changeset 69 c6bca38c1cbf
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/parts/django/docs/topics/signals.txt	Sat Jan 08 11:20:57 2011 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+.. module:: django.dispatch
+   :synopsis: Signal dispatch
+Django includes a "signal dispatcher" which helps allow decoupled applications
+get notified when actions occur elsewhere in the framework. In a nutshell,
+signals allow certain *senders* to notify a set of *receivers* that some action
+has taken place. They're especially useful when many pieces of code may be
+interested in the same events.
+Django provides a :doc:`set of built-in signals </ref/signals>` that let user
+code get notified by Django itself of certain actions. These include some useful
+    * :data:`django.db.models.signals.pre_save` &
+      :data:`django.db.models.signals.post_save`
+      Sent before or after a model's :meth:`` method
+      is called.
+    * :data:`django.db.models.signals.pre_delete` &
+      :data:`django.db.models.signals.post_delete`
+      Sent before or after a model's :meth:`~django.db.models.Model.delete`
+      method is called.
+    * :data:`django.db.models.signals.m2m_changed`
+      Sent when a :class:`ManyToManyField` on a model is changed.
+    * :data:`django.core.signals.request_started` &
+      :data:`django.core.signals.request_finished`
+      Sent when Django starts or finishes an HTTP request.
+See the :doc:`built-in signal documentation </ref/signals>` for a complete list,
+and a complete explanation of each signal.
+You can also `define and send your own custom signals`_; see below.
+.. _define and send your own custom signals: `defining and sending signals`_
+Listening to signals
+To receive a signal, you need to register a *receiver* function that gets
+called when the signal is sent by using the
+:meth:`.Signal.connect` method:
+.. method:: Signal.connect(receiver, [sender=None, weak=True, dispatch_uid=None])
+    :param receiver: The callback function which will be connected to this
+        signal. See :ref:`receiver-functions` for more information.
+    :param sender: Specifies a particular sender to receive signals from. See
+        :ref:`connecting-to-specific-signals` for more information.
+    :param weak: Django stores signal handlers as weak references by
+        default. Thus, if your receiver is a local function, it may be
+        garbage collected. To prevent this, pass ``weak=False`` when you call
+        the signal's ``connect()`` method.
+    :param dispatch_uid: A unique identifier for a signal receiver in cases
+        where duplicate signals may be sent. See
+        :ref:`preventing-duplicate-signals` for more information.
+Let's see how this works by registering a signal that
+gets called after each HTTP request is finished. We'll be connecting to the
+:data:`~django.core.signals.request_finished` signal.
+.. _receiver-functions:
+Receiver functions
+First, we need to define a receiver function. A receiver can be any Python
+function or method:
+.. code-block:: python
+    def my_callback(sender, **kwargs):
+        print "Request finished!"
+Notice that the function takes a ``sender`` argument, along with wildcard
+keyword arguments (``**kwargs``); all signal handlers must take these arguments.
+We'll look at senders `a bit later`_, but right now look at the ``**kwargs``
+argument. All signals send keyword arguments, and may change those keyword
+arguments at any time. In the case of
+:data:`~django.core.signals.request_finished`, it's documented as sending no
+arguments, which means we might be tempted to write our signal handling as
+.. _a bit later: `connecting to signals sent by specific senders`_
+This would be wrong -- in fact, Django will throw an error if you do so. That's
+because at any point arguments could get added to the signal and your receiver
+must be able to handle those new arguments.
+.. _connecting-receiver-functions:
+Connecting receiver functions
+Next, we'll need to connect our receiver to the signal:
+.. code-block:: python
+    from django.core.signals import request_finished
+    request_finished.connect(my_callback)
+Now, our ``my_callback`` function will be called each time a request finishes.
+.. admonition:: Where should this code live?
+    You can put signal handling and registration code anywhere you like.
+    However, you'll need to make sure that the module it's in gets imported
+    early on so that the signal handling gets registered before any signals need
+    to be sent. This makes your app's ```` a good place to put
+    registration of signal handlers.
