Add scope as a parameter to all view functions for user app and adjusted the URLs to accommodate scope.
{% extends "base.html" %}{% block content %}<h1>Python for Education and Scientific Computing</h1><div class="entry"><p>Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented, open source,extensible programming language. It combines clarity and readability,making it an extremely powerful language that can be used for variousapplications and problems.</p><p>Python is simple and easy to learn and apply. It offers an interactiveenvironment in which to explore procedural, functional and objectoriented approaches to problem solving. Its high level data structures,extensive documentation and clear syntax make it an ideal firstlanguage, while the large number of existing libraries make it suitableto tackle almost any programming tasks. Its simplicity makes it easy toadapt to multiple educational domains.</p><p>Python has several libraries that enable numeric and symbolic computing.It also interfaces well with native codes in C,C++ and FORTRAN and hasexcellent libraries for plotting/visualization. Python also provideslibraries for general purpose computing including generating userinterfaces and web development. These coupled with it's interactiveinterpreter make Python an excellent language for Scientific Computing.</p><p>All these features when combined with their wide-ranging applicationsmake Python a perfect fit for use in Education, Industry and ScientificComputing.</p><h1>Scope of the conference</h1> <p><strong> </strong>is a conference providing opportunities to spread the use of the Python programming language in the Scientific Computingcommunity in India. It provides a unique opportunity to interact with the"Who's who" of the Python for Scientific Computing fraternity and learn,understand, participate and contribute what is happening in the realms ofScientific Computing using Python. Attendees of the conference and participantsof the sprints planned will be able to access and review the tools available,apart from learning domain-specific applications and how the tools apply to aplethora of application problems.<br></p> <p>One of the goals of the conference is to combine education, engineering andscience with computing through the medium of Python and thereby extrapolate onhow powerful Scientific Computing is in various fields and among differentcommunities. </p></div><h1>Theme</h1><div class="entry"> <p>Theme for Conference talks - <strong>"Scientific Python in Action"</strong>with respect to Application and Teaching</p></div>{% endblock content %}