changeset 69 c6bca38c1cbf
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/hgext/	Sat Jan 08 11:20:57 2011 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,3211 @@
+# - patch queues for mercurial
+# Copyright 2005, 2006 Chris Mason <>
+# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
+# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
+'''manage a stack of patches
+This extension lets you work with a stack of patches in a Mercurial
+repository. It manages two stacks of patches - all known patches, and
+applied patches (subset of known patches).
+Known patches are represented as patch files in the .hg/patches
+directory. Applied patches are both patch files and changesets.
+Common tasks (use :hg:`help command` for more details)::
+  create new patch                          qnew
+  import existing patch                     qimport
+  print patch series                        qseries
+  print applied patches                     qapplied
+  add known patch to applied stack          qpush
+  remove patch from applied stack           qpop
+  refresh contents of top applied patch     qrefresh
+By default, mq will automatically use git patches when required to
+avoid losing file mode changes, copy records, binary files or empty
+files creations or deletions. This behaviour can be configured with::
+  [mq]
+  git = auto/keep/yes/no
+If set to 'keep', mq will obey the [diff] section configuration while
+preserving existing git patches upon qrefresh. If set to 'yes' or
+'no', mq will override the [diff] section and always generate git or
+regular patches, possibly losing data in the second case.
+You will by default be managing a patch queue named "patches". You can
+create other, independent patch queues with the :hg:`qqueue` command.
+from mercurial.i18n import _
+from mercurial.node import bin, hex, short, nullid, nullrev
+from mercurial.lock import release
+from mercurial import commands, cmdutil, hg, patch, util
+from mercurial import repair, extensions, url, error
+import os, sys, re, errno, shutil
+commands.norepo += " qclone"
+# Patch names looks like unix-file names.
+# They must be joinable with queue directory and result in the patch path.
+normname = util.normpath
+class statusentry(object):
+    def __init__(self, node, name):
+        self.node, = node, name
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return hex(self.node) + ':' +
+class patchheader(object):
+    def __init__(self, pf, plainmode=False):
+        def eatdiff(lines):
+            while lines:
+                l = lines[-1]
+                if (l.startswith("diff -") or
+                    l.startswith("Index:") or
+                    l.startswith("===========")):
+                    del lines[-1]
+                else:
+                    break
+        def eatempty(lines):
+            while lines:
+                if not lines[-1].strip():
+                    del lines[-1]
+                else:
+                    break
+        message = []
+        comments = []
+        user = None
+        date = None
+        parent = None
+        format = None
+        subject = None
+        diffstart = 0
+        for line in file(pf):
+            line = line.rstrip()
+            if (line.startswith('diff --git')
+                or (diffstart and line.startswith('+++ '))):
+                diffstart = 2
+                break
+            diffstart = 0 # reset
+            if line.startswith("--- "):
+                diffstart = 1
+                continue
+            elif format == "hgpatch":
+                # parse values when importing the result of an hg export
+                if line.startswith("# User "):
+                    user = line[7:]
+                elif line.startswith("# Date "):
+                    date = line[7:]
+                elif line.startswith("# Parent "):
+                    parent = line[9:]
+                elif not line.startswith("# ") and line:
+                    message.append(line)
+                    format = None
+            elif line == '# HG changeset patch':
+                message = []
+                format = "hgpatch"
+            elif (format != "tagdone" and (line.startswith("Subject: ") or
+                                           line.startswith("subject: "))):
+                subject = line[9:]
+                format = "tag"
+            elif (format != "tagdone" and (line.startswith("From: ") or
+                                           line.startswith("from: "))):
+                user = line[6:]
+                format = "tag"
+            elif (format != "tagdone" and (line.startswith("Date: ") or
+                                           line.startswith("date: "))):
+                date = line[6:]
+                format = "tag"
+            elif format == "tag" and line == "":
+                # when looking for tags (subject: from: etc) they
+                # end once you find a blank line in the source
+                format = "tagdone"
+            elif message or line:
+                message.append(line)
+            comments.append(line)
+        eatdiff(message)
+        eatdiff(comments)
+        eatempty(message)
+        eatempty(comments)
+        # make sure message isn't empty
+        if format and format.startswith("tag") and subject:
+            message.insert(0, "")
+            message.insert(0, subject)
+        self.message = message
+        self.comments = comments
+        self.user = user
+ = date
+        self.parent = parent
+        self.haspatch = diffstart > 1
+        self.plainmode = plainmode
+    def setuser(self, user):
+        if not self.updateheader(['From: ', '# User '], user):
+            try:
+                patchheaderat = self.comments.index('# HG changeset patch')
+                self.comments.insert(patchheaderat + 1, '# User ' + user)
+            except ValueError:
+                if self.plainmode or self._hasheader(['Date: ']):
+                    self.comments = ['From: ' + user] + self.comments
+                else:
+                    tmp = ['# HG changeset patch', '# User ' + user, '']
+                    self.comments = tmp + self.comments
+        self.user = user
+    def setdate(self, date):
+        if not self.updateheader(['Date: ', '# Date '], date):
+            try:
+                patchheaderat = self.comments.index('# HG changeset patch')
+                self.comments.insert(patchheaderat + 1, '# Date ' + date)
+            except ValueError:
+                if self.plainmode or self._hasheader(['From: ']):
+                    self.comments = ['Date: ' + date] + self.comments
+                else:
+                    tmp = ['# HG changeset patch', '# Date ' + date, '']
+                    self.comments = tmp + self.comments
+ = date
+    def setparent(self, parent):
+        if not self.updateheader(['# Parent '], parent):
+            try:
+                patchheaderat = self.comments.index('# HG changeset patch')
+                self.comments.insert(patchheaderat + 1, '# Parent ' + parent)
+            except ValueError:
+                pass
+        self.parent = parent
+    def setmessage(self, message):
+        if self.comments:
+            self._delmsg()
+        self.message = [message]
+        self.comments += self.message
+    def updateheader(self, prefixes, new):
+        '''Update all references to a field in the patch header.
+        Return whether the field is present.'''
+        res = False
+        for prefix in prefixes:
+            for i in xrange(len(self.comments)):
+                if self.comments[i].startswith(prefix):
+                    self.comments[i] = prefix + new
+                    res = True
+                    break
+        return res
+    def _hasheader(self, prefixes):
+        '''Check if a header starts with any of the given prefixes.'''
+        for prefix in prefixes:
+            for comment in self.comments:
+                if comment.startswith(prefix):
+                    return True
+        return False
+    def __str__(self):
+        if not self.comments:
+            return ''
+        return '\n'.join(self.comments) + '\n\n'
+    def _delmsg(self):
+        '''Remove existing message, keeping the rest of the comments fields.
+        If comments contains 'subject: ', message will prepend
+        the field and a blank line.'''
+        if self.message:
+            subj = 'subject: ' + self.message[0].lower()
+            for i in xrange(len(self.comments)):
+                if subj == self.comments[i].lower():
+                    del self.comments[i]
+                    self.message = self.message[2:]
+                    break
+        ci = 0
+        for mi in self.message:
+            while mi != self.comments[ci]:
+                ci += 1
+            del self.comments[ci]
+class queue(object):
+    def __init__(self, ui, path, patchdir=None):
+        self.basepath = path
+        try:
+            fh = open(os.path.join(path, 'patches.queue'))
+            cur =
+            if not cur:
+                curpath = os.path.join(path, 'patches')
+            else:
+                curpath = os.path.join(path, 'patches-' + cur)
+        except IOError:
+            curpath = os.path.join(path, 'patches')
+        self.path = patchdir or curpath
+        self.opener = util.opener(self.path)
+        self.ui = ui
+        self.applied_dirty = 0
+        self.series_dirty = 0
+        self.added = []
+        self.series_path = "series"
+        self.status_path = "status"
+        self.guards_path = "guards"
+        self.active_guards = None
+        self.guards_dirty = False
+        # Handle mq.git as a bool with extended values
+        try:
+            gitmode = ui.configbool('mq', 'git', None)
+            if gitmode is None:
+                raise error.ConfigError()
+            self.gitmode = gitmode and 'yes' or 'no'
+        except error.ConfigError:
+            self.gitmode = ui.config('mq', 'git', 'auto').lower()
+        self.plainmode = ui.configbool('mq', 'plain', False)
+    @util.propertycache
+    def applied(self):
+        if os.path.exists(self.join(self.status_path)):
+            def parse(l):
+                n, name = l.split(':', 1)
+                return statusentry(bin(n), name)
+            lines = self.opener(self.status_path).read().splitlines()
+            return [parse(l) for l in lines]
+        return []
+    @util.propertycache
+    def full_series(self):
+        if os.path.exists(self.join(self.series_path)):
+            return self.opener(self.series_path).read().splitlines()
+        return []
+    @util.propertycache
+    def series(self):
+        self.parse_series()
+        return self.series
+    @util.propertycache
+    def series_guards(self):
+        self.parse_series()
+        return self.series_guards
+    def invalidate(self):
+        for a in 'applied full_series series series_guards'.split():
+            if a in self.__dict__:
+                delattr(self, a)
+        self.applied_dirty = 0
+        self.series_dirty = 0
+        self.guards_dirty = False
+        self.active_guards = None
+    def diffopts(self, opts={}, patchfn=None):
+        diffopts = patch.diffopts(self.ui, opts)
+        if self.gitmode == 'auto':
+            diffopts.upgrade = True
+        elif self.gitmode == 'keep':
+            pass
+        elif self.gitmode in ('yes', 'no'):
+            diffopts.git = self.gitmode == 'yes'
+        else:
+            raise util.Abort(_('mq.git option can be auto/keep/yes/no'
+                               ' got %s') % self.gitmode)
+        if patchfn:
+            diffopts = self.patchopts(diffopts, patchfn)
+        return diffopts
+    def patchopts(self, diffopts, *patches):
+        """Return a copy of input diff options with git set to true if
+        referenced patch is a git patch and should be preserved as such.
+        """
+        diffopts = diffopts.copy()
+        if not diffopts.git and self.gitmode == 'keep':
+            for patchfn in patches:
+                patchf = self.opener(patchfn, 'r')
+                # if the patch was a git patch, refresh it as a git patch
+                for line in patchf:
+                    if line.startswith('diff --git'):
+                        diffopts.git = True
+                        break
+                patchf.close()
+        return diffopts
+    def join(self, *p):
+        return os.path.join(self.path, *p)
+    def find_series(self, patch):
+        def matchpatch(l):
+            l = l.split('#', 1)[0]
+            return l.strip() == patch
+        for index, l in enumerate(self.full_series):
+            if matchpatch(l):
+                return index
+        return None
+    guard_re = re.compile(r'\s?#([-+][^-+# \t\r\n\f][^# \t\r\n\f]*)')
+    def parse_series(self):
+        self.series = []
+        self.series_guards = []
+        for l in self.full_series:
+            h = l.find('#')
+            if h == -1:
+                patch = l
+                comment = ''
+            elif h == 0:
+                continue
+            else:
+                patch = l[:h]
+                comment = l[h:]
+            patch = patch.strip()
+            if patch:
+                if patch in self.series:
+                    raise util.Abort(_('%s appears more than once in %s') %
+                                     (patch, self.join(self.series_path)))
+                self.series.append(patch)
+                self.series_guards.append(self.guard_re.findall(comment))
+    def check_guard(self, guard):
+        if not guard:
+            return _('guard cannot be an empty string')
+        bad_chars = '# \t\r\n\f'
+        first = guard[0]
+        if first in '-+':
+            return (_('guard %r starts with invalid character: %r') %
+                      (guard, first))
+        for c in bad_chars:
+            if c in guard:
+                return _('invalid character in guard %r: %r') % (guard, c)
+    def set_active(self, guards):
+        for guard in guards:
+            bad = self.check_guard(guard)
+            if bad:
+                raise util.Abort(bad)
+        guards = sorted(set(guards))
+        self.ui.debug('active guards: %s\n' % ' '.join(guards))
+        self.active_guards = guards
+        self.guards_dirty = True
+    def active(self):
+        if self.active_guards is None:
+            self.active_guards = []
+            try:
+                guards = self.opener(self.guards_path).read().split()
+            except IOError, err:
+                if err.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+                    raise
+                guards = []
+            for i, guard in enumerate(guards):
+                bad = self.check_guard(guard)
+                if bad:
+                    self.ui.warn('%s:%d: %s\n' %
+                                 (self.join(self.guards_path), i + 1, bad))
+                else:
+                    self.active_guards.append(guard)
+        return self.active_guards
+    def set_guards(self, idx, guards):
+        for g in guards:
+            if len(g) < 2:
+                raise util.Abort(_('guard %r too short') % g)
+            if g[0] not in '-+':
+                raise util.Abort(_('guard %r starts with invalid char') % g)
+            bad = self.check_guard(g[1:])
+            if bad:
+                raise util.Abort(bad)
+        drop = self.guard_re.sub('', self.full_series[idx])
+        self.full_series[idx] = drop + ''.join([' #' + g for g in guards])
+        self.parse_series()
+        self.series_dirty = True
+    def pushable(self, idx):
+        if isinstance(idx, str):
+            idx = self.series.index(idx)
+        patchguards = self.series_guards[idx]
+        if not patchguards:
+            return True, None
+        guards =
+        exactneg = [g for g in patchguards if g[0] == '-' and g[1:] in guards]
+        if exactneg:
+            return False, exactneg[0]
+        pos = [g for g in patchguards if g[0] == '+']
+        exactpos = [g for g in pos if g[1:] in guards]
+        if pos:
+            if exactpos:
+                return True, exactpos[0]
+            return False, pos
+        return True, ''
+    def explain_pushable(self, idx, all_patches=False):
+        write = all_patches and self.ui.write or self.ui.warn
+        if all_patches or self.ui.verbose:
+            if isinstance(idx, str):
+                idx = self.series.index(idx)
+            pushable, why = self.pushable(idx)
+            if all_patches and pushable:
+                if why is None:
+                    write(_('allowing %s - no guards in effect\n') %
+                          self.series[idx])
+                else:
+                    if not why:
+                        write(_('allowing %s - no matching negative guards\n') %
+                              self.series[idx])
+                    else:
+                        write(_('allowing %s - guarded by %r\n') %
+                              (self.series[idx], why))
+            if not pushable:
+                if why:
+                    write(_('skipping %s - guarded by %r\n') %
+                          (self.series[idx], why))
+                else:
+                    write(_('skipping %s - no matching guards\n') %
+                          self.series[idx])
+    def save_dirty(self):
+        def write_list(items, path):
+            fp = self.opener(path, 'w')
+            for i in items:
+                fp.write("%s\n" % i)
+            fp.close()
+        if self.applied_dirty:
+            write_list(map(str, self.applied), self.status_path)
+        if self.series_dirty:
+            write_list(self.full_series, self.series_path)
+        if self.guards_dirty:
+            write_list(self.active_guards, self.guards_path)
+        if self.added:
+            qrepo = self.qrepo()
+            if qrepo:
+                qrepo[None].add(f for f in self.added if f not in qrepo[None])
+            self.added = []
+    def removeundo(self, repo):
+        undo = repo.sjoin('undo')
+        if not os.path.exists(undo):
+            return
+        try:
+            os.unlink(undo)
+        except OSError, inst:
+            self.ui.warn(_('error removing undo: %s\n') % str(inst))
+    def printdiff(self, repo, diffopts, node1, node2=None, files=None,
+                  fp=None, changes=None, opts={}):
+        stat = opts.get('stat')
+        m = cmdutil.match(repo, files, opts)
+        cmdutil.diffordiffstat(self.ui, repo, diffopts, node1, node2,  m,
+                               changes, stat, fp)
+    def mergeone(self, repo, mergeq, head, patch, rev, diffopts):
+        # first try just applying the patch
+        (err, n) = self.apply(repo, [patch], update_status=False,
+                              strict=True, merge=rev)
+        if err == 0:
+            return (err, n)
+        if n is None:
+            raise util.Abort(_("apply failed for patch %s") % patch)
+        self.ui.warn(_("patch didn't work out, merging %s\n") % patch)
+        # apply failed, strip away that rev and merge.
