changeset 69 c6bca38c1cbf
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/mercurial/	Sat Jan 08 11:20:57 2011 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+# - minimal reStructuredText parser
+# Copyright 2009, 2010 Matt Mackall <> and others
+# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
+# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
+"""simplified reStructuredText parser.
+This parser knows just enough about reStructuredText to parse the
+Mercurial docstrings.
+It cheats in a major way: nested blocks are not really nested. They
+are just indented blocks that look like they are nested. This relies
+on the user to keep the right indentation for the blocks.
+It only supports a small subset of reStructuredText:
+- sections
+- paragraphs
+- literal blocks
+- definition lists
+- specific admonitions
+- bullet lists (items must start with '-')
+- enumerated lists (no autonumbering)
+- field lists (colons cannot be escaped)
+- option lists (supports only long options without arguments)
+- inline literals (no other inline markup is not recognized)
+import re, sys
+import util, encoding
+from i18n import _
+def replace(text, substs):
+    utext = text.decode(encoding.encoding)
+    for f, t in substs:
+        utext = utext.replace(f, t)
+    return utext.encode(encoding.encoding)
+_blockre = re.compile(r"\n(?:\s*\n)+")
+def findblocks(text):
+    """Find continuous blocks of lines in text.
+    Returns a list of dictionaries representing the blocks. Each block
+    has an 'indent' field and a 'lines' field.
+    """
+    blocks = []
+    for b in _blockre.split(text.strip()):
+        lines = b.splitlines()
+        indent = min((len(l) - len(l.lstrip())) for l in lines)
+        lines = [l[indent:] for l in lines]
+        blocks.append(dict(indent=indent, lines=lines))
+    return blocks
+def findliteralblocks(blocks):
+    """Finds literal blocks and adds a 'type' field to the blocks.
+    Literal blocks are given the type 'literal', all other blocks are
+    given type the 'paragraph'.
+    """
+    i = 0
+    while i < len(blocks):
+        # Searching for a block that looks like this:
+        #
+        # +------------------------------+
+        # | paragraph                    |
+        # | (ends with "::")             |
+        # +------------------------------+
+        #    +---------------------------+
+        #    | indented literal block    |
+        #    +---------------------------+
+        blocks[i]['type'] = 'paragraph'
+        if blocks[i]['lines'][-1].endswith('::') and i + 1 < len(blocks):
+            indent = blocks[i]['indent']
+            adjustment = blocks[i + 1]['indent'] - indent
+            if blocks[i]['lines'] == ['::']:
+                # Expanded form: remove block
+                del blocks[i]
+                i -= 1
+            elif blocks[i]['lines'][-1].endswith(' ::'):
+                # Partially minimized form: remove space and both
+                # colons.
+                blocks[i]['lines'][-1] = blocks[i]['lines'][-1][:-3]
+            else:
+                # Fully minimized form: remove just one colon.
+                blocks[i]['lines'][-1] = blocks[i]['lines'][-1][:-1]
+            # List items are formatted with a hanging indent. We must
+            # correct for this here while we still have the original
+            # information on the indentation of the subsequent literal
+            # blocks available.
+            m = _bulletre.match(blocks[i]['lines'][0])
+            if m:
+                indent += m.end()
+                adjustment -= m.end()
+            # Mark the following indented blocks.
+            while i + 1 < len(blocks) and blocks[i + 1]['indent'] > indent:
+                blocks[i + 1]['type'] = 'literal'
+                blocks[i + 1]['indent'] -= adjustment
+                i += 1
+        i += 1
+    return blocks
+_bulletre = re.compile(r'(-|[0-9A-Za-z]+\.|\(?[0-9A-Za-z]+\)|\|) ')
+_optionre = re.compile(r'^(--[a-z-]+)((?:[ =][a-zA-Z][\w-]*)?  +)(.*)$')
+_fieldre = re.compile(r':(?![: ])([^:]*)(?<! ):[ ]+(.*)')
+_definitionre = re.compile(r'[^ ]')
+def splitparagraphs(blocks):
+    """Split paragraphs into lists."""
+    # Tuples with (list type, item regexp, single line items?). Order
+    # matters: definition lists has the least specific regexp and must
+    # come last.
+    listtypes = [('bullet', _bulletre, True),
+                 ('option', _optionre, True),
+                 ('field', _fieldre, True),
+                 ('definition', _definitionre, False)]
+    def match(lines, i, itemre, singleline):
+        """Does itemre match an item at line i?
+        A list item can be followed by an idented line or another list
+        item (but only if singleline is True).
+        """
+        line1 = lines[i]
+        line2 = i + 1 < len(lines) and lines[i + 1] or ''
+        if not itemre.match(line1):
+            return False
+        if singleline:
+            return line2 == '' or line2[0] == ' ' or itemre.match(line2)
+        else:
+            return line2.startswith(' ')
+    i = 0
+    while i < len(blocks):
+        if blocks[i]['type'] == 'paragraph':
+            lines = blocks[i]['lines']
+            for type, itemre, singleline in listtypes:
+                if match(lines, 0, itemre, singleline):
+                    items = []
+                    for j, line in enumerate(lines):
+                        if match(lines, j, itemre, singleline):
+                            items.append(dict(type=type, lines=[],
+                                              indent=blocks[i]['indent']))
+                        items[-1]['lines'].append(line)
+                    blocks[i:i + 1] = items
+                    break
+        i += 1
+    return blocks
+_fieldwidth = 12
+def updatefieldlists(blocks):
+    """Find key and maximum key width for field lists."""
