2010-11-30 Amit Sethi Added view for automatic badge generation
2010-11-26 Kadambari Devarajan Add a new page for Sponsors and all the boiler plate. Add responsibilities for each sponsor. Remove all the sponsor information from right hand menu.
2010-11-26 Kadambari Devarajan Add a page for Important dates and all the boiler plate. Edit and improve the main page content.
2010-11-18 Madhusudan.C.S Merge payments branch with the default mainline branch. payments
2010-11-16 Madhusudan.C.S Add a new URL for managing payments. payments
2010-11-17 Amit Sethi Merging heads
2010-11-17 Amit Sethi Changes to make it possible for someone to view daily dumps.
2010-11-02 Amit Sethi Merging heads
2010-11-02 Amit Sethi Handling the 500's for urls
2010-11-12 Anoop Jacob Thomas Added certificates page.
2010-11-12 Anoop Jacob Thomas Made sprints page, tutorials page and conference schedule page.
2010-11-02 Madhusudan.C.S Add a URL for registration statistics.
2010-10-29 Anoop Jacob Thomas added organizers page.
2010-10-29 Kadambari Devarajan Added the registration fee page.
2010-10-21 Anoop Jacob Thomas Added publicity page.
2010-10-16 Madhusudan.C.S Added an about page for Hyderabad city and corresponding links.
2010-09-08 Madhusudan.C.S Add my talks URL and remove talks-cfp prefix from URLs.
2010-07-22 Madhusudan.C.S Added sitemaps framework and robots framework.
2010-07-20 Madhusudan.C.S Removed CSV download and re-ordered admin and comment URL patterns.
2010-07-19 Madhusudan.C.S Manipulated all URLs to recognize the scope of the entities.
2010-07-15 Madhusudan.C.S Add a scope pattern to the URLs.
2010-07-13 Madhusudan.C.S Removed unwanted files and made more changes to make SciPyCon a clean app.
2010-07-13 Madhusudan.C.S Moved the files to new Django app named scipycon and modified settings.
2010-04-01 Madhusudan.C.S Add admin interface and views for proceedings. Booklet is also setup to generate paper.
2010-01-14 Madhusudan.C.S Added URL mappers for proceedings to
2010-01-14 Madhusudan.C.S Changed the URL mapper for loading static content in debug mode. Appended static/.
2009-12-13 Madhusudan.C.S Added tutorial schedule.
2009-12-13 Madhusudan.C.S Added split schedule for tutorial and sprint.
2009-11-23 Madhusudan.C.S Added my talks list page.
2009-11-12 Madhusudan.C.S Added speakers section.
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