changeset 307 c6bca38c1cbf
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/parts/django/tests/modeltests/files/	Sat Jan 08 11:20:57 2011 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+import shutil
+from django.core.cache import cache
+from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
+from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile
+from django.test import TestCase
+from models import Storage, temp_storage, temp_storage_location
+class FileTests(TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        shutil.rmtree(temp_storage_location)
+    def test_files(self):
+        # Attempting to access a FileField from the class raises a descriptive
+        # error
+        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, lambda: Storage.normal)
+        # An object without a file has limited functionality.
+        obj1 = Storage()
+        self.assertEqual(, "")
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: obj1.normal.size)
+        # Saving a file enables full functionality.
+"django_test.txt", ContentFile("content"))
+        self.assertEqual(, "tests/django_test.txt")
+        self.assertEqual(obj1.normal.size, 7)
+        self.assertEqual(, "content")
+        # File objects can be assigned to FileField attributes, but shouldn't
+        # get committed until the model it's attached to is saved.
+        obj1.normal = SimpleUploadedFile("assignment.txt", "content")
+        dirs, files = temp_storage.listdir("tests")
+        self.assertEqual(dirs, [])
+        self.assertEqual(sorted(files), ["default.txt", "django_test.txt"])
+        dirs, files = temp_storage.listdir("tests")
+        self.assertEqual(
+            sorted(files), ["assignment.txt", "default.txt", "django_test.txt"]
+        )
+        # Files can be read in a little at a time, if necessary.
+        self.assertEqual(, "con")
+        self.assertEqual(, "tent")
+        self.assertEqual(list(obj1.normal.chunks(chunk_size=2)), ["co", "nt", "en", "t"])
+        # Save another file with the same name.
+        obj2 = Storage()
+"django_test.txt", ContentFile("more content"))
+        self.assertEqual(, "tests/django_test_1.txt")
+        self.assertEqual(obj2.normal.size, 12)
+        # Push the objects into the cache to make sure they pickle properly
+        cache.set("obj1", obj1)
+        cache.set("obj2", obj2)
+        self.assertEqual(cache.get("obj2"), "tests/django_test_1.txt")
+        # Deleting an object deletes the file it uses, if there are no other
+        # objects still using that file.
+        obj2.delete()
+"django_test.txt", ContentFile("more content"))
+        self.assertEqual(, "tests/django_test_1.txt")
+        # Multiple files with the same name get _N appended to them.
+        objs = [Storage() for i in range(3)]
+        for o in objs:
+  "multiple_files.txt", ContentFile("Same Content"))
+        self.assertEqual(
+            [ for o in objs],
+            ["tests/multiple_files.txt", "tests/multiple_files_1.txt", "tests/multiple_files_2.txt"]
+        )
+        for o in objs:
+            o.delete()
+        # Default values allow an object to access a single file.
+        obj3 = Storage.objects.create()
+        self.assertEqual(, "tests/default.txt")
+        self.assertEqual(, "default content")
+        # But it shouldn't be deleted, even if there are no more objects using
+        # it.
+        obj3.delete()
+        obj3 = Storage()
+        self.assertEqual(, "default content")
+        # Verify the fix for #5655, making sure the directory is only
+        # determined once.
+        obj4 = Storage()
+"random_file", ContentFile("random content"))
+        self.assertTrue("/random_file"))
+        # Clean up the temporary files and dir.
+        obj1.normal.delete()
+        obj2.normal.delete()
+        obj3.default.delete()
+        obj4.random.delete()