changeset 69 c6bca38c1cbf
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/mercurial/	Sat Jan 08 11:20:57 2011 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,1630 @@
+# - patch file parsing routines
+# Copyright 2006 Brendan Cully <>
+# Copyright 2007 Chris Mason <>
+# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
+# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
+import cStringIO, email.Parser, os, re
+import tempfile, zlib
+from i18n import _
+from node import hex, nullid, short
+import base85, mdiff, util, diffhelpers, copies, encoding
+gitre = re.compile('diff --git a/(.*) b/(.*)')
+class PatchError(Exception):
+    pass
+# helper functions
+def copyfile(src, dst, basedir):
+    abssrc, absdst = [util.canonpath(basedir, basedir, x) for x in [src, dst]]
+    if os.path.lexists(absdst):
+        raise util.Abort(_("cannot create %s: destination already exists") %
+                         dst)
+    dstdir = os.path.dirname(absdst)
+    if dstdir and not os.path.isdir(dstdir):
+        try:
+            os.makedirs(dstdir)
+        except IOError:
+            raise util.Abort(
+                _("cannot create %s: unable to create destination directory")
+                % dst)
+    util.copyfile(abssrc, absdst)
+# public functions
+def split(stream):
+    '''return an iterator of individual patches from a stream'''
+    def isheader(line, inheader):
+        if inheader and line[0] in (' ', '\t'):
+            # continuation
+            return True
+        if line[0] in (' ', '-', '+'):
+            # diff line - don't check for header pattern in there
+            return False
+        l = line.split(': ', 1)
+        return len(l) == 2 and ' ' not in l[0]
+    def chunk(lines):
+        return cStringIO.StringIO(''.join(lines))
+    def hgsplit(stream, cur):
+        inheader = True
+        for line in stream:
+            if not line.strip():
+                inheader = False
+            if not inheader and line.startswith('# HG changeset patch'):
+                yield chunk(cur)
+                cur = []
+                inheader = True
+            cur.append(line)
+        if cur:
+            yield chunk(cur)
+    def mboxsplit(stream, cur):
+        for line in stream:
+            if line.startswith('From '):
+                for c in split(chunk(cur[1:])):
+                    yield c
+                cur = []
+            cur.append(line)
+        if cur:
+            for c in split(chunk(cur[1:])):
+                yield c
+    def mimesplit(stream, cur):
+        def msgfp(m):
+            fp = cStringIO.StringIO()
+            g = email.Generator.Generator(fp, mangle_from_=False)
+            g.flatten(m)
+            return fp
+        for line in stream:
+            cur.append(line)
+        c = chunk(cur)
+        m = email.Parser.Parser().parse(c)
+        if not m.is_multipart():
+            yield msgfp(m)
+        else:
+            ok_types = ('text/plain', 'text/x-diff', 'text/x-patch')
+            for part in m.walk():
+                ct = part.get_content_type()
+                if ct not in ok_types:
+                    continue
+                yield msgfp(part)
+    def headersplit(stream, cur):
+        inheader = False
+        for line in stream:
+            if not inheader and isheader(line, inheader):
+                yield chunk(cur)
+                cur = []
+                inheader = True
+            if inheader and not isheader(line, inheader):
+                inheader = False
+            cur.append(line)
+        if cur:
+            yield chunk(cur)
+    def remainder(cur):
+        yield chunk(cur)
+    class fiter(object):
+        def __init__(self, fp):
+            self.fp = fp
+        def __iter__(self):
+            return self
+        def next(self):
+            l = self.fp.readline()
+            if not l:
+                raise StopIteration
+            return l
+    inheader = False
+    cur = []
+    mimeheaders = ['content-type']
+    if not hasattr(stream, 'next'):
+        # http responses, for example, have readline but not next
+        stream = fiter(stream)
+    for line in stream:
+        cur.append(line)
+        if line.startswith('# HG changeset patch'):
+            return hgsplit(stream, cur)
+        elif line.startswith('From '):
+            return mboxsplit(stream, cur)
+        elif isheader(line, inheader):
+            inheader = True
+            if line.split(':', 1)[0].lower() in mimeheaders:
+                # let email parser handle this
+                return mimesplit(stream, cur)
+        elif line.startswith('--- ') and inheader:
+            # No evil headers seen by diff start, split by hand
+            return headersplit(stream, cur)
+        # Not enough info, keep reading
+    # if we are here, we have a very plain patch
+    return remainder(cur)
+def extract(ui, fileobj):
+    '''extract patch from data read from fileobj.
+    patch can be a normal patch or contained in an email message.
+    return tuple (filename, message, user, date, branch, node, p1, p2).
+    Any item in the returned tuple can be None. If filename is None,
+    fileobj did not contain a patch. Caller must unlink filename when done.'''
