changeset 201 c429873d8ac8
parent 199 946d0fe60606
child 218 59107ce0a618
--- a/taskapp/utilities/notification.py	Thu Mar 04 17:29:00 2010 +0530
+++ b/taskapp/utilities/notification.py	Thu Mar 04 17:43:47 2010 +0530
@@ -229,10 +229,11 @@
         notification.remarks = remarks
         claimed_by_url = '<a href="/user/view/uid=%s">%s</a>'%(sent_from.id, sent_from.username)
+        claim_url = '<a href="/task/claim/tid=%s">claim</a>'%(task.id)
         task_url = '<a href="/task/view/tid=%s">%s</a>'%(task.id, task.title)
         notification.sub = 'New claim for the task "%s"'%(task.title[:20])
-        notification.message = '%s has submitted a claim for the task "%s" mentored by you.<br />'%(claimed_by_url, task_url)
+        notification.message = '%s has submitted a %s for the task "%s" mentored by you.<br />'%(claimed_by_url, claim_url, task_url)
         notification.message += '<b>Claim proposal:</b> %s'%(remarks)