author Nishanth Amuluru <>
Sat, 08 Jan 2011 11:20:57 +0530
changeset 307 c6bca38c1cbf
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added buildout stuff and made changes accordingly


The word "buildout" refers to a description of a set of parts and the
software to create and assemble them.  It is often used informally to
refer to an installed system based on a buildout definition.  For
example, if we are creating an application named "Foo", then "the Foo
buildout" is the collection of configuration and application-specific
software that allows an instance of the application to be created.  We
may refer to such an instance of the application informally as "a Foo

This document describes how to define buildouts using buildout
configuration files and recipes.  There are three ways to set up the
buildout software and create a buildout instance:

1. Install the zc.buildout egg with easy_install and use the buildout
   script installed in a Python scripts area.

2. Use the buildout bootstrap script to create a buildout that
   includes both the setuptools and zc.buildout eggs.  This allows you
   to use the buildout software without modifying a Python install.
   The buildout script is installed into your buildout local scripts

3. Use a buildout command from an already installed buildout to
   bootstrap a new buildout.  (See the section on bootstraping later
   in this document.)

Often, a software project will be managed in a software repository,
such as a subversion repository, that includes some software source
directories, buildout configuration files, and a copy of the buildout
bootstrap script.  To work on the project, one would check out the
project from the repository and run the bootstrap script which
installs setuptools and zc.buildout into the checkout as well as any
parts defined.

We have a sample buildout that we created using the bootstrap command
of an existing buildout (method 3 above).  It has the absolute minimum
information.  We have bin, develop-eggs, eggs and parts directories,
and a configuration file:

    >>> ls(sample_buildout)
    d  bin
    -  buildout.cfg
    d  develop-eggs
    d  eggs
    d  parts

The bin directory contains scripts.

    >>> ls(sample_buildout, 'bin')
    -  buildout

    >>> ls(sample_buildout, 'eggs')
    -  setuptools-0.6-py2.4.egg
    -  zc.buildout-1.0-py2.4.egg

The develop-eggs directory is initially empty:

    >>> ls(sample_buildout, 'develop-eggs')

The develop-eggs directory holds egg links for software being
developed in the buildout.  We separate develop-eggs and other eggs to
allow eggs directories to be shared across multiple buildouts.  For
example, a common developer technique is to define a common eggs
directory in their home that all non-develop eggs are stored in.  This
allows larger buildouts to be set up much more quickly and saves disk

The parts directory just contains some helpers for the buildout script

    >>> ls(sample_buildout, 'parts')
    d  buildout

The parts directory provides an area where recipes can install
part data.  For example, if we built a custom Python, we would
install it in the part directory.  Part data is stored in a
sub-directory of the parts directory with the same name as the part.

Buildouts are defined using configuration files.  These are in the
format defined by the Python ConfigParser module, with extensions
that we'll describe later.  By default, when a buildout is run, it
looks for the file buildout.cfg in the directory where the buildout is

The minimal configuration file has a buildout section that defines no

    >>> cat(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg')
    parts =

A part is simply something to be created by a buildout.  It can be
almost anything, such as a Python package, a program, a directory, or
even a configuration file.


A part is created by a recipe.  Recipes are always installed as Python
eggs. They can be downloaded from a package server, such as the
Python Package Index, or they can be developed as part of a project
using a "develop" egg.

A develop egg is a special kind of egg that gets installed as an "egg
link" that contains the name of a source directory.  Develop eggs
don't have to be packaged for distribution to be used and can be
modified in place, which is especially useful while they are being

Let's create a recipe as part of the sample project.  We'll create a
recipe for creating directories.  First, we'll create a recipes source
directory for our local recipes:

    >>> mkdir(sample_buildout, 'recipes')

and then we'll create a source file for our mkdir recipe:

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'recipes', '',
    ... """
    ... import logging, os, zc.buildout
    ... class Mkdir:
    ...     def __init__(self, buildout, name, options):
    ..., self.options = name, options
    ...         options['path'] = os.path.join(
    ...                               buildout['buildout']['directory'],
    ...                               options['path'],
    ...                               )
    ...         if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(options['path'])):
    ...             logging.getLogger(
    ...                 'Cannot create %s. %s is not a directory.',
    ...                 options['path'], os.path.dirname(options['path']))
    ...             raise zc.buildout.UserError('Invalid Path')
    ...     def install(self):
    ...         path = self.options['path']
    ...         logging.getLogger(
    ...             'Creating directory %s', os.path.basename(path))
    ...         os.mkdir(path)
    ...         return path
    ...     def update(self):
    ...         pass
    ... """)

Currently, recipes must define 3 methods [#future_recipe_methods]_:

- a constructor,

- an install method, and

- an update method.

The constructor is responsible for updating a parts options to reflect
data read from other sections.  The buildout system keeps track of
whether a part specification has changed.  A part specification has
changed if it's options, after adjusting for data read from other
sections, has changed, or if the recipe has changed.  Only the options
for the part are considered.  If data are read from other sections,
then that information has to be reflected in the parts options.  In
the Mkdir example, the given path is interpreted relative to the
buildout directory, and data from the buildout directory is read.  The
path option is updated to reflect this.  If the directory option was
changed in the buildout sections, we would know to update parts
created using the mkdir recipe using relative path names.

When buildout is run, it saves configuration data for installed parts
in a file named ".installed.cfg".  In subsequent runs, it compares
part-configuration data stored in the .installed.cfg file and the
part-configuration data loaded from the configuration files as
modified by recipe constructors to decide if the configuration of a
part has changed. If the configuration has changed, or if the recipe
has changed, then the part is uninstalled and reinstalled.  The
buildout only looks at the part's options, so any data used to
configure the part needs to be reflected in the part's options.  It is
the job of a recipe constructor to make sure that the options include
all relevant data.

Of course, parts are also uninstalled if they are no-longer used.

The recipe defines a constructor that takes a buildout object, a part
name, and an options dictionary. It saves them in instance attributes.
If the path is relative, we'll interpret it as relative to the
buildout directory.  The buildout object passed in is a mapping from
section name to a mapping of options for that section. The buildout
directory is available as the directory option of the buildout
section.  We normalize the path and save it back into the options

The install method is responsible for creating the part.  In this
case, we need the path of the directory to create.  We'll use a path
option from our options dictionary.  The install method logs what it's
doing using the Python logging call.  We return the path that we
installed.  If the part is uninstalled or reinstalled, then the path
returned will be removed by the buildout machinery.  A recipe install
method is expected to return a string, or an iterable of strings
containing paths to be removed if a part is uninstalled.  For most
recipes, this is all of the uninstall support needed. For more complex
uninstallation scenarios use `Uninstall recipes`_.

The update method is responsible for updating an already installed
part.  An empty method is often provided, as in this example, if parts
can't be updated.  An update method can return None, a string, or an
iterable of strings.  If a string or iterable of strings is returned,
then the saved list of paths to be uninstalled is updated with the new
information by adding any new files returned by the update method.

We need to provide packaging information so that our recipe can be
installed as a develop egg. The minimum information we need to specify
[#packaging_info]_ is a name.  For recipes, we also need to define the
names of the recipe classes as entry points.  Packaging information is
provided via a script:

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'recipes', '',
    ... """
    ... from setuptools import setup
    ... setup(
    ...     name = "recipes",
    ...     entry_points = {'zc.buildout': ['mkdir = mkdir:Mkdir']},
    ...     )
    ... """)

Our setup script defines an entry point. Entry points provide
a way for an egg to define the services it provides.  Here we've said
that we define a zc.buildout entry point named mkdir.  Recipe
classes must be exposed as entry points in the zc.buildout group.  we
give entry points names within the group.

We also need a README.txt for our recipes to avoid an annoying warning
from distutils, on which setuptools and zc.buildout are based:

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'recipes', 'README.txt', " ")

Now let's update our buildout.cfg:

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... develop = recipes
    ... parts = data-dir
    ... [data-dir]
    ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
    ... path = mystuff
    ... """)

Let's go through the changes one by one::

    develop = recipes

This tells the buildout to install a development egg for our recipes.
Any number of paths can be listed.  The paths can be relative or
absolute.  If relative, they are treated as relative to the buildout
directory.  They can be directory or file paths.  If a file path is
given, it should point to a Python setup script.  If a directory path
is given, it should point to a directory containing a file.
Development eggs are installed before building any parts, as they may
provide locally-defined recipes needed by the parts.


    parts = data-dir

Here we've named a part to be "built".  We can use any name we want
except that different part names must be unique and recipes will often
use the part name to decide what to do.


    recipe = recipes:mkdir
    path = mystuff

When we name a part, we also create a section of the same
name that contains part data.  In this section, we'll define
the recipe to be used to install the part.  In this case, we also
specify the path to be created.

