assign_credits event now creates a proper request object .
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% block title %}
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
{% if task_viewable %}
{% if is_mentor %}
<a href="/task/edit/tid={{}}">Edit task</a>
{% endif %}
<h3>{{ task.title }}</h3><br />
<!-- we have to write our own datetime.strftime filter and use in the next line -->
created by <a href="/user/view/uid={{ }}">{{ task.created_by.username }}</a> on {{ task.creation_datetime.ctime }}<br />
{% for mentor in mentors %}
<a href="/user/view/uid={{}}">{{mentor.username}}|</a>
{% endfor %}
{% if can_mod_mentors %}
<a href="/task/addmentor/tid={{}}">Add another Mentor to this task</a>
<br />
edit task goes here and it should contain all those add subs and add deps depending on availability<br />
{% endif %}
{% if deps %}
<br />The task has following dependencies.<br />
{% for dep in deps %}
<a href="/task/view/tid={{}}">{{dep.title}}</a><br />
{% endfor %}
{% if can_mod_tasks %}
<a href="/task/addtask/tid={{}}">add more dependencies</a>
<a href="/task/remtask/tid={{}}">remove an existing dependency</a>
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if subs %}
<br />The task has following sub tasks.<br />
{% for sub in subs %}
<a href="/task/view/tid={{}}">{{sub.title}}</a><br />
{% endfor %}
{% if can_mod_tasks %}
<a href="/task/addtask/tid={{}}">add more subtasks</a>
<a href="/task/remtask/tid={{}}">remove an existing subtask</a>
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if can_mod_tasks %}
<a href="/task/addtask/tid={{}}">add a subtask/dependency </a>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<br />Description:<br />
<br />{{ task.desc }}<br />
status of task is {{task.status}}<br />
{% if assigned_users %}
Users working on this task:
{% for user in assigned_users %}
<a href="/user/view/uid={{}}">{{user.username}}</a>|
{% endfor %}
{% if is_mentor %}
<a href="/task/remuser/tid={{}}">Remove an existing user</a>
<br />
{% endif %}
{% else %}
There are no users currently working on this task.<br />
{% endif %}
{% if can_assign_credits %}
<a href="/task/assigncredits/tid={{}}">Assign credits</a>
{% endif %}
{% if not is_guest and task_claimable %}
<a href="/task/claim/tid={{}}">View claims for this task</a>.<br />
{% endif %}
{% if comments %}
<hr />
<br/>comments:<br />
{% for comment in comments %}
<br /><a href="/user/view/uid={{}}">{{ comment.created_by.username }}</a> at {{ comment.creation_datetime.ctime }} wrote:<br />
{{ }}<br />
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if not is_guest %}
<br />Add comment:<br />
<form action="" method="post">
<!-- we might even want to use forms here -->
<textarea name="data"></textarea><br />
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
{% endif %}
{% else %}
You are not authorised to view this task. <a href="/task/browse/">click here</a> to return to browsing the tasks.
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}