+    # attempt to detect the start of a patch
+    # (this heuristic is borrowed from quilt)
+    diffre = re.compile(r'^(?:Index:[ \t]|diff[ \t]|RCS file: |'
+                        r'retrieving revision [0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*$|'
+                        r'---[ \t].*?^\+\+\+[ \t]|'
+                        r'\*\*\*[ \t].*?^---[ \t])', re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)
+    fd, tmpname = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='hg-patch-')
+    tmpfp = os.fdopen(fd, 'w')
+    try:
+        msg = email.Parser.Parser().parse(fileobj)
+        subject = msg['Subject']
+        user = msg['From']
+        if not subject and not user:
+            # Not an email, restore parsed headers if any
+            subject = '\n'.join(': '.join(h) for h in msg.items()) + '\n'
+        gitsendmail = 'git-send-email' in msg.get('X-Mailer', '')
+        # should try to parse msg['Date']
+        date = None
+        nodeid = None
+        branch = None
+        parents = []
+        if subject:
+            if subject.startswith('[PATCH'):
+                pend = subject.find(']')
+                if pend >= 0:
+                    subject = subject[pend + 1:].lstrip()
+            subject = subject.replace('\n\t', ' ')
+            ui.debug('Subject: %s\n' % subject)
+        if user:
+            ui.debug('From: %s\n' % user)
+        diffs_seen = 0
+        ok_types = ('text/plain', 'text/x-diff', 'text/x-patch')
+        message = ''
+        for part in msg.walk():
+            content_type = part.get_content_type()
+            ui.debug('Content-Type: %s\n' % content_type)
+            if content_type not in ok_types:
+                continue
+            payload = part.get_payload(decode=True)
+            m =
+            if m:
+                hgpatch = False
+                hgpatchheader = False
+                ignoretext = False
+                ui.debug('found patch at byte %d\n' % m.start(0))
+                diffs_seen += 1
+                cfp = cStringIO.StringIO()
+                for line in payload[:m.start(0)].splitlines():
+                    if line.startswith('# HG changeset patch') and not hgpatch:
+                        ui.debug('patch generated by hg export\n')
+                        hgpatch = True
+                        hgpatchheader = True
+                        # drop earlier commit message content
+                        cfp.truncate()
+                        subject = None
+                    elif hgpatchheader:
+                        if line.startswith('# User '):
+                            user = line[7:]
+                            ui.debug('From: %s\n' % user)
+                        elif line.startswith("# Date "):
+                            date = line[7:]
+                        elif line.startswith("# Branch "):
+                            branch = line[9:]
+                        elif line.startswith("# Node ID "):
+                            nodeid = line[10:]
+                        elif line.startswith("# Parent "):
+                            parents.append(line[10:])
+                        elif not line.startswith("# "):
+                            hgpatchheader = False
+                    elif line == '---' and gitsendmail:
+                        ignoretext = True
+                    if not hgpatchheader and not ignoretext:
+                        cfp.write(line)
+                        cfp.write('\n')
+                message = cfp.getvalue()
+                if tmpfp:
+                    tmpfp.write(payload)
+                    if not payload.endswith('\n'):
+                        tmpfp.write('\n')
+            elif not diffs_seen and message and content_type == 'text/plain':
+                message += '\n' + payload
+    except:
+        tmpfp.close()
+        os.unlink(tmpname)
+        raise
+    if subject and not message.startswith(subject):
+        message = '%s\n%s' % (subject, message)
+    tmpfp.close()
+    if not diffs_seen:
+        os.unlink(tmpname)
+        return None, message, user, date, branch, None, None, None
+    p1 = parents and parents.pop(0) or None
+    p2 = parents and parents.pop(0) or None
+    return tmpname, message, user, date, branch, nodeid, p1, p2
+class patchmeta(object):
+    """Patched file metadata
+    'op' is the performed operation within ADD, DELETE, RENAME, MODIFY
+    or COPY.  'path' is patched file path. 'oldpath' is set to the
+    origin file when 'op' is either COPY or RENAME, None otherwise. If
+    file mode is changed, 'mode' is a tuple (islink, isexec) where
+    'islink' is True if the file is a symlink and 'isexec' is True if
+    the file is executable. Otherwise, 'mode' is None.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, path):
+        self.path = path
+        self.oldpath = None
+        self.mode = None
+        self.op = 'MODIFY'
+        self.binary = False
+    def setmode(self, mode):
+        islink = mode & 020000
+        isexec = mode & 0100
+        self.mode = (islink, isexec)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<patchmeta %s %r>" % (self.op, self.path)
+def readgitpatch(lr):
+    """extract git-style metadata about patches from <patchname>"""
+    # Filter patch for git information
+    gp = None
+    gitpatches = []
+    for line in lr:
+        line = line.rstrip(' \r\n')
+        if line.startswith('diff --git'):
+            m = gitre.match(line)
+            if m:
+                if gp:
+                    gitpatches.append(gp)
+                dst =
+                gp = patchmeta(dst)
+        elif gp:
+            if line.startswith('--- '):
+                gitpatches.append(gp)
+                gp = None
+                continue
+            if line.startswith('rename from '):
+                gp.op = 'RENAME'
+                gp.oldpath = line[12:]
+            elif line.startswith('rename to '):
+                gp.path = line[10:]
+            elif line.startswith('copy from '):
+                gp.op = 'COPY'
+                gp.oldpath = line[10:]
+            elif line.startswith('copy to '):
+                gp.path = line[8:]
+            elif line.startswith('deleted file'):
+                gp.op = 'DELETE'
+            elif line.startswith('new file mode '):
+                gp.op = 'ADD'
+                gp.setmode(int(line[-6:], 8))
+            elif line.startswith('new mode '):
+                gp.setmode(int(line[-6:], 8))
+            elif line.startswith('GIT binary patch'):
+                gp.binary = True
+    if gp:
+        gitpatches.append(gp)
+    return gitpatches
+class linereader(object):
+    # simple class to allow pushing lines back into the input stream
+    def __init__(self, fp, textmode=False):
+        self.fp = fp
+        self.buf = []
+        self.textmode = textmode
+        self.eol = None
+    def push(self, line):
+        if line is not None:
+            self.buf.append(line)
+    def readline(self):
+        if self.buf:
+            l = self.buf[0]
+            del self.buf[0]
+            return l
+        l = self.fp.readline()
+        if not self.eol:
+            if l.endswith('\r\n'):
+                self.eol = '\r\n'
+            elif l.endswith('\n'):
+                self.eol = '\n'
+        if self.textmode and l.endswith('\r\n'):
+            l = l[:-2] + '\n'
+        return l
+    def __iter__(self):
+        while 1:
+            l = self.readline()
+            if not l:
+                break
+            yield l
+# @@ -start,len +start,len @@ or @@ -start +start @@ if len is 1
+unidesc = re.compile('@@ -(\d+)(,(\d+))? \+(\d+)(,(\d+))? @@')
+contextdesc = re.compile('(---|\*\*\*) (\d+)(,(\d+))? (---|\*\*\*)')
+eolmodes = ['strict', 'crlf', 'lf', 'auto']
+class patchfile(object):
+    def __init__(self, ui, fname, opener, missing=False, eolmode='strict'):
+        self.fname = fname
+        self.eolmode = eolmode
+        self.eol = None
+        self.opener = opener
+        self.ui = ui
+        self.lines = []
+        self.exists = False
+        self.missing = missing
+        if not missing:
+            try:
+                self.lines = self.readlines(fname)
+                self.exists = True
+            except IOError:
+                pass
+        else:
+            self.ui.warn(_("unable to find '%s' for patching\n") % self.fname)
+        self.hash = {}
+        self.dirty = 0
+        self.offset = 0
+        self.skew = 0
+        self.rej = []
+        self.fileprinted = False
+        self.printfile(False)
+        self.hunks = 0
+    def readlines(self, fname):
+        if os.path.islink(fname):
+            return [os.readlink(fname)]
+        fp = self.opener(fname, 'r')
+        try:
+            lr = linereader(fp, self.eolmode != 'strict')
+            lines = list(lr)
+            self.eol = lr.eol
+            return lines
+        finally:
+            fp.close()
+    def writelines(self, fname, lines):
+        # Ensure supplied data ends in fname, being a regular file or
+        # a symlink. cmdutil.updatedir will -too magically- take care
+        # of setting it to the proper type afterwards.
