changeset 307 c6bca38c1cbf
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/parts/django/docs/glossary.txt	Sat Jan 08 11:20:57 2011 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+.. _glossary:
+.. glossary::
+    field
+        An attribute on a :term:`model`; a given field usually maps directly to
+        a single database column.
+        See :doc:`/topics/db/models`.
+    generic view
+        A higher-order :term:`view` function that provides an abstract/generic
+        implementation of a common idiom or pattern found in view development.
+        See :doc:`/ref/generic-views`.
+    model
+        Models store your application's data.
+        See :doc:`/topics/db/models`.
+    MTV
+        See :ref:`mtv`.
+    MVC
+        `Model-view-controller`__; a software pattern. Django :ref:`follows MVC
+        to some extent <mtv>`.
+        __
+    project
+        A Python package -- i.e. a directory of code -- that contains all the
+        settings for an instance of Django. This would include database
+        configuration, Django-specific options and application-specific
+        settings.
+    property
+        Also known as "managed attributes", and a feature of Python since
+        version 2.2. From `the property documentation`__:
+            Properties are a neat way to implement attributes whose usage
+            resembles attribute access, but whose implementation uses method
+            calls. [...] You
+            could only do this by overriding ``__getattr__`` and
+            ``__setattr__``; but overriding ``__setattr__`` slows down all
+            attribute assignments considerably, and overriding ``__getattr__``
+            is always a bit tricky to get right. Properties let you do this
+            painlessly, without having to override ``__getattr__`` or
+            ``__setattr__``.
+        __
+    queryset
+        An object representing some set of rows to be fetched from the database.
+        See :doc:`/topics/db/queries`.
+    slug
+        A short label for something, containing only letters, numbers,
+        underscores or hyphens. They're generally used in URLs. For
+        example, in a typical blog entry URL:
+        .. parsed-literal::
+  **spring**/
+        the last bit (``spring``) is the slug.
+    template
+        A chunk of text that acts as formatting for representing data. A
+        template helps to abstract the presentation of data from the data
+        itself.
+        See :doc:`/topics/templates`.
+    view
+        A function responsible for rending a page.