2010-11-16 Madhusudan.C.S Fix major bug: Change hard coded registration form redirect to based on User and do int conversions for ids.
2010-11-15 Kadambari Devarajan Minor edit to schedule.
2010-11-15 Madhusudan.C.S Fix style issues.
2010-11-15 Madhusudan.C.S Change audience database value to human readable value.
2010-11-15 Madhusudan.C.S Fix the copy paste fail of Special Talk heading from 1 to 2.
2010-11-14 Anoop Jacob Thomas Changed video on home page to short version.
2010-11-14 Kadambari Devarajan Added titles and abstracts of Prabhu, Asokan and Fernando.
2010-11-13 Madhusudan.C.S Removed other from sex selection choices for Registration accommodation form.
2010-11-13 Kadambari Devarajan Misc edits to the City page.
2010-11-12 Anoop Jacob Thomas fixed bug in about city page.
2010-11-12 Anoop Jacob Thomas changed the left menu.
2010-11-12 Anoop Jacob Thomas fixed a bug in conference schedule page.
2010-11-12 Anoop Jacob Thomas Added abstracts to conference schedule page.
2010-11-12 Kadambari Devarajan Changed the about city page.
2010-11-12 Anoop Jacob Thomas embedded map in about city page.
2010-11-12 Anoop Jacob Thomas added stefan's photo.
2010-11-12 Anoop Jacob Thomas Added certificates page.
2010-11-12 Anoop Jacob Thomas fixed formatting of homepage.
2010-11-12 Anoop Jacob Thomas Embedded why python video in homepage.
2010-11-12 Anoop Jacob Thomas Made changes to Schedule and Tutorials page.
2010-11-12 Anoop Jacob Thomas Made sprints page, tutorials page and conference schedule page.
2010-11-11 Anoop Jacob Thomas Fixed an error in the schedule page.
2010-11-11 Anoop Jacob Thomas Changed the schedule page.
2010-11-11 Anoop Jacob Thomas Updated venue page, removed unwanted content.
2010-11-09 Anoop Jacob Thomas changed schedule with PR.
2010-11-09 Anoop Jacob Thomas changed organizers page and the schedule with PR.
2010-11-09 Anoop Jacob Thomas changed organizers page.
2010-11-08 Anoop Jacob Thomas Changed left menu.
2010-11-08 Puneeth Chaganti Added tutorial outline.
2010-11-08 Anoop Jacob Thomas updated schedule page.
2010-11-08 Anoop Jacob Thomas added perry's photo to speaker profile page.
2010-11-07 Madhusudan.C.S Edit views to make room for accommodation forms.
2010-11-07 Madhusudan.C.S Added Javascript to disable accommodation fields when accommodation is not required.
2010-11-07 Madhusudan.C.S Add html form fields for accommodation forms.
2010-11-07 Madhusudan.C.S Added accommodation Django form, wrote the save method and overwrote the cleaner.
2010-11-07 Madhusudan.C.S Added Django model for accommodation forms.
2010-11-03 Anoop Jacob Thomas Added A3 poster to publicity page.
2010-11-02 Madhusudan.C.S Add the URL in the menu template for registration statistics.
2010-11-02 Madhusudan.C.S Add the tempalte to display registration details.
2010-11-02 Madhusudan.C.S View to calculate the number of registrants per event.
2010-11-02 Madhusudan.C.S Copy the download csv code that was earlier written but scraped.
2010-11-02 Madhusudan.C.S Add a URL for registration statistics.
2010-11-02 Madhusudan.C.S Changing the fee details in the registration form to the link.
2010-10-31 Anoop Jacob Thomas changes dates in right menu.
2010-10-30 Madhusudan.C.S Fixed the broken URL for edit registration.
2010-10-30 amit unicode fix on organizers template page
2010-10-30 amit Merging heads
2010-10-29 amit Handling the password in mail problem
2010-10-29 Anoop Jacob Thomas added organizers page.
2010-10-29 Anoop Jacob Thomas Fixed the left menu.
2010-10-29 Anoop Jacob Thomas Fixed the fees page.
2010-10-29 Kadambari Devarajan changed PR speaker profile photo.
2010-10-29 Kadambari uploaded new A4 size scipy poster.
2010-10-29 Kadambari Devarajan Added the registration fee page.
2010-10-29 kadambari reviewed and updated the speaker profiles.
2010-10-21 Anoop Jacob Thomas Changed bug in menu.
2010-10-21 Anoop Jacob Thomas Added poster.
2010-10-21 Anoop Jacob Thomas Added publicity page.
2010-10-18 Puneeth Chaganti Minor changes to the content of post-registration email.
2010-10-18 Puneeth Chaganti Fixed the bug with sending the mail content post registration.
2010-10-18 Madhusudan.C.S Changed the order of speakers.