+        islink = os.path.islink(fname)
+        if islink:
+            fp = cStringIO.StringIO()
+        else:
+            fp = self.opener(fname, 'w')
+        try:
+            if self.eolmode == 'auto':
+                eol = self.eol
+            elif self.eolmode == 'crlf':
+                eol = '\r\n'
+            else:
+                eol = '\n'
+            if self.eolmode != 'strict' and eol and eol != '\n':
+                for l in lines:
+                    if l and l[-1] == '\n':
+                        l = l[:-1] + eol
+                    fp.write(l)
+            else:
+                fp.writelines(lines)
+            if islink:
+                self.opener.symlink(fp.getvalue(), fname)
+        finally:
+            fp.close()
+    def unlink(self, fname):
+        os.unlink(fname)
+    def printfile(self, warn):
+        if self.fileprinted:
+            return
+        if warn or self.ui.verbose:
+            self.fileprinted = True
+        s = _("patching file %s\n") % self.fname
+        if warn:
+            self.ui.warn(s)
+        else:
+            self.ui.note(s)
+    def findlines(self, l, linenum):
+        # looks through the hash and finds candidate lines.  The
+        # result is a list of line numbers sorted based on distance
+        # from linenum
+        cand = self.hash.get(l, [])
+        if len(cand) > 1:
+            # resort our list of potentials forward then back.
+            cand.sort(key=lambda x: abs(x - linenum))
+        return cand
+    def hashlines(self):
+        self.hash = {}
+        for x, s in enumerate(self.lines):
+            self.hash.setdefault(s, []).append(x)
+    def makerejlines(self, fname):
+        base = os.path.basename(fname)
+        yield "--- %s\n+++ %s\n" % (base, base)
+        for x in self.rej:
+            for l in x.hunk:
+                yield l
+                if l[-1] != '\n':
+                    yield "\n\ No newline at end of file\n"
+    def write_rej(self):
+        # our rejects are a little different from patch(1).  This always
+        # creates rejects in the same form as the original patch.  A file
+        # header is inserted so that you can run the reject through patch again
+        # without having to type the filename.
+        if not self.rej:
+            return
+        fname = self.fname + ".rej"
+        self.ui.warn(
+            _("%d out of %d hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file %s\n") %
+            (len(self.rej), self.hunks, fname))
+        fp = self.opener(fname, 'w')
+        fp.writelines(self.makerejlines(self.fname))
+        fp.close()
+    def apply(self, h):
+        if not h.complete():
+            raise PatchError(_("bad hunk #%d %s (%d %d %d %d)") %
+                            (h.number, h.desc, len(h.a), h.lena, len(h.b),
+                            h.lenb))
+        self.hunks += 1
+        if self.missing:
+            self.rej.append(h)
+            return -1
+        if self.exists and h.createfile():
+            self.ui.warn(_("file %s already exists\n") % self.fname)
+            self.rej.append(h)
+            return -1
+        if isinstance(h, binhunk):
+            if h.rmfile():
+                self.unlink(self.fname)
+            else:
+                self.lines[:] =
+                self.offset += len(
+                self.dirty = 1
+            return 0
+        horig = h
+        if (self.eolmode in ('crlf', 'lf')
+            or self.eolmode == 'auto' and self.eol):
+            # If new eols are going to be normalized, then normalize
+            # hunk data before patching. Otherwise, preserve input
+            # line-endings.
+            h = h.getnormalized()
+        # fast case first, no offsets, no fuzz
+        old = h.old()
+        # patch starts counting at 1 unless we are adding the file
+        if h.starta == 0:
+            start = 0
+        else:
+            start = h.starta + self.offset - 1
+        orig_start = start
+        # if there's skew we want to emit the "(offset %d lines)" even
+        # when the hunk cleanly applies at start + skew, so skip the
+        # fast case code
+        if self.skew == 0 and diffhelpers.testhunk(old, self.lines, start) == 0:
+            if h.rmfile():
+                self.unlink(self.fname)
+            else:
+                self.lines[start : start + h.lena] =
+                self.offset += h.lenb - h.lena
+                self.dirty = 1
+            return 0
+        # ok, we couldn't match the hunk.  Lets look for offsets and fuzz it
+        self.hashlines()
+        if h.hunk[-1][0] != ' ':
+            # if the hunk tried to put something at the bottom of the file
+            # override the start line and use eof here
+            search_start = len(self.lines)
+        else:
+            search_start = orig_start + self.skew
+        for fuzzlen in xrange(3):
+            for toponly in [True, False]:
+                old = h.old(fuzzlen, toponly)
+                cand = self.findlines(old[0][1:], search_start)
+                for l in cand:
+                    if diffhelpers.testhunk(old, self.lines, l) == 0:
+                        newlines =, toponly)
+                        self.lines[l : l + len(old)] = newlines
+                        self.offset += len(newlines) - len(old)
+                        self.skew = l - orig_start
+                        self.dirty = 1
+                        offset = l - orig_start - fuzzlen
+                        if fuzzlen:
+                            msg = _("Hunk #%d succeeded at %d "
+                                    "with fuzz %d "
+                                    "(offset %d lines).\n")
+                            self.printfile(True)
+                            self.ui.warn(msg %
+                                (h.number, l + 1, fuzzlen, offset))
+                        else:
+                            msg = _("Hunk #%d succeeded at %d "
+                                    "(offset %d lines).\n")
+                            self.ui.note(msg % (h.number, l + 1, offset))
+                        return fuzzlen
+        self.printfile(True)
+        self.ui.warn(_("Hunk #%d FAILED at %d\n") % (h.number, orig_start))
+        self.rej.append(horig)
+        return -1
+class hunk(object):
+    def __init__(self, desc, num, lr, context, create=False, remove=False):
+        self.number = num
+        self.desc = desc
+        self.hunk = [desc]
+        self.a = []
+        self.b = []
+        self.starta = self.lena = None
+        self.startb = self.lenb = None
+        if lr is not None:
+            if context:
+                self.read_context_hunk(lr)
+            else:
+                self.read_unified_hunk(lr)
+        self.create = create
+        self.remove = remove and not create
+    def getnormalized(self):
+        """Return a copy with line endings normalized to LF."""