Let's run the buildout.  We do so by running the build script in the

    >>> import os
    >>> os.chdir(sample_buildout)
    >>> buildout = os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'buildout')
    >>> print system(buildout),
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    Installing data-dir.
    data-dir: Creating directory mystuff

We see that the recipe created the directory, as expected:

    >>> ls(sample_buildout)
    -  .installed.cfg
    d  bin
    -  buildout.cfg
    d  develop-eggs
    d  eggs
    d  mystuff
    d  parts
    d  recipes

In addition, .installed.cfg has been created containing information
about the part we installed:

    >>> cat(sample_buildout, '.installed.cfg')
    installed_develop_eggs = /sample-buildout/develop-eggs/recipes.egg-link
    parts = data-dir
    __buildout_installed__ = /sample-buildout/mystuff
    __buildout_signature__ = recipes-c7vHV6ekIDUPy/7fjAaYjg==
    path = /sample-buildout/mystuff
    recipe = recipes:mkdir

Note that the directory we installed is included in .installed.cfg.
In addition, the path option includes the actual destination

If we change the name of the directory in the configuration file,
we'll see that the directory gets removed and recreated:

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... develop = recipes
    ... parts = data-dir
    ... [data-dir]
    ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
    ... path = mydata
    ... """)

    >>> print system(buildout),
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    Uninstalling data-dir.
    Installing data-dir.
    data-dir: Creating directory mydata

    >>> ls(sample_buildout)
    -  .installed.cfg
    d  bin
    -  buildout.cfg
    d  develop-eggs
    d  eggs
    d  mydata
    d  parts
    d  recipes

If any of the files or directories created by a recipe are removed,
the part will be reinstalled:

    >>> rmdir(sample_buildout, 'mydata')
    >>> print system(buildout),
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    Uninstalling data-dir.
    Installing data-dir.
    data-dir: Creating directory mydata

Error reporting

If a user makes an error, an error needs to be printed and work needs
to stop.  This is accomplished by logging a detailed error message and
then raising a (or an instance of a subclass of a)
zc.buildout.UserError exception.  Raising an error other than a
UserError still displays the error, but labels it as a bug in the
buildout software or recipe. In the sample above, of someone gives a
non-existent directory to create the directory in:

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... develop = recipes
    ... parts = data-dir
    ... [data-dir]
    ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
    ... path = /xxx/mydata
    ... """)

We'll get a user error, not a traceback.

    >>> print system(buildout),
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    data-dir: Cannot create /xxx/mydata. /xxx is not a directory.
      Getting section data-dir.
      Initializing part data-dir.
    Error: Invalid Path

Recipe Error Handling

If an error occurs during installation, it is up to the recipe to
clean up any system side effects, such as files created.  Let's update
the mkdir recipe to support multiple paths:

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'recipes', '',
    ... """
    ... import logging, os, zc.buildout
    ... class Mkdir:
    ...     def __init__(self, buildout, name, options):
    ..., self.options = name, options
    ...         # Normalize paths and check that their parent
    ...         # directories exist:
    ...         paths = []
    ...         for path in options['path'].split():
    ...             path = os.path.join(buildout['buildout']['directory'], path)
    ...             if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(path)):
    ...                 logging.getLogger(
    ...                     'Cannot create %s. %s is not a directory.',
    ...                     options['path'], os.path.dirname(options['path']))
    ...                 raise zc.buildout.UserError('Invalid Path')
    ...             paths.append(path)
    ...         options['path'] = ' '.join(paths)
    ...     def install(self):
    ...         paths = self.options['path'].split()
    ...         for path in paths:
    ...             logging.getLogger(
    ...                 'Creating directory %s', os.path.basename(path))
    ...             os.mkdir(path)
    ...         return paths
    ...     def update(self):
    ...         pass
    ... """)

If there is an error creating a path, the install method will exit and
leave previously created paths in place:

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... develop = recipes
    ... parts = data-dir
    ... [data-dir]
    ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
    ... path = foo bin
    ... """)

    >>> print system(buildout), # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    Uninstalling data-dir.
    Installing data-dir.
    data-dir: Creating directory foo
    data-dir: Creating directory bin
      Installing data-dir.
    An internal error occurred due to a bug in either zc.buildout or in a
    recipe being used:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    OSError: [Errno 17] File exists: '/sample-buildout/bin'

We meant to create a directory bins, but typed bin.  Now foo was
left behind.

    >>> os.path.exists('foo')

If we fix the typo:

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... develop = recipes
    ... parts = data-dir
    ... [data-dir]
    ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
    ... path = foo bins
    ... """)

    >>> print system(buildout), # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    Installing data-dir.
    data-dir: Creating directory foo
      Installing data-dir.
    An internal error occurred due to a bug in either zc.buildout or in a
    recipe being used:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    OSError: [Errno 17] File exists: '/sample-buildout/foo'

Now they fail because foo exists, because it was left behind.

    >>> remove('foo')

Let's fix the recipe:

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'recipes', '',
    ... """
    ... import logging, os, zc.buildout
    ... class Mkdir:
    ...     def __init__(self, buildout, name, options):
    ..., self.options = name, options
    ...         # Normalize paths and check that their parent
    ...         # directories exist:
    ...         paths = []
    ...         for path in options['path'].split():
    ...             path = os.path.join(buildout['buildout']['directory'], path)
    ...             if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(path)):
    ...                 logging.getLogger(
    ...                     'Cannot create %s. %s is not a directory.',
    ...                     options['path'], os.path.dirname(options['path']))
    ...                 raise zc.buildout.UserError('Invalid Path')
    ...             paths.append(path)
    ...         options['path'] = ' '.join(paths)
    ...     def install(self):
    ...         paths = self.options['path'].split()
    ...         created = []
    ...         try:
    ...             for path in paths:
    ...                 logging.getLogger(
    ...                     'Creating directory %s', os.path.basename(path))
    ...                 os.mkdir(path)
    ...                 created.append(path)
    ...         except:
    ...             for d in created:
    ...                 os.rmdir(d)
    ...             raise
    ...         return paths
    ...     def update(self):
    ...         pass
    ... """)

And put back the typo:

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... develop = recipes
    ... parts = data-dir
    ... [data-dir]
    ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
    ... path = foo bin
    ... """)

When we rerun the buildout:

    >>> print system(buildout), # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    Installing data-dir.
    data-dir: Creating directory foo
    data-dir: Creating directory bin
      Installing data-dir.
    An internal error occurred due to a bug in either zc.buildout or in a
    recipe being used:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    OSError: [Errno 17] File exists: '/sample-buildout/bin'

.. Wait for the file to really disappear. My linux is weird.

    >>> wait_until("foo goes away", lambda : not os.path.exists('foo'),
    ...            timeout=200)

we get the same error, but we don't get the directory left behind:

    >>> os.path.exists('foo')

It's critical that recipes clean up partial effects when errors
occur.  Because recipes most commonly create files and directories,
buildout provides a helper API for removing created files when an
error occurs.  Option objects have a created method that can be called
to record files as they are created.  If the install or update method
returns with an error, then any registered paths are removed
automatically.  The method returns the files registered and can be
used to return the files created.  Let's use this API to simplify the

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'recipes', '',
    ... """
    ... import logging, os, zc.buildout
    ... class Mkdir:
    ...     def __init__(self, buildout, name, options):
    ..., self.options = name, options
    ...         # Normalize paths and check that their parent
    ...         # directories exist:
    ...         paths = []
    ...         for path in options['path'].split():
    ...             path = os.path.join(buildout['buildout']['directory'], path)
    ...             if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(path)):
    ...                 logging.getLogger(
    ...                     'Cannot create %s. %s is not a directory.',
    ...                     options['path'], os.path.dirname(options['path']))
    ...                 raise zc.buildout.UserError('Invalid Path')
    ...             paths.append(path)
    ...         options['path'] = ' '.join(paths)
    ...     def install(self):
    ...         paths = self.options['path'].split()
    ...         for path in paths:
    ...             logging.getLogger(
    ...                 'Creating directory %s', os.path.basename(path))
    ...             os.mkdir(path)
    ...             self.options.created(path)
    ...         return self.options.created()
    ...     def update(self):
    ...         pass
    ... """)


    >>> remove(sample_buildout, 'recipes', 'mkdir.pyc')

We returned by calling created, taking advantage of the fact that it
returns the registered paths.  We did this for illustrative purposes.
It would be simpler just to return the paths as before.