+    i = 0
+    while i < len(blocks):
+        if blocks[i]['type'] != 'field':
+            i += 1
+            continue
+        keywidth = 0
+        j = i
+        while j < len(blocks) and blocks[j]['type'] == 'field':
+            m = _fieldre.match(blocks[j]['lines'][0])
+            key, rest = m.groups()
+            blocks[j]['lines'][0] = rest
+            blocks[j]['key'] = key
+            keywidth = max(keywidth, len(key))
+            j += 1
+        for block in blocks[i:j]:
+            block['keywidth'] = keywidth
+        i = j + 1
+    return blocks
+def prunecontainers(blocks, keep):
+    """Prune unwanted containers.
+    The blocks must have a 'type' field, i.e., they should have been
+    run through findliteralblocks first.
+    """
+    pruned = []
+    i = 0
+    while i + 1 < len(blocks):
+        # Searching for a block that looks like this:
+        #
+        # +-------+---------------------------+
+        # | ".. container ::" type            |
+        # +---+                               |
+        #     | blocks                        |
+        #     +-------------------------------+
+        if (blocks[i]['type'] == 'paragraph' and
+            blocks[i]['lines'][0].startswith('.. container::')):
+            indent = blocks[i]['indent']
+            adjustment = blocks[i + 1]['indent'] - indent
+            containertype = blocks[i]['lines'][0][15:]
+            prune = containertype not in keep
+            if prune:
+                pruned.append(containertype)
+            # Always delete "..container:: type" block
+            del blocks[i]
+            j = i
+            while j < len(blocks) and blocks[j]['indent'] > indent:
+                if prune:
+                    del blocks[j]
+                    i -= 1 # adjust outer index
+                else:
+                    blocks[j]['indent'] -= adjustment
+                    j += 1
+        i += 1
+    return blocks, pruned
+_sectionre = re.compile(r"""^([-=`:.'"~^_*+#])\1+$""")
+def findsections(blocks):
+    """Finds sections.
+    The blocks must have a 'type' field, i.e., they should have been
+    run through findliteralblocks first.
+    """
+    for block in blocks:
+        # Searching for a block that looks like this:
+        #
+        # +------------------------------+
+        # | Section title                |
+        # | -------------                |
+        # +------------------------------+
+        if (block['type'] == 'paragraph' and
+            len(block['lines']) == 2 and
+            encoding.colwidth(block['lines'][0]) == len(block['lines'][1]) and
+            _sectionre.match(block['lines'][1])):
+            block['underline'] = block['lines'][1][0]
+            block['type'] = 'section'
+            del block['lines'][1]
+    return blocks
+def inlineliterals(blocks):
+    substs = [('``', '"')]
+    for b in blocks:
+        if b['type'] in ('paragraph', 'section'):
+            b['lines'] = [replace(l, substs) for l in b['lines']]
+    return blocks
+def hgrole(blocks):
+    substs = [(':hg:`', '"hg '), ('`', '"')]
+    for b in blocks:
+        if b['type'] in ('paragraph', 'section'):
+            # Turn :hg:`command` into "hg command". This also works
+            # when there is a line break in the command and relies on
+            # the fact that we have no stray back-quotes in the input
+            # (run the blocks through inlineliterals first).
+            b['lines'] = [replace(l, substs) for l in b['lines']]
+    return blocks
+def addmargins(blocks):
+    """Adds empty blocks for vertical spacing.
+    This groups bullets, options, and definitions together with no vertical
+    space between them, and adds an empty block between all other blocks.
+    """
+    i = 1
+    while i < len(blocks):
+        if (blocks[i]['type'] == blocks[i - 1]['type'] and
+            blocks[i]['type'] in ('bullet', 'option', 'field')):
+            i += 1
+        else:
+            blocks.insert(i, dict(lines=[''], indent=0, type='margin'))
+            i += 2
+    return blocks
+def prunecomments(blocks):
+    """Remove comments."""