+        def normalize(lines):
+            nlines = []
+            for line in lines:
+                if line.endswith('\r\n'):
+                    line = line[:-2] + '\n'
+                nlines.append(line)
+            return nlines
+        # Dummy object, it is rebuilt manually
+        nh = hunk(self.desc, self.number, None, None, False, False)
+        nh.number = self.number
+        nh.desc = self.desc
+        nh.hunk = self.hunk
+        nh.a = normalize(self.a)
+        nh.b = normalize(self.b)
+        nh.starta = self.starta
+        nh.startb = self.startb
+        nh.lena = self.lena
+        nh.lenb = self.lenb
+        nh.create = self.create
+        nh.remove = self.remove
+        return nh
+    def read_unified_hunk(self, lr):
+        m = unidesc.match(self.desc)
+        if not m:
+            raise PatchError(_("bad hunk #%d") % self.number)
+        self.starta, foo, self.lena, self.startb, foo2, self.lenb = m.groups()
+        if self.lena is None:
+            self.lena = 1
+        else:
+            self.lena = int(self.lena)
+        if self.lenb is None:
+            self.lenb = 1
+        else:
+            self.lenb = int(self.lenb)
+        self.starta = int(self.starta)
+        self.startb = int(self.startb)
+        diffhelpers.addlines(lr, self.hunk, self.lena, self.lenb, self.a, self.b)
+        # if we hit eof before finishing out the hunk, the last line will
+        # be zero length.  Lets try to fix it up.
+        while len(self.hunk[-1]) == 0:
+            del self.hunk[-1]
+            del self.a[-1]
+            del self.b[-1]
+            self.lena -= 1
+            self.lenb -= 1
+    def read_context_hunk(self, lr):
+        self.desc = lr.readline()
+        m = contextdesc.match(self.desc)
+        if not m:
+            raise PatchError(_("bad hunk #%d") % self.number)
+        foo, self.starta, foo2, aend, foo3 = m.groups()
+        self.starta = int(self.starta)
+        if aend is None:
+            aend = self.starta
+        self.lena = int(aend) - self.starta
+        if self.starta:
+            self.lena += 1
+        for x in xrange(self.lena):
+            l = lr.readline()
+            if l.startswith('---'):
+                # lines addition, old block is empty
+                lr.push(l)
+                break
+            s = l[2:]
+            if l.startswith('- ') or l.startswith('! '):
+                u = '-' + s
+            elif l.startswith('  '):
+                u = ' ' + s
+            else:
+                raise PatchError(_("bad hunk #%d old text line %d") %
+                                 (self.number, x))
+            self.a.append(u)
+            self.hunk.append(u)
+        l = lr.readline()
+        if l.startswith('\ '):
+            s = self.a[-1][:-1]
+            self.a[-1] = s
+            self.hunk[-1] = s
+            l = lr.readline()
+        m = contextdesc.match(l)
+        if not m:
+            raise PatchError(_("bad hunk #%d") % self.number)
+        foo, self.startb, foo2, bend, foo3 = m.groups()
+        self.startb = int(self.startb)
+        if bend is None:
+            bend = self.startb
+        self.lenb = int(bend) - self.startb
+        if self.startb:
+            self.lenb += 1
+        hunki = 1
+        for x in xrange(self.lenb):
+            l = lr.readline()
+            if l.startswith('\ '):
+                # XXX: the only way to hit this is with an invalid line range.
+                # The no-eol marker is not counted in the line range, but I
+                # guess there are diff(1) out there which behave differently.
+                s = self.b[-1][:-1]
+                self.b[-1] = s
+                self.hunk[hunki - 1] = s
+                continue
+            if not l:
+                # line deletions, new block is empty and we hit EOF
+                lr.push(l)
+                break
+            s = l[2:]
+            if l.startswith('+ ') or l.startswith('! '):
+                u = '+' + s
+            elif l.startswith('  '):
+                u = ' ' + s
+            elif len(self.b) == 0:
+                # line deletions, new block is empty
+                lr.push(l)
+                break
+            else:
+                raise PatchError(_("bad hunk #%d old text line %d") %
+                                 (self.number, x))
+            self.b.append(s)
+            while True:
+                if hunki >= len(self.hunk):
+                    h = ""
+                else:
+                    h = self.hunk[hunki]
+                hunki += 1
+                if h == u:
+                    break
+                elif h.startswith('-'):
+                    continue
+                else:
+                    self.hunk.insert(hunki - 1, u)
+                    break
+        if not self.a:
+            # this happens when lines were only added to the hunk
+            for x in self.hunk:
+                if x.startswith('-') or x.startswith(' '):
+                    self.a.append(x)
+        if not self.b:
+            # this happens when lines were only deleted from the hunk
+            for x in self.hunk:
+                if x.startswith('+') or x.startswith(' '):
+                    self.b.append(x[1:])
+        # @@ -start,len +start,len @@
+        self.desc = "@@ -%d,%d +%d,%d @@\n" % (self.starta, self.lena,
+                                             self.startb, self.lenb)
+        self.hunk[0] = self.desc
+    def fix_newline(self):
+        diffhelpers.fix_newline(self.hunk, self.a, self.b)
+    def complete(self):
+        return len(self.a) == self.lena and len(self.b) == self.lenb
+    def createfile(self):
+        return self.starta == 0 and self.lena == 0 and self.create
+    def rmfile(self):
+        return self.startb == 0 and self.lenb == 0 and self.remove
+    def fuzzit(self, l, fuzz, toponly):
+        # this removes context lines from the top and bottom of list 'l'.  It
+        # checks the hunk to make sure only context lines are removed, and then
+        # returns a new shortened list of lines.
+        fuzz = min(fuzz, len(l)-1)
+        if fuzz:
+            top = 0
+            bot = 0
+            hlen = len(self.hunk)
+            for x in xrange(hlen - 1):
+                # the hunk starts with the @@ line, so use x+1
+                if self.hunk[x + 1][0] == ' ':
+                    top += 1
+                else:
+                    break
+            if not toponly:
+                for x in xrange(hlen - 1):
+                    if self.hunk[hlen - bot - 1][0] == ' ':
+                        bot += 1
+                    else:
+                        break
+            # top and bot now count context in the hunk
+            # adjust them if either one is short
+            context = max(top, bot, 3)
+            if bot < context:
+                bot = max(0, fuzz - (context - bot))
+            else:
+                bot = min(fuzz, bot)
+            if top < context:
+                top = max(0, fuzz - (context - top))
+            else:
+                top = min(fuzz, top)
+            return l[top:len(l)-bot]
+        return l
+    def old(self, fuzz=0, toponly=False):
+        return self.fuzzit(self.a, fuzz, toponly)
+    def new(self, fuzz=0, toponly=False):
+        return self.fuzzit(self.b, fuzz, toponly)
+class binhunk:
+    'A binary patch file. Only understands literals so far.'
