changeset 307 c6bca38c1cbf
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/eggs/djangorecipe-0.20-py2.6.egg/EGG-INFO/PKG-INFO	Sat Jan 08 11:20:57 2011 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+Metadata-Version: 1.0
+Name: djangorecipe
+Version: 0.20
+Summary: Buildout recipe for Django
+Author: Jeroen Vloothuis
+License: BSD
+Description: Description
+        ===========
+        This buildout recipe can be used to create a setup for Django. It will
+        automatically download Django and install it in the buildout's
+        sandbox. You can use either a release version of Django or a
+        subversion checkout (by using `trunk` instead of a version number.
+        You can see an example of how to use the recipe below::
+          [buildout]
+          parts = satchmo django
+          eggs = ipython
+          [satchmo]
+          recipe =
+          url =
+          md5sum = 659a4845c1c731be5cfe29bfcc5d14b1
+          [django]
+          recipe = djangorecipe
+          version = trunk
+          settings = development
+          eggs = ${buildout:eggs}
+          extra-paths =
+            ${satchmo:location}
+          project = dummyshop
+        Supported options
+        =================
+        The recipe supports the following options.
+        project
+          This option sets the name for your project. The recipe will create a
+          basic structure if the project is not already there.
+        projectegg
+          Use this instead of the project option when you want to use an egg
+          as the project. This disables the generation of the project
+          structure.
+        python
+          This option can be used to specify a specific Python version which can be a
+          different version from the one used to run the buildout.
+        version
+          The version argument can accept a few different types of
+          arguments. You can specify `trunk`. In this case it will do a
+          checkout of the Django trunk. Another option is to specify a release
+          number like `0.96.2`. This will download the release
+          tarball. Finally you can specify a full svn url (including the
+          revision number). An example of this would be
+          ``.
+        settings
+          You can set the name of the settings file which is to be used with
+          this option. This is useful if you want to have a different
+          production setup from your development setup. It defaults to
+          `development`.
+        download-cache
+          Set this to a folder somewhere on you system to speed up
+          installation. The recipe will use this folder as a cache for a
+          downloaded version of Django.
+        extra-paths
+          All paths specified here will be used to extend the default Python
+          path for the `bin/*` scripts.
+        pth-files
+          Adds paths found from a site `.pth` file to the extra-paths.
+          Useful for things like Pinax which maintains its own external_libs dir.
+        control-script
+          The name of the script created in the bin folder. This script is the
+          equivalent of the `` Django normally creates. By default it
+          uses the name of the section (the part between the `[ ]`).
+        wsgi
+          An extra script is generated in the bin folder when this is set to
+          `true`. This can be used with mod_wsgi to deploy the project. The
+          name of the script is `control-script.wsgi`.
+        wsgilog
+          In case the WSGI server you're using does not allow printing to stdout,
+          you can set this variable to a filesystem path - all stdout/stderr data
+          is redirected to the log instead of printed
+        fcgi
+          Like `wsgi` this creates an extra script within the bin folder. This
+          script can be used with an FCGI deployment.
+        test
+          If you want a script in the bin folder to run all the tests for a
+          specific set of apps this is the option you would use. Set this to
+          the list of app labels which you want to be tested.
+        testrunner
+          This is the name of the testrunner which will be created. It
+          defaults to `test`.
+        All following options only have effect when the project specified by
+        the project option has not been created already.
+        urlconf
+          You can set this to a specific url conf. It will use project.urls by
+          default.
+        secret
+          The secret to use for the ``, it generates a random
+          string by default.