+.. _connecting-to-specific-signals:
+Connecting to signals sent by specific senders
+Some signals get sent many times, but you'll only be interested in receiving a
+certain subset of those signals. For example, consider the
+:data:`django.db.models.signals.pre_save` signal sent before a model gets saved.
+Most of the time, you don't need to know when *any* model gets saved -- just
+when one *specific* model is saved.
+In these cases, you can register to receive signals sent only by particular
+senders. In the case of :data:`django.db.models.signals.pre_save`, the sender
+will be the model class being saved, so you can indicate that you only want
+signals sent by some model:
+.. code-block:: python
+    from django.db.models.signals import pre_save
+    from myapp.models import MyModel
+    def my_handler(sender, **kwargs):
+        ...
+    pre_save.connect(my_handler, sender=MyModel)
+The ``my_handler`` function will only be called when an instance of ``MyModel``
+is saved.
+Different signals use different objects as their senders; you'll need to consult
+the :doc:`built-in signal documentation </ref/signals>` for details of each
+particular signal.
+.. _preventing-duplicate-signals:
+Preventing duplicate signals
+In some circumstances, the module in which you are connecting signals may be
+imported multiple times. This can cause your receiver function to be
+registered more than once, and thus called multiples times for a single signal
+If this behavior is problematic (such as when using signals to
+send an e-mail whenever a model is saved), pass a unique identifier as
+the ``dispatch_uid`` argument to identify your receiver function. This
+identifier will usually be a string, although any hashable object will
+suffice. The end result is that your receiver function will only be
+bound to the signal once for each unique ``dispatch_uid`` value.
+.. code-block:: python
+    from django.core.signals import request_finished
+    request_finished.connect(my_callback, dispatch_uid="my_unique_identifier")
+Defining and sending signals
+Your applications can take advantage of the signal infrastructure and provide
+its own signals.
+Defining signals
+.. class:: Signal([providing_args=list])
+All signals are :class:`django.dispatch.Signal` instances. The
+``providing_args`` is a list of the names of arguments the signal will provide
+to listeners.
+For example:
+.. code-block:: python
+    import django.dispatch
+    pizza_done = django.dispatch.Signal(providing_args=["toppings", "size"])
+This declares a ``pizza_done`` signal that will provide receivers with
+``toppings`` and ``size`` arguments.
+Remember that you're allowed to change this list of arguments at any time, so getting the API right on the first try isn't necessary.
+Sending signals
+There are two ways to send send signals in Django.
+.. method:: Signal.send(sender, **kwargs)
+.. method:: Signal.send_robust(sender, **kwargs)
+To send a signal, call either :meth:`Signal.send` or :meth:`Signal.send_robust`.
+You must provide the ``sender`` argument, and may provide as many other keyword
+arguments as you like.
+For example, here's how sending our ``pizza_done`` signal might look:
+.. code-block:: python
+    class PizzaStore(object):
+        ...
+        def send_pizza(self, toppings, size):
+            pizza_done.send(sender=self, toppings=toppings, size=size)
+            ...
+Both ``send()`` and ``send_robust()`` return a list of tuple pairs
+``[(receiver, response), ... ]``, representing the list of called receiver
+functions and their response values.
+``send()`` differs from ``send_robust()`` in how exceptions raised by receiver
+functions are handled. ``send()`` does *not* catch any exceptions raised by
+receivers; it simply allows errors to propagate. Thus not all receivers may
+be notified of a signal in the face of an error.
+``send_robust()`` catches all errors derived from Python's ``Exception`` class,
+and ensures all receivers are notified of the signal. If an error occurs, the
+error instance is returned in the tuple pair for the receiver that raised the error.
+Disconnecting signals
+.. method:: Signal.disconnect([receiver=None, sender=None, weak=True, dispatch_uid=None])
+To disconnect a receiver from a signal, call :meth:`Signal.disconnect`. The
+arguments are as described in :meth:`.Signal.connect`.
+The *receiver* argument indicates the registered receiver to disconnect. It may
+be ``None`` if ``dispatch_uid`` is used to identify the receiver.