+    def __init__(self, gitpatch):
+        self.gitpatch = gitpatch
+        self.text = None
+        self.hunk = ['GIT binary patch\n']
+    def createfile(self):
+        return self.gitpatch.op in ('ADD', 'RENAME', 'COPY')
+    def rmfile(self):
+        return self.gitpatch.op == 'DELETE'
+    def complete(self):
+        return self.text is not None
+    def new(self):
+        return [self.text]
+    def extract(self, lr):
+        line = lr.readline()
+        self.hunk.append(line)
+        while line and not line.startswith('literal '):
+            line = lr.readline()
+            self.hunk.append(line)
+        if not line:
+            raise PatchError(_('could not extract binary patch'))
+        size = int(line[8:].rstrip())
+        dec = []
+        line = lr.readline()
+        self.hunk.append(line)
+        while len(line) > 1:
+            l = line[0]
+            if l <= 'Z' and l >= 'A':
+                l = ord(l) - ord('A') + 1
+            else:
+                l = ord(l) - ord('a') + 27
+            dec.append(base85.b85decode(line[1:-1])[:l])
+            line = lr.readline()
+            self.hunk.append(line)
+        text = zlib.decompress(''.join(dec))
+        if len(text) != size:
+            raise PatchError(_('binary patch is %d bytes, not %d') %
+                             len(text), size)
+        self.text = text
+def parsefilename(str):
+    # --- filename \t|space stuff
+    s = str[4:].rstrip('\r\n')
+    i = s.find('\t')
+    if i < 0:
+        i = s.find(' ')
+        if i < 0:
+            return s
+    return s[:i]
+def pathstrip(path, strip):
+    pathlen = len(path)
+    i = 0
+    if strip == 0:
+        return '', path.rstrip()
+    count = strip
+    while count > 0:
+        i = path.find('/', i)
+        if i == -1:
+            raise PatchError(_("unable to strip away %d of %d dirs from %s") %
+                             (count, strip, path))
+        i += 1
+        # consume '//' in the path
+        while i < pathlen - 1 and path[i] == '/':
+            i += 1
+        count -= 1
+    return path[:i].lstrip(), path[i:].rstrip()
+def selectfile(afile_orig, bfile_orig, hunk, strip):
+    nulla = afile_orig == "/dev/null"
+    nullb = bfile_orig == "/dev/null"
+    abase, afile = pathstrip(afile_orig, strip)
+    gooda = not nulla and os.path.lexists(afile)
+    bbase, bfile = pathstrip(bfile_orig, strip)
+    if afile == bfile:
+        goodb = gooda
+    else:
+        goodb = not nullb and os.path.lexists(bfile)
+    createfunc = hunk.createfile
+    missing = not goodb and not gooda and not createfunc()
+    # some diff programs apparently produce patches where the afile is
+    # not /dev/null, but afile starts with bfile
+    abasedir = afile[:afile.rfind('/') + 1]
+    bbasedir = bfile[:bfile.rfind('/') + 1]
+    if missing and abasedir == bbasedir and afile.startswith(bfile):
+        # this isn't very pretty
+        hunk.create = True
+        if createfunc():
+            missing = False
+        else:
+            hunk.create = False
+    # If afile is "a/b/foo" and bfile is "a/b/foo.orig" we assume the
+    # diff is between a file and its backup. In this case, the original
+    # file should be patched (see original mpatch code).
+    isbackup = (abase == bbase and bfile.startswith(afile))
+    fname = None
+    if not missing:
+        if gooda and goodb:
+            fname = isbackup and afile or bfile
+        elif gooda:
+            fname = afile
+    if not fname:
+        if not nullb:
+            fname = isbackup and afile or bfile
+        elif not nulla:
+            fname = afile
+        else:
+            raise PatchError(_("undefined source and destination files"))
+    return fname, missing
+def scangitpatch(lr, firstline):
+    """
+    Git patches can emit:
+    - rename a to b
+    - change b
+    - copy a to c
+    - change c
+    We cannot apply this sequence as-is, the renamed 'a' could not be
+    found for it would have been renamed already. And we cannot copy
+    from 'b' instead because 'b' would have been changed already. So
+    we scan the git patch for copy and rename commands so we can
+    perform the copies ahead of time.
+    """
+    pos = 0
+    try:
+        pos = lr.fp.tell()
+        fp = lr.fp
+    except IOError:
+        fp = cStringIO.StringIO(
+    gitlr = linereader(fp, lr.textmode)
+    gitlr.push(firstline)
+    gitpatches = readgitpatch(gitlr)
+    return gitpatches
+def iterhunks(ui, fp, sourcefile=None):
+    """Read a patch and yield the following events:
+    - ("file", afile, bfile, firsthunk): select a new target file.
+    - ("hunk", hunk): a new hunk is ready to be applied, follows a
+    "file" event.
+    - ("git", gitchanges): current diff is in git format, gitchanges
+    maps filenames to gitpatch records. Unique event.
+    """
+    changed = {}
+    current_hunk = None
+    afile = ""
+    bfile = ""
+    state = None
+    hunknum = 0
+    emitfile = False
+    git = False
+    # our states
+    BFILE = 1
+    context = None
+    lr = linereader(fp)
+    # gitworkdone is True if a git operation (copy, rename, ...) was
+    # performed already for the current file. Useful when the file
+    # section may have no hunk.
+    gitworkdone = False
+    while True:
+        newfile = newgitfile = False
+        x = lr.readline()
+        if not x:
+            break
+        if current_hunk:
+            if x.startswith('\ '):
+                current_hunk.fix_newline()
+            yield 'hunk', current_hunk
+            current_hunk = None
+        if ((sourcefile or state == BFILE) and ((not context and x[0] == '@') or
+            ((context is not False) and x.startswith('***************')))):
+            if context is None and x.startswith('***************'):
+                context = True
+            gpatch = changed.get(bfile)
+            create = afile == '/dev/null' or gpatch and gpatch.op == 'ADD'
+            remove = bfile == '/dev/null' or gpatch and gpatch.op == 'DELETE'
+            current_hunk = hunk(x, hunknum + 1, lr, context, create, remove)
+            hunknum += 1
+            if emitfile:
+                emitfile = False
+                yield 'file', (afile, bfile, current_hunk)
+        elif state == BFILE and x.startswith('GIT binary patch'):
+            current_hunk = binhunk(changed[bfile])
+            hunknum += 1
+            if emitfile:
+                emitfile = False
+                yield 'file', ('a/' + afile, 'b/' + bfile, current_hunk)
+            current_hunk.extract(lr)
+        elif x.startswith('diff --git'):
+            # check for git diff, scanning the whole patch file if needed
+            m = gitre.match(x)
+            gitworkdone = False
+            if m:
+                afile, bfile =, 2)
+                if not git:
+                    git = True
+                    gitpatches = scangitpatch(lr, x)
+                    yield 'git', gitpatches
+                    for gp in gitpatches:
+                        changed[gp.path] = gp
+                # else error?
