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Welcome to SciPy India 2011. If you are in IIT Bombay and would like to listen to the talks at the conference without paying a penny, please feel free to drop by the venue. You would be missing the awesome food and tshirt though.
The day started with <b>Prof. Prabhu Ramachandran</b> gave an introduction on the conference and a briefing on how it all started in the year 2009. It was followed by keynote by Eric Jones on <i>"What matters in Scientific Software Projects? 10 years of Success and Failure Distilled"</i>. Below are few of the main points of his keynote were about the requirements for a successful project. <br/>
<li> Smart People</li>
<li> Trust and Communication</li>
<li>Choosing where we have to pioneer</li>
Next <b>Ankur Gupta</b> talked about the <i>Multiprocessing module and Gearman</i> and showed live code review of multiprocessing in Python can improve the performance of the program in multiprocessor machines. He also pointed out the logger and debugging modules.
Kunal Puri introduced the PySPH module in his talk on <b>Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics with Python</b>. He progressed onto explaining the architecture of PySPH and it's underlying modules. The demos on the collision of two elastic balls and a breaking dam showcased the power of this package.
Details of other talks will be put up soon.
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