+    i = 0
+    while i < len(blocks):
+        b = blocks[i]
+        if b['type'] == 'paragraph' and b['lines'][0].startswith('.. '):
+            del blocks[i]
+        else:
+            i += 1
+    return blocks
+_admonitionre = re.compile(r"\.\. (admonition|attention|caution|danger|"
+                           r"error|hint|important|note|tip|warning)::",
+                           flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+def findadmonitions(blocks):
+    """
+    Makes the type of the block an admonition block if
+    the first line is an admonition directive
+    """
+    i = 0
+    while i < len(blocks):
+        m = _admonitionre.match(blocks[i]['lines'][0])
+        if m:
+            blocks[i]['type'] = 'admonition'
+            admonitiontitle = blocks[i]['lines'][0][3:m.end() - 2].lower()
+            firstline = blocks[i]['lines'][0][m.end() + 1:]
+            if firstline:
+                blocks[i]['lines'].insert(1, '   ' + firstline)
+            blocks[i]['admonitiontitle'] = admonitiontitle
+            del blocks[i]['lines'][0]
+        i = i + 1
+    return blocks
+_admonitiontitles = {'attention': _('Attention:'),
+                     'caution': _('Caution:'),
+                     'danger': _('!Danger!')  ,
+                     'error': _('Error:'),
+                     'hint': _('Hint:'),
+                     'important': _('Important:'),
+                     'note': _('Note:'),
+                     'tip': _('Tip:'),
+                     'warning': _('Warning!')}
+def formatblock(block, width):
+    """Format a block according to width."""
+    if width <= 0:
+        width = 78
+    indent = ' ' * block['indent']
+    if block['type'] == 'admonition':
+        admonition = _admonitiontitles[block['admonitiontitle']]
+        hang = len(block['lines'][-1]) - len(block['lines'][-1].lstrip())
+        defindent = indent + hang * ' '
+        text = ' '.join(map(str.strip, block['lines']))
+        return '%s\n%s' % (indent + admonition, util.wrap(text, width=width,
+                                           initindent=defindent,
+                                           hangindent=defindent))
+    if block['type'] == 'margin':
+        return ''
+    if block['type'] == 'literal':
+        indent += '  '
+        return indent + ('\n' + indent).join(block['lines'])
+    if block['type'] == 'section':
+        underline = encoding.colwidth(block['lines'][0]) * block['underline']
+        return "%s%s\n%s%s" % (indent, block['lines'][0],indent, underline)
+    if block['type'] == 'definition':
+        term = indent + block['lines'][0]
+        hang = len(block['lines'][-1]) - len(block['lines'][-1].lstrip())
+        defindent = indent + hang * ' '
+        text = ' '.join(map(str.strip, block['lines'][1:]))
+        return '%s\n%s' % (term, util.wrap(text, width=width,
+                                           initindent=defindent,
+                                           hangindent=defindent))
+    subindent = indent
+    if block['type'] == 'bullet':
+        if block['lines'][0].startswith('| '):
+            # Remove bullet for line blocks and add no extra
+            # indention.
+            block['lines'][0] = block['lines'][0][2:]
+        else:
+            m = _bulletre.match(block['lines'][0])
+            subindent = indent + m.end() * ' '
+    elif block['type'] == 'field':
+        keywidth = block['keywidth']
+        key = block['key']
+        subindent = indent + _fieldwidth * ' '
+        if len(key) + 2 > _fieldwidth:
+            # key too large, use full line width
+            key = key.ljust(width)
+        elif keywidth + 2 < _fieldwidth:
+            # all keys are small, add only two spaces
+            key = key.ljust(keywidth + 2)
+            subindent = indent + (keywidth + 2) * ' '
+        else:
+            # mixed sizes, use fieldwidth for this one
+            key = key.ljust(_fieldwidth)
+        block['lines'][0] = key + block['lines'][0]
+    elif block['type'] == 'option':
+        m = _optionre.match(block['lines'][0])
+        option, arg, rest = m.groups()
+        subindent = indent + (len(option) + len(arg)) * ' '
+    text = ' '.join(map(str.strip, block['lines']))
+    return util.wrap(text, width=width,
+                     initindent=indent,
+                     hangindent=subindent)
+def format(text, width, indent=0, keep=None):
+    """Parse and format the text according to width."""
+    blocks = findblocks(text)
+    for b in blocks:
+        b['indent'] += indent
+    blocks = findliteralblocks(blocks)
+    blocks, pruned = prunecontainers(blocks, keep or [])
+    blocks = findsections(blocks)
+    blocks = inlineliterals(blocks)
+    blocks = hgrole(blocks)
+    blocks = splitparagraphs(blocks)
+    blocks = updatefieldlists(blocks)
+    blocks = prunecomments(blocks)
+    blocks = addmargins(blocks)
+    blocks = findadmonitions(blocks)
+    text = '\n'.join(formatblock(b, width) for b in blocks)
+    if keep is None:
+        return text
+    else:
+        return text, pruned
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    from pprint import pprint
+    def debug(func, *args):
+        blocks = func(*args)
+        print "*** after %s:" % func.__name__
+        pprint(blocks)
+        print
+        return blocks
+    text = open(sys.argv[1]).read()
+    blocks = debug(findblocks, text)
+    blocks = debug(findliteralblocks, blocks)
+    blocks, pruned = debug(prunecontainers, blocks, sys.argv[2:])
+    blocks = debug(inlineliterals, blocks)
+    blocks = debug(splitparagraphs, blocks)
+    blocks = debug(updatefieldlists, blocks)
+    blocks = debug(findsections, blocks)
+    blocks = debug(prunecomments, blocks)
+    blocks = debug(addmargins, blocks)
+    blocks = debug(findadmonitions, blocks)
+    print '\n'.join(formatblock(b, 30) for b in blocks)