If we rerun the buildout, again, we'll get the error and no
directories will be created:

    >>> print system(buildout), # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    Installing data-dir.
    data-dir: Creating directory foo
    data-dir: Creating directory bin
      Installing data-dir.
    An internal error occurred due to a bug in either zc.buildout or in a
    recipe being used:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    OSError: [Errno 17] File exists: '/sample-buildout/bin'

    >>> os.path.exists('foo')

Now, we'll fix the typo again and we'll get the directories we expect:

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... develop = recipes
    ... parts = data-dir
    ... [data-dir]
    ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
    ... path = foo bins
    ... """)

    >>> print system(buildout),
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    Installing data-dir.
    data-dir: Creating directory foo
    data-dir: Creating directory bins

    >>> os.path.exists('foo')
    >>> os.path.exists('bins')

Configuration file syntax

As mentioned earlier, buildout configuration files use the format
defined by the Python ConfigParser module with extensions.  The
extensions are:

- option names are case sensitive

- option values can use a substitution syntax, described below, to
  refer to option values in specific sections.

- option values can be appended or removed using the - and +

The ConfigParser syntax is very flexible.  Section names can contain
any characters other than newlines and right square braces ("]").
Option names can contain any characters other than newlines, colons,
and equal signs, can not start with a space, and don't include
trailing spaces.

It is likely that, in the future, some characters will be given
special buildout-defined meanings.  This is already true of the
characters ":", "$", "%", "(", and ")".  For now, it is a good idea to
keep section and option names simple, sticking to alphanumeric
characters, hyphens, and periods.

Annotated sections

When used with the `annotate` command, buildout displays annotated sections.
All sections are displayed, sorted alphabetically. For each section,
all key-value pairs are displayed, sorted alphabetically, along with
the origin of the value (file name or COMPUTED_VALUE, DEFAULT_VALUE,

    >>> print system(buildout+ ' annotate'),
    Annotated sections
    accept-buildout-test-releases= false
    allow-hosts= *
    allow-picked-versions= true
    allowed-eggs-from-site-packages= *
    bin-directory= bin
    develop= recipes
    develop-eggs-directory= develop-eggs
    directory= /sample-buildout
    eggs-directory= eggs
    exec-sitecustomize= true
    executable= ...
    include-site-packages= true
    install-from-cache= false
    installed= .installed.cfg
    log-level= INFO
    newest= true
    offline= false
    parts= data-dir
    parts-directory= parts
    prefer-final= false
    python= buildout
    relative-paths= false
    unzip= false
    use-dependency-links= true
    path= foo bins
    recipe= recipes:mkdir

Variable substitutions

Buildout configuration files support variable substitution.
To illustrate this, we'll create an debug recipe to
allow us to see interactions with the buildout:

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'recipes', '',
    ... """
    ... class Debug:
    ...     def __init__(self, buildout, name, options):
    ...         self.buildout = buildout
    ... = name
    ...         self.options = options
    ...     def install(self):
    ...         items = self.options.items()
    ...         items.sort()
    ...         for option, value in items:
    ...             print option, value
    ...         return ()
    ...     update = install
    ... """)

This recipe doesn't actually create anything. The install method
doesn't return anything, because it didn't create any files or

We also have to update our setup script:

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'recipes', '',
    ... """
    ... from setuptools import setup
    ... entry_points = (
    ... '''
    ... [zc.buildout]
    ... mkdir = mkdir:Mkdir
    ... debug = debug:Debug
    ... ''')
    ... setup(name="recipes", entry_points=entry_points)
    ... """)

We've rearranged the script a bit to make the entry points easier to
edit.  In particular, entry points are now defined as a configuration
string, rather than a dictionary.

Let's update our configuration to provide variable substitution

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... develop = recipes
    ... parts = data-dir debug
    ... log-level = INFO
    ... [debug]
    ... recipe = recipes:debug
    ... File 1 = ${data-dir:path}/file
    ... File 2 = ${debug:File 1}/log
    ... [data-dir]
    ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
    ... path = mydata
    ... """)

We used a string-template substitution for File 1 and File 2.  This
type of substitution uses the string.Template syntax.  Names
substituted are qualified option names, consisting of a section name
and option name joined by a colon.

Now, if we run the buildout, we'll see the options with the values

    >>> print system(buildout),
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    Uninstalling data-dir.
    Installing data-dir.
    data-dir: Creating directory mydata
    Installing debug.
    File 1 /sample-buildout/mydata/file
    File 2 /sample-buildout/mydata/file/log
    recipe recipes:debug

Note that the substitution of the data-dir path option reflects the
update to the option performed by the mkdir recipe.

It might seem surprising that mydata was created again.  This is
because we changed our recipes package by adding the debug module.
The buildout system didn't know if this module could effect the mkdir
recipe, so it assumed it could and reinstalled mydata.  If we rerun
the buildout:

    >>> print system(buildout),
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    Updating data-dir.
    Updating debug.
    File 1 /sample-buildout/mydata/file
    File 2 /sample-buildout/mydata/file/log
    recipe recipes:debug

We can see that mydata was not recreated.

Note that, in this case, we didn't specify a log level, so
we didn't get output about what the buildout was doing.

Section and option names in variable substitutions are only allowed to
contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens, periods and spaces. This
restriction might be relaxed in future releases.

We can ommit the section name in a variable substitution to refer to
the current section.  We can also use the special option,
_buildout_section_name_ to get the current section name.

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... develop = recipes
    ... parts = data-dir debug
    ... log-level = INFO
    ... [debug]
    ... recipe = recipes:debug
    ... File 1 = ${data-dir:path}/file
    ... File 2 = ${:File 1}/log
    ... my_name = ${:_buildout_section_name_}
    ... [data-dir]
    ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
    ... path = mydata
    ... """)

    >>> print system(buildout),
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    Uninstalling debug.
    Updating data-dir.
    Installing debug.
    File 1 /sample-buildout/mydata/file
    File 2 /sample-buildout/mydata/file/log
    my_name debug
    recipe recipes:debug

Automatic part selection and ordering

When a section with a recipe is referred to, either through variable
substitution or by an initializing recipe, the section is treated as a
part and added to the part list before the referencing part.  For
example, we can leave data-dir out of the parts list:

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... develop = recipes
    ... parts = debug
    ... log-level = INFO
    ... [debug]
    ... recipe = recipes:debug
    ... File 1 = ${data-dir:path}/file
    ... File 2 = ${debug:File 1}/log
    ... [data-dir]
    ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
    ... path = mydata
    ... """)

It will still be treated as a part:

    >>> print system(buildout),
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    Uninstalling debug.
    Updating data-dir.
    Installing debug.
    File 1 /sample-buildout/mydata/file
    File 2 /sample-buildout/mydata/file/log
    recipe recipes:debug

    >>> cat('.installed.cfg') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    installed_develop_eggs = /sample-buildout/develop-eggs/recipes.egg-link
    parts = data-dir debug

Note that the data-dir part is included *before* the debug part,
because the debug part refers to the data-dir part.  Even if we list
the data-dir part after the debug part, it will be included before:

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... develop = recipes
    ... parts = debug data-dir
    ... log-level = INFO
    ... [debug]
    ... recipe = recipes:debug
    ... File 1 = ${data-dir:path}/file
    ... File 2 = ${debug:File 1}/log
    ... [data-dir]
    ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
    ... path = mydata
    ... """)

It will still be treated as a part:

    >>> print system(buildout),
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    Updating data-dir.
    Updating debug.
    File 1 /sample-buildout/mydata/file
    File 2 /sample-buildout/mydata/file/log
    recipe recipes:debug

    >>> cat('.installed.cfg') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    installed_develop_eggs = /sample-buildout/develop-eggs/recipes.egg-link
    parts = data-dir debug

Extending sections (macros)

A section (other than the buildout section) can extend one or more
other sections using the ``<=`` option.  Options from the referenced
sections are copied to the refering section *before* variable
substitution.  This, together with the ability to refer to variables
of the current section allows sections to be used as macros.

