--- a/taskapp/utilities/notification.py Mon Mar 01 11:52:00 2010 +0530
+++ b/taskapp/utilities/notification.py Mon Mar 01 12:44:27 2010 +0530
@@ -69,12 +69,12 @@
notification.sub = "%s rejected request to act as a mentor"%new_mentor.username
notification.message = "%s has rejected your request asking him to act as a mentor for %s.<br />"%(new_mentor_url, task_url)
if remarks:
+ notification.remarks = remarks
notification.message += "Remarks: %s<br />"%remarks
elif role in ["DV", "MG", "AD"]:
notification.sent_from = sent_from
accepting_user = sent_from
user_url = '<a href="/user/view/uid=%s">%s</a>'%(accepting_user.id, accepting_user.username) ## i mean the user who has accepted it
requested_by_url = '<a href="/user/view/uid=%s">%s</a>'%(requested_by.id, requested_by.username)
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@
notification.sub = "Rejected your request to act as %s"%role_rights
notification.message = "%s has rejected your request asking him to act as %s %s.<br />"%(user_url, a_or_an, role_rights)
if remarks:
+ notification.remarks = remarks
notification.message += "Remarks: %s<br />"%remarks
elif role == "NT":
@@ -162,8 +163,50 @@
notification.message = "The task %s has been closed by %s.<br />"%(task_url, mentor_url)
if remarks:
+ notification.remarks = remarks
notification.message += "<b>Remarks:</b> %s"%remarks
+ elif role == "AU":
+ notification.task = task
+ added_user = sent_to
+ mentor = sent_from
+ assigned_by_url = '<a href="/user/view/uid=%s">%s</a>'%(mentor.id, mentor.username)
+ task_url= '<a href="/task/view/tid=%s">%s</a>'%(task.id, task.title)
+ notification.sub = "Your claim for the task %s accepted."%task.title[:20]
+ notification.message = "You have been selected to work on the task %s by %s.<br />"%(task_url, assigned_by_url)
+ notification.message += "You can now start working on the task and will be credited by the mentors for your work.<br />"
+ notification.message += " Here is a list of mentors for the task and their email addresses.<br /> <ul>"
+ for a_mentor in task.mentors.all():
+ notification.message += "<li> %s - %s </li>"%(a_mentor.username, a_mentor.email)
+ notification.message += "</ul>"
+ working_users = task.assigned_users.exclude(id=added_user.id)
+ if working_users:
+ notification.message += "List of other users working on the task.<br />"
+ notification.message += "<ul>"
+ for a_user in working_users:
+ notification.message += "<li> %s - %s </li>"%(a_user.username, a_user.email)
+ notification.message += "</ul><br />"
+ elif role == "RU":
+ notification.task = task
+ removed_user = sent_to
+ mentor = sent_from
+ removed_by_url = '<a href="/user/view/uid=%s">%s</a>'%(mentor.id, mentor.username)
+ task_url = '<a href="/task/view/tid=%s">%s</a>'%(task.id, task.title)
+ claim_url = '<a href="/task/claim/tid=%s">%s</a>'%(task.id, "clicking here")
+ notification.sub = "You have been removed from working users of %s"%task.title[:20]
+ notification.message = "%s has removed you from the working users list of %s.<br />"%(removed_by_url, task_url)
+ notification.message += "if you want to work on the task again, you can claim the task by %s.<br />"%claim_url
+ if remarks:
+ notification.remarks = remarks
+ notification.message += "<b>Reason: </b>%s"%(remarks)