +     "(" + get_date(commentDate) + ")"
+         +    '</td>'
+         +  '</tr>'
+         +  '<tr>'
+         +    '<td>'
+         +     ' Score: <span class="score"><b>' + data[i].score + '</b></span>'
+         +     rate_comment_up_down_button(what, id, data[i].comment_no, 'up', '+') 
+         +     rate_comment_up_down_button(what, id, data[i].comment_no, 'down', '-')
+         +     '. '
+         +     link_reply_to(id, data[i].comment_no)
+         +    '</td>'
+         +  '</tr>'
+         +  (isdev ? developers_actions(what, id, data, i) : '')
+         +  '<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>'
+         +  proposed_fix(c_flag, data[i].paragraph_diff)
+         +  "<tr>"
+         +    "<td>"
+         +      'Comment: ' + data[i].comment
+         +    "</td>"
+         +  "</tr>"
+         + "</table><br>");
+   }
+   // add a button for showing/hiding the comments and post form
+   $("a[name*=" + singular + "_" + id + "]").replaceWith(
+                                   '<a name="' + singular + '_' + id
+                                    + '" href="#' + id + '"' +
+                                    'onclick="show_hide_' + what + '(\'' +
+                                    id + '\')" '
+                                    + 'id="' + id + '">'
+                                    + data.length + ' ' + what + '</a>'
+                                    + '<a name="' + id + '"></a>');
+   if(what == 'comments') {
+      hide_fixes(id);
+      show_comments(id);
+   } else {
+      hide_comments(id);
+      show_fixes(id);
+   }
+function print_comments(id, data) {
+   print_generic('comments', id, data);
+function print_fixes(id, data) {
+   print_generic('fixes', id, data);
+function add_new_comment(id) {
+   function validate(formData, jqForm, options) {
+      var form = jqForm[0];
+      if(!form.name.value) {
+         alert("Please provide your name");
+         return false;
+      } else if(!form.comment.value) {
+         alert("Please provide your comment");
+         return false;
+      } else if(form.submitFix.checked && !form.licence.checked) {
+         alert("You have to agree to publish your fix on our licence!");
+         return false;
+      }
+      if(form.submitFix.checked) {
+         _db = 'fixes';
+      } else {
+         _db = 'comments';
+      }
+   }
+   function form_reset() {
+      $('#commentForm_' + id).resetForm()
+      new_thread(id);
+      if(_db == 'comments') {
+         load_comments(id);
+      } else {
+         load_fixes(id);
+      }
+   }
+   // bind 'commentForm' and provide a simple callback function 
+   $('#commentForm_' + id).ajaxForm({
+                                       beforeSubmit: validate,
+                                       success: form_reset
+                                    }); 
+function hide_main_div(id) {
+   $('div.x' + id).css('display', 'none');  
+function show_main_div(id) {
+   $('div.x' + id).css('display', 'block');  
+function hide_submitFixFields(id) {
+   $('div.submitFixFields_' + id).css('display', 'none');
+function show_submitFixFields(id) {
+   node = $('div[class=submitFixFields_' + id + ']').attr('value');
+   fill_paragraph_from_repo(node, id);
+   $('input[name=submitFix]').attr('checked', true);
+   $('div.submitFixFields_' + id).css('display', 'block'); 
+   _db = 'fixes';
+function hide_comments(id) {
+   $('input[name=submitFix]').attr('checked', false);
+   $('div.comments_for_' + id).css('display', 'none');
+function hide_fixes(id) {
+   $('div.fixes_for_' + id).css('display', 'none');
+   hide_submitFixFields(id);
+function show_comments(id) {
+   $('input[name=submitFix]').attr('checked', false);
+   $('div.comments_for_' + id).css('display', 'block');
+   _db = 'comments';
+function show_fixes(id) {
+   $('div.fixes_for_' + id).css('display', 'block');
+   show_submitFixFields(id);
+function mainDivIsHidden(id) {
+   return $('div.x' + id).is(':hidden');
+function show_menu_hide(what, id) {
+   function sort_comments_by_button(what, id, by) {
+      return '<a href="#" onclick="sort_comments(\'' + id + '\', \'' + by + '\', \'' + what + '\')">' + by + '</a>'
+   }
+   sort_hide_menu = '<table style="background: #d9fff0; border: #008f57 1px solid;" width="100%"><tr><td>'
+         + '<a name="hide_main_div_'
+         + id
+         + '" href="#" onclick="hide_main_div(\''
+         + id
+         +'\')">Hide</a>'
+         + '</td><td>'
+         +     ' Sort by: '
+         +     sort_comments_by_button(what, id, 'date')
+         +     ', '
+         +     sort_comments_by_button(what, id, 'score')
+         +     ', '
+         +     sort_comments_by_button(what, id, 'thread')
+         +   '.'
