changeset 69 c6bca38c1cbf
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/parts/django/docs/ref/middleware.txt	Sat Jan 08 11:20:57 2011 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+.. module:: django.middleware
+   :synopsis: Django's built-in middleware classes.
+This document explains all middleware components that come with Django. For
+information on how how to use them and how to write your own middleware, see
+the :doc:`middleware usage guide </topics/http/middleware>`.
+Available middleware
+Cache middleware
+.. module:: django.middleware.cache
+   :synopsis: Middleware for the site-wide cache.
+.. class:: UpdateCacheMiddleware
+.. class:: FetchFromCacheMiddleware
+Enable the site-wide cache. If these are enabled, each Django-powered page will
+be cached for as long as the :setting:`CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_SECONDS` setting
+defines. See the :doc:`cache documentation </topics/cache>`.
+"Common" middleware
+.. module:: django.middleware.common
+   :synopsis: Middleware adding "common" conveniences for perfectionists.
+.. class:: CommonMiddleware
+Adds a few conveniences for perfectionists:
+    * Forbids access to user agents in the :setting:`DISALLOWED_USER_AGENTS`
+      setting, which should be a list of strings.
+    * Performs URL rewriting based on the :setting:`APPEND_SLASH` and
+      :setting:`PREPEND_WWW` settings.
+      If :setting:`APPEND_SLASH` is ``True`` and the initial URL doesn't end
+      with a slash, and it is not found in the URLconf, then a new URL is
+      formed by appending a slash at the end. If this new URL is found in the
+      URLconf, then Django redirects the request to this new URL. Otherwise,
+      the initial URL is processed as usual.
+      For example, ```` will be redirected to ```` if
+      you don't have a valid URL pattern for ```` but *do* have a
+      valid pattern for ````.
+      .. versionchanged:: 1.0
+         The behavior of :setting:`APPEND_SLASH` has changed slightly in this
+         version. It didn't used to check whether the pattern was matched in
+         the URLconf.
+      If :setting:`PREPEND_WWW` is ``True``, URLs that lack a leading "www."
+      will be redirected to the same URL with a leading "www."
+      Both of these options are meant to normalize URLs. The philosophy is that
+      each URL should exist in one, and only one, place. Technically a URL
+      ```` is distinct from ```` -- a search-engine
+      indexer would treat them as separate URLs -- so it's best practice to
+      normalize URLs.
+    * Sends broken link notification emails to :setting:`MANAGERS` if
+      :setting:`SEND_BROKEN_LINK_EMAILS` is set to ``True``.
+    * Handles ETags based on the :setting:`USE_ETAGS` setting. If
+      :setting:`USE_ETAGS` is set to ``True``, Django will calculate an ETag
+      for each request by MD5-hashing the page content, and it'll take care of
+      sending ``Not Modified`` responses, if appropriate.
+View metadata middleware
+.. module:: django.middleware.doc
+   :synopsis: Middleware to help your app self-document.
+.. class:: XViewMiddleware
+Sends custom ``X-View`` HTTP headers to HEAD requests that come from IP
+addresses defined in the :setting:`INTERNAL_IPS` setting. This is used by
+Django's :doc:`automatic documentation system </ref/contrib/admin/admindocs>`.
+GZIP middleware
+.. module:: django.middleware.gzip
+   :synopsis: Middleware to serve gziped content for performance.
+.. class:: GZipMiddleware
+Compresses content for browsers that understand gzip compression (all modern
+It is suggested to place this first in the middleware list, so that the
+compression of the response content is the last thing that happens. Will not
+compress content bodies less than 200 bytes long, when the response code is
+something other than 200, JavaScript files (for IE compatibility), or
+responses that have the ``Content-Encoding`` header already specified.
+Conditional GET middleware
+.. module:: django.middleware.http
+   :synopsis: Middleware handling advanced HTTP features.
+.. class:: ConditionalGetMiddleware
+Handles conditional GET operations. If the response has a ``ETag`` or
+``Last-Modified`` header, and the request has ``If-None-Match`` or
+``If-Modified-Since``, the response is replaced by an
+Also sets the ``Date`` and ``Content-Length`` response-headers.
+Reverse proxy middleware
+.. class:: SetRemoteAddrFromForwardedFor
+.. versionchanged:: 1.1
+This middleware was removed in Django 1.1. See :ref:`the release notes
+<removed-setremoteaddrfromforwardedfor-middleware>` for details.
+Locale middleware
+.. module:: django.middleware.locale
+   :synopsis: Middleware to enable language selection based on the request.
+.. class:: LocaleMiddleware
+Enables language selection based on data from the request. It customizes
+content for each user. See the :doc:`internationalization documentation
+Message middleware
+.. module:: django.contrib.messages.middleware
+   :synopsis: Message middleware.
+.. class:: MessageMiddleware
+.. versionadded:: 1.2
+   ``MessageMiddleware`` was added.
+Enables cookie- and session-based message support. See the
+:doc:`messages documentation </ref/contrib/messages>`.
+Session middleware
+.. module:: django.contrib.sessions.middleware
+   :synopsis: Session middleware.
+.. class:: SessionMiddleware
+Enables session support. See the :doc:`session documentation
+Authentication middleware
+.. module:: django.contrib.auth.middleware
+  :synopsis: Authentication middleware.
+.. class:: AuthenticationMiddleware
+Adds the ``user`` attribute, representing the currently-logged-in user, to
+every incoming ``HttpRequest`` object. See :doc:`Authentication in Web requests
+CSRF protection middleware
+.. module:: django.middleware.csrf
+   :synopsis: Middleware adding protection against Cross Site Request
+              Forgeries.
+.. class:: CsrfMiddleware
+.. versionadded:: 1.0
+Adds protection against Cross Site Request Forgeries by adding hidden form
+fields to POST forms and checking requests for the correct value. See the
+:doc:`Cross Site Request Forgery protection documentation </ref/contrib/csrf>`.
+Transaction middleware
+.. module:: django.middleware.transaction
+   :synopsis: Middleware binding a database transaction to each Web request.
+.. class:: TransactionMiddleware
+Binds commit and rollback to the request/response phase. If a view function
+runs successfully, a commit is done. If it fails with an exception, a rollback
+is done.
+The order of this middleware in the stack is important: middleware modules
+running outside of it run with commit-on-save - the default Django behavior.
+Middleware modules running inside it (coming later in the stack) will be under
+the same transaction control as the view functions.
+See the :doc:`transaction management documentation </topics/db/transactions>`.