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... develop = recipes
    ... parts = myfiles
    ... log-level = INFO
    ... [debug]
    ... recipe = recipes:debug
    ... [with_file1]
    ... <= debug
    ... file1 = ${:path}/file1
    ... color = red
    ... [with_file2]
    ... <= debug
    ... file2 = ${:path}/file2
    ... color = blue
    ... [myfiles]
    ... <= with_file1
    ...    with_file2
    ... path = mydata
    ... """)

    >>> print system(buildout),
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    Uninstalling debug.
    Uninstalling data-dir.
    Installing myfiles.
    color blue
    file1 mydata/file1
    file2 mydata/file2
    path mydata
    recipe recipes:debug

In this example, the debug, with_file1 and with_file2 sections act as
macros. In particular, the variable substitutions are performed
relative to the myfiles section.

Adding and removing options

We can append and remove values to an option by using the + and -

This is illustrated below; first we define a base configuration.

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'base.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... parts = part1 part2 part3
    ... [part1]
    ... recipe =
    ... option = a1 a2
    ... [part2]
    ... recipe =
    ... option = b1 b2 b3 b4
    ... [part3]
    ... recipe =
    ... option = c1 c2
    ... """)

Extending this configuration, we can "adjust" the values set in the
base configuration file.

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'extension1.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... extends = base.cfg
    ... # appending values
    ... [part1]
    ... option += a3 a4
    ... # removing values
    ... [part2]
    ... option -= b1 b2
    ... # alt. spelling
    ... [part3]
    ... option+=c3 c4 c5
    ... # normal assignment
    ... [part4]
    ... option = h1 h2
    ... """)

An additional extension.

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'extension2.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... extends = extension1.cfg
    ... # appending values
    ... [part1]
    ... option += a5
    ... # removing values
    ... [part2]
    ... option -= b1 b2 b3
    ... """)

To verify that the options are adjusted correctly, we'll set up an
extension that prints out the options.

    >>> mkdir(sample_buildout, 'demo')
    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'demo', '',
    ... """
    ... def ext(buildout):
    ...     print [part['option'] for name, part in buildout.items() \
    ...           if name.startswith('part')]
    ... """)

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'demo', '',
    ... """
    ... from setuptools import setup
    ... setup(
    ...     name="demo",
    ...     entry_points={'zc.buildout.extension': ['ext = demo:ext']},
    ...     )
    ... """)

Set up a buildout configuration for this extension.

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... develop = demo
    ... parts =
    ... """)

    >>> os.chdir(sample_buildout)
    >>> print system(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'buildout')),
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/demo'
    Uninstalling myfiles.
    Getting distribution for 'recipes'.
    zip_safe flag not set; analyzing archive contents...
    Got recipes 0.0.0.
    warning: install_lib: 'build/lib' does not exist -- no Python modules to install

Verify option values.

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... develop = demo
    ... extensions = demo
    ... extends = extension2.cfg
    ... """)

    >>> print system(os.path.join('bin', 'buildout')),
    ['a1 a2/na3 a4/na5', 'b1 b2 b3 b4', 'c1 c2/nc3 c4 c5', 'h1 h2']
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/demo'

Annotated sections output shows which files are responsible for which

    >>> print system(os.path.join('bin', 'buildout') + ' annotate'),
    Annotated sections
    option= a1 a2
    a3 a4
    +=  /sample-buildout/extension1.cfg
    +=  /sample-buildout/extension2.cfg
    option= b1 b2 b3 b4
    -=  /sample-buildout/extension1.cfg
    -=  /sample-buildout/extension2.cfg
    option= c1 c2
    c3 c4 c5
    +=  /sample-buildout/extension1.cfg
    option= h1 h2


    >>> os.remove(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'base.cfg'))
    >>> os.remove(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'extension1.cfg'))
    >>> os.remove(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'extension2.cfg'))

Multiple configuration files

A configuration file can "extend" another configuration file.
Options are read from the other configuration file if they aren't
already defined by your configuration file.

The configuration files your file extends can extend
other configuration files.  The same file may be
used more than once although, of course, cycles aren't allowed.

To see how this works, we use an example:

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... extends = base.cfg
    ... [debug]
    ... op = buildout
    ... """)

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'base.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... develop = recipes
    ... parts = debug
    ... [debug]
    ... recipe = recipes:debug
    ... op = base
    ... """)

    >>> print system(buildout),
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    Installing debug.
    op buildout
    recipe recipes:debug

The example is pretty trivial, but the pattern it illustrates is
pretty common.  In a more practical example, the base buildout might
represent a product and the extending buildout might be a

Here is a more elaborate example.

    >>> other = tmpdir('other')

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... extends = b1.cfg b2.cfg %(b3)s
    ... [debug]
    ... op = buildout
    ... """ % dict(b3=os.path.join(other, 'b3.cfg')))

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'b1.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... extends = base.cfg
    ... [debug]
    ... op1 = b1 1
    ... op2 = b1 2
    ... """)

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'b2.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... extends = base.cfg
    ... [debug]
    ... op2 = b2 2
    ... op3 = b2 3
    ... """)

    >>> write(other, 'b3.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... extends = b3base.cfg
    ... [debug]
    ... op4 = b3 4
    ... """)

    >>> write(other, 'b3base.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [debug]
    ... op5 = b3base 5
    ... """)

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'base.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... develop = recipes
    ... parts = debug
    ... [debug]
    ... recipe = recipes:debug
    ... name = base
    ... """)

    >>> print system(buildout),
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    Uninstalling debug.
    Installing debug.
    name base
    op buildout
    op1 b1 1
    op2 b2 2
    op3 b2 3
    op4 b3 4
    op5 b3base 5
    recipe recipes:debug

There are several things to note about this example:

- We can name multiple files in an extends option.

- We can reference files recursively.

- Relative file names in extended options are interpreted relative to
  the directory containing the referencing configuration file.

Loading Configuration from URLs

Configuration files can be loaded from URLs.  To see how this works,
we'll set up a web server with some configuration files.

    >>> server_data = tmpdir('server_data')

    >>> write(server_data, "r1.cfg",
    ... """
    ... [debug]
    ... op1 = r1 1
    ... op2 = r1 2
    ... """)

    >>> write(server_data, "r2.cfg",
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... extends = r1.cfg
    ... [debug]
    ... op2 = r2 2
    ... op3 = r2 3
    ... """)

    >>> server_url = start_server(server_data)

    >>> write('client.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... develop = recipes
    ... parts = debug
    ... extends = %(url)s/r2.cfg
    ... [debug]
    ... recipe = recipes:debug
    ... name = base
    ... """ % dict(url=server_url))

    >>> print system(buildout+ ' -c client.cfg'),
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    Uninstalling debug.
    Installing debug.
    name base
    op1 r1 1
    op2 r2 2
    op3 r2 3
    recipe recipes:debug

Here we specified a URL for the file we extended.  The file we
downloaded, itself referred to a file on the server using a relative
URL reference.  Relative references are interpreted relative to the
base URL when they appear in configuration files loaded via URL.