+        hg.clean(repo, head)
+        self.strip(repo, [n], update=False, backup='strip')
+        ctx = repo[rev]
+        ret = hg.merge(repo, rev)
+        if ret:
+            raise util.Abort(_("update returned %d") % ret)
+        n = repo.commit(ctx.description(), ctx.user(), force=True)
+        if n is None:
+            raise util.Abort(_("repo commit failed"))
+        try:
+            ph = patchheader(mergeq.join(patch), self.plainmode)
+        except:
+            raise util.Abort(_("unable to read %s") % patch)
+        diffopts = self.patchopts(diffopts, patch)
+        patchf = self.opener(patch, "w")
+        comments = str(ph)
+        if comments:
+            patchf.write(comments)
+        self.printdiff(repo, diffopts, head, n, fp=patchf)
+        patchf.close()
+        self.removeundo(repo)
+        return (0, n)
+    def qparents(self, repo, rev=None):
+        if rev is None:
+            (p1, p2) = repo.dirstate.parents()
+            if p2 == nullid:
+                return p1
+            if not self.applied:
+                return None
+            return self.applied[-1].node
+        p1, p2 = repo.changelog.parents(rev)
+        if p2 != nullid and p2 in [x.node for x in self.applied]:
+            return p2
+        return p1
+    def mergepatch(self, repo, mergeq, series, diffopts):
+        if not self.applied:
+            # each of the patches merged in will have two parents.  This
+            # can confuse the qrefresh, qdiff, and strip code because it
+            # needs to know which parent is actually in the patch queue.
+            # so, we insert a merge marker with only one parent.  This way
+            # the first patch in the queue is never a merge patch
+            #
+            pname = ".hg.patches.merge.marker"
+            n = repo.commit('[mq]: merge marker', force=True)
+            self.removeundo(repo)
+            self.applied.append(statusentry(n, pname))
+            self.applied_dirty = 1
+        head = self.qparents(repo)
+        for patch in series:
+            patch = mergeq.lookup(patch, strict=True)
+            if not patch:
+                self.ui.warn(_("patch %s does not exist\n") % patch)
+                return (1, None)
+            pushable, reason = self.pushable(patch)
+            if not pushable:
+                self.explain_pushable(patch, all_patches=True)
+                continue
+            info = mergeq.isapplied(patch)
+            if not info:
+                self.ui.warn(_("patch %s is not applied\n") % patch)
+                return (1, None)
+            rev = info[1]
+            err, head = self.mergeone(repo, mergeq, head, patch, rev, diffopts)
+            if head:
+                self.applied.append(statusentry(head, patch))
+                self.applied_dirty = 1
+            if err:
+                return (err, head)
+        self.save_dirty()
+        return (0, head)
+    def patch(self, repo, patchfile):
+        '''Apply patchfile  to the working directory.
+        patchfile: name of patch file'''
+        files = {}
+        try:
+            fuzz = patch.patch(patchfile, self.ui, strip=1, cwd=repo.root,
+                               files=files, eolmode=None)
+        except Exception, inst:
+            self.ui.note(str(inst) + '\n')
+            if not self.ui.verbose:
+                self.ui.warn(_("patch failed, unable to continue (try -v)\n"))
+            return (False, files, False)
+        return (True, files, fuzz)
+    def apply(self, repo, series, list=False, update_status=True,
+              strict=False, patchdir=None, merge=None, all_files=None):
+        wlock = lock = tr = None
+        try:
+            wlock = repo.wlock()
+            lock = repo.lock()
+            tr = repo.transaction("qpush")
+            try:
+                ret = self._apply(repo, series, list, update_status,
+                                  strict, patchdir, merge, all_files=all_files)
+                tr.close()
+                self.save_dirty()
+                return ret
+            except:
+                try:
+                    tr.abort()
+                finally:
+                    repo.invalidate()
+                    repo.dirstate.invalidate()
+                raise
+        finally:
+            release(tr, lock, wlock)
+            self.removeundo(repo)
+    def _apply(self, repo, series, list=False, update_status=True,
+               strict=False, patchdir=None, merge=None, all_files=None):
+        '''returns (error, hash)
+        error = 1 for unable to read, 2 for patch failed, 3 for patch fuzz'''
+        # TODO unify with
+        if not patchdir:
+            patchdir = self.path
+        err = 0
+        n = None
+        for patchname in series:
+            pushable, reason = self.pushable(patchname)
+            if not pushable:
+                self.explain_pushable(patchname, all_patches=True)
+                continue
+            self.ui.status(_("applying %s\n") % patchname)
+            pf = os.path.join(patchdir, patchname)
+            try:
+                ph = patchheader(self.join(patchname), self.plainmode)
+            except:
+                self.ui.warn(_("unable to read %s\n") % patchname)
+                err = 1
+                break
+            message = ph.message
+            if not message:
+                # The commit message should not be translated
+                message = "imported patch %s\n" % patchname
+            else:
+                if list:
+                    # The commit message should not be translated
+                    message.append("\nimported patch %s" % patchname)
+                message = '\n'.join(message)
+            if ph.haspatch:
+                (patcherr, files, fuzz) = self.patch(repo, pf)
+                if all_files is not None:
+                    all_files.update(files)
+                patcherr = not patcherr
+            else:
+                self.ui.warn(_("patch %s is empty\n") % patchname)
+                patcherr, files, fuzz = 0, [], 0
+            if merge and files:
+                # Mark as removed/merged and update dirstate parent info
+                removed = []
+                merged = []
+                for f in files:
+                    if os.path.lexists(repo.wjoin(f)):
+                        merged.append(f)
+                    else:
+                        removed.append(f)
+                for f in removed:
+                    repo.dirstate.remove(f)
+                for f in merged:
+                    repo.dirstate.merge(f)
+                p1, p2 = repo.dirstate.parents()
+                repo.dirstate.setparents(p1, merge)
+            files = cmdutil.updatedir(self.ui, repo, files)
+            match = cmdutil.matchfiles(repo, files or [])
+            n = repo.commit(message, ph.user,, match=match, force=True)
+            if n is None:
+                raise util.Abort(_("repository commit failed"))
+            if update_status:
+                self.applied.append(statusentry(n, patchname))
+            if patcherr:
+                self.ui.warn(_("patch failed, rejects left in working dir\n"))
+                err = 2
+                break
+            if fuzz and strict:
+                self.ui.warn(_("fuzz found when applying patch, stopping\n"))
+                err = 3
+                break
+        return (err, n)
+    def _cleanup(self, patches, numrevs, keep=False):
+        if not keep:
+            r = self.qrepo()
+            if r:
+                r[None].remove(patches, True)
+            else:
+                for p in patches:
+                    os.unlink(self.join(p))
+        if numrevs:
+            del self.applied[:numrevs]
+            self.applied_dirty = 1
+        for i in sorted([self.find_series(p) for p in patches], reverse=True):
+            del self.full_series[i]
+        self.parse_series()
+        self.series_dirty = 1
+    def _revpatches(self, repo, revs):
+        firstrev = repo[self.applied[0].node].rev()
+        patches = []
+        for i, rev in enumerate(revs):
+            if rev < firstrev:
+                raise util.Abort(_('revision %d is not managed') % rev)
+            ctx = repo[rev]
+            base = self.applied[i].node
+            if ctx.node() != base:
+                msg = _('cannot delete revision %d above applied patches')
+                raise util.Abort(msg % rev)
+            patch = self.applied[i].name
+            for fmt in ('[mq]: %s', 'imported patch %s'):
+                if ctx.description() == fmt % patch:
+                    msg = _('patch %s finalized without changeset message\n')
+                    repo.ui.status(msg % patch)
+                    break
+            patches.append(patch)
+        return patches
+    def finish(self, repo, revs):
+        patches = self._revpatches(repo, sorted(revs))
+        self._cleanup(patches, len(patches))
+    def delete(self, repo, patches, opts):
+        if not patches and not opts.get('rev'):
+            raise util.Abort(_('qdelete requires at least one revision or '
+                               'patch name'))
+        realpatches = []
+        for patch in patches:
+            patch = self.lookup(patch, strict=True)
+            info = self.isapplied(patch)
+            if info:
+                raise util.Abort(_("cannot delete applied patch %s") % patch)
+            if patch not in self.series:
+                raise util.Abort(_("patch %s not in series file") % patch)
+            if patch not in realpatches:
+                realpatches.append(patch)
+        numrevs = 0
+        if opts.get('rev'):
+            if not self.applied:
+                raise util.Abort(_('no patches applied'))
+            revs = cmdutil.revrange(repo, opts.get('rev'))
+            if len(revs) > 1 and revs[0] > revs[1]:
+                revs.reverse()
+            revpatches = self._revpatches(repo, revs)
+            realpatches += revpatches
+            numrevs = len(revpatches)
+        self._cleanup(realpatches, numrevs, opts.get('keep'))
+    def check_toppatch(self, repo):
+        if self.applied:
+            top = self.applied[-1].node
+            patch = self.applied[-1].name
+            pp = repo.dirstate.parents()
+            if top not in pp:
+                raise util.Abort(_("working directory revision is not qtip"))
+            return top, patch
+        return None, None
+    def check_localchanges(self, repo, force=False, refresh=True):
+        m, a, r, d = repo.status()[:4]
+        if (m or a or r or d) and not force:
+            if refresh:
+                raise util.Abort(_("local changes found, refresh first"))
+            else:
+                raise util.Abort(_("local changes found"))
+        return m, a, r, d
+    _reserved = ('series', 'status', 'guards')
+    def check_reserved_name(self, name):
+        if (name in self._reserved or name.startswith('.hg')
+            or name.startswith('.mq') or '#' in name or ':' in name):
+            raise util.Abort(_('"%s" cannot be used as the name of a patch')
+                             % name)
+    def new(self, repo, patchfn, *pats, **opts):
+        """options:
+           msg: a string or a no-argument function returning a string
+        """
+        msg = opts.get('msg')
+        user = opts.get('user')
+        date = opts.get('date')
+        if date:
+            date = util.parsedate(date)
+        diffopts = self.diffopts({'git': opts.get('git')})
+        self.check_reserved_name(patchfn)
+        if os.path.exists(self.join(patchfn)):
+            if os.path.isdir(self.join(patchfn)):
+                raise util.Abort(_('"%s" already exists as a directory')
+                                 % patchfn)
+            else:
+                raise util.Abort(_('patch "%s" already exists') % patchfn)
+        if opts.get('include') or opts.get('exclude') or pats:
+            match = cmdutil.match(repo, pats, opts)
+            # detect missing files in pats
+            def badfn(f, msg):
+                raise util.Abort('%s: %s' % (f, msg))
+            match.bad = badfn
+            m, a, r, d = repo.status(match=match)[:4]
+        else:
+            m, a, r, d = self.check_localchanges(repo, force=True)
+            match = cmdutil.matchfiles(repo, m + a + r)
+        if len(repo[None].parents()) > 1:
+            raise util.Abort(_('cannot manage merge changesets'))
+        commitfiles = m + a + r
+        self.check_toppatch(repo)
+        insert = self.full_series_end()
+        wlock = repo.wlock()
+        try:
+            try:
+                # if patch file write fails, abort early
+                p = self.opener(patchfn, "w")
+            except IOError, e:
+                raise util.Abort(_('cannot write patch "%s": %s')
+                                 % (patchfn, e.strerror))
+            try:
+                if self.plainmode:
+                    if user:
+                        p.write("From: " + user + "\n")
+                        if not date:
+                            p.write("\n")
+                    if date:
+                        p.write("Date: %d %d\n\n" % date)
+                else:
+                    p.write("# HG changeset patch\n")
+                    p.write("# Parent "
+                            + hex(repo[None].parents()[0].node()) + "\n")
+                    if user:
+                        p.write("# User " + user + "\n")
+                    if date:
+                        p.write("# Date %s %s\n\n" % date)
+                if hasattr(msg, '__call__'):
+                    msg = msg()
+                commitmsg = msg and msg or ("[mq]: %s" % patchfn)
+                n = repo.commit(commitmsg, user, date, match=match, force=True)
+                if n is None:
+                    raise util.Abort(_("repo commit failed"))
+                try:
+                    self.full_series[insert:insert] = [patchfn]
+                    self.applied.append(statusentry(n, patchfn))
+                    self.parse_series()
+                    self.series_dirty = 1
+                    self.applied_dirty = 1
+                    if msg:
+                        msg = msg + "\n\n"
+                        p.write(msg)
+                    if commitfiles:
+                        parent = self.qparents(repo, n)
+                        chunks = patch.diff(repo, node1=parent, node2=n,
+                                            match=match, opts=diffopts)
+                        for chunk in chunks:
+                            p.write(chunk)
+                    p.close()
+                    wlock.release()
