changeset 69 c6bca38c1cbf
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/parts/django/docs/ref/contrib/gis/layermapping.txt	Sat Jan 08 11:20:57 2011 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+.. _ref-layermapping:
+``LayerMapping`` data import utility
+.. module:: django.contrib.gis.utils.layermapping
+   :synopsis: Spatial data import utility for GeoDjango models.
+.. currentmodule:: django.contrib.gis.utils
+The :class:`LayerMapping` class provides a way to map the contents of
+vector spatial data files (e.g. shapefiles) intoto GeoDjango models.
+This utility grew out of the author's personal needs to eliminate
+the code repetition that went into pulling geometries and fields out of
+a vector layer, converting to another coordinate system (e.g. WGS84), and
+then inserting into a GeoDjango model.
+.. note::
+    Use of :class:`LayerMapping` requires GDAL.
+.. warning ::
+    GIS data sources, like shapefiles, may be very large.  If you find
+    that :class:`LayerMapping` is using too much memory, set
+    :setting:`DEBUG` to ``False`` in your settings.  When :setting:`DEBUG`
+    is set to ``True``, Django :ref:`automatically logs <faq-see-raw-sql-queries>`
+    *every* SQL query -- thus, when SQL statements contain geometries, it is
+    easy to consume more memory than is typical.
+1. You need a GDAL-supported data source, like a shapefile (here we're using
+   a simple polygon shapefile, ``test_poly.shp``, with three features)::
+    >>> from django.contrib.gis.gdal import DataSource
+    >>> ds = DataSource('test_poly.shp')
+    >>> layer = ds[0]
+    >>> print layer.fields # Exploring the fields in the layer, we only want the 'str' field.
+    ['float', 'int', 'str']
+    >>> print len(layer) # getting the number of features in the layer (should be 3)
+    3
+    >>> print layer.geom_type # Should be 'Polygon'
+    Polygon
+    >>> print layer.srs # WGS84 in WKT
+    GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",
+        DATUM["WGS_1984",
+            SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137,298.257223563]],
+        PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],
+        UNIT["Degree",0.017453292519943295]]
+2. Now we define our corresponding Django model (make sure to use ``syncdb``)::
+    from django.contrib.gis.db import models
+    class TestGeo(models.Model):
+        name = models.CharField(max_length=25) # corresponds to the 'str' field
+        poly = models.PolygonField(srid=4269) # we want our model in a different SRID
+        objects = models.GeoManager()
+        def __unicode__(self):
+            return 'Name: %s' %
+3. Use :class:`LayerMapping` to extract all the features and place them in the
+   database::
+    >>> from django.contrib.gis.utils import LayerMapping
+    >>> from geoapp.models import TestGeo
+    >>> mapping = {'name' : 'str', # The 'name' model field maps to the 'str' layer field.
+                   'poly' : 'POLYGON', # For geometry fields use OGC name.
+                   } # The mapping is a dictionary
+    >>> lm = LayerMapping(TestGeo, 'test_poly.shp', mapping)
+    >>> # Save the layermap, imports the data.
+    Saved: Name: 1
+    Saved: Name: 2
+    Saved: Name: 3
+Here, :class:`LayerMapping` just transformed the three geometries from the
+shapefile in their original spatial reference system (WGS84) to the spatial
+reference system of the GeoDjango model (NAD83).  If no spatial reference
+system is defined for the layer, use the ``source_srs`` keyword with a
+:class:`~django.contrib.gis.gdal.SpatialReference` object to specify one.
+``LayerMapping`` API
+.. class:: LayerMapping(model, data_source, mapping[, layer=0, source_srs=None, encoding=None, transaction_mode='commit_on_success', transform=True, unique=True, using='default'])
+The following are the arguments and keywords that may be used during
+instantiation of ``LayerMapping`` objects.
+=================  =========================================================
+Argument           Description
+=================  =========================================================
+``model``          The geographic model, *not* an instance.
+``data_source``    The path to the OGR-supported data source file
+                   (e.g., a shapefile).  Also accepts
+                   :class:`django.contrib.gis.gdal.DataSource` instances.
