changeset 79 fd6b28204fb1
parent 77 8f2906d1200a
child 89 1cc03941ed5d
--- a/templates/task/view.html	Wed Feb 24 16:49:30 2010 +0530
+++ b/templates/task/view.html	Wed Feb 24 16:52:03 2010 +0530
@@ -13,11 +13,12 @@
             <a href="/user/view/uid={{mentor.id}}">{{mentor.username}}|</a>
         {% endfor %}
         {% if can_mod_mentors %}
-            <a href="/task/addmentor/tid={{task.id}}">Add another Mentor to this task</a><br />
+            <a href="/task/addmentor/tid={{task.id}}">Add another Mentor to this task</a>
+            <br />
             edit task goes here and it should contain all those add subs and add deps depending on availability<br />
         {% endif %}
-        {%  if deps %}
+        {% if deps %}
             <br />The task has following dependencies
             {% for dep in deps %}
                 <a href="/task/view/tid={{dep.id}}">{{dep.title}}</a><br />
@@ -27,9 +28,9 @@
                 <a href="/task/remtask/tid={{task.id}}">remove an existing dependency</a>
             {% endif %}
         {% else %}
-            {%if can_mod_tasks %}
+            {% if can_mod_tasks %}
                 <a href="/task/addtask/tid={{task.id}}">add a subtask/dependency </a>
-            {%endif%}
+            {% endif %}
         {% endif %}
@@ -43,12 +44,15 @@
             {% for user in assigned_users %}
                 <a href="/user/view/uid={{user.id}}">{{user.username}}</a>|
             {% endfor %}
+            {% if is_mentor %}
+                <a href="/task/user/remove/">Remove an existing user</a>
             <br />
+            {% endif %}
         {% endif %}
-        {%if can_assign_credits%}
+        {% if can_assign_credits %}
             <a href="/task/assigncredits/tid={{task.id}}">Assign credits</a>
-        {%endif%}
-        {% if not is_guest %}
+        {% endif %}
+        {% if not is_guest and task_claimable %}
             <a href="/task/claim/tid={{task.id}}">View claims</a><br />
         {% endif %}