+                # copy/rename + modify should modify target, not source
+                gp = changed.get(bfile)
+                if gp and (gp.op in ('COPY', 'DELETE', 'RENAME', 'ADD')
+                           or gp.mode):
+                    afile = bfile
+                    gitworkdone = True
+                newgitfile = True
+        elif x.startswith('---'):
+            # check for a unified diff
+            l2 = lr.readline()
+            if not l2.startswith('+++'):
+                lr.push(l2)
+                continue
+            newfile = True
+            context = False
+            afile = parsefilename(x)
+            bfile = parsefilename(l2)
+        elif x.startswith('***'):
+            # check for a context diff
+            l2 = lr.readline()
+            if not l2.startswith('---'):
+                lr.push(l2)
+                continue
+            l3 = lr.readline()
+            lr.push(l3)
+            if not l3.startswith("***************"):
+                lr.push(l2)
+                continue
+            newfile = True
+            context = True
+            afile = parsefilename(x)
+            bfile = parsefilename(l2)
+        if newfile:
+            gitworkdone = False
+        if newgitfile or newfile:
+            emitfile = True
+            state = BFILE
+            hunknum = 0
+    if current_hunk:
+        if current_hunk.complete():
+            yield 'hunk', current_hunk
+        else:
+            raise PatchError(_("malformed patch %s %s") % (afile,
+                             current_hunk.desc))
+def applydiff(ui, fp, changed, strip=1, sourcefile=None, eolmode='strict'):
+    """Reads a patch from fp and tries to apply it.
+    The dict 'changed' is filled in with all of the filenames changed
+    by the patch. Returns 0 for a clean patch, -1 if any rejects were
+    found and 1 if there was any fuzz.
+    If 'eolmode' is 'strict', the patch content and patched file are
+    read in binary mode. Otherwise, line endings are ignored when
+    patching then normalized according to 'eolmode'.
+    Callers probably want to call 'cmdutil.updatedir' after this to
+    apply certain categories of changes not done by this function.
+    """
+    return _applydiff(
+        ui, fp, patchfile, copyfile,
+        changed, strip=strip, sourcefile=sourcefile, eolmode=eolmode)
+def _applydiff(ui, fp, patcher, copyfn, changed, strip=1,
+               sourcefile=None, eolmode='strict'):
+    rejects = 0
+    err = 0
+    current_file = None
+    cwd = os.getcwd()
+    opener = util.opener(cwd)
+    def closefile():
+        if not current_file:
+            return 0
+        if current_file.dirty:
+            current_file.writelines(current_file.fname, current_file.lines)
+        current_file.write_rej()
+        return len(current_file.rej)
+    for state, values in iterhunks(ui, fp, sourcefile):
+        if state == 'hunk':
+            if not current_file:
+                continue
+            ret = current_file.apply(values)
+            if ret >= 0:
+                changed.setdefault(current_file.fname, None)
+                if ret > 0:
+                    err = 1
+        elif state == 'file':
+            rejects += closefile()
+            afile, bfile, first_hunk = values
+            try:
+                if sourcefile:
+                    current_file = patcher(ui, sourcefile, opener,
+                                           eolmode=eolmode)
+                else:
+                    current_file, missing = selectfile(afile, bfile,
+                                                       first_hunk, strip)
+                    current_file = patcher(ui, current_file, opener,
+                                           missing=missing, eolmode=eolmode)
+            except PatchError, err:
+                ui.warn(str(err) + '\n')
+                current_file = None
+                rejects += 1
+                continue
+        elif state == 'git':
+            for gp in values:
+                gp.path = pathstrip(gp.path, strip - 1)[1]
+                if gp.oldpath:
+                    gp.oldpath = pathstrip(gp.oldpath, strip - 1)[1]
+                # Binary patches really overwrite target files, copying them
+                # will just make it fails with "target file exists"
+                if gp.op in ('COPY', 'RENAME') and not gp.binary:
+                    copyfn(gp.oldpath, gp.path, cwd)
+                changed[gp.path] = gp
+        else:
+            raise util.Abort(_('unsupported parser state: %s') % state)
+    rejects += closefile()
+    if rejects:
+        return -1
+    return err
+def externalpatch(patcher, patchname, ui, strip, cwd, files):
+    """use <patcher> to apply <patchname> to the working directory.
+    returns whether patch was applied with fuzz factor."""
+    fuzz = False
+    args = []
+    if cwd:
+        args.append('-d %s' % util.shellquote(cwd))
+    fp = util.popen('%s %s -p%d < %s' % (patcher, ' '.join(args), strip,
+                                       util.shellquote(patchname)))
+    for line in fp:
+        line = line.rstrip()
+        ui.note(line + '\n')
+        if line.startswith('patching file '):
+            pf = util.parse_patch_output(line)
+            printed_file = False
+            files.setdefault(pf, None)
+        elif line.find('with fuzz') >= 0:
+            fuzz = True
+            if not printed_file:
+                ui.warn(pf + '\n')
+                printed_file = True
+            ui.warn(line + '\n')
+        elif line.find('saving rejects to file') >= 0:
+            ui.warn(line + '\n')
+        elif line.find('FAILED') >= 0:
+            if not printed_file:
+                ui.warn(pf + '\n')
+                printed_file = True
+            ui.warn(line + '\n')
+    code = fp.close()
+    if code:
+        raise PatchError(_("patch command failed: %s") %
+                         util.explain_exit(code)[0])
+    return fuzz
+def internalpatch(patchobj, ui, strip, cwd, files=None, eolmode='strict'):
+    """use builtin patch to apply <patchobj> to the working directory.
+    returns whether patch was applied with fuzz factor."""
+    if files is None:
+        files = {}
+    if eolmode is None:
+        eolmode = ui.config('patch', 'eol', 'strict')
+    if eolmode.lower() not in eolmodes:
+        raise util.Abort(_('unsupported line endings type: %s') % eolmode)
+    eolmode = eolmode.lower()
+    try:
+        fp = open(patchobj, 'rb')
+    except TypeError:
+        fp = patchobj
+    if cwd:
+        curdir = os.getcwd()
+        os.chdir(cwd)
+    try:
+        ret = applydiff(ui, fp, files, strip=strip, eolmode=eolmode)
+    finally:
+        if cwd:
+            os.chdir(curdir)
+        if fp != patchobj:
+            fp.close()
+    if ret < 0:
+        raise PatchError(_('patch failed to apply'))
+    return ret > 0
+def patch(patchname, ui, strip=1, cwd=None, files=None, eolmode='strict'):
+    """Apply <patchname> to the working directory.
