author Madhusudan.C.S <>
Tue, 01 Feb 2011 02:14:28 +0530
changeset 538 478c7fc9a223
parent 307 c6bca38c1cbf
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
Create a package for taskapp views and break the views into task and textbook. Now all the view functions common to any two entities along with all tasks related views sit in task module. Even if the view is not directly related to the task entity, it sits in the task module since task is the base for every other entity in the application.

This file demonstrates two different styles of tests (one doctest and one
unittest). These will both pass when you run " test".

Replace these with more appropriate tests for your application.

from django.test import TestCase

class SimpleTest(TestCase):
    def test_basic_addition(self):
        Tests that 1 + 1 always equals 2.
        self.failUnlessEqual(1 + 1, 2)

__test__ = {"doctest": """
Another way to test that 1 + 1 is equal to 2.

>>> 1 + 1 == 2