forgot to add the templates. so added now.
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% block content %}
{% if newest %}
<a href="/user/requests/rid={{}}"><<newest</a>
{% endif %}
{% if newer %}
<a href="/user/requests/rid={{}}"><newer</a>
{% endif %}
{% if older %}
<a href="/user/requests/rid={{}}">older></a>
{% endif %}
{% if oldest %}
<a href="/user/requests/rid={{}}">oldest>></a>
{% endif %}
<br />
From: <a href="/user/view/uid={{}}">{{req.sent_by.username}}</a><br />
{% for to_user in sent_users %}
<a href="/user/view/uid={{}}">{{to_user.username}}</a>
{% endfor %}
<br />
sent on {{notification.sent_date|date:"D d M Y"}} at {{notification.sent_date|time:"H:i"}}<br />
Message: <br />
{% ifequal "PY" req.role %}
<a href="/user/view/uid={{}}">{{req.sent_by.username}}</a> assigned {{req.pynts}} pynts to
<a href="/user/view/uid={{}}">{{req.receiving_user.username}}</a> for the task
<a href="/task/view/tid={{}}">{{req.task.title}}</a><br />
{% else %}
{% ifequal "MT" req.role %}
<a href="/user/view/uid={{}}">{{req.sent_by.username}}</a> requested you to act as a mentor for the task
<a href="/task/view/tid={{}}">{{req.task.title}}</a><br />
{% else %}
You have been requested to act as
{% ifequal "AD" req.role %}
an Admin
{% else %}
{% ifequal "MG" req.role %}
a Manager
{% else %}
a Developer
{% endifequal %}
{% endifequal %}
for the website by <a href="/user/view/uid={{}}">{{req.sent_by.username}}</a>.<br />
{% endifequal %}
{% endifequal %}
<br />
Please accept or reject the request.<br />
<form action="yes/" method="post">
<input value="Accept" type="submit">
<form action="no/" method="post">
Remarks: <input type="text" name="remarks">
<input value="Reject" type="submit">
<a href="/user/requests/">Click here</a> to return to the requests page.
{% endblock %}