changeset 307 c6bca38c1cbf
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/parts/django/tests/regressiontests/select_related_regress/	Sat Jan 08 11:20:57 2011 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+from django.test import TestCase
+from regressiontests.select_related_regress.models import *
+class SelectRelatedRegressTests(TestCase):
+    def test_regression_7110(self):
+        """
+        Regression test for bug #7110.
+        When using select_related(), we must query the
+        Device and Building tables using two different aliases (each) in order to
+        differentiate the start and end Connection fields. The net result is that
+        both the "connections = ..." queries here should give the same results
+        without pulling in more than the absolute minimum number of tables
+        (history has shown that it's easy to make a mistake in the implementation
+        and include some unnecessary bonus joins).
+        """
+        b=Building.objects.create(name='101')
+        dev1=Device.objects.create(name="router", building=b)
+        dev2=Device.objects.create(name="switch", building=b)
+        dev3=Device.objects.create(name="server", building=b)
+        port1=Port.objects.create(port_number='4',device=dev1)
+        port2=Port.objects.create(port_number='7',device=dev2)
+        port3=Port.objects.create(port_number='1',device=dev3)
+        c1=Connection.objects.create(start=port1, end=port2)
+        c2=Connection.objects.create(start=port2, end=port3)
+        connections=Connection.objects.filter(start__device__building=b, end__device__building=b).order_by('id')
+        self.assertEquals([(, unicode(c.start), unicode(c.end)) for c in connections],
+            [(1, u'router/4', u'switch/7'), (2, u'switch/7', u'server/1')])
+        connections=Connection.objects.filter(start__device__building=b, end__device__building=b).select_related().order_by('id')
+        self.assertEquals([(, unicode(c.start), unicode(c.end)) for c in connections],
+            [(1, u'router/4', u'switch/7'), (2, u'switch/7', u'server/1')])
+        # This final query should only join seven tables (port, device and building
+        # twice each, plus connection once).
+        self.assertEquals(connections.query.count_active_tables(), 7)
+    def test_regression_8106(self):
+        """
+        Regression test for bug #8106.
+        Same sort of problem as the previous test, but this time there are
+        more extra tables to pull in as part of the select_related() and some
+        of them could potentially clash (so need to be kept separate).
+        """
+        us = TUser.objects.create(name="std")
+        usp = Person.objects.create(user=us)
+        uo = TUser.objects.create(name="org")
+        uop = Person.objects.create(user=uo)
+        s = Student.objects.create(person = usp)
+        o = Organizer.objects.create(person = uop)
+        c = Class.objects.create(org=o)
+        e = Enrollment.objects.create(std=s, cls=c)
+        e_related = Enrollment.objects.all().select_related()[0]
+        self.assertEquals(, u"std")
+        self.assertEquals(, u"org")
+    def test_regression_8036(self):
+        """
+        Regression test for bug #8036
+        the first related model in the tests below
+        ("state") is empty and we try to select the more remotely related
+        state__country. The regression here was not skipping the empty column results
+        for country before getting status.
+        """
+        australia = Country.objects.create(name='Australia')
+        active = ClientStatus.objects.create(name='active')
+        client = Client.objects.create(name='client', status=active)
+        self.assertEquals(client.status, active)
+        self.assertEquals(Client.objects.select_related()[0].status, active)
+        self.assertEquals(Client.objects.select_related('state')[0].status, active)
+        self.assertEquals(Client.objects.select_related('state', 'status')[0].status, active)
+        self.assertEquals(Client.objects.select_related('state__country')[0].status, active)
+        self.assertEquals(Client.objects.select_related('state__country', 'status')[0].status, active)
+        self.assertEquals(Client.objects.select_related('status')[0].status, active)
+    def test_multi_table_inheritance(self):
+        """ Exercising select_related() with multi-table model inheritance. """
+        c1 = Child.objects.create(name="child1", value=42)
+        i1 = Item.objects.create(name="item1", child=c1)
+        i2 = Item.objects.create(name="item2")
+        self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+                Item.objects.select_related("child").order_by("name"),
+                ["<Item: item1>", "<Item: item2>"]
+        )
+    def test_regression_12851(self):
+        """
+        Regression for #12851
+        Deferred fields are used correctly if you select_related a subset
+        of fields.
+        """
+        australia = Country.objects.create(name='Australia')
+        active = ClientStatus.objects.create(name='active')
+        wa = State.objects.create(name="Western Australia", country=australia)
+        c1 = Client.objects.create(name='Brian Burke', state=wa, status=active)
+        burke = Client.objects.select_related('state').defer('state__name').get(name='Brian Burke')
+        self.assertEquals(, u'Brian Burke')
+        self.assertEquals(, u'Western Australia')
+        # Still works if we're dealing with an inherited class
+        sc1 = SpecialClient.objects.create(name='Troy Buswell', state=wa, status=active, value=42)
+        troy = SpecialClient.objects.select_related('state').defer('state__name').get(name='Troy Buswell')
+        self.assertEquals(, u'Troy Buswell')
+        self.assertEquals(troy.value, 42)
+        self.assertEquals(, u'Western Australia')
+        # Still works if we defer an attribute on the inherited class
+        troy = SpecialClient.objects.select_related('state').defer('value', 'state__name').get(name='Troy Buswell')
+        self.assertEquals(, u'Troy Buswell')
+        self.assertEquals(troy.value, 42)
+        self.assertEquals(, u'Western Australia')
+        # Also works if you use only, rather than defer
+        troy = SpecialClient.objects.select_related('state').only('name').get(name='Troy Buswell')
+        self.assertEquals(, u'Troy Buswell')
+        self.assertEquals(troy.value, 42)
+        self.assertEquals(, u'Western Australia')