+    'eolmode' specifies how end of lines should be handled. It can be:
+    - 'strict': inputs are read in binary mode, EOLs are preserved
+    - 'crlf': EOLs are ignored when patching and reset to CRLF
+    - 'lf': EOLs are ignored when patching and reset to LF
+    - None: get it from user settings, default to 'strict'
+    'eolmode' is ignored when using an external patcher program.
+    Returns whether patch was applied with fuzz factor.
+    """
+    patcher = ui.config('ui', 'patch')
+    if files is None:
+        files = {}
+    try:
+        if patcher:
+            return externalpatch(patcher, patchname, ui, strip, cwd, files)
+        return internalpatch(patchname, ui, strip, cwd, files, eolmode)
+    except PatchError, err:
+        raise util.Abort(str(err))
+def b85diff(to, tn):
+    '''print base85-encoded binary diff'''
+    def gitindex(text):
+        if not text:
+            return hex(nullid)
+        l = len(text)
+        s = util.sha1('blob %d\0' % l)
+        s.update(text)
+        return s.hexdigest()
+    def fmtline(line):
+        l = len(line)
+        if l <= 26:
+            l = chr(ord('A') + l - 1)
+        else:
+            l = chr(l - 26 + ord('a') - 1)
+        return '%c%s\n' % (l, base85.b85encode(line, True))
+    def chunk(text, csize=52):
+        l = len(text)
+        i = 0
+        while i < l:
+            yield text[i:i + csize]
+            i += csize
+    tohash = gitindex(to)
+    tnhash = gitindex(tn)
+    if tohash == tnhash:
+        return ""
+    # TODO: deltas
+    ret = ['index %s..%s\nGIT binary patch\nliteral %s\n' %
+           (tohash, tnhash, len(tn))]
+    for l in chunk(zlib.compress(tn)):
+        ret.append(fmtline(l))
+    ret.append('\n')
+    return ''.join(ret)
+class GitDiffRequired(Exception):
+    pass
+def diffopts(ui, opts=None, untrusted=False):
+    def get(key, name=None, getter=ui.configbool):
+        return ((opts and opts.get(key)) or
+                getter('diff', name or key, None, untrusted=untrusted))
+    return mdiff.diffopts(
+        text=opts and opts.get('text'),
+        git=get('git'),
+        nodates=get('nodates'),
+        showfunc=get('show_function', 'showfunc'),
+        ignorews=get('ignore_all_space', 'ignorews'),
+        ignorewsamount=get('ignore_space_change', 'ignorewsamount'),
+        ignoreblanklines=get('ignore_blank_lines', 'ignoreblanklines'),
+        context=get('unified', getter=ui.config))
+def diff(repo, node1=None, node2=None, match=None, changes=None, opts=None,
+         losedatafn=None, prefix=''):
+    '''yields diff of changes to files between two nodes, or node and
+    working directory.
+    if node1 is None, use first dirstate parent instead.
+    if node2 is None, compare node1 with working directory.
+    losedatafn(**kwarg) is a callable run when opts.upgrade=True and
+    every time some change cannot be represented with the current
+    patch format. Return False to upgrade to git patch format, True to
+    accept the loss or raise an exception to abort the diff. It is
+    called with the name of current file being diffed as 'fn'. If set
+    to None, patches will always be upgraded to git format when
+    necessary.
+    prefix is a filename prefix that is prepended to all filenames on
+    display (used for subrepos).
+    '''
+    if opts is None:
+        opts = mdiff.defaultopts
+    if not node1 and not node2:
+        node1 = repo.dirstate.parents()[0]
+    def lrugetfilectx():
+        cache = {}
+        order = []
+        def getfilectx(f, ctx):
+            fctx = ctx.filectx(f, filelog=cache.get(f))
+            if f not in cache:
+                if len(cache) > 20:
+                    del cache[order.pop(0)]
+                cache[f] = fctx.filelog()
+            else:
+                order.remove(f)
+            order.append(f)
+            return fctx
+        return getfilectx
+    getfilectx = lrugetfilectx()
+    ctx1 = repo[node1]
+    ctx2 = repo[node2]
+    if not changes:
+        changes = repo.status(ctx1, ctx2, match=match)
+    modified, added, removed = changes[:3]
+    if not modified and not added and not removed:
+        return []
+    revs = None
+    if not repo.ui.quiet:
+        hexfunc = repo.ui.debugflag and hex or short
+        revs = [hexfunc(node) for node in [node1, node2] if node]
+    copy = {}
+    if opts.git or opts.upgrade:
+        copy = copies.copies(repo, ctx1, ctx2, repo[nullid])[0]
+    difffn = lambda opts, losedata: trydiff(repo, revs, ctx1, ctx2,
+                 modified, added, removed, copy, getfilectx, opts, losedata, prefix)
+    if opts.upgrade and not opts.git:
+        try:
+            def losedata(fn):
+                if not losedatafn or not losedatafn(fn=fn):
+                    raise GitDiffRequired()
+            # Buffer the whole output until we are sure it can be generated
+            return list(difffn(opts.copy(git=False), losedata))
+        except GitDiffRequired:
+            return difffn(opts.copy(git=True), None)
+    else:
+        return difffn(opts, None)
+def difflabel(func, *args, **kw):
+    '''yields 2-tuples of (output, label) based on the output of func()'''
+    prefixes = [('diff', 'diff.diffline'),
+                ('copy', 'diff.extended'),
+                ('rename', 'diff.extended'),
+                ('old', 'diff.extended'),
+                ('new', 'diff.extended'),
+                ('deleted', 'diff.extended'),
+                ('---', 'diff.file_a'),
+                ('+++', 'diff.file_b'),
+                ('@@', 'diff.hunk'),
+                ('-', 'diff.deleted'),
+                ('+', 'diff.inserted')]
+    for chunk in func(*args, **kw):
+        lines = chunk.split('\n')
+        for i, line in enumerate(lines):
+            if i != 0:
+                yield ('\n', '')
+            stripline = line
+            if line and line[0] in '+-':
+                # highlight trailing whitespace, but only in changed lines
+                stripline = line.rstrip()
+            for prefix, label in prefixes:
+                if stripline.startswith(prefix):
+                    yield (stripline, label)
+                    break
+            else:
+                yield (line, '')
+            if line != stripline:
+                yield (line[len(stripline):], 'diff.trailingwhitespace')
+def diffui(*args, **kw):
+    '''like diff(), but yields 2-tuples of (output, label) for ui.write()'''
+    return difflabel(diff, *args, **kw)
+def _addmodehdr(header, omode, nmode):
+    if omode != nmode:
+        header.append('old mode %s\n' % omode)
+        header.append('new mode %s\n' % nmode)
+def trydiff(repo, revs, ctx1, ctx2, modified, added, removed,
+            copy, getfilectx, opts, losedatafn, prefix):
+    def join(f):
+        return os.path.join(prefix, f)
+    date1 = util.datestr(
+    man1 = ctx1.manifest()
+    gone = set()
+    gitmode = {'l': '120000', 'x': '100755', '': '100644'}
+    copyto = dict([(v, k) for k, v in copy.items()])
+    if opts.git:
+        revs = None
+    for f in sorted(modified + added + removed):
+        to = None
+        tn = None
+        dodiff = True
+        header = []
+        if f in man1:
+            to = getfilectx(f, ctx1).data()
+        if f not in removed:
+            tn = getfilectx(f, ctx2).data()
+        a, b = f, f
+        if opts.git or losedatafn:
+            if f in added:
+                mode = gitmode[ctx2.flags(f)]
+                if f in copy or f in copyto:
+                    if opts.git:
+                        if f in copy:
+                            a = copy[f]
+                        else:
+                            a = copyto[f]
+                        omode = gitmode[man1.flags(a)]
+                        _addmodehdr(header, omode, mode)
+                        if a in removed and a not in gone:
+                            op = 'rename'
+                            gone.add(a)
+                        else:
+                            op = 'copy'
+                        header.append('%s from %s\n' % (op, join(a)))
+                        header.append('%s to %s\n' % (op, join(f)))
+                        to = getfilectx(a, ctx1).data()
+                    else:
+                        losedatafn(f)
+                else:
+                    if opts.git:
+                        header.append('new file mode %s\n' % mode)
+                    elif ctx2.flags(f):
+                        losedatafn(f)
+                # In theory, if tn was copied or renamed we should check
+                # if the source is binary too but the copy record already
+                # forces git mode.
