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306:5ff1fc726848 307:c6bca38c1cbf
     1 Repeatable buildouts: controlling eggs used
     2 ===========================================
     4 One of the goals of zc.buildout is to provide enough control to make
     5 buildouts repeatable.  It should be possible to check the buildout
     6 configuration files for a project into a version control system and
     7 later use the checked in files to get the same buildout, subject to
     8 changes in the environment outside the buildout.
    10 An advantage of using Python eggs is that depenencies of eggs used are
    11 automatically determined and used.  The automatic inclusion of
    12 depenent distributions is at odds with the goal of repeatable
    13 buildouts.
    15 To support repeatable buildouts, a versions section can be created
    16 with options for each distribution name whos version is to be fixed.
    17 The section can then be specified via the buildout versions option.
    19 To see how this works, we'll create two versions of a recipe egg:
    21     >>> mkdir('recipe')
    22     >>> write('recipe', '',
    23     ... '''
    24     ... class Recipe:
    25     ...     def __init__(*a): pass
    26     ...     def install(self):
    27     ...         print 'recipe v1'
    28     ...         return ()
    29     ...     update = install
    30     ... ''')
    32     >>> write('recipe', '',
    33     ... '''
    34     ... from setuptools import setup
    35     ... setup(name='spam', version='1', py_modules=['recipe'],
    36     ...       entry_points={'zc.buildout': ['default = recipe:Recipe']},
    37     ...       )
    38     ... ''')
    40     >>> write('recipe', 'README', '')
    42     >>> print system(buildout+' setup recipe bdist_egg'), # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    43     Running setup script 'recipe/'.
    44     ...
    46     >>> rmdir('recipe', 'build')
    48     >>> write('recipe', '',
    49     ... '''
    50     ... class Recipe:
    51     ...     def __init__(*a): pass
    52     ...     def install(self):
    53     ...         print 'recipe v2'
    54     ...         return ()
    55     ...     update = install
    56     ... ''')
    58     >>> write('recipe', '',
    59     ... '''
    60     ... from setuptools import setup
    61     ... setup(name='spam', version='2', py_modules=['recipe'],
    62     ...       entry_points={'zc.buildout': ['default = recipe:Recipe']},
    63     ...       )
    64     ... ''')
    67     >>> print system(buildout+' setup recipe bdist_egg'), # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    68     Running setup script 'recipe/'.
    69     ...
    71 and we'll configure a buildout to use it:
    73     >>> write('buildout.cfg',
    74     ... '''
    75     ... [buildout]
    76     ... parts = foo
    77     ... find-links = %s
    78     ...
    79     ... [foo]
    80     ... recipe = spam
    81     ... ''' % join('recipe', 'dist'))
    83 If we run the buildout, it will use version 2:
    85     >>> print system(buildout),
    86     Getting distribution for 'spam'.
    87     Got spam 2.
    88     Installing foo.
    89     recipe v2
    91 We can specify a versions section that lists our recipe and name it in
    92 the buildout section:
    94     >>> write('buildout.cfg',
    95     ... '''
    96     ... [buildout]
    97     ... parts = foo
    98     ... find-links = %s
    99     ... versions = release-1
   100     ...
   101     ... [release-1]
   102     ... spam = 1
   103     ... eggs = 2.2
   104     ...
   105     ... [foo]
   106     ... recipe = spam
   107     ... ''' % join('recipe', 'dist'))
   109 Here we created a release-1 section listing the version 1 for the spam
   110 distribution.  We told the buildout to use it by specifying release-1
   111 as in the versions option.
   113 Now, if we run the buildout, we'll use version 1 of the spam recipe:
   115     >>> print system(buildout),
   116     Getting distribution for 'spam==1'.
   117     Got spam 1.
   118     Uninstalling foo.
   119     Installing foo.
   120     recipe v1
   122 Running the buildout in verbose mode will help us get information
   123 about versions used. If we run the buildout in verbose mode without
   124 specifying a versions section:
   126     >>> print system(buildout+' buildout:versions= -v'), # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
   127     Installing 'zc.buildout', 'setuptools'.
   128     We have a develop egg: zc.buildout 1.0.0.
   129     We have the best distribution that satisfies 'setuptools'.
   130     Picked: setuptools = 0.6
   131     Installing 'spam'.
   132     We have the best distribution that satisfies 'spam'.
   133     Picked: spam = 2.
   134     Uninstalling foo.
   135     Installing foo.
   136     recipe v2
   138 We'll get output that includes lines that tell us what versions
   139 buildout chose a for us, like::
   141     zc.buildout.easy_install.picked: spam = 2
   143 This allows us to discover versions that are picked dynamically, so
   144 that we can fix them in a versions section.
   146 If we run the buildout with the versions section:
   148     >>> print system(buildout+' -v'), # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
   149     Installing 'zc.buildout', 'setuptools'.
   150     We have a develop egg: zc.buildout 1.0.0.
   151     We have the best distribution that satisfies 'setuptools'.
   152     Picked: setuptools = 0.6
   153     Installing 'spam'.
   154     We have the distribution that satisfies 'spam==1'.
   155     Uninstalling foo.
   156     Installing foo.
   157     recipe v1
   159 We won't get output for the spam distribution, which we didn't pick,
   160 but we will get output for setuptools, which we didn't specify
   161 versions for.
   163 You can request buildout to generate an error if it picks any
   164 versions:
   166     >>> write('buildout.cfg',
   167     ... '''
   168     ... [buildout]
   169     ... parts = foo
   170     ... find-links = %s
   171     ... versions = release-1
   172     ... allow-picked-versions = false
   173     ...
   174     ... [release-1]
   175     ... spam = 1
   176     ... eggs = 2.2
   177     ...
   178     ... [foo]
   179     ... recipe = spam
   180     ... ''' % join('recipe', 'dist'))