We can also specify a URL as the configuration file to be used by a

    >>> os.remove('client.cfg')
    >>> write(server_data, 'remote.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... develop = recipes
    ... parts = debug
    ... extends = r2.cfg
    ... [debug]
    ... recipe = recipes:debug
    ... name = remote
    ... """)

    >>> print system(buildout + ' -c ' + server_url + '/remote.cfg'),
    Error: Missing option: buildout:directory

Normally, the buildout directory defaults to directory
containing a configuration file.  This won't work for configuration
files loaded from URLs.  In this case, the buildout directory would
normally be defined on the command line:

    >>> print system(buildout
    ...              + ' -c ' + server_url + '/remote.cfg'
    ...              + ' buildout:directory=' + sample_buildout
    ...              ),
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    Uninstalling debug.
    Installing debug.
    name remote
    op1 r1 1
    op2 r2 2
    op3 r2 3
    recipe recipes:debug

User defaults

If the file $HOME/.buildout/default.cfg, exists, it is read before
reading the configuration file.  ($HOME is the value of the HOME
environment variable. The '/' is replaced by the operating system file

    >>> old_home = os.environ['HOME']
    >>> home = tmpdir('home')
    >>> mkdir(home, '.buildout')
    >>> write(home, '.buildout', 'default.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [debug]
    ... op1 = 1
    ... op7 = 7
    ... """)

    >>> os.environ['HOME'] = home
    >>> print system(buildout),
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    Uninstalling debug.
    Installing debug.
    name base
    op buildout
    op1 b1 1
    op2 b2 2
    op3 b2 3
    op4 b3 4
    op5 b3base 5
    op7 7
    recipe recipes:debug

A buildout command-line argument, -U, can be used to suppress reading
user defaults:

    >>> print system(buildout + ' -U'),
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    Uninstalling debug.
    Installing debug.
    name base
    op buildout
    op1 b1 1
    op2 b2 2
    op3 b2 3
    op4 b3 4
    op5 b3base 5
    recipe recipes:debug

    >>> os.environ['HOME'] = old_home

Log level

We can control the level of logging by specifying a log level in out
configuration file.  For example, so suppress info messages, we can
set the logging level to WARNING

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... log-level = WARNING
    ... extends = b1.cfg b2.cfg
    ... """)

    >>> print system(buildout),
    name base
    op1 b1 1
    op2 b2 2
    op3 b2 3
    recipe recipes:debug

Uninstall recipes

As we've seen, when parts are installed, buildout keeps track of files
and directories that they create. When the parts are uninstalled these
files and directories are deleted.

Sometimes more clean up is needed. For example, a recipe might add a
system service by calling chkconfig --add during installation. Later
during uninstallation, chkconfig --del will need to be called to
remove the system service.

In order to deal with these uninstallation issues, you can register
uninstall recipes. Uninstall recipes are registered using the
'zc.buildout.uninstall' entry point. Parts specify uninstall recipes
using the 'uninstall' option.

In comparison to regular recipes, uninstall recipes are much
simpler. They are simply callable objects that accept the name of the
part to be uninstalled and the part's options dictionary. Uninstall
recipes don't have access to the part itself since it maybe not be
able to be instantiated at uninstallation time.

Here's a recipe that simulates installation of a system service, along
with an uninstall recipe that simulates removing the service.

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'recipes', '',
    ... """
    ... class Service:
    ...     def __init__(self, buildout, name, options):
    ...         self.buildout = buildout
    ... = name
    ...         self.options = options
    ...     def install(self):
    ...         print "chkconfig --add %s" % self.options['script']
    ...         return ()
    ...     def update(self):
    ...         pass
    ... def uninstall_service(name, options):
    ...     print "chkconfig --del %s" % options['script']
    ... """)

To use these recipes we must register them using entry points. Make
sure to use the same name for the recipe and uninstall recipe. This is
required to let buildout know which uninstall recipe goes with which

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'recipes', '',
    ... """
    ... from setuptools import setup
    ... entry_points = (
    ... '''
    ... [zc.buildout]
    ... mkdir = mkdir:Mkdir
    ... debug = debug:Debug
    ... service = service:Service
    ... [zc.buildout.uninstall]
    ... service = service:uninstall_service
    ... ''')
    ... setup(name="recipes", entry_points=entry_points)
    ... """)

Here's how these recipes could be used in a buildout:

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... develop = recipes
    ... parts = service
    ... [service]
    ... recipe = recipes:service
    ... script = /path/to/script
    ... """)

When the buildout is run the service will be installed

    >>> print system(buildout)
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    Uninstalling debug.
    Installing service.
    chkconfig --add /path/to/script

The service has been installed. If the buildout is run again with no
changes, the service shouldn't be changed.

    >>> print system(buildout)
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    Updating service.

Now we change the service part to trigger uninstallation and

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... develop = recipes
    ... parts = service
    ... [service]
    ... recipe = recipes:service
    ... script = /path/to/a/different/script
    ... """)

    >>> print system(buildout)
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    Uninstalling service.
    Running uninstall recipe.
    chkconfig --del /path/to/script
    Installing service.
    chkconfig --add /path/to/a/different/script

Now we remove the service part, and add another part.

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... develop = recipes
    ... parts = debug
    ... [debug]
    ... recipe = recipes:debug
    ... """)

    >>> print system(buildout)
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    Uninstalling service.
    Running uninstall recipe.
    chkconfig --del /path/to/a/different/script
    Installing debug.
    recipe recipes:debug

Uninstall recipes don't have to take care of removing all the files
and directories created by the part. This is still done automatically,
following the execution of the uninstall recipe. An upshot is that an
uninstallation recipe can access files and directories created by a
recipe before they are deleted.

For example, here's an uninstallation recipe that simulates backing up
a directory before it is deleted. It is designed to work with the
mkdir recipe introduced earlier.

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'recipes', '',
    ... """
    ... import os
    ... def backup_directory(name, options):
    ...     path = options['path']
    ...     size = len(os.listdir(path))
    ...     print "backing up directory %s of size %s" % (path, size)
    ... """)

It must be registered with the zc.buildout.uninstall entry
point. Notice how it is given the name 'mkdir' to associate it with
the mkdir recipe.

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'recipes', '',
    ... """
    ... from setuptools import setup
    ... entry_points = (
    ... '''
    ... [zc.buildout]
    ... mkdir = mkdir:Mkdir
    ... debug = debug:Debug
    ... service = service:Service
    ... [zc.buildout.uninstall]
    ... uninstall_service = service:uninstall_service
    ... mkdir = backup:backup_directory
    ... ''')
    ... setup(name="recipes", entry_points=entry_points)
    ... """)

Now we can use it with a mkdir part.

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... develop = recipes
    ... parts = dir debug
    ... [dir]
    ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
    ... path = my_directory
    ... [debug]
    ... recipe = recipes:debug
    ... """)

Run the buildout to install the part.

    >>> print system(buildout)
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    Uninstalling debug.
    Installing dir.
    dir: Creating directory my_directory
    Installing debug.
    recipe recipes:debug

Now we remove the part from the configuration file.

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... develop = recipes
    ... parts = debug
    ... [debug]
    ... recipe = recipes:debug
    ... """)

When the buildout is run the part is removed, and the uninstall recipe
is run before the directory is deleted.

    >>> print system(buildout)
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    Uninstalling dir.
    Running uninstall recipe.
    backing up directory /sample-buildout/my_directory of size 0
    Updating debug.
    recipe recipes:debug

Now we will return the registration to normal for the benefit of the
rest of the examples.

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'recipes', '',
    ... """
    ... from setuptools import setup
    ... entry_points = (
    ... '''
    ... [zc.buildout]
    ... mkdir = mkdir:Mkdir
    ... debug = debug:Debug
    ... ''')
    ... setup(name="recipes", entry_points=entry_points)
    ... """)

Command-line usage

A number of arguments can be given on the buildout command line.  The
command usage is::

  buildout [options and assignments] [command [command arguments]]

The following options are supported:

-h (or --help)
    Print basic usage information.  If this option is used, then all
    other options are ignored.

-c filename
    The -c option can be used to specify a configuration file, rather than
    buildout.cfg in the current directory.

-t socket_timeout

   Specify the socket timeout in seconds.

    Increment the verbosity by 10.  The verbosity is used to adjust
    the logging level.  The verbosity is subtracted from the numeric
    value of the log-level option specified in the configuration file.

    Decrement the verbosity by 10.

    Don't read user-default configuration.

    Run in off-line mode.  This is equivalent to the assignment

    Run in non-off-line mode.  This is equivalent to the assignment
    buildout:offline=false.  This is the default buildout mode.  The
    -O option would normally be used to override a true offline
    setting in a configuration file.

    Run in newest mode.  This is equivalent to the assignment
    buildout:newest=true.  With this setting, which is the default,
    buildout will try to find the newest versions of distributions
    available that satisfy its requirements.

    Run in non-newest mode.  This is equivalent to the assignment
    buildout:newest=false.  With this setting, buildout will not seek
    new distributions if installed distributions satisfy it's

Assignments are of the form::


Options and assignments can be given in any order.

Here's an example:

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'other.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... develop = recipes
    ... parts = debug
    ... installed = .other.cfg
    ... log-level = WARNING
    ... [debug]
    ... name = other
    ... recipe = recipes:debug
    ... """)

Note that we used the installed buildout option to specify an
alternate file to store information about installed parts.

