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     1 =================================
     2 The Django source code repository
     3 =================================
     6 When deploying a Django application into a real production
     7 environment, you will almost always want to use `an official packaged
     8 release of Django`_. However, if you'd like to try out in-development
     9 code from an upcoming release or contribute to the development of
    10 Django, you'll need to obtain a checkout from Django's source code
    11 repository. This document covers the way the code repository is laid
    12 out and how to work with and find things in it.
    15 .. _an official packaged release of Django:
    18 High-level overview
    19 ===================
    21 The Django source code repository uses `Subversion`_ to track changes
    22 to the code over time, so you'll need a copy of the Subversion client
    23 (a program called ``svn``) on your computer, and you'll want to
    24 familiarize yourself with the basics of how Subversion
    25 works. Subversion's Web site offers downloads for various operating
    26 systems, and `a free online book`_ is available to help you get up to
    27 speed with using Subversion.
    29 The Django Subversion repository is located online at
    30 ` <>`_. `A
    31 friendly Web-based interface for browsing the code`_ is also
    32 available, though when using Subversion you'll always want to use the
    33 repository address instead. At the top level of the repository are two
    34 directories: ``django`` contains the full source code for all Django
    35 releases, while ```` contains the source code and
    36 templates for the ` <>`_
    37 Web site. For trying out in-development Django code, or contributing
    38 to Django, you'll always want to check out code from some location in
    39 the ``django`` directory.
    41 Inside the ``django`` directory, Django's source code is organized
    42 into three areas:
    44 * ``branches`` contains branched copies of Django's code, which are
    45   (or were) maintained for various purposes. Some branches exist to
    46   provide a place to develop major or experimental new features
    47   without affecting the rest of Django's code, while others serve to
    48   provide bug fixes or support for older Django releases.
    50 * ``tags`` contains snapshots of Django's code at various important
    51   points in its history; mostly these are the exact revisions from
    52   which packaged Django releases were produced.
    54 * ``trunk`` contains the main in-development code which will become
    55   the next packaged release of Django, and is where most development
    56   activity is focused.
    59 .. _Subversion:
    60 .. _a free online book:
    61 .. _A friendly Web-based interface for browsing the code:
    64 Working with Django's trunk
    65 ===========================
    67 If you'd like to try out the in-development code for the next release
    68 of Django, or if you'd like to contribute to Django by fixing bugs or
    69 developing new features, you'll want to get the code from trunk. You
    70 can get a complete copy of this code (a "Subversion checkout") by
    71 typing::
    73     svn co
    75 Note that this will get *all* of Django: in addition to the top-level
    76 ``django`` module containing Python code, you'll also get a copy of
    77 Django's documentation, unit-test suite, packaging scripts and other
    78 miscellaneous bits. Django's code will be present in your checkout as
    79 a directory named ``django``.
    81 To try out the in-development trunk code with your own applications,
    82 simply place the directory containing your checkout on your Python
    83 import path. Then ``import`` statements which look for Django will find
    84 the ``django`` module within your checkout.
    86 If you're going to be working on Django's code (say, to fix a bug or
    87 develop a new feature), you can probably stop reading here and move
    88 over to :doc:`the documentation for contributing to Django
    89 </internals/contributing>`, which covers things like the preferred
    90 coding style and how to generate and submit a patch.
    93 Branches
    94 ========
    96 Django uses branches for two main purposes:
    98 1. Development of major or experimental features, to keep them from
    99    affecting progress on other work in trunk.
   101 2. Security and bug-fix support for older releases of Django, during
   102    their support lifetimes.
   105 Feature-development branches
   106 ----------------------------
   108 Feature-development branches tend by their nature to be
   109 temporary. Some produce successful features which are merged back into
   110 Django's trunk to become part of an official release, but others do
   111 not; in either case there comes a time when the branch is no longer
   112 being actively worked on by any developer. At this point the branch is
   113 considered closed.
   115 Unfortunately, Subversion has no standard way of indicating this. As a
   116 workaround, branches of Django which are closed and no longer
   117 maintained are moved into the directory ``django/branches/attic``.
   119 For reference, the following are branches whose code eventually became
   120 part of Django itself, and so are no longer separately maintained:
   122 * ``boulder-oracle-sprint``: Added support for Oracle databases to
   123   Django's object-relational mapper. This has been part of Django
   124   since the 1.0 release.
   126 * ``gis``: Added support for geographic/spatial queries to Django's
   127   object-relational mapper. This has been part of Django since the 1.0
   128   release, as the bundled application ``django.contrib.gis``.