+                if util.binary(tn):
+                    if opts.git:
+                        dodiff = 'binary'
+                    else:
+                        losedatafn(f)
+                if not opts.git and not tn:
+                    # regular diffs cannot represent new empty file
+                    losedatafn(f)
+            elif f in removed:
+                if opts.git:
+                    # have we already reported a copy above?
+                    if ((f in copy and copy[f] in added
+                         and copyto[copy[f]] == f) or
+                        (f in copyto and copyto[f] in added
+                         and copy[copyto[f]] == f)):
+                        dodiff = False
+                    else:
+                        header.append('deleted file mode %s\n' %
+                                      gitmode[man1.flags(f)])
+                elif not to or util.binary(to):
+                    # regular diffs cannot represent empty file deletion
+                    losedatafn(f)
+            else:
+                oflag = man1.flags(f)
+                nflag = ctx2.flags(f)
+                binary = util.binary(to) or util.binary(tn)
+                if opts.git:
+                    _addmodehdr(header, gitmode[oflag], gitmode[nflag])
+                    if binary:
+                        dodiff = 'binary'
+                elif binary or nflag != oflag:
+                    losedatafn(f)
+            if opts.git:
+                header.insert(0, mdiff.diffline(revs, join(a), join(b), opts))
+        if dodiff:
+            if dodiff == 'binary':
+                text = b85diff(to, tn)
+            else:
+                text = mdiff.unidiff(to, date1,
+                                    # ctx2 date may be dynamic
+                                    tn, util.datestr(,
+                                    join(a), join(b), revs, opts=opts)
+            if header and (text or len(header) > 1):
+                yield ''.join(header)
+            if text:
+                yield text
+def diffstatdata(lines):
+    filename, adds, removes = None, 0, 0
+    for line in lines:
+        if line.startswith('diff'):
+            if filename:
+                isbinary = adds == 0 and removes == 0
+                yield (filename, adds, removes, isbinary)
+            # set numbers to 0 anyway when starting new file
+            adds, removes = 0, 0
+            if line.startswith('diff --git'):
+                filename =
+            else:
+                # format: "diff -r ... -r ... filename"
+                filename = line.split(None, 5)[-1]
+        elif line.startswith('+') and not line.startswith('+++'):
+            adds += 1
+        elif line.startswith('-') and not line.startswith('---'):
+            removes += 1
+    if filename:
+        isbinary = adds == 0 and removes == 0
+        yield (filename, adds, removes, isbinary)
+def diffstat(lines, width=80, git=False):
+    output = []
+    stats = list(diffstatdata(lines))
+    maxtotal, maxname = 0, 0
+    totaladds, totalremoves = 0, 0
+    hasbinary = False
+    sized = [(filename, adds, removes, isbinary, encoding.colwidth(filename))
+             for filename, adds, removes, isbinary in stats]
+    for filename, adds, removes, isbinary, namewidth in sized:
+        totaladds += adds
+        totalremoves += removes
+        maxname = max(maxname, namewidth)
+        maxtotal = max(maxtotal, adds + removes)
+        if isbinary:
+            hasbinary = True
+    countwidth = len(str(maxtotal))
+    if hasbinary and countwidth < 3:
+        countwidth = 3
+    graphwidth = width - countwidth - maxname - 6
+    if graphwidth < 10:
+        graphwidth = 10
+    def scale(i):
+        if maxtotal <= graphwidth:
+            return i
+        # If diffstat runs out of room it doesn't print anything,
+        # which isn't very useful, so always print at least one + or -
+        # if there were at least some changes.
+        return max(i * graphwidth // maxtotal, int(bool(i)))
+    for filename, adds, removes, isbinary, namewidth in sized:
+        if git and isbinary:
+            count = 'Bin'
+        else:
+            count = adds + removes
+        pluses = '+' * scale(adds)
+        minuses = '-' * scale(removes)
+        output.append(' %s%s |  %*s %s%s\n' %
+                      (filename, ' ' * (maxname - namewidth),
+                       countwidth, count,
+                       pluses, minuses))
+    if stats:
+        output.append(_(' %d files changed, %d insertions(+), %d deletions(-)\n')
+                      % (len(stats), totaladds, totalremoves))
+    return ''.join(output)
+def diffstatui(*args, **kw):
+    '''like diffstat(), but yields 2-tuples of (output, label) for
+    ui.write()
+    '''
+    for line in diffstat(*args, **kw).splitlines():
+        if line and line[-1] in '+-':
+            name, graph = line.rsplit(' ', 1)
+            yield (name + ' ', '')
+            m ='\++', graph)
+            if m:
+                yield (, 'diffstat.inserted')
+            m ='-+', graph)
+            if m:
+                yield (, 'diffstat.deleted')
+        else:
+            yield (line, '')
+        yield ('\n', '')