+                    wlock = None
+                    r = self.qrepo()
+                    if r:
+                        r[None].add([patchfn])
+                except:
+                    repo.rollback()
+                    raise
+            except Exception:
+                patchpath = self.join(patchfn)
+                try:
+                    os.unlink(patchpath)
+                except:
+                    self.ui.warn(_('error unlinking %s\n') % patchpath)
+                raise
+            self.removeundo(repo)
+        finally:
+            release(wlock)
+    def strip(self, repo, revs, update=True, backup="all", force=None):
+        wlock = lock = None
+        try:
+            wlock = repo.wlock()
+            lock = repo.lock()
+            if update:
+                self.check_localchanges(repo, force=force, refresh=False)
+                urev = self.qparents(repo, revs[0])
+                hg.clean(repo, urev)
+                repo.dirstate.write()
+            self.removeundo(repo)
+            for rev in revs:
+                repair.strip(self.ui, repo, rev, backup)
+            # strip may have unbundled a set of backed up revisions after
+            # the actual strip
+            self.removeundo(repo)
+        finally:
+            release(lock, wlock)
+    def isapplied(self, patch):
+        """returns (index, rev, patch)"""
+        for i, a in enumerate(self.applied):
+            if == patch:
+                return (i, a.node,
+        return None
+    # if the exact patch name does not exist, we try a few
+    # variations.  If strict is passed, we try only #1
+    #
+    # 1) a number to indicate an offset in the series file
+    # 2) a unique substring of the patch name was given
+    # 3) patchname[-+]num to indicate an offset in the series file
+    def lookup(self, patch, strict=False):
+        patch = patch and str(patch)
+        def partial_name(s):
+            if s in self.series:
+                return s
+            matches = [x for x in self.series if s in x]
+            if len(matches) > 1:
+                self.ui.warn(_('patch name "%s" is ambiguous:\n') % s)
+                for m in matches:
+                    self.ui.warn('  %s\n' % m)
+                return None
+            if matches:
+                return matches[0]
+            if self.series and self.applied:
+                if s == 'qtip':
+                    return self.series[self.series_end(True)-1]
+                if s == 'qbase':
+                    return self.series[0]
+            return None
+        if patch is None:
+            return None
+        if patch in self.series:
+            return patch
+        if not os.path.isfile(self.join(patch)):
+            try:
+                sno = int(patch)
+            except (ValueError, OverflowError):
+                pass
+            else:
+                if -len(self.series) <= sno < len(self.series):
+                    return self.series[sno]
+            if not strict:
+                res = partial_name(patch)
+                if res:
+                    return res
+                minus = patch.rfind('-')
+                if minus >= 0:
+                    res = partial_name(patch[:minus])
+                    if res:
+                        i = self.series.index(res)
+                        try:
+                            off = int(patch[minus + 1:] or 1)
+                        except (ValueError, OverflowError):
+                            pass
+                        else:
+                            if i - off >= 0:
+                                return self.series[i - off]
+                plus = patch.rfind('+')
+                if plus >= 0:
+                    res = partial_name(patch[:plus])
+                    if res:
+                        i = self.series.index(res)
+                        try:
+                            off = int(patch[plus + 1:] or 1)
+                        except (ValueError, OverflowError):
+                            pass
+                        else:
+                            if i + off < len(self.series):
+                                return self.series[i + off]
+        raise util.Abort(_("patch %s not in series") % patch)
+    def push(self, repo, patch=None, force=False, list=False,
+             mergeq=None, all=False, move=False):
+        diffopts = self.diffopts()
+        wlock = repo.wlock()
+        try:
+            heads = []
+            for b, ls in repo.branchmap().iteritems():
+                heads += ls
+            if not heads:
+                heads = [nullid]
+            if repo.dirstate.parents()[0] not in heads:
+                self.ui.status(_("(working directory not at a head)\n"))
+            if not self.series:
+                self.ui.warn(_('no patches in series\n'))
+                return 0
+            patch = self.lookup(patch)
+            # Suppose our series file is: A B C and the current 'top'
+            # patch is B. qpush C should be performed (moving forward)
+            # qpush B is a NOP (no change) qpush A is an error (can't
+            # go backwards with qpush)
+            if patch:
+                info = self.isapplied(patch)
+                if info:
+                    if info[0] < len(self.applied) - 1:
+                        raise util.Abort(
+                            _("cannot push to a previous patch: %s") % patch)
+                    self.ui.warn(
+                        _('qpush: %s is already at the top\n') % patch)
+                    return 0
+                pushable, reason = self.pushable(patch)
+                if not pushable:
+                    if reason:
+                        reason = _('guarded by %r') % reason
+                    else:
+                        reason = _('no matching guards')
+                    self.ui.warn(_("cannot push '%s' - %s\n") % (patch, reason))
+                    return 1
+            elif all:
+                patch = self.series[-1]
+                if self.isapplied(patch):
+                    self.ui.warn(_('all patches are currently applied\n'))
+                    return 0
+            # Following the above example, starting at 'top' of B:
+            # qpush should be performed (pushes C), but a subsequent
+            # qpush without an argument is an error (nothing to
+            # apply). This allows a loop of "...while hg qpush..." to
+            # work as it detects an error when done
+            start = self.series_end()
+            if start == len(self.series):
+                self.ui.warn(_('patch series already fully applied\n'))
+                return 1
+            if not force:
+                self.check_localchanges(repo)
+            if move:
+                if not patch:
+                    raise  util.Abort(_("please specify the patch to move"))
+                for i, rpn in enumerate(self.full_series[start:]):
+                    # strip markers for patch guards
+                    if self.guard_re.split(rpn, 1)[0] == patch:
+                        break
+                index = start + i
+                assert index < len(self.full_series)
+                fullpatch = self.full_series[index]
+                del self.full_series[index]
+                self.full_series.insert(start, fullpatch)
+                self.parse_series()
+                self.series_dirty = 1
+            self.applied_dirty = 1
+            if start > 0:
+                self.check_toppatch(repo)
+            if not patch:
+                patch = self.series[start]
+                end = start + 1
+            else:
+                end = self.series.index(patch, start) + 1
+            s = self.series[start:end]
+            all_files = set()
+            try:
+                if mergeq:
+                    ret = self.mergepatch(repo, mergeq, s, diffopts)
+                else:
+                    ret = self.apply(repo, s, list, all_files=all_files)
+            except:
+                self.ui.warn(_('cleaning up working directory...'))
+                node = repo.dirstate.parents()[0]
+                hg.revert(repo, node, None)
+                # only remove unknown files that we know we touched or
+                # created while patching
+                for f in all_files:
+                    if f not in repo.dirstate:
+                        try:
+                            util.unlink(repo.wjoin(f))
+                        except OSError, inst:
+                            if inst.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+                                raise
+                self.ui.warn(_('done\n'))
+                raise
+            if not self.applied:
+                return ret[0]
+            top = self.applied[-1].name
+            if ret[0] and ret[0] > 1:
+                msg = _("errors during apply, please fix and refresh %s\n")
+                self.ui.write(msg % top)
+            else:
+                self.ui.write(_("now at: %s\n") % top)
+            return ret[0]
+        finally:
+            wlock.release()
+    def pop(self, repo, patch=None, force=False, update=True, all=False):
+        wlock = repo.wlock()
+        try:
+            if patch:
+                # index, rev, patch
+                info = self.isapplied(patch)
+                if not info:
+                    patch = self.lookup(patch)
+                info = self.isapplied(patch)
+                if not info:
+                    raise util.Abort(_("patch %s is not applied") % patch)
+            if not self.applied:
+                # Allow qpop -a to work repeatedly,
+                # but not qpop without an argument
+                self.ui.warn(_("no patches applied\n"))
+                return not all
+            if all:
+                start = 0
+            elif patch:
+                start = info[0] + 1
+            else:
+                start = len(self.applied) - 1
+            if start >= len(self.applied):
+                self.ui.warn(_("qpop: %s is already at the top\n") % patch)
+                return
+            if not update:
+                parents = repo.dirstate.parents()
+                rr = [x.node for x in self.applied]
+                for p in parents:
+                    if p in rr:
+                        self.ui.warn(_("qpop: forcing dirstate update\n"))
+                        update = True
+            else:
+                parents = [p.node() for p in repo[None].parents()]
+                needupdate = False
+                for entry in self.applied[start:]:
+                    if entry.node in parents:
+                        needupdate = True
+                        break
+                update = needupdate
+            if not force and update:
+                self.check_localchanges(repo)
+            self.applied_dirty = 1
+            end = len(self.applied)
+            rev = self.applied[start].node
+            if update:
+                top = self.check_toppatch(repo)[0]
+            try:
+                heads = repo.changelog.heads(rev)
+            except error.LookupError:
+                node = short(rev)
+                raise util.Abort(_('trying to pop unknown node %s') % node)
+            if heads != [self.applied[-1].node]:
+                raise util.Abort(_("popping would remove a revision not "
+                                   "managed by this patch queue"))
+            # we know there are no local changes, so we can make a simplified
+            # form of hg.update.
+            if update:
+                qp = self.qparents(repo, rev)
+                ctx = repo[qp]
+                m, a, r, d = repo.status(qp, top)[:4]
+                if d:
+                    raise util.Abort(_("deletions found between repo revs"))
+                for f in a:
+                    try:
+                        util.unlink(repo.wjoin(f))
+                    except OSError, e:
+                        if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+                            raise
+                    repo.dirstate.forget(f)
+                for f in m + r:
+                    fctx = ctx[f]
+                    repo.wwrite(f,, fctx.flags())
+                    repo.dirstate.normal(f)
+                repo.dirstate.setparents(qp, nullid)
+            for patch in reversed(self.applied[start:end]):
+                self.ui.status(_("popping %s\n") %
+            del self.applied[start:end]
+            self.strip(repo, [rev], update=False, backup='strip')
+            if self.applied:
+                self.ui.write(_("now at: %s\n") % self.applied[-1].name)
+            else:
+                self.ui.write(_("patch queue now empty\n"))
+        finally:
+            wlock.release()
+    def diff(self, repo, pats, opts):
+        top, patch = self.check_toppatch(repo)
+        if not top:
+            self.ui.write(_("no patches applied\n"))
+            return
+        qp = self.qparents(repo, top)
+        if opts.get('reverse'):
+            node1, node2 = None, qp
+        else:
+            node1, node2 = qp, None
+        diffopts = self.diffopts(opts, patch)
+        self.printdiff(repo, diffopts, node1, node2, files=pats, opts=opts)
+    def refresh(self, repo, pats=None, **opts):
+        if not self.applied:
+            self.ui.write(_("no patches applied\n"))
+            return 1
+        msg = opts.get('msg', '').rstrip()
+        newuser = opts.get('user')
+        newdate = opts.get('date')
+        if newdate:
+            newdate = '%d %d' % util.parsedate(newdate)
+        wlock = repo.wlock()
+        try:
+            self.check_toppatch(repo)
+            (top, patchfn) = (self.applied[-1].node, self.applied[-1].name)
+            if repo.changelog.heads(top) != [top]:
+                raise util.Abort(_("cannot refresh a revision with children"))
+            cparents = repo.changelog.parents(top)
+            patchparent = self.qparents(repo, top)
+            ph = patchheader(self.join(patchfn), self.plainmode)
+            diffopts = self.diffopts({'git': opts.get('git')}, patchfn)
+            if msg:
+                ph.setmessage(msg)
+            if newuser:
+                ph.setuser(newuser)
+            if newdate:
+                ph.setdate(newdate)
+            ph.setparent(hex(patchparent))
+            # only commit new patch when write is complete
+            patchf = self.opener(patchfn, 'w', atomictemp=True)
+            comments = str(ph)
+            if comments:
+                patchf.write(comments)
+            # update the dirstate in place, strip off the qtip commit
+            # and then commit.