+         + '</td></tr></table><br>'
+   $('div[class=hide_menu_' + id + ']').replaceWith(sort_hide_menu);
+function show_hide_comments(id) {
+   show_menu_hide('comments', id);
+   hide_fixes(id);
+   show_comments(id);
+   if(mainDivIsHidden(id)) {
+      show_main_div(id);
+   }
+function show_hide_fixes(id) {
+   show_menu_hide('fixes', id);
+   hide_comments(id);
+   show_fixes(id);
+   if(mainDivIsHidden(id)) {
+      show_main_div(id);
+   }
+function show_hide_submitFixFields(id) {
+   // show or hide more form fields when 'i would like to submit a fix' is true
+   var fixes_area_hidden =  $('div.submitFixFields_'+id).is(':hidden');
+   if(fixes_area_hidden) {
+      show_submitFixFields(id);
+   } else {
+      hide_submitFixFields(id);
+   }
+function fill_paragraph_from_repo(node, id) {
+   var p_path = location.protocol + "//" + location.host
+                + "/get_paragraph?node=" + node + "&id=" + id;
+   $.getJSON(p_path, function(data) {
+        $('textarea[name=paragraph_' + id + ']').replaceWith(
+           '<textarea name="paragraph_' + id + '" rows=10 cols=70>' + data + '</textarea>');
+        $('textarea[name=paragraph_orig_' + id + ']').replaceWith(
+           '<textarea name="paragraph_orig_' + id + '" style="display: none;">' + data + '</textarea>');
+   });
+// *** rating comments ******************************************************
+function comments_up_down(id, comment_no, up_down, db) {
+   // request for a 'score' change
+   load_func = get_load_cf(db);
+   var rate_path = location.protocol + "//" + location.host + "/rate_comment";
+   $.ajax({ url: rate_path,
+            type: 'GET',
+            data: "id=" + id + "&comment_no=" + comment_no + "&up_down=" + up_down + "&db=" + db,
+            success: function() { load_func(id)}
+         });
+// *** developer actions ****************************************************
+function delete_comment(db, id, comment_no) {
+   load_func = get_load_cf(db);
+   var rate_path = location.protocol + "//" + location.host + "/delete_comment";
+   $.ajax({ url: rate_path,
+            type: 'GET',
+            data: "id=" + id + "&cno=" + comment_no + "&db=" + db,
+            success: function() { load_func(id)}
+         });
+function commit_fix(node, id, fix_no) {
+   var c_path = location.protocol + "//" + location.host + "/commit_fix";
+   $.ajax({ url: c_path,
+            type: 'GET',
+            data: "node=" + node + "&id=" + id + "&fix_no=" + fix_no,
+            success: function() { load_func(id)}
+         });
+// *** sorting comments *****************************************************
+function sort_comments(id, by, db) {
+   // request for a sort of comments, display json data structure ('data')
+   var c_path = location.protocol + "//" + location.host
+                + "/sort_comments?id=" + id + "&by=" + by + "&db=" + db;
+   $.getJSON(c_path, function(data) {
+         if(db=='comments') {
+            print_comments(id, data);
+         } else {
+            print_fixes(id, data);
+         }
+   });
+// *** general-use functions ***********************************************
+function empty_comments(id) {
+   $('div[class=comments_for_' + id + ']').replaceWith('<div class="comments_for_' + id + '" style=\"display: none;\"> </div>');
+function empty_fixes(id) {
+   $('div[class=fixes_for_' + id + ']').replaceWith('<div class="fixes_for_' + id + '" style=\"display: none;\"> </div>');
+function is_developer() {
+   var isdev_path = location.protocol + "//" + location.host + "/isdeveloper";
+   http = new XMLHttpRequest();
+   http.open('HEAD', isdev_path, false);
+   http.send(null);
+   return http.status!=404;
+function get_date(d) {
+   var month=["January", "February", "March", "April",
+              "May", "June", "July", "August",
+              "September", "October", "November", "December"];
+   var t_date = d.getDate();      // Returns the day of the month
+   var t_mon = d.getMonth();      // Returns the month as a digit
+   var t_year = d.getFullYear();  // Returns 4 digit year
+   var t_hour = d.getHours();     // Returns hours
+   var t_min = d.getMinutes();    // Returns minutes
+   var t_sec = d.getSeconds();    // Returns seocnds
+   return t_hour + ':'
+          + (t_min < 10 ? '0' : '') + t_min
+          + ', ' + month[t_mon] + ' ' + t_date + ' ' + t_year
+// *** threading **********************************************************
+function reply_to(id, comment_no) {
+   $('span[name=replyto_' + id + ']').replaceWith('<span name="replyto_' + id + '">' + comment_no + '</span>');
+   $('textarea[name=replyto_' + id + ']').replaceWith('<textarea name="replyto_' + id + '" style="display: none;">' + comment_no + '</textarea>');
+function new_thread(id) {
+   $('span[name=replyto_' + id + ']').replaceWith('<span name="replyto_' + id + '">new thread</span>');
+   $('textarea[name=replyto_' + id + ']').replaceWith('<textarea name="replyto_' + id + '" style="display: none;"></textarea>');
+$(document).ready(function() {
+   // load the comments for each paragraph when the DOM is ready
+   $("span[name*=paragraph]").each(function() {
+      var id = $(this).attr('value');
+      load_comments(id);
+      load_fixes(id);
+   });