"""Helper script to send an email to all users who registeredbefore activation logic was implemented. This script can be run only within a Django shell."""__authors__ = [ '"Madhusudan.C.S" <madhusudancs@gmail.com>', ]from datetime import datetimefrom django.template import loaderfrom registration.models import RegistrationProfiledef remind_users(): regs = RegistrationProfile.objects.filter( user__is_active=0, user__date_joined__lte=datetime(2009, 10, 13)) template = 'notifications/activate_mail.html' for reg in regs: subject = 'Update and activate your SciPy.in registration.' message = loader.render_to_string( template, dictionary={'activation_key': reg.activation_key, 'name': reg.user.username}) reg.user.email_user(subject=subject, message=message, from_email='admin@scipy.in')