2010-10-18 Madhusudan.C.S Changed the deadlines.
2010-10-18 Madhusudan.C.S Changed the link to Invited speakers.
2010-10-18 Madhusudan.C.S Added speakers profiles and opened up the link.
2010-10-18 Madhusudan.C.S Added CSS for city.
2010-10-16 Madhusudan.C.S Added images to About Hyderabad.
2010-10-16 Madhusudan.C.S Reverting the CSS padding change changes.
2010-10-16 Madhusudan.C.S Adding scope parameter to the host city URL.
2010-10-16 Madhusudan.C.S Added an about page for Hyderabad city and corresponding links.
2010-10-16 Madhusudan.C.S Changed CSS to fit the padding.
2010-09-21 Madhusudan.C.S Added back photos of SciPy.in 2009 speakers.
2010-09-21 Madhusudan.C.S Fixed the day mistake in SciPy.in 2010 schedule.
2010-09-21 Madhusudan.C.S Updated the schedule for SciPy.in 2010.
2010-09-08 Madhusudan.C.S Remove Edit Column in list my talks.
2010-09-08 Madhusudan.C.S Change the order of parameters for Edit talk URL.
2010-09-08 Madhusudan.C.S Enable talks and CFP in templates.
2010-09-08 Madhusudan.C.S Remove indentation for paragraphs.
2010-09-08 Madhusudan.C.S Add scope to context params and list my talks method.
2010-09-08 Madhusudan.C.S Capitalize type of audience.
2010-09-08 Madhusudan.C.S Add my talks URL and remove talks-cfp prefix from URLs.
2010-09-08 Madhusudan.C.S Fixed the day on for Sprint.
2010-07-22 Madhusudan.C.S Reverted the template loaders path.
2010-07-22 Madhusudan.C.S Added sitemaps framework and robots framework.
2010-07-22 Madhusudan.C.S Changed the template loader names to be compliant with upcoming Django changes in 1.2.
2010-07-22 Madhusudan.C.S Reformatted and reindented the code in the password template.
2010-07-22 Madhusudan.C.S Removed 2009 from Admin base template headers.
2010-07-22 Madhusudan.C.S Made some style changes.
2010-07-21 Madhusudan.C.S Removed unwanted mail texts and made the texts scope compliant.
2010-07-20 Madhusudan.C.S Added contact info to footer.
2010-07-20 Madhusudan.C.S Added registration and event to accounts page form.
2010-07-20 Madhusudan.C.S Added creation of profile to user creation since signals were removed.
2010-07-20 Madhusudan.C.S Added event and registrants to Registration summary page.
2010-07-20 Madhusudan.C.S Added get_full_name to event and used in required templates.
2010-07-20 Madhusudan.C.S Changed Website author details.
2010-07-20 Madhusudan.C.S Added Registration summary to the Account page.
2010-07-20 Madhusudan.C.S Reformatted the file and imports.
2010-07-20 Madhusudan.C.S Added phone number, modified Occupation to be choice field.
2010-07-20 Madhusudan.C.S Made Timeline model to refer to Event model not vice-versa.
2010-07-20 Madhusudan.C.S Changed the URL to scope based system.
2010-07-20 Madhusudan.C.S Reformatted and reindented the submit registration form and also URLs to comply with scope based system.
2010-07-20 Madhusudan.C.S Reorganized registration edit form to inherit from the submit form.
2010-07-20 Madhusudan.C.S Added Proceedings submission date to the right side menu.
2010-07-20 Madhusudan.C.S Modifed the LOGIN_URL variable for new scope based system.
2010-07-20 Madhusudan.C.S Add a initial fixture for base models i.e Event and Timeline for 2010.
2010-07-20 Madhusudan.C.S Made changes to CSS for right menu and changed the file name.
2010-07-20 Madhusudan.C.S Add scope as a parameter to all view functions for user app and adjusted the URLs to accommodate scope.
2010-07-20 Madhusudan.C.S Add scope as a parameter to all view functions for talks app and adjusted the URLs to accommodate scope.
2010-07-20 Madhusudan.C.S Added scope to all URLs, all reverse functions and all view methods and removed unnecessary functions.
2010-07-20 Madhusudan.C.S Add scope as a parameter to all view functions for proceedings app.
2010-07-20 Madhusudan.C.S Added null=True for all the Timeline model fields.
2010-07-20 Madhusudan.C.S Add scope for all the URLs and adjust the formatting and indentation.
2010-07-20 Madhusudan.C.S Removed Wifi form from the profile summary page.
2010-07-20 Madhusudan.C.S Added PIL to buildout.
2010-07-20 Madhusudan.C.S Removed CSV download and re-ordered admin and comment URL patterns.
2010-07-20 Madhusudan.C.S Adding scope as a parameter to all the views.
2010-07-20 Madhusudan.C.S Changed the URLs to accommodate scope as the parameter.
