changeset 94 87e77aa18610
parent 93 e86755df35da
child 95 f94e0cd9a862
--- a/project/kiwipycon/	Thu Apr 01 11:59:35 2010 +0530
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import urllib
-import datetime
-import re
-from random import randint
-from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
-def kiwipycon_quote(string, encoding="utf-8"):
-    """Encodes string to encoding before quoting.
-    """
-    return urllib.quote(string.encode(encoding))
-# from LFS
-def set_message_cookie(url, msg):
-    """Creates response object with given url and adds message cookie with passed
-    message.
-    """
-    # We just keep the message two seconds.
-    max_age = 2
-    expires = datetime.datetime.strftime(
-        datetime.datetime.utcnow() +
-        datetime.timedelta(seconds=max_age), "%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S GMT")
-    response = HttpResponseRedirect(url)
-    response.set_cookie("message", kiwipycon_quote(msg), max_age=max_age, expires=expires)
-    return response
-# from django-snippets
-def slugify(inStr):
-    removelist = ["a", "an", "as", "at", "before", "but", "by", "for","from","is", "in", "into", "like", "of", "off", "on", "onto","per","since", "than", "the", "this", "that", "to", "up", "via","with"];
-    for a in removelist:
-        aslug = re.sub(r'\b'+a+r'\b','',inStr)
-    aslug = re.sub('[^\w\s-]', '', aslug).strip().lower()
-    aslug = re.sub('\s+', '-', aslug)
-    return len(aslug) > 50 and '%s-%d' % (aslug[:43], randint(100000,999999)) or aslug