+            #
+            # this should really read:
+            #   mm, dd, aa, aa2 = repo.status(tip, patchparent)[:4]
+            # but we do it backwards to take advantage of manifest/chlog
+            # caching against the next repo.status call
+            mm, aa, dd, aa2 = repo.status(patchparent, top)[:4]
+            changes =
+            man =[0])
+            aaa = aa[:]
+            matchfn = cmdutil.match(repo, pats, opts)
+            # in short mode, we only diff the files included in the
+            # patch already plus specified files
+            if opts.get('short'):
+                # if amending a patch, we start with existing
+                # files plus specified files - unfiltered
+                match = cmdutil.matchfiles(repo, mm + aa + dd + matchfn.files())
+                # filter with inc/exl options
+                matchfn = cmdutil.match(repo, opts=opts)
+            else:
+                match = cmdutil.matchall(repo)
+            m, a, r, d = repo.status(match=match)[:4]
+            # we might end up with files that were added between
+            # qtip and the dirstate parent, but then changed in the
+            # local dirstate. in this case, we want them to only
+            # show up in the added section
+            for x in m:
+                if x == '.hgsub' or x == '.hgsubstate':
+                    self.ui.warn(_('warning: not refreshing %s\n') % x)
+                    continue
+                if x not in aa:
+                    mm.append(x)
+            # we might end up with files added by the local dirstate that
+            # were deleted by the patch.  In this case, they should only
+            # show up in the changed section.
+            for x in a:
+                if x == '.hgsub' or x == '.hgsubstate':
+                    self.ui.warn(_('warning: not adding %s\n') % x)
+                    continue
+                if x in dd:
+                    del dd[dd.index(x)]
+                    mm.append(x)
+                else:
+                    aa.append(x)
+            # make sure any files deleted in the local dirstate
+            # are not in the add or change column of the patch
+            forget = []
+            for x in d + r:
+                if x == '.hgsub' or x == '.hgsubstate':
+                    self.ui.warn(_('warning: not removing %s\n') % x)
+                    continue
+                if x in aa:
+                    del aa[aa.index(x)]
+                    forget.append(x)
+                    continue
+                elif x in mm:
+                    del mm[mm.index(x)]
+                dd.append(x)
+            m = list(set(mm))
+            r = list(set(dd))
+            a = list(set(aa))
+            c = [filter(matchfn, l) for l in (m, a, r)]
+            match = cmdutil.matchfiles(repo, set(c[0] + c[1] + c[2]))
+            chunks = patch.diff(repo, patchparent, match=match,
+                                changes=c, opts=diffopts)
+            for chunk in chunks:
+                patchf.write(chunk)
+            try:
+                if diffopts.git or diffopts.upgrade:
+                    copies = {}
+                    for dst in a:
+                        src = repo.dirstate.copied(dst)
+                        # during qfold, the source file for copies may
+                        # be removed. Treat this as a simple add.
+                        if src is not None and src in repo.dirstate:
+                            copies.setdefault(src, []).append(dst)
+                        repo.dirstate.add(dst)
+                    # remember the copies between patchparent and qtip
+                    for dst in aaa:
+                        f = repo.file(dst)
+                        src = f.renamed(man[dst])
+                        if src:
+                            copies.setdefault(src[0], []).extend(
+                                copies.get(dst, []))
+                            if dst in a:
+                                copies[src[0]].append(dst)
+                        # we can't copy a file created by the patch itself
+                        if dst in copies:
+                            del copies[dst]
+                    for src, dsts in copies.iteritems():
+                        for dst in dsts:
+                            repo.dirstate.copy(src, dst)
+                else:
+                    for dst in a:
+                        repo.dirstate.add(dst)
+                    # Drop useless copy information
+                    for f in list(repo.dirstate.copies()):
+                        repo.dirstate.copy(None, f)
+                for f in r:
+                    repo.dirstate.remove(f)
+                # if the patch excludes a modified file, mark that
+                # file with mtime=0 so status can see it.
+                mm = []
+                for i in xrange(len(m)-1, -1, -1):
+                    if not matchfn(m[i]):
+                        mm.append(m[i])
+                        del m[i]
+                for f in m:
+                    repo.dirstate.normal(f)
+                for f in mm:
+                    repo.dirstate.normallookup(f)
+                for f in forget:
+                    repo.dirstate.forget(f)
+                if not msg:
+                    if not ph.message:
+                        message = "[mq]: %s\n" % patchfn
+                    else:
+                        message = "\n".join(ph.message)
+                else:
+                    message = msg
+                user = ph.user or changes[1]
+                # assumes strip can roll itself back if interrupted
+                repo.dirstate.setparents(*cparents)
+                self.applied.pop()
+                self.applied_dirty = 1
+                self.strip(repo, [top], update=False,
+                           backup='strip')
+            except:
+                repo.dirstate.invalidate()
+                raise
+            try:
+                # might be nice to attempt to roll back strip after this
+                patchf.rename()
+                n = repo.commit(message, user,, match=match,
+                                force=True)
+                self.applied.append(statusentry(n, patchfn))
+            except:
+                ctx = repo[cparents[0]]
+                repo.dirstate.rebuild(ctx.node(), ctx.manifest())
+                self.save_dirty()
+                self.ui.warn(_('refresh interrupted while patch was popped! '
+                               '(revert --all, qpush to recover)\n'))
+                raise
+        finally:
+            wlock.release()
+            self.removeundo(repo)
+    def init(self, repo, create=False):
+        if not create and os.path.isdir(self.path):
+            raise util.Abort(_("patch queue directory already exists"))
+        try:
+            os.mkdir(self.path)
+        except OSError, inst:
+            if inst.errno != errno.EEXIST or not create:
+                raise
+        if create:
+            return self.qrepo(create=True)
+    def unapplied(self, repo, patch=None):
+        if patch and patch not in self.series:
+            raise util.Abort(_("patch %s is not in series file") % patch)
+        if not patch:
+            start = self.series_end()
+        else:
+            start = self.series.index(patch) + 1
+        unapplied = []
+        for i in xrange(start, len(self.series)):
+            pushable, reason = self.pushable(i)
+            if pushable:
+                unapplied.append((i, self.series[i]))
+            self.explain_pushable(i)
+        return unapplied
+    def qseries(self, repo, missing=None, start=0, length=None, status=None,
+                summary=False):
+        def displayname(pfx, patchname, state):
+            if pfx:
+                self.ui.write(pfx)
+            if summary:
+                ph = patchheader(self.join(patchname), self.plainmode)
+                msg = ph.message and ph.message[0] or ''
+                if self.ui.formatted():
+                    width = self.ui.termwidth() - len(pfx) - len(patchname) - 2
+                    if width > 0:
+                        msg = util.ellipsis(msg, width)
+                    else:
+                        msg = ''
+                self.ui.write(patchname, label='qseries.' + state)
+                self.ui.write(': ')
+                self.ui.write(msg, label='qseries.message.' + state)
+            else:
+                self.ui.write(patchname, label='qseries.' + state)
+            self.ui.write('\n')
+        applied = set([ for p in self.applied])
+        if length is None:
+            length = len(self.series) - start
+        if not missing:
+            if self.ui.verbose:
+                idxwidth = len(str(start + length - 1))
+            for i in xrange(start, start + length):
+                patch = self.series[i]
+                if patch in applied:
+                    char, state = 'A', 'applied'
+                elif self.pushable(i)[0]:
+                    char, state = 'U', 'unapplied'
+                else:
+                    char, state = 'G', 'guarded'
+                pfx = ''
+                if self.ui.verbose:
+                    pfx = '%*d %s ' % (idxwidth, i, char)
+                elif status and status != char:
+                    continue
+                displayname(pfx, patch, state)
+        else:
+            msng_list = []
+            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.path):
+                d = root[len(self.path) + 1:]
+                for f in files:
+                    fl = os.path.join(d, f)
+                    if (fl not in self.series and
+                        fl not in (self.status_path, self.series_path,
+                                   self.guards_path)
+                        and not fl.startswith('.')):
+                        msng_list.append(fl)
+            for x in sorted(msng_list):
+                pfx = self.ui.verbose and ('D ') or ''
+                displayname(pfx, x, 'missing')
+    def issaveline(self, l):
+        if == '':
+            return True
+    def qrepo(self, create=False):
+        ui = self.ui.copy()
+        ui.setconfig('paths', 'default', '', overlay=False)
+        ui.setconfig('paths', 'default-push', '', overlay=False)
+        if create or os.path.isdir(self.join(".hg")):
+            return hg.repository(ui, path=self.path, create=create)
+    def restore(self, repo, rev, delete=None, qupdate=None):
+        desc = repo[rev].description().strip()
+        lines = desc.splitlines()
+        i = 0
+        datastart = None
+        series = []
+        applied = []
+        qpp = None
+        for i, line in enumerate(lines):
+            if line == 'Patch Data:':
+                datastart = i + 1
+            elif line.startswith('Dirstate:'):
+                l = line.rstrip()
+                l = l[10:].split(' ')
+                qpp = [bin(x) for x in l]
+            elif datastart != None:
+                l = line.rstrip()
+                n, name = l.split(':', 1)
+                if n:
+                    applied.append(statusentry(bin(n), name))
+                else:
+                    series.append(l)
+        if datastart is None:
+            self.ui.warn(_("No saved patch data found\n"))
+            return 1
+        self.ui.warn(_("restoring status: %s\n") % lines[0])
+        self.full_series = series
+        self.applied = applied
+        self.parse_series()
+        self.series_dirty = 1
+        self.applied_dirty = 1
+        heads = repo.changelog.heads()
+        if delete:
+            if rev not in heads:
+                self.ui.warn(_("save entry has children, leaving it alone\n"))
+            else:
+                self.ui.warn(_("removing save entry %s\n") % short(rev))
+                pp = repo.dirstate.parents()
+                if rev in pp:
+                    update = True
+                else:
+                    update = False
+                self.strip(repo, [rev], update=update, backup='strip')
+        if qpp:
+            self.ui.warn(_("saved queue repository parents: %s %s\n") %
+                         (short(qpp[0]), short(qpp[1])))
+            if qupdate:
+                self.ui.status(_("updating queue directory\n"))
+                r = self.qrepo()
+                if not r:
+                    self.ui.warn(_("Unable to load queue repository\n"))
+                    return 1
+                hg.clean(r, qpp[0])
+    def save(self, repo, msg=None):
+        if not self.applied:
+            self.ui.warn(_("save: no patches applied, exiting\n"))
+            return 1
+        if self.issaveline(self.applied[-1]):
+            self.ui.warn(_("status is already saved\n"))
+            return 1
+        if not msg:
+            msg = _("hg patches saved state")
+        else:
+            msg = "hg patches: " + msg.rstrip('\r\n')
+        r = self.qrepo()
+        if r:
+            pp = r.dirstate.parents()
+            msg += "\nDirstate: %s %s" % (hex(pp[0]), hex(pp[1]))
+        msg += "\n\nPatch Data:\n"
+        msg += ''.join('%s\n' % x for x in self.applied)
+        msg += ''.join(':%s\n' % x for x in self.full_series)
+        n = repo.commit(msg, force=True)
+        if not n:
+            self.ui.warn(_("repo commit failed\n"))
+            return 1
+        self.applied.append(statusentry(n, ''))
+        self.applied_dirty = 1
+        self.removeundo(repo)
+    def full_series_end(self):
+        if self.applied:
+            p = self.applied[-1].name
+            end = self.find_series(p)
+            if end is None:
+                return len(self.full_series)
+            return end + 1
+        return 0
+    def series_end(self, all_patches=False):
+        """If all_patches is False, return the index of the next pushable patch
+        in the series, or the series length. If all_patches is True, return the
+        index of the first patch past the last applied one.
+        """
+        end = 0
+        def next(start):
+            if all_patches or start >= len(self.series):
+                return start
+            for i in xrange(start, len(self.series)):
+                p, reason = self.pushable(i)
+                if p:
+                    break
+                self.explain_pushable(i)
+            return i
+        if self.applied:
+            p = self.applied[-1].name
+            try:
+                end = self.series.index(p)
+            except ValueError:
+                return 0
+            return next(end + 1)
+        return next(end)
+    def appliedname(self, index):
+        pname = self.applied[index].name
+        if not self.ui.verbose:
+            p = pname
+        else:
+            p = str(self.series.index(pname)) + " " + pname
+        return p
+    def qimport(self, repo, files, patchname=None, rev=None, existing=None,
+                force=None, git=False):
+        def checkseries(patchname):
+            if patchname in self.series:
+                raise util.Abort(_('patch %s is already in the series file')
+                                 % patchname)
+        def checkfile(patchname):
+            if not force and os.path.exists(self.join(patchname)):
+                raise util.Abort(_('patch "%s" already exists')
+                                 % patchname)
+        if rev:
+            if files:
+                raise util.Abort(_('option "-r" not valid when importing '
+                                   'files'))
+            rev = cmdutil.revrange(repo, rev)
+            rev.sort(reverse=True)
+        if (len(files) > 1 or len(rev) > 1) and patchname:
+            raise util.Abort(_('option "-n" not valid when importing multiple '
+                               'patches'))
+        if rev:
+            # If mq patches are applied, we can only import revisions
+            # that form a linear path to qbase.
