Hello {{ name }}, There has been a delay in activating your account since we were stillsmoothening the organization details for SciPy.in 2009. Apologies forthis. This mail describes the steps to complete the registration processfor SciPy.in. Click on the activation link below to activate your account.Also, please note that the activation of your account is simply thefirst step of the registration process. Read further below for completingthe registration process.http://scipy.in/accounts/activate/{{ activation_key }}/ If your email client doesn't support clicking the links, please copypaste the above URL in your browser's address bar. If your email clientwraps the line and the activation URL is broken, then your activationlink can be constructed as follows:http://scipy.in/accounts/activate/<your-activation-key>/Your activation key being:{{ activation_key }}NOTE: Please activate your account within next 7 days i.e, beforeNovember 18th, 2009. Otherwise your account will be removed fromour database.Also, please note that there is a registration fee of Rs.200 for theconference. But there is no registration fee for tutorials and sprint.The registration fee for the conference can be paid at the registrationdesk at the venue on the day of conference.Very important: Please login and click on the registration link on theleft panel again. You will be requested for other details. Please fillin the relevant details. This information is required for us to conductSciPy smoothly.Optionally you can also click on "Edit Profile" link at the top and fillin your bio.-- Thanks, SciPy Team