+        FCGI specific settings
+        ======================
+        Options for FCGI can be set within a settings file (``). The options
+        is `FCGI_OPTIONS`. It should be set to a dictionary. The part below is an
+        example::
+          FCGI_OPTIONS = {
+              'method': 'threaded',
+          }
+        Another example
+        ===============
+        The next example shows you how to use some more of the options::
+          [buildout]
+          parts = django extras
+          eggs =
+            hashlib
+          [extras]
+          recipe = iw.recipe.subversion
+          urls =
+   django-command-extensions
+   django-mptt
+          [django]
+          recipe = djangorecipe
+          version = trunk
+          settings = development
+          project = exampleproject
+          wsgi = true
+          eggs =
+            ${buildout:eggs}
+          test =
+            someapp
+            anotherapp
+        Example using .pth files
+        ========================
+        Pinax uses a .pth file to add a bunch of libraries to its path; we can
+        specify it's directory to get the libraries it specified added to our
+        path::
+          [buildout]
+          parts	= PIL
+        	  svncode
+        	  myproject
+          [PIL]
+          recipe	= zc.recipe.egg:custom
+          egg		= PIL
+          find-links	=
+          [svncode]
+          recipe	= iw.recipe.subversion
+          urls		=	pinax
+          [myproject]
+          recipe	= djangorecipe
+          version	= 1.0.2
+          eggs		= PIL
+          project	= myproject
+          settings	= settings
+          extra-paths	= ${buildout:directory}/myproject/apps
+        		  ${svncode:location}/pinax/apps/external_apps
+        		  ${svncode:location}/pinax/apps/local_apps
+          pth-files	= ${svncode:location}/pinax/libs/external_libs
+          wsgi		= true
+        Above, we use stock Pinax for pth-files and extra-paths paths for
+        apps, and our own project for the path that will be found first in the
+        list.  Note that we expect our project to be checked out (e.g., by
+        svn:external) directly under this directory in to 'myproject'.
+        Example with a different Python version
+        =======================================
+        To use a different Python version from the one that ran buildout in the
+        generated script use something like::
+          [buildout]
+          parts	= myproject
+          [special-python]
+          executable = /some/special/python
+          [myproject]
+          recipe	= djangorecipe
+          version	= 1.0.2
+          project	= myproject
+          python	= special-python
+        Example configuration for mod_wsgi
+        ==================================
+        If you want to deploy a project using mod_wsgi you could use this
+        example as a starting point::
+          <Directory /path/to/buildout>
+                 Order deny,allow
+                 Allow from all
+          </Directory>
+          <VirtualHost>
+                 ServerName      my.rocking.server
+                 CustomLog       /var/log/apache2/my.rocking.server/access.log combined
+                 ErrorLog        /var/log/apache2/my.rocking.server/error.log
+                 WSGIScriptAlias / /path/to/buildout/bin/django.wsgi
+          </VirtualHost>
+        Changes
+        =======
+        0.20
+        ----
+        - The recipe know makes the `django` package know to setuptools during install.
+          This closes #397864. Thanks to Daniel Bruce and Dan Fairs for the patch.
+        - Fixed #451065 which fixes a problem with the WSGI log file option.
+        - Added the posibilty to configure more FCGI related settings. Thanks to Vasily
+          Sulatskov for the patch.
+        0.19.2
+        ------
+        - The generated WSGI & FCGI scripts are now properly removed when
+          options change (fixes #328182). Thanks to Horst Gutmann for the
+          patch.
+        - Scripts are now updated when dependencies change. This fixes #44658,
+          thanks to Paul Carduner for the patch.
+        0.19.1
+        ------
+        - Applied fix for the change in WSGI script generation. The previous
+          release did not work properly.
+        0.19
+        ----
+        - When running again with non-newest set the recipe will no longer
+          update the Subversion checkout. Thanks to vinilios for the patch.
+        - The WSGI and FCGI scripts are now generated using Buildout's own
+          system. This makes them more similar to the generated manage script
+          with regard to the setup of paths. Thanks to Jannis Leidel for the
+          patch.
+        0.18
+        ----
+        - Paths from eggs and extra-paths now get precedence over the default
+          system path (fixes #370420). Thanks to Horst Gutmann for the patch.
+        - The generated WSGI script now uses the `python` option if
+          present. This fixes #361695.
+        0.17.4
+        ------
+        - Fixed a problem when not running in verbose mode (fixes #375151).
+        0.17.3
+        ------
+        - Removed dependency on setuptools_bzr since it does not seem to work
+          like I expected.
+        0.17.2
+        ------
+        - Changed the download code to use urllib2. This should make it work
+          from behind proxies (fixes #362822). Thanks to pauld for the patch.