+            # Otherwise, they should form a linear path to a head.
+            heads = repo.changelog.heads(repo.changelog.node(rev[-1]))
+            if len(heads) > 1:
+                raise util.Abort(_('revision %d is the root of more than one '
+                                   'branch') % rev[-1])
+            if self.applied:
+                base = repo.changelog.node(rev[0])
+                if base in [n.node for n in self.applied]:
+                    raise util.Abort(_('revision %d is already managed')
+                                     % rev[0])
+                if heads != [self.applied[-1].node]:
+                    raise util.Abort(_('revision %d is not the parent of '
+                                       'the queue') % rev[0])
+                base = repo.changelog.rev(self.applied[0].node)
+                lastparent = repo.changelog.parentrevs(base)[0]
+            else:
+                if heads != [repo.changelog.node(rev[0])]:
+                    raise util.Abort(_('revision %d has unmanaged children')
+                                     % rev[0])
+                lastparent = None
+            diffopts = self.diffopts({'git': git})
+            for r in rev:
+                p1, p2 = repo.changelog.parentrevs(r)
+                n = repo.changelog.node(r)
+                if p2 != nullrev:
+                    raise util.Abort(_('cannot import merge revision %d') % r)
+                if lastparent and lastparent != r:
+                    raise util.Abort(_('revision %d is not the parent of %d')
+                                     % (r, lastparent))
+                lastparent = p1
+                if not patchname:
+                    patchname = normname('%d.diff' % r)
+                self.check_reserved_name(patchname)
+                checkseries(patchname)
+                checkfile(patchname)
+                self.full_series.insert(0, patchname)
+                patchf = self.opener(patchname, "w")
+                cmdutil.export(repo, [n], fp=patchf, opts=diffopts)
+                patchf.close()
+                se = statusentry(n, patchname)
+                self.applied.insert(0, se)
+                self.added.append(patchname)
+                patchname = None
+            self.parse_series()
+            self.applied_dirty = 1
+            self.series_dirty = True
+        for i, filename in enumerate(files):
+            if existing:
+                if filename == '-':
+                    raise util.Abort(_('-e is incompatible with import from -'))
+                filename = normname(filename)
+                self.check_reserved_name(filename)
+                originpath = self.join(filename)
+                if not os.path.isfile(originpath):
+                    raise util.Abort(_("patch %s does not exist") % filename)
+                if patchname:
+                    self.check_reserved_name(patchname)
+                    checkfile(patchname)
+                    self.ui.write(_('renaming %s to %s\n')
+                                        % (filename, patchname))
+                    util.rename(originpath, self.join(patchname))
+                else:
+                    patchname = filename
+            else:
+                try:
+                    if filename == '-':
+                        if not patchname:
+                            raise util.Abort(
+                                _('need --name to import a patch from -'))
+                        text =
+                    else:
+                        text =, filename).read()
+                except (OSError, IOError):
+                    raise util.Abort(_("unable to read file %s") % filename)
+                if not patchname:
+                    patchname = normname(os.path.basename(filename))
+                self.check_reserved_name(patchname)
+                checkfile(patchname)
+                patchf = self.opener(patchname, "w")
+                patchf.write(text)
+            if not force:
+                checkseries(patchname)
+            if patchname not in self.series:
+                index = self.full_series_end() + i
+                self.full_series[index:index] = [patchname]
+            self.parse_series()
+            self.series_dirty = True
+            self.ui.warn(_("adding %s to series file\n") % patchname)
+            self.added.append(patchname)
+            patchname = None
+def delete(ui, repo, *patches, **opts):
+    """remove patches from queue
+    The patches must not be applied, and at least one patch is required. With
+    -k/--keep, the patch files are preserved in the patch directory.
+    To stop managing a patch and move it into permanent history,
+    use the :hg:`qfinish` command."""
+    q =
+    q.delete(repo, patches, opts)
+    q.save_dirty()
+    return 0
+def applied(ui, repo, patch=None, **opts):
+    """print the patches already applied
+    Returns 0 on success."""
+    q =
+    if patch:
+        if patch not in q.series:
+            raise util.Abort(_("patch %s is not in series file") % patch)
+        end = q.series.index(patch) + 1
+    else:
+        end = q.series_end(True)
+    if opts.get('last') and not end:
+        ui.write(_("no patches applied\n"))
+        return 1
+    elif opts.get('last') and end == 1:
+        ui.write(_("only one patch applied\n"))
+        return 1
+    elif opts.get('last'):
+        start = end - 2
+        end = 1
+    else:
+        start = 0
+    q.qseries(repo, length=end, start=start, status='A',
+              summary=opts.get('summary'))
+def unapplied(ui, repo, patch=None, **opts):
+    """print the patches not yet applied
+    Returns 0 on success."""
+    q =
+    if patch:
+        if patch not in q.series:
+            raise util.Abort(_("patch %s is not in series file") % patch)
+        start = q.series.index(patch) + 1
+    else:
+        start = q.series_end(True)
+    if start == len(q.series) and opts.get('first'):
+        ui.write(_("all patches applied\n"))
+        return 1
+    length = opts.get('first') and 1 or None
+    q.qseries(repo, start=start, length=length, status='U',
+              summary=opts.get('summary'))
+def qimport(ui, repo, *filename, **opts):
+    """import a patch
+    The patch is inserted into the series after the last applied
+    patch. If no patches have been applied, qimport prepends the patch
+    to the series.
+    The patch will have the same name as its source file unless you
+    give it a new one with -n/--name.
+    You can register an existing patch inside the patch directory with
+    the -e/--existing flag.
+    With -f/--force, an existing patch of the same name will be
+    overwritten.
+    An existing changeset may be placed under mq control with -r/--rev
+    (e.g. qimport --rev tip -n patch will place tip under mq control).
+    With -g/--git, patches imported with --rev will use the git diff
+    format. See the diffs help topic for information on why this is
+    important for preserving rename/copy information and permission
+    changes.
+    To import a patch from standard input, pass - as the patch file.
+    When importing from standard input, a patch name must be specified
+    using the --name flag.
+    To import an existing patch while renaming it::
+      hg qimport -e existing-patch -n new-name
+    Returns 0 if import succeeded.
+    """
+    q =
+    try:
+        q.qimport(repo, filename, patchname=opts.get('name'),
+              existing=opts.get('existing'), force=opts.get('force'),
+              rev=opts.get('rev'), git=opts.get('git'))
+    finally:
+        q.save_dirty()
+    if opts.get('push') and not opts.get('rev'):
+        return q.push(repo, None)
+    return 0
+def qinit(ui, repo, create):
+    """initialize a new queue repository
+    This command also creates a series file for ordering patches, and
+    an mq-specific .hgignore file in the queue repository, to exclude
+    the status and guards files (these contain mostly transient state).
+    Returns 0 if initialization succeeded."""
+    q =
+    r = q.init(repo, create)
+    q.save_dirty()
+    if r:
+        if not os.path.exists(r.wjoin('.hgignore')):
+            fp = r.wopener('.hgignore', 'w')
+            fp.write('^\\.hg\n')
+            fp.write('^\\.mq\n')
+            fp.write('syntax: glob\n')
+            fp.write('status\n')
+            fp.write('guards\n')
+            fp.close()
+        if not os.path.exists(r.wjoin('series')):
+            r.wopener('series', 'w').close()
+        r[None].add(['.hgignore', 'series'])
+        commands.add(ui, r)
+    return 0
+def init(ui, repo, **opts):
+    """init a new queue repository (DEPRECATED)
+    The queue repository is unversioned by default. If
+    -c/--create-repo is specified, qinit will create a separate nested
+    repository for patches (qinit -c may also be run later to convert
+    an unversioned patch repository into a versioned one). You can use
+    qcommit to commit changes to this queue repository.
+    This command is deprecated. Without -c, it's implied by other relevant
+    commands. With -c, use :hg:`init --mq` instead."""
+    return qinit(ui, repo, create=opts.get('create_repo'))
+def clone(ui, source, dest=None, **opts):
+    '''clone main and patch repository at same time
+    If source is local, destination will have no patches applied. If
+    source is remote, this command can not check if patches are
+    applied in source, so cannot guarantee that patches are not
+    applied in destination. If you clone remote repository, be sure
+    before that it has no patches applied.
+    Source patch repository is looked for in <src>/.hg/patches by
+    default. Use -p <url> to change.
+    The patch directory must be a nested Mercurial repository, as
+    would be created by :hg:`init --mq`.
+    Return 0 on success.
+    '''
+    def patchdir(repo):
+        url = repo.url()
+        if url.endswith('/'):
+            url = url[:-1]
+        return url + '/.hg/patches'
+    if dest is None:
+        dest = hg.defaultdest(source)
+    sr = hg.repository(hg.remoteui(ui, opts), ui.expandpath(source))
+    if opts.get('patches'):
+        patchespath = ui.expandpath(opts.get('patches'))
+    else:
+        patchespath = patchdir(sr)
+    try:
+        hg.repository(ui, patchespath)
+    except error.RepoError:
+        raise util.Abort(_('versioned patch repository not found'
+                           ' (see init --mq)'))
+    qbase, destrev = None, None
+    if sr.local():
+        if
+            qbase =[0].node
+            if not hg.islocal(dest):
+                heads = set(sr.heads())
+                destrev = list(heads.difference(sr.heads(qbase)))
+                destrev.append(sr.changelog.parents(qbase)[0])
+    elif sr.capable('lookup'):
+        try:
+            qbase = sr.lookup('qbase')
+        except error.RepoError:
+            pass
+    ui.note(_('cloning main repository\n'))
+    sr, dr = hg.clone(ui, sr.url(), dest,
+                      pull=opts.get('pull'),
+                      rev=destrev,
+                      update=False,
+                      stream=opts.get('uncompressed'))
+    ui.note(_('cloning patch repository\n'))
+    hg.clone(ui, opts.get('patches') or patchdir(sr), patchdir(dr),
+             pull=opts.get('pull'), update=not opts.get('noupdate'),
+             stream=opts.get('uncompressed'))
+    if dr.local():
+        if qbase:
+            ui.note(_('stripping applied patches from destination '
+                      'repository\n'))
+  , [qbase], update=False, backup=None)
+        if not opts.get('noupdate'):
+            ui.note(_('updating destination repository\n'))
+            hg.update(dr, dr.changelog.tip())
+def commit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
+    """commit changes in the queue repository (DEPRECATED)
+    This command is deprecated; use :hg:`commit --mq` instead."""
+    q =
+    r = q.qrepo()
+    if not r:
+        raise util.Abort('no queue repository')
+    commands.commit(r.ui, r, *pats, **opts)
+def series(ui, repo, **opts):
+    """print the entire series file
+    Returns 0 on success."""
+, missing=opts.get('missing'), summary=opts.get('summary'))
+    return 0
+def top(ui, repo, **opts):
+    """print the name of the current patch
+    Returns 0 on success."""
+    q =
+    t = q.applied and q.series_end(True) or 0
+    if t:
+        q.qseries(repo, start=t - 1, length=1, status='A',
+                  summary=opts.get('summary'))
+    else:
+        ui.write(_("no patches applied\n"))
+        return 1
+def next(ui, repo, **opts):
+    """print the name of the next patch
+    Returns 0 on success."""
+    q =
+    end = q.series_end()
+    if end == len(q.series):
+        ui.write(_("all patches applied\n"))
+        return 1
+    q.qseries(repo, start=end, length=1, summary=opts.get('summary'))
+def prev(ui, repo, **opts):
+    """print the name of the previous patch
+    Returns 0 on success."""
+    q =
+    l = len(q.applied)
+    if l == 1:
+        ui.write(_("only one patch applied\n"))
+        return 1
+    if not l:
+        ui.write(_("no patches applied\n"))
+        return 1
+    q.qseries(repo, start=l - 2, length=1, status='A',
+              summary=opts.get('summary'))
+def setupheaderopts(ui, opts):
+    if not opts.get('user') and opts.get('currentuser'):
+        opts['user'] = ui.username()
+    if not opts.get('date') and opts.get('currentdate'):
+        opts['date'] = "%d %d" % util.makedate()
+def new(ui, repo, patch, *args, **opts):
+    """create a new patch
+    qnew creates a new patch on top of the currently-applied patch (if
+    any). The patch will be initialized with any outstanding changes
+    in the working directory. You may also use -I/--include,
+    -X/--exclude, and/or a list of files after the patch name to add
+    only changes to matching files to the new patch, leaving the rest
+    as uncommitted modifications.