    >>> print system(buildout+' -c other.cfg debug:op1=foo -v'),
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    Installing debug.
    name other
    op1 foo
    recipe recipes:debug

Here we used the -c option to specify an alternate configuration file,
and the -v option to increase the level of logging from the default,

Options can also be combined in the usual Unix way, as in:

    >>> print system(buildout+' -vcother.cfg debug:op1=foo'),
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    Updating debug.
    name other
    op1 foo
    recipe recipes:debug

Here we combined the -v and -c options with the configuration file
name.  Note that the -c option has to be last, because it takes an

    >>> os.remove(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'other.cfg'))
    >>> os.remove(os.path.join(sample_buildout, '.other.cfg'))

The most commonly used command is 'install' and it takes a list of
parts to install. if any parts are specified, only those parts are
installed.  To illustrate this, we'll update our configuration and run
the buildout in the usual way:

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... develop = recipes
    ... parts = debug d1 d2 d3
    ... [d1]
    ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
    ... path = d1
    ... [d2]
    ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
    ... path = d2
    ... [d3]
    ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
    ... path = d3
    ... [debug]
    ... recipe = recipes:debug
    ... """)

    >>> print system(buildout),
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    Uninstalling debug.
    Installing debug.
    recipe recipes:debug
    Installing d1.
    d1: Creating directory d1
    Installing d2.
    d2: Creating directory d2
    Installing d3.
    d3: Creating directory d3

    >>> ls(sample_buildout)
    -  .installed.cfg
    -  b1.cfg
    -  b2.cfg
    -  base.cfg
    d  bin
    -  buildout.cfg
    d  d1
    d  d2
    d  d3
    d  demo
    d  develop-eggs
    d  eggs
    d  parts
    d  recipes

    >>> cat(sample_buildout, '.installed.cfg')
    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    installed_develop_eggs = /sample-buildout/develop-eggs/recipes.egg-link
    parts = debug d1 d2 d3
    __buildout_installed__ =
    __buildout_signature__ = recipes-PiIFiO8ny5yNZ1S3JfT0xg==
    recipe = recipes:debug
    __buildout_installed__ = /sample-buildout/d1
    __buildout_signature__ = recipes-PiIFiO8ny5yNZ1S3JfT0xg==
    path = /sample-buildout/d1
    recipe = recipes:mkdir
    __buildout_installed__ = /sample-buildout/d2
    __buildout_signature__ = recipes-PiIFiO8ny5yNZ1S3JfT0xg==
    path = /sample-buildout/d2
    recipe = recipes:mkdir
    __buildout_installed__ = /sample-buildout/d3
    __buildout_signature__ = recipes-PiIFiO8ny5yNZ1S3JfT0xg==
    path = /sample-buildout/d3
    recipe = recipes:mkdir

Now we'll update our configuration file:

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... develop = recipes
    ... parts = debug d2 d3 d4
    ... [d2]
    ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
    ... path = data2
    ... [d3]
    ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
    ... path = data3
    ... [d4]
    ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
    ... path = ${d2:path}-extra
    ... [debug]
    ... recipe = recipes:debug
    ... x = 1
    ... """)

and run the buildout specifying just d3 and d4:

    >>> print system(buildout+' install d3 d4'),
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    Uninstalling d3.
    Installing d3.
    d3: Creating directory data3
    Installing d4.
    d4: Creating directory data2-extra

    >>> ls(sample_buildout)
    -  .installed.cfg
    -  b1.cfg
    -  b2.cfg
    -  base.cfg
    d  bin
    -  buildout.cfg
    d  d1
    d  d2
    d  data2-extra
    d  data3
    d  demo
    d  develop-eggs
    d  eggs
    d  parts
    d  recipes

Only the d3 and d4 recipes ran.  d3 was removed and data3 and data2-extra
were created.

The .installed.cfg is only updated for the recipes that ran:

    >>> cat(sample_buildout, '.installed.cfg')
    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    installed_develop_eggs = /sample-buildout/develop-eggs/recipes.egg-link
    parts = debug d1 d2 d3 d4
    __buildout_installed__ =
    __buildout_signature__ = recipes-PiIFiO8ny5yNZ1S3JfT0xg==
    recipe = recipes:debug
    __buildout_installed__ = /sample-buildout/d1
    __buildout_signature__ = recipes-PiIFiO8ny5yNZ1S3JfT0xg==
    path = /sample-buildout/d1
    recipe = recipes:mkdir
    __buildout_installed__ = /sample-buildout/d2
    __buildout_signature__ = recipes-PiIFiO8ny5yNZ1S3JfT0xg==
    path = /sample-buildout/d2
    recipe = recipes:mkdir
    __buildout_installed__ = /sample-buildout/data3
    __buildout_signature__ = recipes-PiIFiO8ny5yNZ1S3JfT0xg==
    path = /sample-buildout/data3
    recipe = recipes:mkdir
    __buildout_installed__ = /sample-buildout/data2-extra
    __buildout_signature__ = recipes-PiIFiO8ny5yNZ1S3JfT0xg==
    path = /sample-buildout/data2-extra
    recipe = recipes:mkdir

Note that the installed data for debug, d1, and d2 haven't changed,
because we didn't install those parts and that the d1 and d2
directories are still there.

Now, if we run the buildout without the install command:

    >>> print system(buildout),
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    Uninstalling d2.
    Uninstalling d1.
    Uninstalling debug.
    Installing debug.
    recipe recipes:debug
    x 1
    Installing d2.
    d2: Creating directory data2
    Updating d3.
    Updating d4.

We see the output of the debug recipe and that data2 was created.  We
also see that d1 and d2 have gone away:

    >>> ls(sample_buildout)
    -  .installed.cfg
    -  b1.cfg
    -  b2.cfg
    -  base.cfg
    d  bin
    -  buildout.cfg
    d  data2
    d  data2-extra
    d  data3
    d  demo
    d  develop-eggs
    d  eggs
    d  parts
    d  recipes

Alternate directory and file locations

The buildout normally puts the bin, eggs, and parts directories in the
directory in the directory containing the configuration file. You can
provide alternate locations, and even names for these directories.

    >>> alt = tmpdir('sample-alt')

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... develop = recipes
    ... parts =
    ... develop-eggs-directory = %(developbasket)s
    ... eggs-directory = %(basket)s
    ... bin-directory = %(scripts)s
    ... parts-directory = %(work)s
    ... """ % dict(
    ...    developbasket = os.path.join(alt, 'developbasket'),
    ...    basket = os.path.join(alt, 'basket'),
    ...    scripts = os.path.join(alt, 'scripts'),
    ...    work = os.path.join(alt, 'work'),
    ... ))

    >>> print system(buildout),
    Creating directory '/sample-alt/scripts'.
    Creating directory '/sample-alt/work'.
    Creating directory '/sample-alt/basket'.
    Creating directory '/sample-alt/developbasket'.
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    Uninstalling d4.
    Uninstalling d3.
    Uninstalling d2.
    Uninstalling debug.

    >>> ls(alt)
    d  basket
    d  developbasket
    d  scripts
    d  work

    >>> ls(alt, 'developbasket')
    -  recipes.egg-link

You can also specify an alternate buildout directory:

    >>> rmdir(alt)
    >>> alt = tmpdir('sample-alt')

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... directory = %(alt)s
    ... develop = %(recipes)s
    ... parts =
    ... """ % dict(
    ...    alt=alt,
    ...    recipes=os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'recipes'),
    ...    ))

    >>> print system(buildout),
    Creating directory '/sample-alt/bin'.
    Creating directory '/sample-alt/parts'.
    Creating directory '/sample-alt/eggs'.
    Creating directory '/sample-alt/develop-eggs'.
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'

    >>> ls(alt)
    -  .installed.cfg
    d  bin
    d  develop-eggs
    d  eggs
    d  parts

    >>> ls(alt, 'develop-eggs')
    -  recipes.egg-link

Logging control

Three buildout options are used to control logging:

   specifies the log level

   adjusts the log level

   allows an alternate logging for mat to be specified

We've already seen the log level and verbosity.  Let's look at an example
of changing the format:

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... develop = recipes
    ... parts =
    ... log-level = 25
    ... verbosity = 5
    ... log-format = %(levelname)s %(message)s
    ... """)

Here, we've changed the format to include the log-level name, rather
than the logger name.

