Added all the files from kiwipycon and the changes made for
{% extends "base.html" %}{% block title %}Registrations{% endblock %}{% block content %}<h1>Submit Registration</h1> {% if over_reg %} <div class="notice"> We have already reached the total number of registrations for the conference. If you would like to be put on a waiting list in the event that someone can't make it to the conference, please follow the link below to register and we will be in contact if a registration spot comes available. </div> {% endif %}<p>Currently <strong>{{ registrations }}</strong> persons have registered to attend Kiwi PyCon 2009.</p><p>To attend Kiwi Pycon 2009 please <a href="/submit-registration/">register</a></p><p>Registration payments:<pre class="plain">New Zealand Python User Group,06-0158-0360348-00The National Bank,Auckland University BranchPO Box 2132</pre>Please use your username and invoice number as references when making payments.{% endblock %}