+    -u/--user and -d/--date can be used to set the (given) user and
+    date, respectively. -U/--currentuser and -D/--currentdate set user
+    to current user and date to current date.
+    -e/--edit, -m/--message or -l/--logfile set the patch header as
+    well as the commit message. If none is specified, the header is
+    empty and the commit message is '[mq]: PATCH'.
+    Use the -g/--git option to keep the patch in the git extended diff
+    format. Read the diffs help topic for more information on why this
+    is important for preserving permission changes and copy/rename
+    information.
+    Returns 0 on successful creation of a new patch.
+    """
+    msg = cmdutil.logmessage(opts)
+    def getmsg():
+        return ui.edit(msg, opts.get('user') or ui.username())
+    q =
+    opts['msg'] = msg
+    if opts.get('edit'):
+        opts['msg'] = getmsg
+    else:
+        opts['msg'] = msg
+    setupheaderopts(ui, opts)
+, patch, *args, **opts)
+    q.save_dirty()
+    return 0
+def refresh(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
+    """update the current patch
+    If any file patterns are provided, the refreshed patch will
+    contain only the modifications that match those patterns; the
+    remaining modifications will remain in the working directory.
+    If -s/--short is specified, files currently included in the patch
+    will be refreshed just like matched files and remain in the patch.
+    If -e/--edit is specified, Mercurial will start your configured editor for
+    you to enter a message. In case qrefresh fails, you will find a backup of
+    your message in ``.hg/last-message.txt``.
+    hg add/remove/copy/rename work as usual, though you might want to
+    use git-style patches (-g/--git or [diff] git=1) to track copies
+    and renames. See the diffs help topic for more information on the
+    git diff format.
+    Returns 0 on success.
+    """
+    q =
+    message = cmdutil.logmessage(opts)
+    if opts.get('edit'):
+        if not q.applied:
+            ui.write(_("no patches applied\n"))
+            return 1
+        if message:
+            raise util.Abort(_('option "-e" incompatible with "-m" or "-l"'))
+        patch = q.applied[-1].name
+        ph = patchheader(q.join(patch), q.plainmode)
+        message = ui.edit('\n'.join(ph.message), ph.user or ui.username())
+        # We don't want to lose the patch message if qrefresh fails (issue2062)
+        msgfile = repo.opener('last-message.txt', 'wb')
+        msgfile.write(message)
+        msgfile.close()
+    setupheaderopts(ui, opts)
+    ret = q.refresh(repo, pats, msg=message, **opts)
+    q.save_dirty()
+    return ret
+def diff(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
+    """diff of the current patch and subsequent modifications
+    Shows a diff which includes the current patch as well as any
+    changes which have been made in the working directory since the
+    last refresh (thus showing what the current patch would become
+    after a qrefresh).
+    Use :hg:`diff` if you only want to see the changes made since the
+    last qrefresh, or :hg:`export qtip` if you want to see changes
+    made by the current patch without including changes made since the
+    qrefresh.
+    Returns 0 on success.
+    """
+, pats, opts)
+    return 0
+def fold(ui, repo, *files, **opts):
+    """fold the named patches into the current patch
+    Patches must not yet be applied. Each patch will be successively
+    applied to the current patch in the order given. If all the
+    patches apply successfully, the current patch will be refreshed
+    with the new cumulative patch, and the folded patches will be
+    deleted. With -k/--keep, the folded patch files will not be
+    removed afterwards.
+    The header for each folded patch will be concatenated with the
+    current patch header, separated by a line of ``* * *``.
+    Returns 0 on success."""
+    q =
+    if not files:
+        raise util.Abort(_('qfold requires at least one patch name'))
+    if not q.check_toppatch(repo)[0]:
+        raise util.Abort(_('no patches applied'))
+    q.check_localchanges(repo)
+    message = cmdutil.logmessage(opts)
+    if opts.get('edit'):
+        if message:
+            raise util.Abort(_('option "-e" incompatible with "-m" or "-l"'))
+    parent = q.lookup('qtip')
+    patches = []
+    messages = []
+    for f in files:
+        p = q.lookup(f)
+        if p in patches or p == parent:
+            ui.warn(_('Skipping already folded patch %s\n') % p)
+        if q.isapplied(p):
+            raise util.Abort(_('qfold cannot fold already applied patch %s') % p)
+        patches.append(p)
+    for p in patches:
+        if not message:
+            ph = patchheader(q.join(p), q.plainmode)
+            if ph.message:
+                messages.append(ph.message)
+        pf = q.join(p)
+        (patchsuccess, files, fuzz) = q.patch(repo, pf)
+        if not patchsuccess:
+            raise util.Abort(_('error folding patch %s') % p)
+        cmdutil.updatedir(ui, repo, files)
+    if not message:
+        ph = patchheader(q.join(parent), q.plainmode)
+        message, user = ph.message, ph.user
+        for msg in messages:
+            message.append('* * *')
+            message.extend(msg)
+        message = '\n'.join(message)
+    if opts.get('edit'):
+        message = ui.edit(message, user or ui.username())
+    diffopts = q.patchopts(q.diffopts(), *patches)
+    q.refresh(repo, msg=message, git=diffopts.git)
+    q.delete(repo, patches, opts)
+    q.save_dirty()
+def goto(ui, repo, patch, **opts):
+    '''push or pop patches until named patch is at top of stack
+    Returns 0 on success.'''
+    q =
+    patch = q.lookup(patch)
+    if q.isapplied(patch):
+        ret = q.pop(repo, patch, force=opts.get('force'))
+    else:
+        ret = q.push(repo, patch, force=opts.get('force'))
+    q.save_dirty()
+    return ret
+def guard(ui, repo, *args, **opts):
+    '''set or print guards for a patch
+    Guards control whether a patch can be pushed. A patch with no
+    guards is always pushed. A patch with a positive guard ("+foo") is
+    pushed only if the :hg:`qselect` command has activated it. A patch with
+    a negative guard ("-foo") is never pushed if the :hg:`qselect` command
+    has activated it.
+    With no arguments, print the currently active guards.
+    With arguments, set guards for the named patch.
+    .. note::
+       Specifying negative guards now requires '--'.
+    To set guards on another patch::
+      hg qguard other.patch -- +2.6.17 -stable
+    Returns 0 on success.
+    '''
+    def status(idx):
+        guards = q.series_guards[idx] or ['unguarded']
+        if q.series[idx] in applied:
+            state = 'applied'
+        elif q.pushable(idx)[0]:
+            state = 'unapplied'
+        else:
+            state = 'guarded'
+        label = 'qguard.patch qguard.%s qseries.%s' % (state, state)
+        ui.write('%s: ' % ui.label(q.series[idx], label))
+        for i, guard in enumerate(guards):
+            if guard.startswith('+'):
+                ui.write(guard, label='qguard.positive')
+            elif guard.startswith('-'):
+                ui.write(guard, label='qguard.negative')
+            else:
+                ui.write(guard, label='qguard.unguarded')
+            if i != len(guards) - 1:
+                ui.write(' ')
+        ui.write('\n')
+    q =
+    applied = set( for p in q.applied)
+    patch = None
+    args = list(args)
+    if opts.get('list'):
+        if args or opts.get('none'):
+            raise util.Abort(_('cannot mix -l/--list with options or arguments'))
+        for i in xrange(len(q.series)):
+            status(i)
+        return
+    if not args or args[0][0:1] in '-+':
+        if not q.applied:
+            raise util.Abort(_('no patches applied'))
+        patch = q.applied[-1].name
+    if patch is None and args[0][0:1] not in '-+':
+        patch = args.pop(0)
+    if patch is None:
+        raise util.Abort(_('no patch to work with'))
+    if args or opts.get('none'):
+        idx = q.find_series(patch)
+        if idx is None:
+            raise util.Abort(_('no patch named %s') % patch)
+        q.set_guards(idx, args)
+        q.save_dirty()
+    else:
+        status(q.series.index(q.lookup(patch)))
+def header(ui, repo, patch=None):
+    """print the header of the topmost or specified patch
+    Returns 0 on success."""
+    q =
+    if patch:
+        patch = q.lookup(patch)
+    else:
+        if not q.applied:
+            ui.write(_('no patches applied\n'))
+            return 1
+        patch = q.lookup('qtip')
+    ph = patchheader(q.join(patch), q.plainmode)
+    ui.write('\n'.join(ph.message) + '\n')
+def lastsavename(path):
+    (directory, base) = os.path.split(path)
+    names = os.listdir(directory)
+    namere = re.compile("%s.([0-9]+)" % base)
+    maxindex = None
+    maxname = None
+    for f in names:
+        m = namere.match(f)
+        if m:
+            index = int(
+            if maxindex is None or index > maxindex:
+                maxindex = index
+                maxname = f
+    if maxname:
+        return (os.path.join(directory, maxname), maxindex)
+    return (None, None)
+def savename(path):
+    (last, index) = lastsavename(path)
+    if last is None:
+        index = 0
+    newpath = path + ".%d" % (index + 1)
+    return newpath
+def push(ui, repo, patch=None, **opts):
+    """push the next patch onto the stack
+    When -f/--force is applied, all local changes in patched files
+    will be lost.
+    Return 0 on succces.
+    """
+    q =
+    mergeq = None
+    if opts.get('merge'):
+        if opts.get('name'):
+            newpath = repo.join(opts.get('name'))
+        else:
+            newpath, i = lastsavename(q.path)
+        if not newpath:
+            ui.warn(_("no saved queues found, please use -n\n"))
+            return 1
+        mergeq = queue(ui, repo.join(""), newpath)
+        ui.warn(_("merging with queue at: %s\n") % mergeq.path)
+    ret = q.push(repo, patch, force=opts.get('force'), list=opts.get('list'),
+                 mergeq=mergeq, all=opts.get('all'), move=opts.get('move'))
+    return ret
+def pop(ui, repo, patch=None, **opts):
+    """pop the current patch off the stack
+    By default, pops off the top of the patch stack. If given a patch
+    name, keeps popping off patches until the named patch is at the
+    top of the stack.
+    Return 0 on success.
+    """
+    localupdate = True
+    if opts.get('name'):
+        q = queue(ui, repo.join(""), repo.join(opts.get('name')))
+        ui.warn(_('using patch queue: %s\n') % q.path)
+        localupdate = False
+    else:
+        q =
+    ret = q.pop(repo, patch, force=opts.get('force'), update=localupdate,
+                all=opts.get('all'))
+    q.save_dirty()
+    return ret
+def rename(ui, repo, patch, name=None, **opts):
+    """rename a patch
+    With one argument, renames the current patch to PATCH1.
+    With two arguments, renames PATCH1 to PATCH2.
+    Returns 0 on success."""
+    q =
+    if not name:
+        name = patch
+        patch = None
+    if patch:
+        patch = q.lookup(patch)
+    else:
+        if not q.applied:
+            ui.write(_('no patches applied\n'))
+            return
+        patch = q.lookup('qtip')
+    absdest = q.join(name)
+    if os.path.isdir(absdest):
+        name = normname(os.path.join(name, os.path.basename(patch)))
+        absdest = q.join(name)
+    if os.path.exists(absdest):
+        raise util.Abort(_('%s already exists') % absdest)
+    if name in q.series:
+        raise util.Abort(
+            _('A patch named %s already exists in the series file') % name)
+    ui.note(_('renaming %s to %s\n') % (patch, name))
+    i = q.find_series(patch)
+    guards = q.guard_re.findall(q.full_series[i])
+    q.full_series[i] = name + ''.join([' #' + g for g in guards])
+    q.parse_series()
+    q.series_dirty = 1
+    info = q.isapplied(patch)
+    if info:
+        q.applied[info[0]] = statusentry(info[1], name)
+    q.applied_dirty = 1
+    destdir = os.path.dirname(absdest)
+    if not os.path.isdir(destdir):
+        os.makedirs(destdir)
+    util.rename(q.join(patch), absdest)
+    r = q.qrepo()
+    if r and patch in r.dirstate:
+        wctx = r[None]
+        wlock = r.wlock()
+        try:
+            if r.dirstate[patch] == 'a':
+                r.dirstate.forget(patch)
+                r.dirstate.add(name)
+            else:
+                if r.dirstate[name] == 'r':
+                    wctx.undelete([name])
+                wctx.copy(patch, name)
+                wctx.remove([patch], False)
+        finally:
+            wlock.release()
+    q.save_dirty()
+def restore(ui, repo, rev, **opts):
+    """restore the queue state saved by a revision (DEPRECATED)
+    This command is deprecated, use :hg:`rebase` instead."""
+    rev = repo.lookup(rev)
+    q =
+    q.restore(repo, rev, delete=opts.get('delete'),
+              qupdate=opts.get('update'))
+    q.save_dirty()
+    return 0
+def save(ui, repo, **opts):
+    """save current queue state (DEPRECATED)
+    This command is deprecated, use :hg:`rebase` instead."""