We've also illustrated, with a contrived example, that the log level
can be a numeric value and that the verbosity can be specified in the
configuration file.  Because the verbosity is subtracted from the log
level, we get a final log level of 20, which is the INFO level.

    >>> print system(buildout),
    INFO Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'

Predefined buildout options

Buildouts have a number of predefined options that recipes can use
and that users can override in their configuration files.  To see
these, we'll run a minimal buildout configuration with a debug logging
level.  One of the features of debug logging is that the configuration
database is shown.

    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... parts =
    ... """)

    >>> print system(buildout+' -vv'), # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    Installing 'zc.buildout', 'setuptools'.
    We have a develop egg: zc.buildout X.X.
    We have the best distribution that satisfies 'setuptools'.
    Picked: setuptools = V.V
    Configuration data:
    accept-buildout-test-releases = false
    allow-hosts = *
    allow-picked-versions = true
    allowed-eggs-from-site-packages = *
    bin-directory = /sample-buildout/bin
    develop-eggs-directory = /sample-buildout/develop-eggs
    directory = /sample-buildout
    eggs-directory = /sample-buildout/eggs
    exec-sitecustomize = true
    executable = python
    find-links =
    include-site-packages = true
    install-from-cache = false
    installed = /sample-buildout/.installed.cfg
    log-format =
    log-level = INFO
    newest = true
    offline = false
    parts =
    parts-directory = /sample-buildout/parts
    prefer-final = false
    python = buildout
    relative-paths = false
    socket-timeout =
    unzip = false
    use-dependency-links = true
    verbosity = 20

All of these options can be overridden by configuration files or by
command-line assignments.  We've discussed most of these options
already, but let's review them and touch on some we haven't discussed:

    Sometimes you need or want to control what eggs from site-packages are
    used. The allowed-eggs-from-site-packages option allows you to specify a
    whitelist of project names that may be included from site-packages.  You
    can use globs to specify the value.  It defaults to a single value of '*',
    indicating that any package may come from site-packages.

    Here's a usage example::


        allowed-eggs-from-site-packages =

    This option interacts with the ``include-site-packages`` option in the
    following ways.

    If ``include-site-packages`` is true, then
    ``allowed-eggs-from-site-packages`` filters what eggs from site-packages
    may be chosen.  Therefore, if ``allowed-eggs-from-site-packages`` is an
    empty list, then no eggs from site-packages are chosen, but site-packages
    will still be included at the end of path lists.

    If ``include-site-packages`` is false, the value of
    ``allowed-eggs-from-site-packages`` is irrelevant.

    See the ``include-site-packages`` description for more information.

   The directory path where scripts are written.  This can be a
   relative path, which is interpreted relative to the directory

   The directory path where development egg links are created for software
   being created in the local project.  This can be a relative path,
   which is interpreted relative to the directory option.

   The buildout directory.  This is the base for other buildout file
   and directory locations, when relative locations are used.

   The directory path where downloaded eggs are put.  It is common to share
   this directory across buildouts. Eggs in this directory should
   *never* be modified.  This can be a relative path, which is
   interpreted relative to the directory option.

    Normally the Python's real sitecustomize module is processed.
    If you do not want it to be processed in order to increase the
    repeatability of your buildout, set this value to 'false'.  This will
    be honored irrespective of the setting for include-site-packages.
    This option will be honored by some recipes and not others.
    z3c.recipe.scripts honors this and zc.recipe.egg does not, for

   The Python executable used to run the buildout.  See the python
   option below.

    You can choose not to have the site-packages of the underlying Python
    available to your script or interpreter, in addition to the packages
    from your eggs.  This can increase repeatability for your buildout.
    This option will be better used by some recipes than others.
    z3c.recipe.scripts honors this fully and zc.recipe.egg only
    partially, for instance.

   The file path where information about the results of the previous
   buildout run is written.  This can be a relative path, which is
   interpreted relative to the directory option.  This file provides
   an inventory of installed parts with information needed to decide
   which if any parts need to be uninstalled.

   The format used for logging messages.

   The log level before verbosity adjustment

   A white space separated list of parts to be installed.

   A working directory that parts can used to store data.

   The name of a section containing information about the default
   Python interpreter.  Recipes that need a installation
   typically have options to tell them which Python installation to
   use.  By convention, if a section-specific option isn't used, the
   option is looked for in the buildout section.  The option must
   point to a section with an executable option giving the path to a
   Python executable.  By default, the buildout section defines the
   default Python as the Python used to run the buildout.

    The paths generated by zc.buildout are absolute by default, and this
    option is ``false``.  However, if you set this value to be ``true``,
    bin/buildout will be generated with code that makes the paths relative.
    Some recipes, such as zc.recipe.egg and z3c.recipe.scripts, honor this
    value as well.

    By default, zc.buildout doesn't unzip zip-safe eggs ("unzip = false").
    This follows the policy followed by setuptools itself.  Experience shows
    this policy to to be inconvenient.  Zipped eggs make debugging more
    difficult and often import more slowly.  You can include an unzip option in
    the buildout section to change the default unzipping policy ("unzip =

    By default buildout will obey the setuptools dependency_links metadata
    when it looks for dependencies. This behavior can be controlled with
    the use-dependency-links buildout option::

      use-dependency-links = false

    The option defaults to true. If you set it to false, then dependency
    links are only looked for in the locations specified by find-links.

   A log-level adjustment.  Typically, this is set via the -q and -v
   command-line options.

Creating new buildouts and bootstrapping

If zc.buildout is installed, you can use it to create a new buildout
with it's own local copies of zc.buildout and setuptools and with
local buildout scripts.

    >>> sample_bootstrapped = tmpdir('sample-bootstrapped')

    >>> print system(buildout
    ...              +' -c'+os.path.join(sample_bootstrapped, 'setup.cfg')
    ...              +' init'),
    Creating '/sample-bootstrapped/setup.cfg'.
    Creating directory '/sample-bootstrapped/bin'.
    Creating directory '/sample-bootstrapped/parts'.
    Creating directory '/sample-bootstrapped/eggs'.
    Creating directory '/sample-bootstrapped/develop-eggs'.
    Generated script '/sample-bootstrapped/bin/buildout'.

Note that a basic setup.cfg was created for us.

    >>> ls(sample_bootstrapped)
    d  bin
    d  develop-eggs
    d  eggs
    d  parts
    -  setup.cfg

    >>> ls(sample_bootstrapped, 'bin')
    -  buildout

    >>> _ = (ls(sample_bootstrapped, 'eggs'),
    ...      ls(sample_bootstrapped, 'develop-eggs'))
    -  setuptools-0.6-py2.3.egg
    -  zc.buildout-1.0-py2.3.egg

(We list both the eggs and develop-eggs directories because the
buildout or setuptools egg could be installed in the develop-eggs
directory if the original buildout had develop eggs for either
buildout or setuptools.)

If relative-paths is ``true``, the buildout script uses relative paths.

    >>> write(sample_bootstrapped, 'setup.cfg',
    ... '''
    ... [buildout]
    ... relative-paths = true
    ... parts =
    ... ''')

    >>> print system(buildout
    ...              +' -c'+os.path.join(sample_bootstrapped, 'setup.cfg')
    ...              +' bootstrap'),
    Generated script '/sample-bootstrapped/bin/buildout'.

    >>> buildout_script = join(sample_bootstrapped, 'bin', 'buildout')
    >>> import sys
    >>> if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
    ...     buildout_script += ''
    >>> print open(buildout_script).read() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    #!... -S
    import os
    join = os.path.join
    base = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
    base = os.path.dirname(base)
    import sys
    sys.path[0:0] = [
        join(base, 'parts/buildout'),
    import os
    path = sys.path[0]
    if os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH'):
        path = os.pathsep.join([path, os.environ['PYTHONPATH']])
    os.environ['BUILDOUT_ORIGINAL_PYTHONPATH'] = os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH', '')
    os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = path
    import site # imports custom buildout-generated
    import zc.buildout.buildout
    if __name__ == '__main__':

Note that, in the above two examples, the buildout script was installed
but not run.  To run the buildout, we'd have to run the installed
buildout script.

