Tue, 16 Nov 2010 17:37:36 +0530 Made adjustments in the view to make paid field a dummy form field and not a model field. Also added confirmed field as model field. payments
Madhusudan.C.S <madhusudancs@gmail.com> [Tue, 16 Nov 2010 17:37:36 +0530] rev 263
Made adjustments in the view to make paid field a dummy form field and not a model field. Also added confirmed field as model field.
Tue, 16 Nov 2010 17:36:53 +0530 Remove the paid field from model form since it is now a dummy form field. payments
Madhusudan.C.S <madhusudancs@gmail.com> [Tue, 16 Nov 2010 17:36:53 +0530] rev 262
Remove the paid field from model form since it is now a dummy form field.
Tue, 16 Nov 2010 17:36:21 +0530 Typo of type field twice is fixed to details field in the form of registrantion. payments
Madhusudan.C.S <madhusudancs@gmail.com> [Tue, 16 Nov 2010 17:36:21 +0530] rev 261
Typo of type field twice is fixed to details field in the form of registrantion.
Tue, 16 Nov 2010 17:35:03 +0530 Change the model field name of the payment from paid to confirmed. payments
Madhusudan.C.S <madhusudancs@gmail.com> [Tue, 16 Nov 2010 17:35:03 +0530] rev 260
Change the model field name of the payment from paid to confirmed.
Tue, 16 Nov 2010 17:34:36 +0530 Modify the help text for details field to be more harsh on users so that they are clear as to what they are supposed to provide. payments
Madhusudan.C.S <madhusudancs@gmail.com> [Tue, 16 Nov 2010 17:34:36 +0530] rev 259
Modify the help text for details field to be more harsh on users so that they are clear as to what they are supposed to provide.
Tue, 16 Nov 2010 17:12:38 +0530 Add a new template for payment management. payments
Madhusudan.C.S <madhusudancs@gmail.com> [Tue, 16 Nov 2010 17:12:38 +0530] rev 258
Add a new template for payment management.
Tue, 16 Nov 2010 17:11:48 +0530 Add a view to manage payments. payments
Madhusudan.C.S <madhusudancs@gmail.com> [Tue, 16 Nov 2010 17:11:48 +0530] rev 257
Add a view to manage payments.
Tue, 16 Nov 2010 17:11:24 +0530 Add a new URL for managing payments. payments
Madhusudan.C.S <madhusudancs@gmail.com> [Tue, 16 Nov 2010 17:11:24 +0530] rev 256
Add a new URL for managing payments.
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