+    q =
+    message = cmdutil.logmessage(opts)
+    ret =, msg=message)
+    if ret:
+        return ret
+    q.save_dirty()
+    if opts.get('copy'):
+        path = q.path
+        if opts.get('name'):
+            newpath = os.path.join(q.basepath, opts.get('name'))
+            if os.path.exists(newpath):
+                if not os.path.isdir(newpath):
+                    raise util.Abort(_('destination %s exists and is not '
+                                       'a directory') % newpath)
+                if not opts.get('force'):
+                    raise util.Abort(_('destination %s exists, '
+                                       'use -f to force') % newpath)
+        else:
+            newpath = savename(path)
+        ui.warn(_("copy %s to %s\n") % (path, newpath))
+        util.copyfiles(path, newpath)
+    if opts.get('empty'):
+        try:
+            os.unlink(q.join(q.status_path))
+        except:
+            pass
+    return 0
+def strip(ui, repo, *revs, **opts):
+    """strip changesets and all their descendants from the repository
+    The strip command removes the specified changesets and all their
+    descendants. If the working directory has uncommitted changes,
+    the operation is aborted unless the --force flag is supplied.
+    If a parent of the working directory is stripped, then the working
+    directory will automatically be updated to the most recent
+    available ancestor of the stripped parent after the operation
+    completes.
+    Any stripped changesets are stored in ``.hg/strip-backup`` as a
+    bundle (see :hg:`help bundle` and :hg:`help unbundle`). They can
+    be restored by running :hg:`unbundle .hg/strip-backup/BUNDLE`,
+    where BUNDLE is the bundle file created by the strip. Note that
+    the local revision numbers will in general be different after the
+    restore.
+    Use the --no-backup option to discard the backup bundle once the
+    operation completes.
+    Return 0 on success.
+    """
+    backup = 'all'
+    if opts.get('backup'):
+        backup = 'strip'
+    elif opts.get('no_backup') or opts.get('nobackup'):
+        backup = 'none'
+    cl = repo.changelog
+    revs = set(cmdutil.revrange(repo, revs))
+    if not revs:
+        raise util.Abort(_('empty revision set'))
+    descendants = set(cl.descendants(*revs))
+    strippedrevs = revs.union(descendants)
+    roots = revs.difference(descendants)
+    update = False
+    # if one of the wdir parent is stripped we'll need
+    # to update away to an earlier revision
+    for p in repo.dirstate.parents():
+        if p != nullid and cl.rev(p) in strippedrevs:
+            update = True
+            break
+    rootnodes = set(cl.node(r) for r in roots)
+    q =
+    if q.applied:
+        # refresh queue state if we're about to strip
+        # applied patches
+        if cl.rev(repo.lookup('qtip')) in strippedrevs:
+            q.applied_dirty = True
+            start = 0
+            end = len(q.applied)
+            for i, statusentry in enumerate(q.applied):
+                if statusentry.node in rootnodes:
+                    # if one of the stripped roots is an applied
+                    # patch, only part of the queue is stripped
+                    start = i
+                    break
+            del q.applied[start:end]
+            q.save_dirty()
+    revs = list(rootnodes)
+    if update and opts.get('keep'):
+        wlock = repo.wlock()
+        try:
+            urev =, revs[0])
+            repo.dirstate.rebuild(urev, repo[urev].manifest())
+            repo.dirstate.write()
+            update = False
+        finally:
+            wlock.release()
+, revs, backup=backup, update=update,
+                  force=opts.get('force'))
+    return 0
+def select(ui, repo, *args, **opts):
+    '''set or print guarded patches to push
+    Use the :hg:`qguard` command to set or print guards on patch, then use
+    qselect to tell mq which guards to use. A patch will be pushed if
+    it has no guards or any positive guards match the currently
+    selected guard, but will not be pushed if any negative guards
+    match the current guard. For example::
+        qguard foo.patch -stable    (negative guard)
+        qguard bar.patch +stable    (positive guard)
+        qselect stable
+    This activates the "stable" guard. mq will skip foo.patch (because
+    it has a negative match) but push bar.patch (because it has a
+    positive match).
+    With no arguments, prints the currently active guards.
+    With one argument, sets the active guard.
+    Use -n/--none to deactivate guards (no other arguments needed).
+    When no guards are active, patches with positive guards are
+    skipped and patches with negative guards are pushed.
+    qselect can change the guards on applied patches. It does not pop
+    guarded patches by default. Use --pop to pop back to the last
+    applied patch that is not guarded. Use --reapply (which implies
+    --pop) to push back to the current patch afterwards, but skip
+    guarded patches.
+    Use -s/--series to print a list of all guards in the series file
+    (no other arguments needed). Use -v for more information.
+    Returns 0 on success.'''
+    q =
+    guards =
+    if args or opts.get('none'):
+        old_unapplied = q.unapplied(repo)
+        old_guarded = [i for i in xrange(len(q.applied)) if
+                       not q.pushable(i)[0]]
+        q.set_active(args)
+        q.save_dirty()
+        if not args:
+            ui.status(_('guards deactivated\n'))
+        if not opts.get('pop') and not opts.get('reapply'):
+            unapplied = q.unapplied(repo)
+            guarded = [i for i in xrange(len(q.applied))
+                       if not q.pushable(i)[0]]
+            if len(unapplied) != len(old_unapplied):
+                ui.status(_('number of unguarded, unapplied patches has '
+                            'changed from %d to %d\n') %
+                          (len(old_unapplied), len(unapplied)))
+            if len(guarded) != len(old_guarded):
+                ui.status(_('number of guarded, applied patches has changed '
+                            'from %d to %d\n') %
+                          (len(old_guarded), len(guarded)))
+    elif opts.get('series'):
+        guards = {}
+        noguards = 0
+        for gs in q.series_guards:
+            if not gs:
+                noguards += 1
+            for g in gs:
+                guards.setdefault(g, 0)
+                guards[g] += 1
+        if ui.verbose:
+            guards['NONE'] = noguards
+        guards = guards.items()
+        guards.sort(key=lambda x: x[0][1:])
+        if guards:
+            ui.note(_('guards in series file:\n'))
+            for guard, count in guards:
+                ui.note('%2d  ' % count)
+                ui.write(guard, '\n')
+        else:
+            ui.note(_('no guards in series file\n'))
+    else:
+        if guards:
+            ui.note(_('active guards:\n'))
+            for g in guards:
+                ui.write(g, '\n')
+        else:
+            ui.write(_('no active guards\n'))
+    reapply = opts.get('reapply') and q.applied and q.appliedname(-1)
+    popped = False
+    if opts.get('pop') or opts.get('reapply'):
+        for i in xrange(len(q.applied)):
+            pushable, reason = q.pushable(i)
+            if not pushable:
+                ui.status(_('popping guarded patches\n'))
+                popped = True
+                if i == 0:
+                    q.pop(repo, all=True)
+                else:
+                    q.pop(repo, i - 1)
+                break
+    if popped:
+        try:
+            if reapply:
+                ui.status(_('reapplying unguarded patches\n'))
+                q.push(repo, reapply)
+        finally:
+            q.save_dirty()
+def finish(ui, repo, *revrange, **opts):
+    """move applied patches into repository history
+    Finishes the specified revisions (corresponding to applied
+    patches) by moving them out of mq control into regular repository
+    history.
+    Accepts a revision range or the -a/--applied option. If --applied
+    is specified, all applied mq revisions are removed from mq
+    control. Otherwise, the given revisions must be at the base of the
+    stack of applied patches.
+    This can be especially useful if your changes have been applied to
+    an upstream repository, or if you are about to push your changes
+    to upstream.
+    Returns 0 on success.
+    """
+    if not opts.get('applied') and not revrange:
+        raise util.Abort(_('no revisions specified'))
+    elif opts.get('applied'):
+        revrange = ('qbase::qtip',) + revrange
+    q =
+    if not q.applied:
+        ui.status(_('no patches applied\n'))
+        return 0
+    revs = cmdutil.revrange(repo, revrange)
+    q.finish(repo, revs)
+    q.save_dirty()
+    return 0
+def qqueue(ui, repo, name=None, **opts):
+    '''manage multiple patch queues
+    Supports switching between different patch queues, as well as creating
+    new patch queues and deleting existing ones.
+    Omitting a queue name or specifying -l/--list will show you the registered
+    queues - by default the "normal" patches queue is registered. The currently
+    active queue will be marked with "(active)".
+    To create a new queue, use -c/--create. The queue is automatically made
+    active, except in the case where there are applied patches from the
+    currently active queue in the repository. Then the queue will only be
+    created and switching will fail.
+    To delete an existing queue, use --delete. You cannot delete the currently
+    active queue.
+    Returns 0 on success.
+    '''
+    q =
+    _defaultqueue = 'patches'
+    _allqueues = 'patches.queues'
+    _activequeue = 'patches.queue'
+    def _getcurrent():
+        cur = os.path.basename(q.path)
+        if cur.startswith('patches-'):
+            cur = cur[8:]
+        return cur
+    def _noqueues():
+        try:
+            fh = repo.opener(_allqueues, 'r')
+            fh.close()
+        except IOError:
+            return True
+        return False
+    def _getqueues():
+        current = _getcurrent()
+        try:
+            fh = repo.opener(_allqueues, 'r')
+            queues = [queue.strip() for queue in fh if queue.strip()]
+            if current not in queues:
+                queues.append(current)
+        except IOError:
+            queues = [_defaultqueue]
+        return sorted(queues)
+    def _setactive(name):
+        if q.applied:
+            raise util.Abort(_('patches applied - cannot set new queue active'))
+        _setactivenocheck(name)
+    def _setactivenocheck(name):
+        fh = repo.opener(_activequeue, 'w')
+        if name != 'patches':
+            fh.write(name)
+        fh.close()
+    def _addqueue(name):
+        fh = repo.opener(_allqueues, 'a')
+        fh.write('%s\n' % (name,))
+        fh.close()
+    def _queuedir(name):
+        if name == 'patches':
+            return repo.join('patches')
+        else:
+            return repo.join('patches-' + name)
+    def _validname(name):
+        for n in name:
+            if n in ':\\/.':
+                return False
+        return True
+    def _delete(name):
+        if name not in existing:
+            raise util.Abort(_('cannot delete queue that does not exist'))
+        current = _getcurrent()
+        if name == current:
+            raise util.Abort(_('cannot delete currently active queue'))
+        fh = repo.opener('', 'w')
+        for queue in existing:
+            if queue == name:
+                continue
+            fh.write('%s\n' % (queue,))
+        fh.close()
+        util.rename(repo.join(''), repo.join(_allqueues))
+    if not name or opts.get('list'):
+        current = _getcurrent()
+        for queue in _getqueues():
+            ui.write('%s' % (queue,))
+            if queue == current and not ui.quiet:
+                ui.write(_(' (active)\n'))
+            else:
+                ui.write('\n')
+        return
+    if not _validname(name):
+        raise util.Abort(
+                _('invalid queue name, may not contain the characters ":\\/."'))
+    existing = _getqueues()
+    if opts.get('create'):
+        if name in existing:
+            raise util.Abort(_('queue "%s" already exists') % name)
+        if _noqueues():
+            _addqueue(_defaultqueue)
+        _addqueue(name)
+        _setactive(name)
+    elif opts.get('rename'):
+        current = _getcurrent()
+        if name == current:
+            raise util.Abort(_('can\'t rename "%s" to its current name') % name)
+        if name in existing:
+            raise util.Abort(_('queue "%s" already exists') % name)
+        olddir = _queuedir(current)
+        newdir = _queuedir(name)
+        if os.path.exists(newdir):
+            raise util.Abort(_('non-queue directory "%s" already exists') %
+                    newdir)
+        fh = repo.opener('', 'w')
+        for queue in existing:
+            if queue == current:
+                fh.write('%s\n' % (name,))
+                if os.path.exists(olddir):
+                    util.rename(olddir, newdir)
+            else:
+                fh.write('%s\n' % (queue,))
+        fh.close()
+        util.rename(repo.join(''), repo.join(_allqueues))
+        _setactivenocheck(name)
+    elif opts.get('delete'):
+        _delete(name)
+    elif opts.get('purge'):
+        if name in existing:
+            _delete(name)
+        qdir = _queuedir(name)
+        if os.path.exists(qdir):
+            shutil.rmtree(qdir)
+    else:
+        if name not in existing:
+            raise util.Abort(_('use --create to create a new queue'))
+        _setactive(name)
+def reposetup(ui, repo):
+    class mqrepo(repo.__class__):
+        @util.propertycache
+        def mq(self):
+            return queue(self.ui, self.join(""))
+        def abort_if_wdir_patched(self, errmsg, force=False):
+            if and not force:
+                parent = self.dirstate.parents()[0]
+                if parent in [s.node for s in]:
+                    raise util.Abort(errmsg)
+        def commit(self, text="", user=None, date=None, match=None,
+                   force=False, editor=False, extra={}):
+            self.abort_if_wdir_patched(
+                _('cannot commit over an applied mq patch'),
+                force)
+            return super(mqrepo, self).commit(text, user, date, match, force,
+                                              editor, extra)
+        def push(self, remote, force=False, revs=None, newbranch=False):
+            if and not force:
+                haspatches = True
+                if revs:
+                    # Assume applied patches have no non-patch descendants
+                    # and are not on remote already. If they appear in the
+                    # set of resolved 'revs', bail out.