+``mapping``        A dictionary: keys are strings corresponding to
+                   the model field, and values correspond to
+                   string field names for the OGR feature, or if the
+                   model field is a geographic then it should
+                   correspond to the OGR geometry type,
+                   e.g., ``'POINT'``, ``'LINESTRING'``, ``'POLYGON'``.
+=================  =========================================================
+=====================  =====================================================
+Keyword Arguments
+=====================  =====================================================
+``layer``              The index of the layer to use from the Data Source
+                       (defaults to 0)
+``source_srs``         Use this to specify the source SRS manually (for
+                       example, some shapefiles don't come with a '.prj'
+                       file).  An integer SRID, WKT or PROJ.4 strings, and
+                       :class:`django.contrib.gis.gdal.SpatialReference`
+                       objects are accepted.
+``encoding``           Specifies the character set encoding of the strings
+                       in the OGR data source.  For example, ``'latin-1'``,
+                       ``'utf-8'``, and ``'cp437'`` are all valid encoding
+                       parameters.
+``transaction_mode``   May be ``'commit_on_success'`` (default) or
+                       ``'autocommit'``.
+``transform``          Setting this to False will disable coordinate
+                       transformations.  In other words, geometries will
+                       be inserted into the database unmodified from their
+                       original state in the data source.
+``unique``             Setting this to the name, or a tuple of names,
+                       from the given  model will create models unique
+                       only to the given name(s). Geometries will from
+                       each feature will be added into the collection
+                       associated with the unique model.  Forces
+                       the transaction mode to be ``'autocommit'``.
+``using``              New in version 1.2.  Sets the database to use when
+                       importing spatial data.  Default is ``'default'``
+=====================  =====================================================
+``save()`` Keyword Arguments
+.. method::[verbose=False, fid_range=False, step=False, progress=False, silent=False, stream=sys.stdout, strict=False])
+The ``save()`` method also accepts keywords.  These keywords are
+used for controlling output logging, error handling, and for importing
+specific feature ranges.
+===========================  =================================================
+Save Keyword Arguments       Description
+===========================  =================================================
+``fid_range``                May be set with a slice or tuple of
+                             (begin, end) feature ID's to map from
+                             the data source.  In other words, this
+                             keyword enables the user to selectively
+                             import a subset range of features in the
+                             geographic data source.
+``progress``                 When this keyword is set, status information
+                             will be printed giving the number of features
+                             processed and successfully saved.  By default,
+                             progress information will be printed every 1000
+                             features processed, however, this default may
+                             be overridden by setting this keyword with an
+                             integer for the desired interval.
+``silent``                   By default, non-fatal error notifications are
+                             printed to ``sys.stdout``, but this keyword may
+                             be set to disable these notifications.
+``step``                     If set with an integer, transactions will
+                             occur at every step interval. For example, if
+                             ``step=1000``, a commit would occur after the
+                             1,000th feature, the 2,000th feature etc.
+``stream``                   Status information will be written to this file
+                             handle.  Defaults to using ``sys.stdout``, but
+                             any object with a ``write`` method is supported.
+``strict``                   Execution of the model mapping will cease upon
+                             the first error encountered.  The default value
+                             (``False``)
+                             behavior is to attempt to continue.
+``verbose``                  If set, information will be printed
+                             subsequent to each model save
+                             executed on the database.
+===========================  =================================================
+Running out of memory
+As noted in the warning at the top of this section, Django stores all SQL
+queries when ``DEBUG=True``.  Set ``DEBUG=False`` in your settings, and this
+should stop excessive memory use when running ``LayerMapping`` scripts.
+MySQL: ``max_allowed_packet`` error
+If you encounter the following error when using ``LayerMapping`` and MySQL::
+    OperationalError: (1153, "Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes")
+Then the solution is to increase the value of the ``max_allowed_packet``
+setting in your MySQL configuration.  For example, the default value may
+be something low like one megabyte -- the setting may be modified in MySQL's
+configuration file (``my.cnf``) in the ``[mysqld]`` section::
+    max_allowed_packet = 10M