taking care if publish task post request is made again. added published_date field to task.
{% extends 'base.html' %}{% block content %} {% if claims %} List of all the claims for the task <a href="/task/view/tid={{task.id}}">{{task.title}}</a><br /> {% for claim in claims %} <hr /> <a href="/user/view/uid={{claim.user.id}}">{{claim.user.username}}</a> at {{claim.creation_datetime.ctime}} wrote:<br /> {{claim.message}}<br /> {% endfor %} {% else %} {% if task_claimable%} There are no claims for this task yet.<br /> {% else %} This task cannot be claimed right now. {% endif %} <a href="/task/view/tid={{task.id}}">Click here</a> to return to the task. {% endif %} {% if task_claimed and is_mentor %} <a href="/task/assign/tid={{task.id}}">Select a user to assign the work.</a> {% endif %} {% if user_can_claim %} <hr /> {% if errors %} {% for error in errors %} {{error}}<br /> {% endfor %} {% endif %} Claim the task:<br /> <form action="" method="post"> <textarea name="message"></textarea><br /> <input type="submit" value="Submit Claim"> </form> {% endif %}{% endblock %}