+                    applied = set(e.node for e in
+                    haspatches = bool([n for n in revs if n in applied])
+                if haspatches:
+                    raise util.Abort(_('source has mq patches applied'))
+            return super(mqrepo, self).push(remote, force, revs, newbranch)
+        def _findtags(self):
+            '''augment tags from base class with patch tags'''
+            result = super(mqrepo, self)._findtags()
+            q =
+            if not q.applied:
+                return result
+            mqtags = [(patch.node, for patch in q.applied]
+            if mqtags[-1][0] not in self.changelog.nodemap:
+                self.ui.warn(_('mq status file refers to unknown node %s\n')
+                             % short(mqtags[-1][0]))
+                return result
+            mqtags.append((mqtags[-1][0], 'qtip'))
+            mqtags.append((mqtags[0][0], 'qbase'))
+            mqtags.append((self.changelog.parents(mqtags[0][0])[0], 'qparent'))
+            tags = result[0]
+            for patch in mqtags:
+                if patch[1] in tags:
+                    self.ui.warn(_('Tag %s overrides mq patch of the same name\n')
+                                 % patch[1])
+                else:
+                    tags[patch[1]] = patch[0]
+            return result
+        def _branchtags(self, partial, lrev):
+            q =
+            if not q.applied:
+                return super(mqrepo, self)._branchtags(partial, lrev)
+            cl = self.changelog
+            qbasenode = q.applied[0].node
+            if qbasenode not in cl.nodemap:
+                self.ui.warn(_('mq status file refers to unknown node %s\n')
+                             % short(qbasenode))
+                return super(mqrepo, self)._branchtags(partial, lrev)
+            qbase = cl.rev(qbasenode)
+            start = lrev + 1
+            if start < qbase:
+                # update the cache (excluding the patches) and save it
+                ctxgen = (self[r] for r in xrange(lrev + 1, qbase))
+                self._updatebranchcache(partial, ctxgen)
+                self._writebranchcache(partial, cl.node(qbase - 1), qbase - 1)
+                start = qbase
+            # if start = qbase, the cache is as updated as it should be.
+            # if start > qbase, the cache includes (part of) the patches.
+            # we might as well use it, but we won't save it.
+            # update the cache up to the tip
+            ctxgen = (self[r] for r in xrange(start, len(cl)))
+            self._updatebranchcache(partial, ctxgen)
+            return partial
+    if repo.local():
+        repo.__class__ = mqrepo
+def mqimport(orig, ui, repo, *args, **kwargs):
+    if (hasattr(repo, 'abort_if_wdir_patched')
+        and not kwargs.get('no_commit', False)):
+        repo.abort_if_wdir_patched(_('cannot import over an applied patch'),
+                                   kwargs.get('force'))
+    return orig(ui, repo, *args, **kwargs)
+def mqinit(orig, ui, *args, **kwargs):
+    mq = kwargs.pop('mq', None)
+    if not mq:
+        return orig(ui, *args, **kwargs)
+    if args:
+        repopath = args[0]
+        if not hg.islocal(repopath):
+            raise util.Abort(_('only a local queue repository '
+                               'may be initialized'))
+    else:
+        repopath = cmdutil.findrepo(os.getcwd())
+        if not repopath:
+            raise util.Abort(_('there is no Mercurial repository here '
+                               '(.hg not found)'))
+    repo = hg.repository(ui, repopath)
+    return qinit(ui, repo, True)
+def mqcommand(orig, ui, repo, *args, **kwargs):
+    """Add --mq option to operate on patch repository instead of main"""
+    # some commands do not like getting unknown options
+    mq = kwargs.pop('mq', None)
+    if not mq:
+        return orig(ui, repo, *args, **kwargs)
+    q =
+    r = q.qrepo()
+    if not r:
+        raise util.Abort(_('no queue repository'))
+    return orig(r.ui, r, *args, **kwargs)
+def summary(orig, ui, repo, *args, **kwargs):
+    r = orig(ui, repo, *args, **kwargs)
+    q =
+    m = []
+    a, u = len(q.applied), len(q.unapplied(repo))
+    if a:
+        m.append(ui.label(_("%d applied"), 'qseries.applied') % a)
+    if u:
+        m.append(ui.label(_("%d unapplied"), 'qseries.unapplied') % u)
+    if m:
+        ui.write("mq:     %s\n" % ', '.join(m))
+    else:
+        ui.note(_("mq:     (empty queue)\n"))
+    return r
+def uisetup(ui):
+    mqopt = [('', 'mq', None, _("operate on patch repository"))]
+    extensions.wrapcommand(commands.table, 'import', mqimport)
+    extensions.wrapcommand(commands.table, 'summary', summary)
+    entry = extensions.wrapcommand(commands.table, 'init', mqinit)
+    entry[1].extend(mqopt)
+    nowrap = set(commands.norepo.split(" ") + ['qrecord'])
+    def dotable(cmdtable):
+        for cmd in cmdtable.keys():
+            cmd = cmdutil.parsealiases(cmd)[0]
+            if cmd in nowrap:
+                continue
+            entry = extensions.wrapcommand(cmdtable, cmd, mqcommand)
+            entry[1].extend(mqopt)
+    dotable(commands.table)
+    for extname, extmodule in extensions.extensions():
+        if extmodule.__file__ != __file__:
+            dotable(getattr(extmodule, 'cmdtable', {}))
+seriesopts = [('s', 'summary', None, _('print first line of patch header'))]
+cmdtable = {
+    "qapplied":
+        (applied,
+         [('1', 'last', None, _('show only the last patch'))] + seriesopts,
+         _('hg qapplied [-1] [-s] [PATCH]')),
+    "qclone":
+        (clone,
+         [('', 'pull', None, _('use pull protocol to copy metadata')),
+          ('U', 'noupdate', None, _('do not update the new working directories')),
+          ('', 'uncompressed', None,
+           _('use uncompressed transfer (fast over LAN)')),
+          ('p', 'patches', '',
+           _('location of source patch repository'), _('REPO')),
+         ] + commands.remoteopts,
+         _('hg qclone [OPTION]... SOURCE [DEST]')),
+    "qcommit|qci":
+        (commit,
+         commands.table["^commit|ci"][1],
+         _('hg qcommit [OPTION]... [FILE]...')),
+    "^qdiff":
+        (diff,
+         commands.diffopts + commands.diffopts2 + commands.walkopts,
+         _('hg qdiff [OPTION]... [FILE]...')),
+    "qdelete|qremove|qrm":
+        (delete,
+         [('k', 'keep', None, _('keep patch file')),
+          ('r', 'rev', [],
+           _('stop managing a revision (DEPRECATED)'), _('REV'))],
+         _('hg qdelete [-k] [PATCH]...')),
+    'qfold':
+        (fold,
+         [('e', 'edit', None, _('edit patch header')),
+          ('k', 'keep', None, _('keep folded patch files')),
+         ] + commands.commitopts,
+         _('hg qfold [-e] [-k] [-m TEXT] [-l FILE] PATCH...')),
+    'qgoto':
+        (goto,
+         [('f', 'force', None, _('overwrite any local changes'))],
+         _('hg qgoto [OPTION]... PATCH')),
+    'qguard':
+        (guard,
+         [('l', 'list', None, _('list all patches and guards')),
+          ('n', 'none', None, _('drop all guards'))],
+         _('hg qguard [-l] [-n] [PATCH] [-- [+GUARD]... [-GUARD]...]')),
+    'qheader': (header, [], _('hg qheader [PATCH]')),
+    "qimport":
+        (qimport,
+         [('e', 'existing', None, _('import file in patch directory')),
+          ('n', 'name', '',
+           _('name of patch file'), _('NAME')),
+          ('f', 'force', None, _('overwrite existing files')),
+          ('r', 'rev', [],
+           _('place existing revisions under mq control'), _('REV')),
+          ('g', 'git', None, _('use git extended diff format')),
+          ('P', 'push', None, _('qpush after importing'))],
+         _('hg qimport [-e] [-n NAME] [-f] [-g] [-P] [-r REV]... FILE...')),
+    "^qinit":
+        (init,
+         [('c', 'create-repo', None, _('create queue repository'))],
+         _('hg qinit [-c]')),
+    "^qnew":
+        (new,
+         [('e', 'edit', None, _('edit commit message')),
+          ('f', 'force', None, _('import uncommitted changes (DEPRECATED)')),
+          ('g', 'git', None, _('use git extended diff format')),
+          ('U', 'currentuser', None, _('add "From: <current user>" to patch')),
+          ('u', 'user', '',
+           _('add "From: <USER>" to patch'), _('USER')),
+          ('D', 'currentdate', None, _('add "Date: <current date>" to patch')),
+          ('d', 'date', '',
+           _('add "Date: <DATE>" to patch'), _('DATE'))
+          ] + commands.walkopts + commands.commitopts,
+         _('hg qnew [-e] [-m TEXT] [-l FILE] PATCH [FILE]...')),
+    "qnext": (next, [] + seriesopts, _('hg qnext [-s]')),
+    "qprev": (prev, [] + seriesopts, _('hg qprev [-s]')),
+    "^qpop":
+        (pop,
+         [('a', 'all', None, _('pop all patches')),
+          ('n', 'name', '',
+           _('queue name to pop (DEPRECATED)'), _('NAME')),
+          ('f', 'force', None, _('forget any local changes to patched files'))],
+         _('hg qpop [-a] [-f] [PATCH | INDEX]')),
+    "^qpush":
+        (push,
+         [('f', 'force', None, _('apply on top of local changes')),
+          ('l', 'list', None, _('list patch name in commit text')),
+          ('a', 'all', None, _('apply all patches')),
+          ('m', 'merge', None, _('merge from another queue (DEPRECATED)')),
+          ('n', 'name', '',
+           _('merge queue name (DEPRECATED)'), _('NAME')),
+          ('', 'move', None, _('reorder patch series and apply only the patch'))],
+         _('hg qpush [-f] [-l] [-a] [--move] [PATCH | INDEX]')),
+    "^qrefresh":
+        (refresh,
+         [('e', 'edit', None, _('edit commit message')),
+          ('g', 'git', None, _('use git extended diff format')),
+          ('s', 'short', None,
+           _('refresh only files already in the patch and specified files')),
+          ('U', 'currentuser', None,
+           _('add/update author field in patch with current user')),
+          ('u', 'user', '',
+           _('add/update author field in patch with given user'), _('USER')),
+          ('D', 'currentdate', None,
+           _('add/update date field in patch with current date')),
+          ('d', 'date', '',
+           _('add/update date field in patch with given date'), _('DATE'))
+          ] + commands.walkopts + commands.commitopts,
+         _('hg qrefresh [-I] [-X] [-e] [-m TEXT] [-l FILE] [-s] [FILE]...')),
+    'qrename|qmv':
+        (rename, [], _('hg qrename PATCH1 [PATCH2]')),
+    "qrestore":
+        (restore,
+         [('d', 'delete', None, _('delete save entry')),
+          ('u', 'update', None, _('update queue working directory'))],
+         _('hg qrestore [-d] [-u] REV')),
+    "qsave":
+        (save,
+         [('c', 'copy', None, _('copy patch directory')),
+          ('n', 'name', '',
+           _('copy directory name'), _('NAME')),
+          ('e', 'empty', None, _('clear queue status file')),
+          ('f', 'force', None, _('force copy'))] + commands.commitopts,
+         _('hg qsave [-m TEXT] [-l FILE] [-c] [-n NAME] [-e] [-f]')),
+    "qselect":
+        (select,
+         [('n', 'none', None, _('disable all guards')),
+          ('s', 'series', None, _('list all guards in series file')),
+          ('', 'pop', None, _('pop to before first guarded applied patch')),
+          ('', 'reapply', None, _('pop, then reapply patches'))],
+         _('hg qselect [OPTION]... [GUARD]...')),
+    "qseries":
+        (series,
+         [('m', 'missing', None, _('print patches not in series')),
+         ] + seriesopts,
+          _('hg qseries [-ms]')),
+     "strip":
+         (strip,
+         [('f', 'force', None, _('force removal of changesets even if the '
+                                 'working directory has uncommitted changes')),
+          ('b', 'backup', None, _('bundle only changesets with local revision'
+                                  ' number greater than REV which are not'
+                                  ' descendants of REV (DEPRECATED)')),
+          ('n', 'no-backup', None, _('no backups')),
+          ('', 'nobackup', None, _('no backups (DEPRECATED)')),
+          ('k', 'keep', None, _("do not modify working copy during strip"))],
+          _('hg strip [-k] [-f] [-n] REV...')),
+     "qtop": (top, [] + seriesopts, _('hg qtop [-s]')),
+    "qunapplied":
+        (unapplied,
+         [('1', 'first', None, _('show only the first patch'))] + seriesopts,
+         _('hg qunapplied [-1] [-s] [PATCH]')),
+    "qfinish":
+        (finish,
+         [('a', 'applied', None, _('finish all applied changesets'))],
+         _('hg qfinish [-a] [REV]...')),
+    'qqueue':
+        (qqueue,
+         [
+             ('l', 'list', False, _('list all available queues')),
+             ('c', 'create', False, _('create new queue')),
+             ('', 'rename', False, _('rename active queue')),
+             ('', 'delete', False, _('delete reference to queue')),
+             ('', 'purge', False, _('delete queue, and remove patch dir')),
+         ],
+         _('[OPTION] [QUEUE]')),
+colortable = {'qguard.negative': 'red',
+              'qguard.positive': 'yellow',
+              'qguard.unguarded': 'green',
+              'qseries.applied': 'blue bold underline',
+              'qseries.guarded': 'black bold',
+              'qseries.missing': 'red bold',
+              'qseries.unapplied': 'black bold'}