+        0.17.1
+        ------
+        - Fixed a problem with the new WSGI logging option #348797. Thanks to
+          Bertrand Mathieu for the patch.
+        - Disable generation of the WSGI log if "wsgilog" isn't set, thanks to
+          Jacob Kaplan-Moss for the patch.
+        - Updated buildout.cfg and .bzrignore, thanks Jacob Kaplan-Moss.
+        0.17
+        ----
+        - Added an option to specify a log file for output redirection from
+          the WSGI script. Thanks to Guido Wesdorp for the patch.
+        0.16
+        ----
+        - Subversion aliases are now supported (something like
+          svn+mystuff://myjunk). Thanks to Remco for the patch.
+        0.15.2
+        ------
+        - Update to move pth-files finder from the __init__ method to the
+          install method so it runs in buildout-order, else it looks for pth
+          files in dirs that may not yet exist. Thanks to Chris Shenton for
+          the update to his original patch.
+        0.15.1
+        ------
+        - Update to make the previously added pth-files option better
+          documented.
+        0.15
+        ----
+        - Added "pth-files" option to add libraries to extra-paths from
+          site .pth files. Thanks to Chris Shenton for the patch.
+        0.14
+        ----
+        - The recipe now supports creating a FCGI script. Thanks to Jannis
+          Leidel for the patch.
+        - When downloading a Django recipe for the first time the recipe now
+          properly reports the url it is downloading from.
+        0.13
+        ----
+        - Specifying a user name within a subversion url now works. The code
+          that determined the revision has been updated. This fixes issue
+          #274004. Thanks to Remco for the patch.
+        - Updated the template for creating new projects. It now uses the
+          current admin system when generating it's `` file. This fixes
+          issue #276255. Thanks to Roland for the patch.
+        0.12.1
+        ------
+        - Re-upload since CHANGES.txt was missing from the release
+        0.12
+        ----
+        - The recipe no longer executes subversion to determine whether the
+          versions is to be downloaded using subversion. This fixes issue
+          #271145. Thanks to Kapil Thangavelu for the patch.
+        - Changed the `pythonpath` option to `extra-paths`. This makes the
+          recipe more consistent with other recipes (see issue #270908).
+        0.11
+        ----
+        - Another go at fixing the updating problem (#250811) by making sure
+          the update method is always called. It would not be called in the
+          previous version since the recipe wrote a random secret (if it
+          wasn't specified) to the options for use with a template. Buildout
+          saw this as a change in options and therefore always decided to
+          un-install & install.
+        - When both projectegg and wsgi=True are specified, the generated wsgi
+          file did not have the correct settings file in it. This has been
+          fixed with a patch from Dan Fairs.
+        - The recipe now has logging. All print statements have been replaced
+          and a few extra logging calls have been added. This makes the recipe
+          more informative about long running tasks. Thanks erny for the patch
+          from issue #260628.
+        0.10
+        ----
+        - The recipe no longer expects the top level directory name in a
+          release tarball to be consistent with the version number. This fixes
+          issue #260097. Thanks to erny for reporting this issue and
+          suggesting a solution.
+        - Revision pinns for the svn checkout now stay pinned when re-running
+          the buildout. This fixes issue #250811. Thanks to Remco for
+          reporting this.
+        - Added an option to specify an egg to use as the project. This
+          disables the code which creates the basic project structure. Thanks
+          to Dan Fairs for the patch from issue #252647.
+        0.9.1
+        -----
+        - Fixed the previous release which was broken due to a missing
+          manifest file
+        0.9
+        ---
+        - The settings option is fixed so that it supports arbitrary depth
+          settings paths (example; `conf.customer.development`).
+        - The version argument now excepts a full svn url as well. You can use
+          this to get a branch or fix any url to a specific revision with the
+          standard svn @ syntax
+        - The wsgi script is no longer made executable and readable only by
+          the user who ran buildout. This avoids problems with deployment.
+Platform: UNKNOWN
+Classifier: Framework :: Buildout
+Classifier: Framework :: Django
+Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Build Tools
+Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
+Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License