changeset 69 c6bca38c1cbf
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/parts/django/docs/faq/install.txt	Sat Jan 08 11:20:57 2011 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+FAQ: Installation
+How do I get started?
+    #. `Download the code`_.
+    #. Install Django (read the :doc:`installation guide </intro/install>`).
+    #. Walk through the :doc:`tutorial </intro/tutorial01>`.
+    #. Check out the rest of the :doc:`documentation </index>`, and `ask questions`_ if you
+       run into trouble.
+.. _`Download the code`:
+.. _ask questions:
+What are Django's prerequisites?
+Django requires Python_, specifically any version of Python from 2.4
+through 2.7. No other Python libraries are required for basic Django
+For a development environment -- if you just want to experiment with Django --
+you don't need to have a separate Web server installed; Django comes with its
+own lightweight development server. For a production environment, Django
+follows the WSGI_ spec, which means it can run on a variety of server
+platforms.  See :doc:`Deploying Django </howto/deployment/index>` for some
+popular alternatives.  Also, the `server arrangements wiki page`_ contains
+details for several deployment strategies.
+If you want to use Django with a database, which is probably the case, you'll
+also need a database engine. PostgreSQL_ is recommended, because we're
+PostgreSQL fans, and MySQL_, `SQLite 3`_, and Oracle_ are also supported.
+.. _Python:
+.. _WSGI:
+.. _server arrangements wiki page:
+.. _PostgreSQL:
+.. _MySQL:
+.. _`SQLite 3`:
+.. _Oracle:
+Do I lose anything by using Python 2.4 versus newer Python versions, such as Python 2.5 or 2.6?
+Not in the core framework. Currently, Django itself officially supports any
+version of Python from 2.4 through 2.7, inclusive. However, newer versions of
+Python are often faster, have more features, and are better supported.
+Third-party applications for use with Django are, of course, free to set their
+own version requirements.
+Over the next year or two Django will begin dropping support for older Python
+versions as part of a migration which will end with Django running on Python 3
+(see below for details).
+All else being equal, we recommend that you use the latest 2.x release
+(currently Python 2.7). This will let you take advantage of the numerous
+improvements and optimizations to the Python language since version 2.4, and
+will help ease the process of dropping support for older Python versions on
+the road to Python 3.
+Can I use Django with Python 2.3?
+Django 1.1 (and earlier) supported Python 2.3. Django 1.2 and newer does not.
+We highly recommend you upgrade Python if at all possible, but Django 1.1 will
+continue to work on Python 2.3.
+Can I use Django with Python 3?
+Not at the moment. Python 3.0 introduced a number of
+backwards-incompatible changes to the Python language, and although
+these changes are generally a good thing for Python's future, it will
+be a while before most Python software catches up and is able to run
+on Python 3.0. For larger Python-based software like Django, the
+transition is expected to take at least a year or two (since it
+involves dropping support for older Python releases and so must be
+done gradually).
+In the meantime, Python 2.x releases will be supported and provided
+with bug fixes and security updates by the Python development team, so
+continuing to use a Python 2.x release during the transition should
+not present any risk.
+Will Django run under shared hosting (like TextDrive or Dreamhost)?
+See our `Django-friendly Web hosts`_ page.
+.. _`Django-friendly Web hosts`:
+Should I use the stable version or development version?
+Generally, if you're using code in production, you should be using a
+stable release. The Django project publishes a full stable release
+every nine months or so, with bugfix updates in between. These stable
+releases contain the API that is covered by our backwards
+compatibility guarantees; if you write code against stable releases,
+you shouldn't have any problems upgrading when the next official
+version is released.