   130 * ``i18n``: Added :doc:`internationalization support </topics/i18n/index>` to
   131   Django. This has been part of Django since the 0.90 release.
   133 * ``magic-removal``: A major refactoring of both the internals and
   134   public APIs of Django's object-relational mapper. This has been part
   135   of Django since the 0.95 release.
   137 * ``multi-auth``: A refactoring of :doc:`Django's bundled
   138   authentication framework </topics/auth>` which added support for
   139   :ref:`authentication backends <authentication-backends>`. This has
   140   been part of Django since the 0.95 release.
   142 * ``new-admin``: A refactoring of :doc:`Django's bundled
   143   administrative application </ref/contrib/admin/index>`. This became part of
   144   Django as of the 0.91 release, but was superseded by another
   145   refactoring (see next listing) prior to the Django 1.0 release.
   147 * ``newforms-admin``: The second refactoring of Django's bundled
   148   administrative application. This became part of Django as of the 1.0
   149   release, and is the basis of the current incarnation of
   150   ``django.contrib.admin``.
   152 * ``queryset-refactor``: A refactoring of the internals of Django's
   153   object-relational mapper. This became part of Django as of the 1.0
   154   release.
   156 * ``unicode``: A refactoring of Django's internals to consistently use
   157   Unicode-based strings in most places within Django and Django
   158   applications. This became part of Django as of the 1.0 release.
   160 Additionally, the following branches are closed, but their code was
   161 never merged into Django and the features they aimed to implement
   162 were never finished:
   164 * ``full-history``
   166 * ``generic-auth``
   168 * ``multiple-db-support``
   170 * ``per-object-permissions``
   172 * ``schema-evolution``
   174 * ``schema-evolution-ng``
   176 * ``search-api``
   178 * ``sqlalchemy``
   180 All of the above-mentioned branches now reside in
   181 ``django/branches/attic``.
   184 Support and bugfix branches
   185 ---------------------------
   187 In addition to fixing bugs in current trunk, the Django project
   188 provides official bug-fix support for the most recent released version
   189 of Django, and security support for the two most recently-released
   190 versions of Django. This support is provided via branches in which the
   191 necessary bug or security fixes are applied; the branches are then
   192 used as the basis for issuing bugfix or security releases.
   194 As of the Django 1.0 release, these branches can be found in the
   195 repository in the directory ``django/branches/releases``, and new branches
   196 will be created there approximately one month after each new Django
   197 release. For example, shortly after the release of Django 1.0, the
   198 branch ``django/branches/releases/1.0.X`` was created to receive bug
   199 fixes, and shortly after the release of Django 1.1 the branch
   200 ``django/branches/releases/1.1.X`` was created.
   202 Prior to the Django 1.0 release, these branches were maintaind within
   203 the top-level ``django/branches`` directory, and so the following
   204 branches exist there and provided support for older Django releases:
   206 * ``0.90-bugfixes``
   208 * ``0.91-bugfixes``
   210 * ``0.95-bugfixes``
   212 * ``0.96-bugfixes``
   214 Official support for those releases has expired, and so they no longer
   215 receive direct maintenance from the Django project. However, the
   216 branches continue to exist and interested community members have
   217 occasionally used them to provide unofficial support for old Django
   218 releases.
   221 Tags
   222 ====
   224 The directory ``django/tags`` within the repository contains complete
   225 copies of the Django source code as it existed at various points in
   226 its history. These "tagged" copies of Django are *never* changed or
   227 updated; new tags may be added as needed, but once added they are
   228 considered read-only and serve as useful guides to Django's
   229 development history.
   231 Within ``django/tags/releases`` are copies of the code which formed each
   232 packaged release of Django, and each tag is named with the version
   233 number of the release to which it corresponds. So, for example,
   234 ``django/tags/releases/1.1`` is a complete copy of the code which was
   235 packaged as the Django 1.1 release.
   237 Within ``django/tags/notable_moments`` are copies of the Django code from
   238 points which do not directly correspond to releases, but which are
   239 nonetheless important historical milestones for Django
   240 development. The current "notable moments" marked there are:
   242 * ``ipo``: Django's code as it existed at the moment Django was first
   243   publicly announced in 2005.
   245 * ``pre-magic-removal``: The state of Django's code just before the
   246   merging of the ``magic-removal`` branch (described above), which
   247   significantly updated Django's object-relational mapper.
   249 * ``pre-newforms-admin``: The state of Django's code just before the
   250   merging of the ``newforms-admin`` branch (see above), which
   251   significantly updated Django's bundled administrative application.
   253 * Tags corresponding to each of the alpha, beta and release-candidate
   254   packages in the run up to the Django 1.0 release.