Added base app from which all other apps inherit and made corresponding changes in other apps.
<div id="right-inner">
<h2>Important dates</h2>
<li>Friday, Nov. 20: Abstracts Due</li>
<li>Friday, Nov. 27: Announce accepted talks, post schedule</li>
<li>Saturday-Sunday, Dec. 12-13 Conference</li>
<li>Monday-Tuesday, Dec. 14-15 Tutorials</li>
<li>Wednesday-Thursday, Dec. 16-17 Sprints</li>
<li>To be announced soon</li>
<li><a href=''>Jarrod Millman</a>, Neuroscience Institute, UC Berkeley (USA)(Conference Co-Chair)</li>
<li><a href=''>Prabhu Ramachandran</a>, Department of Aerospace Engineering,
IIT Bombay, India (Conference Co-Chair)</li>
<li><a href=''>FOSSEE Team</a></li>
<li><a href="">IIIT Hyderabad </a></li>
<li><img src="/static/img/fossee.jpg" alt="FOSSEE Logo" title="FOSSEE Logo"
height="90" />
<a href="">
National Mission on Education (NME)</a> through Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT), Government of India</li>