author Nishanth Amuluru <>
Sat, 08 Jan 2011 11:20:57 +0530
changeset 69 c6bca38c1cbf
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added buildout stuff and made changes accordingly

Internationalization and localization


Django has full support for internationalization of text in code and
templates, and format localization of dates and numbers. Here's how it works.

Essentially, Django does two things:

    * It allows developers and template authors to specify which parts of
      their apps should be translatable.
    * It uses these hooks to translate Web apps for particular users according
      to their language preferences.

The complete process can be seen as divided in three stages. It is also possible
to identify an identical number of roles with very well defined responsibilities
associated with each of these tasks (although it's perfectly normal if you
find yourself performing more than one of these roles):

    * For application authors wishing to make sure their Django apps can be
      used in different locales: :doc:`/topics/i18n/internationalization`.
    * For translators wanting to translate Django apps: :doc:`/topics/i18n/localization`.
    * For system administrators/final users setting up internationalized apps or
      developers integrating third party apps: :doc:`/topics/i18n/deployment`.

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 1


.. _ seealso::

For more general information about the topic, see the `GNU gettext documentation`_
and the `Wikipedia article`_.

.. _GNU gettext documentation:
.. _Wikipedia article:


First lets define some terms that will help us to handle a common language:

.. glossary::

    locale name
      A locale name, either a language specification of the form ``ll`` or a
      combined language and country specification of the form ``ll_CC``.
      Examples: ``it``, ``de_AT``, ``es``, ``pt_BR``. Note the underscore in
      some of them and the case of the part located to its right.

    language code
      Represents the name of a language. Browsers send the names of the
      languages they accept in the ``Accept-Language`` HTTP header using this
      format. Examples: ``it``, ``de-at``, ``es``, ``pt-br``. Note the ``-``

    message file
      A message file is a plain-text file, representing a single language,
      that contains all available :term:`translation strings
      <translation string>` and how they should be represented in the given
      language. Message files have a ``.po`` file extension.

    translation string
      A literal that can be translated.

.. _specialties-of-django-i18n:

Specialties of Django translation

Django's translation machinery uses the standard ``gettext`` module that comes
with Python. If you know ``gettext``, you might note these specialties in the
way Django does translation:

    * The string domain is ``django`` or ``djangojs``. This string domain is
      used to differentiate between different programs that store their data
      in a common message-file library (usually ``/usr/share/locale/``). The
      ``django`` domain is used for python and template translation strings
      and is loaded into the global translation catalogs. The ``djangojs``
      domain is only used for JavaScript translation catalogs to make sure
      that those are as small as possible.
    * Django doesn't use ``xgettext`` alone. It uses Python wrappers around
      ``xgettext`` and ``msgfmt``. This is mostly for convenience.

.. _technical-messages:

Django technical message IDs

.. versionchanged:: 1.2
    Starting with Django 1.2, technical message IDs are being replaced by :ref:`format-localization`

Django uses technical message IDs to translate date formats and time formats.
Technical message IDs are :term:`translation strings <translation string>` and
can be easily recognized; they're all upper case. You don't translate the
message ID as with other translation strings, you provide the correct local
variant on the provided English value. The format is identical to the format
strings used by the ``now`` template tag.

For example, with ``DATETIME_FORMAT`` (or ``DATE_FORMAT`` or ``TIME_FORMAT``),
this would be the format string that you want to use in your language. A Django
contributor localizing it to Spanish probably would provide a ``"j N Y P"``
"translation" for it in the relevant ``django.po`` file::

    msgstr "j N Y P"