author Madhusudan.C.S <>
Tue, 01 Feb 2011 02:14:28 +0530
changeset 538 478c7fc9a223
parent 526 9c0c88d129dd
child 555 20fe9db8bc81
permissions -rw-r--r--
Create a package for taskapp views and break the views into task and textbook. Now all the view functions common to any two entities along with all tasks related views sit in task module. Even if the view is not directly related to the task entity, it sits in the task module since task is the base for every other entity in the application.

from django import forms
from pytask.taskapp.models import Task, WorkReport, TaskComment, TaskClaim, \

class CreateTaskForm(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = Task
        fields = ['title', 'desc', 'tags_field', 'pynts']

    def clean_title(self):

        data = self.cleaned_data['title'].strip()

        if not data:
            raise forms.ValidationError("This field is required")

            raise forms.ValidationError("Another task with same title exists")
        except Task.DoesNotExist:
            return data

    def clean_desc(self):

        data = self.cleaned_data['desc'].strip()

        if not data:
            raise forms.ValidationError("This field is required")

        return data

class EditTaskForm(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = Task
        fields = ['title', 'desc', 'tags_field', 'pynts']

    def clean_desc(self):
        data = self.cleaned_data['desc'].strip()
        if not data:
            raise forms.ValidationError("Enter some description for the task")

        return data

    def clean_title(self):
        data = self.cleaned_data['title'].strip()
            prev_task = Task.objects.exclude(status="DL").get(title__iexact=data)
            if !=
                raise forms.ValidationError("Another task with same title exists")
                return data
        except Task.DoesNotExist:
            return data

class TaskCommentForm(forms.ModelForm):

    class Meta:
        model = TaskComment
        fields = ['data']

    def clean_data(self):

        data = self.cleaned_data['data'].strip()
        if not data:
            raise forms.ValidationError("Please add some content")

        return data

class ClaimTaskForm(forms.ModelForm):

    class Meta:
        model = TaskClaim
        fields = ["proposal"]

    def clean_proposal(self):
        data = self.cleaned_data['proposal'].strip()
        if not data:
            raise forms.ValidationError('Enter something as a proposal')
        return data

def ChoiceForm(choices, data=None, label="choice"):
    """ return a form object with appropriate choices """
    class myform(forms.Form):
        choice = forms.ChoiceField(choices=choices, required=True, label=label)
    form = myform(data) if data else myform()
    return form

class CreateTextbookForm(forms.ModelForm):

    class Meta:
        model = Task
        fields = ['name', 'chapters', 'tags_field']

class CreateChapterForm(forms.ModelForm):

    class Meta:
        model = Task
        fields = ['title', 'desc' , 'pynts', 'tags_field']

class EditTextbookForm(forms.ModelForm):

    class Meta:
        model = TextBook
        fields = ['name', 'chapters', 'tags_field']

def AddTaskForm(task_choices, is_plain=False):
    """ if is_plain is true, it means the task has no subs/deps.
    so we also give a radio button to choose between subs and dependencies.
    else we only give choices.

    class myForm(forms.Form):
        if is_plain:
            type_choices = [('S','Subtasks'),('D','Dependencies')]
            type = forms.ChoiceField(type_choices, widget=forms.RadioSelect)

        task = forms.ChoiceField(choices=task_choices)
    return myForm()

def AssignPyntForm(choices, instance=None):
    class myForm(forms.Form):
        user = forms.ChoiceField(choices=choices, required=True)
        pynts = forms.IntegerField(min_value=0, required=True, help_text="Choose wisely since it cannot be undone.")
    return myForm(instance) if instance else myForm()

def RemoveUserForm(choices, instance=None):

    class myForm(forms.Form):
        user = forms.ChoiceField(choices=choices, required=True)
        reason = forms.CharField(min_length=1, required=True)
    return myForm(instance) if instance else myForm()

class WorkReportForm(forms.ModelForm):

    class Meta:
        model = WorkReport
        fields = ['data', 'summary', 'attachment']