If we have an existing buildout that already has a buildout.cfg, we'll
normally use the bootstrap command instead of init.  It will complain
if there isn't a configuration file:

    >>> sample_bootstrapped2 = tmpdir('sample-bootstrapped2')

    >>> print system(buildout
    ...              +' -c'+os.path.join(sample_bootstrapped2, 'setup.cfg')
    ...              +' bootstrap'),
    Error: Couldn't open /sample-bootstrapped2/setup.cfg

    >>> write(sample_bootstrapped2, 'setup.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... parts =
    ... """)

    >>> print system(buildout
    ...              +' -c'+os.path.join(sample_bootstrapped2, 'setup.cfg')
    ...              +' bootstrap'),
    Creating directory '/sample-bootstrapped2/bin'.
    Creating directory '/sample-bootstrapped2/parts'.
    Creating directory '/sample-bootstrapped2/eggs'.
    Creating directory '/sample-bootstrapped2/develop-eggs'.
    Generated script '/sample-bootstrapped2/bin/buildout'.

Newest and Offline Modes

By default buildout and recipes will try to find the newest versions
of distributions needed to satisfy requirements.  This can be very
time consuming, especially when incrementally working on setting up a
buildout or working on a recipe.  The buildout newest option can be
used to to suppress this.  If the newest option is set to false, then
new distributions won't be sought if an installed distribution meets
requirements.  The newest option can be set to false using the -N
command-line option.

The offline option goes a bit further.  If the buildout offline option
is given a value of "true", the buildout and recipes that are aware of
the option will avoid doing network access.  This is handy when
running the buildout when not connected to the internet.  It also
makes buildouts run much faster. This option is typically set using
the buildout -o option.

Preferring Final Releases

Currently, when searching for new releases of your project's
dependencies, the newest available release is used.  This isn't usually
ideal, as you may get a development release or alpha releases not ready
to be widely used. You can request that final releases be preferred
using the ``prefer-final`` option in the buildout section::

  prefer-final = true

When the ``prefer-final`` option is set to true, then when searching for
new releases, final releases are preferred.  If there are final
releases that satisfy distribution requirements, then those releases
are used even if newer non-final releases are available.

In buildout version 2, all final releases will be preferred by
default--that is ``prefer-final`` will also default to 'true'. You will
then need to use a 'false' value for ``prefer-final`` to get the newest

A separate option controls the behavior of the build system itself.
When buildout looks for recipes, extensions, and for updates to itself,
it does prefer final releases by default, as of the 1.5.0 release.  The
``accept-buildout-test-releases`` option will let you override this behavior.
However, it is typically changed by the --accept-buildout-test-releases
option to the bootstrap script, since bootstrapping is the first step to
selecting a buildout.

Finding distributions

By default, buildout searches the Python Package Index when looking
for distributions. You can, instead, specify your own index to search
using the `index` option::

  index =

This index, or the default of if no
index is specified, will always be searched for distributions unless
running buildout with options that prevent searching for
distributions. The latest version of the distribution that meets the
requirements of the buildout will always be used.

You can also specify more locations to search for distributions using
the `find-links` option. All locations specified will be searched for
distributions along with the package index as described before.

Locations can be urls::

  find-links =

They can also be directories on disk::

  find-links = /some/path

Finally, they can also be direct paths to distributions::

  find-links = /some/path/someegg-1.0.0-py2.3.egg

Any number of locations can be specified in the `find-links` option::

  find-links =

Dependency links

By default buildout will obey the setuptools dependency_links metadata
when it looks for dependencies. This behavior can be controlled with
the use-dependency-links buildout option::

  use-dependency-links = false

The option defaults to true. If you set it to false, then dependency
links are only looked for in the locations specified by find-links.

Controlling the installation database

The buildout installed option is used to specify the file used to save
information on installed parts.  This option is initialized to
".installed.cfg", but it can be overridden in the configuration file
or on the command line:

    >>> write('buildout.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... develop = recipes
    ... parts = debug
    ... [debug]
    ... recipe = recipes:debug
    ... """)

    >>> print system(buildout+' buildout:installed=inst.cfg'),
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    Installing debug.
    recipe recipes:debug

    >>> ls(sample_buildout)
    -  b1.cfg
    -  b2.cfg
    -  base.cfg
    d  bin
    -  buildout.cfg
    d  demo
    d  develop-eggs
    d  eggs
    -  inst.cfg
    d  parts
    d  recipes

The installation database can be disabled by supplying an empty
buildout installed option:

    >>> os.remove('inst.cfg')
    >>> print system(buildout+' buildout:installed='),
    Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
    Installing debug.
    recipe recipes:debug

    >>> ls(sample_buildout)
    -  b1.cfg
    -  b2.cfg
    -  base.cfg
    d  bin
    -  buildout.cfg
    d  demo
    d  develop-eggs
    d  eggs
    d  parts
    d  recipes

Note that there will be no installation database if there are no parts:

    >>> write('buildout.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... parts =
    ... """)

    >>> print system(buildout+' buildout:installed=inst.cfg'),

    >>> ls(sample_buildout)
    -  b1.cfg
    -  b2.cfg
    -  base.cfg
    d  bin
    -  buildout.cfg
    d  demo
    d  develop-eggs
    d  eggs
    d  parts
    d  recipes


A feature allows code to be loaded and run after
configuration files have been read but before the buildout has begun
any processing.  The intent is to allow special plugins such as
urllib2 request handlers to be loaded.

To load an extension, we use the extensions option and list one or
more distribution requirements, on separate lines.  The distributions
named will be loaded and any ``zc.buildout.extension`` entry points found
will be called with the buildout as an argument.  When buildout
finishes processing, any ``zc.buildout.unloadextension`` entry points
found will be called with the buildout as an argument.

Let's create a sample extension in our sample buildout created in the
previous section:

    >>> mkdir(sample_bootstrapped, 'demo')

    >>> write(sample_bootstrapped, 'demo', '',
    ... """
    ... def ext(buildout):
    ...     print 'ext', list(buildout)
    ... def unload(buildout):
    ...     print 'unload', list(buildout)
    ... """)

    >>> write(sample_bootstrapped, 'demo', '',
    ... """
    ... from setuptools import setup
    ... setup(
    ...     name = "demo",
    ...     entry_points = {
    ...        'zc.buildout.extension': ['ext = demo:ext'],
    ...        'zc.buildout.unloadextension': ['ext = demo:unload'],
    ...        },
    ...     )
    ... """)

Our extension just prints out the word 'demo', and lists the sections
found in the buildout passed to it.

We'll update our buildout.cfg to list the demo directory as a develop
egg to be built:

    >>> write(sample_bootstrapped, 'buildout.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... develop = demo
    ... parts =
    ... """)

    >>> os.chdir(sample_bootstrapped)
    >>> print system(os.path.join(sample_bootstrapped, 'bin', 'buildout')),
    Develop: '/sample-bootstrapped/demo'

Now we can add the extensions option.  We were a bit tricky and ran
the buildout once with the demo develop egg defined but without the
extension option.  This is because extensions are loaded before the
buildout creates develop eggs. We needed to use a separate buildout
run to create the develop egg.  Normally, when eggs are loaded from
the network, we wouldn't need to do anything special.

    >>> write(sample_bootstrapped, 'buildout.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... develop = demo
    ... extensions = demo
    ... parts =
    ... """)

We see that our extension is loaded and executed:

    >>> print system(os.path.join(sample_bootstrapped, 'bin', 'buildout')),
    ext ['buildout']
    Develop: '/sample-bootstrapped/demo'
    unload ['buildout']

Allow hosts

On some environments the links visited by `zc.buildout` can be forbidden
by paranoiac firewalls. These URL might be on the chain of links
visited by `zc.buildout` wheter they are defined in the `find-links` option,
wheter they are defined by various eggs in their `url`, `download_url`,
`dependency_links` metadata.

It is even harder to track that package_index works like a spider and
might visit links and go to other location.

The `allow-hosts` option provides a way to prevent this, and
works exactly like the one provided in `easy_install`.

You can provide a list of allowed host, together with wildcards::


    allow-hosts =

All urls that does not match these hosts will not be visited.

.. [#future_recipe_methods] In the future, additional methods may be
       added. Older recipes with fewer methods will still be

.. [#packaging_info] If we wanted to create a distribution from this
       package, we would need specify much more information.  See the
       `setuptools documentation