2010-07-20 Madhusudan.C.S Renamed and reordered the imports.
2010-07-20 Madhusudan.C.S Moved Timeline model to the top of the file.
2010-07-20 Madhusudan.C.S Added base as a Django app.
2010-07-20 Madhusudan.C.S Added a new admin for base models.
2010-07-20 Madhusudan.C.S Renamed sponsors template as right side menu template.
2010-07-19 Madhusudan.C.S Added params.scope prefix to all the URLs.
2010-07-19 Madhusudan.C.S Adjusted views to send the scope in params.
2010-07-19 Madhusudan.C.S Added timeline and event models and readjusted ScopedBase model.
2010-07-19 Madhusudan.C.S Manipulated all URLs to recognize the scope of the entities.
2010-07-19 Madhusudan.C.S Change the path of local sqlite3 db file.
2010-07-19 Madhusudan.C.S Set the current program scope as a settings variable.
2010-07-15 Madhusudan.C.S Add a scope pattern to the URLs.
2010-07-14 Madhusudan.C.S Changed the content to match SciPy.in 2010 initial plans. Commented out most part.
2010-07-14 Madhusudan.C.S Renamed Base Model with scope and propogated it to other models.
2010-07-14 Madhusudan.C.S Altered buildout configuration files to have MySQL-Python only on production.
2010-07-14 Madhusudan.C.S Removed blog templates.
2010-07-14 Madhusudan.C.S Added base app from which all other apps inherit and made corresponding changes in other apps.
2010-07-14 Madhusudan.C.S Added back the deleted images. Had accidentally removed required images also.
2010-07-14 Madhusudan.C.S Removed unwanted images and added FOSSEE logo. Changed right side menu.
2010-07-13 Madhusudan.C.S Changed json import to accommodate for Python 2.5.
2010-07-13 Madhusudan.C.S Changed the heading line for SciPy.in.
2010-07-13 Madhusudan.C.S Removed unwanted files and made more changes to make SciPyCon a clean app.
2010-07-13 Madhusudan.C.S Removed the context processor for Sponspors.
2010-07-13 Madhusudan.C.S Moved the files to new Django app named scipycon and modified settings.
2010-04-01 Madhusudan.C.S Add admin interface and views for proceedings. Booklet is also setup to generate paper.
2010-01-14 Madhusudan.C.S Added submission template to the repository.
2010-01-14 Madhusudan.C.S Added dynamic form jquery plugin to the repository.
2010-01-14 Madhusudan.C.S Added UserProfile import which was missing to Proceedings views.
2010-01-14 Madhusudan.C.S Added URL mappers for proceedings to urls.py.
2010-01-14 Madhusudan.C.S Added migrations files for proceedings app.
2010-01-14 Madhusudan.C.S Added two models, Paper and Attachments.
2010-01-14 Madhusudan.C.S Combined 2 authors fields in forms to a single author field. This will be taken care by jQuery on the UI side.
2010-01-14 Madhusudan.C.S Changed the URL mapper for loading static content in debug mode. Appended static/.
2010-01-14 Madhusudan.C.S Added the initial proceedings app files and enabled them in both production and development settings.
2009-12-28 Madhusudan.C.S Fixed a merge conflict with RSS feeds line commenting.
2009-12-28 Madhusudan.C.S Proceedings details mail.
2009-12-16 Madhusudan.C.S Commented RSS feeds.
2009-12-16 hg Commented out RSS feed again.
2009-12-16 Madhusudan.C.S Added /static to speakers images.
2009-12-16 hg All changes freeze along with Apache static file serving.
2009-12-13 Madhusudan.C.S Removed sprint and tutorial schedule from conference schedule.
2009-12-13 Madhusudan.C.S Added tutorial schedule.
2009-12-13 Madhusudan.C.S Added 2009 to day 1's date in the sprint schedule page.
2009-12-13 Madhusudan.C.S Fixed days in sprint schedule.
2009-12-13 Madhusudan.C.S Added split schedule for tutorial and sprint.
2009-12-13 Madhusudan.C.S Changed Travis from VP to P.
2009-12-13 Madhusudan.C.S Updated live stream URL on the header.
2009-12-13 Madhusudan.C.S Day 2 schedule update.
2009-12-12 Madhusudan.C.S Fixed inauguration typo.
2009-12-12 Madhusudan.C.S Fixed time issues in the schedule.
2009-12-12 Madhusudan.C.S Venue and schedule update on the day 1 of conference.
2009-12-12 Madhusudan.C.S Added Wifi for admin page.
2009-12-11 Madhusudan.C.S Admin page changes to get the name and search fields.
2009-12-11 Madhusudan.C.S Separated days for sprint.
2009-12-11 Madhusudan.C.S Made PAsokan's talk the ending keynote.
2009-12-11 Madhusudan.C.S Added some final touches to the schedule.
