changeset 94 87e77aa18610
parent 93 e86755df35da
child 95 f94e0cd9a862
--- a/project/kiwipycon/proceedings/	Thu Apr 01 11:59:35 2010 +0530
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-  # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import os
-from django.contrib.auth import login
-from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
-from django.contrib.auth.forms import AuthenticationForm
-from django.contrib.auth.models import User
-from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
-from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
-from django.template import RequestContext
-from project.kiwipycon.proceedings.models import Paper
-from project.kiwipycon.user.forms import RegisterForm
-from project.kiwipycon.user.models import UserProfile
-from project.kiwipycon.utils import set_message_cookie
-from project.kiwipycon.proceedings.booklet import mk_scipy_paper
-from project.kiwipycon.proceedings.forms import ProceedingsForm
-def handleUploadedFile(proceedings_form_data, rst_file):
-    """Handles the uploaded file content and process the form
-    """
-    title = proceedings_form_data.get('title')
-    abstract = proceedings_form_data.get('abstract')
-    body = proceedings_form_data.get('body')
-    authors = proceedings_form_data.get('authors')
-    if rst_file:
-        destination = open('some/file/name.txt', 'wb+')
-        for chunk in rst_file.chunks():
-            destination.write(chunk)
-        destination.close()
-    return title, abstract, body, authors
-def submit(request, id=None, template='proceedings/submit.html'):
-    """View to submit the proceedings paper.
-    """
-    user = request.user
-    if user.is_authenticated():
-        try:
-            profile = user.get_profile()
-        except:
-            profile, new = UserProfile.objects.get_or_create(user=user)
-            if new:
-    message = None
-    if request.method == 'POST':
-        register_form = RegisterForm(data=request.POST)
-        if request.POST.get('action', None) == 'login':
-            login_form = AuthenticationForm(data=request.POST)
-            if login_form.is_valid():
-                login(request, login_form.get_user())
-                redirect_to = reverse('kiwipycon_submit_proceedings')
-                return set_message_cookie(redirect_to,
-                        msg = u'You have been logged in.')
-        if request.POST.get('action', None) == 'register':
-            # add the new user
-            if register_form.is_valid():
-                user = kiwipycon_createuser(request,
-        proceedings_form = ProceedingsForm(data=request.POST,
-                                           files=request.FILES)
-        if proceedings_form.is_valid():
-            if user.is_authenticated():
-                # Data from reSt file is appended to the data in fields
-                title, abstract, body, authors = handleUploadedFile(
-                    proceedings_form.cleaned_data, request.FILES.get('file'))
-                paper = edit(id, title=title,
-                    abstract=abstract, body=body,
-                    authors=authors) if id else create(title=title,
-                    abstract=abstract, body=body,
-                    authors=authors)
-                # Successfully saved. So get back to the edit page.
-                redirect_to = reverse('kiwipycon_submit_proceedings',
-                                  args=[])
-                return set_message_cookie(
-                redirect_to, msg = u'Thanks, your paper has been submitted.')
-            else:
-                # This is impossible. Something was wrong so return back
-                # to submit page
-                redirect_to = reverse('kiwipycon_submit_proceedings')
-                return set_message_cookie(
-                redirect_to, msg = u'Something is wrong here.')          
-    else:
-        if id:
-            # If id exists initialize the form with old values
-            paper = Paper.objects.get(id=id)
-            proceedings_form = ProceedingsForm(
-                initial={'title': paper.title,
-                         'abstract': paper.abstract,
-                         'body': paper.body,
-                         'authors': ', '.join([
-                             author.username for author in paper.authors.all()])
-                })
-        else:
-            # Otherwise create a new form
-            proceedings_form = ProceedingsForm()
-        register_form = RegisterForm()
-        login_form = AuthenticationForm()
-    context = RequestContext(request, {
-        'proceedings_form': proceedings_form,
-        'register_form' : register_form,
-        'message' : message,
-        'login_form' : login_form
-        })
-    context['id'] = id if id else None
-    return render_to_response(template, context)
-def create(**kwargs):
-    """View to create a new proceedings.
-    """
-    title = kwargs.get('title')
-    abstract = kwargs.get('abstract')
-    body = kwargs.get('body')
-    authors = kwargs.get('authors')
-    paper = Paper(title=title, abstract=abstract, body=body)
-    if authors:
-        authors = authors.split(',')
-        for author in authors:
-            user = User.objects.get(username=author.strip())
-            paper.authors.add(user)
-    return paper
-def edit(id, **kwargs):
-    """View to edit the proceedings paper.
-    """
-    paper = Paper.objects.get(id=id)
-    paper.title = kwargs.get('title')
-    paper.abstract = kwargs.get('abstract')
-    paper.body = kwargs.get('body')
-    authors = kwargs.get('authors')
-    if authors:
-        authors = authors.split(',')
-        for author in authors:
-            user = User.objects.get(username=author.strip())
-            paper.authors.add(user)
-    return paper
-def show_paper(request, id):
-    """Display the thumbnail of the rendered paper for download
-    """
-    paper = Paper.objects.get(id=id)
-    paper_data = {
-      'paper_abstract': paper.abstract,
-      'authors': [
-          {'first_names': author.first_name,
-            'surname': author.last_name,
-            'address': 'XXX',
-            'country': 'XXX',
-            'email_address': '',
-            'institution': 'XXX'
-           } for author in paper.authors.all()],
-      'title': paper.title
-      }
-    abstract = mk_scipy_paper.Bunch(**paper_data)
-    abstract.authors = [mk_scipy_paper.Bunch(**a) for a in abstract.authors]
-    abstract['paper_text'] = paper.body
-    outfilename = '/media/python/workspace/kiwipycon/project/kiwipycon/proceedings/booklet/output/paper.pdf'
-    attach_dir = os.path.dirname('/media/python/workspace/kiwipycon/project/kiwipycon/proceedings/booklet/output/')
-    mk_scipy_paper.mk_abstract_preview(abstract, outfilename, attach_dir)
-    from django.http import HttpResponse
-    return HttpResponse('Machi')
\ No newline at end of file