2009-12-11 Madhusudan.C.S Added last day mail.
2009-12-11 Madhusudan.C.S Updated all the schedule to a common page.
2009-12-11 Madhusudan.C.S Added schedule.
2009-12-11 Madhusudan.C.S Changed style of time slots of days.
2009-12-11 Madhusudan.C.S Added time slots of days.
2009-12-09 Madhusudan.C.S Changed width CSS property to list all talks table.
2009-12-09 Madhusudan.C.S Added width CSS property to list all talks table.
2009-12-09 Madhusudan.C.S Removed abstract column from talks list page.
2009-12-09 Madhusudan.C.S Added template file for list of talks.
2009-12-09 Madhusudan.C.S Added selected talks list.
2009-12-09 Madhusudan.C.S Accommodation CSS fix.
2009-12-09 Madhusudan.C.S Added accommodation details.
2009-12-08 Madhusudan.C.S Added how to reach the venue document.
2009-12-08 Madhusudan.C.S Summary of individual events mail to all users.
2009-12-05 Madhusudan.C.S Made some typo fixes to delegate reminder mail.
2009-12-05 Madhusudan.C.S Changed the from ID.
2009-12-05 Madhusudan.C.S Delegate remainder mail.
2009-12-05 Madhusudan.C.S Sponsorship for speakers mail.
2009-12-02 Madhusudan.C.S Added a template for sending mails to remind users of their registration.
2009-12-02 Madhusudan.C.S Added template which sends the accepted speakes a mail.
2009-11-23 Madhusudan.C.S Added a template for listing my talks.
2009-11-23 Madhusudan.C.S Added my talks list page.
2009-11-18 Madhusudan.C.S Compressed image of Chris Burns.
2009-11-18 Madhusudan.C.S Added content and style for speakers page.
2009-11-18 Madhusudan.C.S Added images of the speakers.
2009-11-12 Madhusudan.C.S Corrected admin@scipy.in ID.
2009-11-12 Madhusudan.C.S Added a tentative schedule.
2009-11-12 Madhusudan.C.S Made some CSS style fixes for ol and ul.
2009-11-12 Madhusudan.C.S Added speakers section.
2009-11-12 Madhusudan.C.S Added info about Scipy.
2009-11-12 Madhusudan.C.S Added justify to paragraphs in CSS.
2009-11-12 Madhusudan.C.S Moved SPACE Keral from Sponsors to Organizers.
2009-11-12 Madhusudan.C.S Commented the print line.
2009-11-11 Madhusudan.C.S Removed link to invoice on edit profile page.
2009-11-11 Madhusudan.C.S Made a small textual change in the registrations template for activation page.
2009-11-11 Madhusudan.C.S Made a small textual change in the registrations template.
2009-11-11 Madhusudan.C.S Added i18 loader in one of the registration templates.
2009-11-11 Madhusudan.C.S Fixed Activation.
2009-11-11 Madhusudan.C.S Moved ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION_DAYS to settings.py and added name as a template variable.
2009-11-11 Madhusudan.C.S Made final changes to the mail to be sent.
2009-11-11 Madhusudan.C.S Made changes to the activation mail and changed the activation dates.
2009-11-10 Madhusudan.C.S Added registration confirmation page.
2009-11-06 Madhusudan.C.S Made registration fixes.
2009-11-05 Madhusudan.C.S Reorganized sponsors and organizers.
2009-11-05 Madhusudan.C.S Added sponsors for the event.
2009-11-05 Madhusudan.C.S css changes.
2009-11-05 Madhusudan.C.S Added venue information.
2009-11-05 Madhusudan.C.S Made a urls.py fix by adding ^$ to the home url mapper.
2009-11-05 Madhusudan.C.S Forgot to add home.html in previous commit. Adding it now.
2009-11-05 Madhusudan.C.S Added home page in urls.py and its template. Also added important dates.
2009-11-05 Madhusudan.C.S Removed unnecessary fields from talk views.
2009-11-04 Madhusudan.C.S Changed Jarrod's link with his name in the organizers section.
2009-11-04 Madhusudan.C.S Merged Mainline and Madhu branches.
2009-11-04 Madhusudan.C.S Added cfp related changes.
2009-11-04 Madhusudan.C.S Added initial migrates.
2009-11-04 Madhusudan.C.S Added apache directory to .hgignore.
2009-11-04 hg Added local changes after first push to the server.
2009-10-30 Madhusudan.C.S Added few more items to .hgignore.
2009-10-30 Madhusudan.C.S Removed all unwanted files.
2009-10-30 Madhusudan.C.S Changed the content of the Schedule and CfP pages.
2009-10-30 Madhusudan.C.S Added all the files from kiwipycon and the changes made for SciPy.in.
2009-10-30 Madhusudan.C.S Added .hgignore file.
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