changeset 69 c6bca38c1cbf
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/hgext/	Sat Jan 08 11:20:57 2011 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+# ASCII graph log extension for Mercurial
+# Copyright 2007 Joel Rosdahl <>
+# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
+# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
+'''command to view revision graphs from a shell
+This extension adds a --graph option to the incoming, outgoing and log
+commands. When this options is given, an ASCII representation of the
+revision graph is also shown.
+import os
+from mercurial.cmdutil import revrange, show_changeset
+from mercurial.commands import templateopts
+from mercurial.i18n import _
+from mercurial.node import nullrev
+from mercurial import cmdutil, commands, extensions
+from mercurial import hg, util, graphmod
+def asciiedges(seen, rev, parents):
+    """adds edge info to changelog DAG walk suitable for ascii()"""
+    if rev not in seen:
+        seen.append(rev)
+    nodeidx = seen.index(rev)
+    knownparents = []
+    newparents = []
+    for parent in parents:
+        if parent in seen:
+            knownparents.append(parent)
+        else:
+            newparents.append(parent)
+    ncols = len(seen)
+    seen[nodeidx:nodeidx + 1] = newparents
+    edges = [(nodeidx, seen.index(p)) for p in knownparents]
+    if len(newparents) > 0:
+        edges.append((nodeidx, nodeidx))
+    if len(newparents) > 1:
+        edges.append((nodeidx, nodeidx + 1))
+    nmorecols = len(seen) - ncols
+    return nodeidx, edges, ncols, nmorecols
+def fix_long_right_edges(edges):
+    for (i, (start, end)) in enumerate(edges):
+        if end > start:
+            edges[i] = (start, end + 1)
+def get_nodeline_edges_tail(
+        node_index, p_node_index, n_columns, n_columns_diff, p_diff, fix_tail):
+    if fix_tail and n_columns_diff == p_diff and n_columns_diff != 0:
+        # Still going in the same non-vertical direction.
+        if n_columns_diff == -1:
+            start = max(node_index + 1, p_node_index)
+            tail = ["|", " "] * (start - node_index - 1)
+            tail.extend(["/", " "] * (n_columns - start))
+            return tail
+        else:
+            return ["\\", " "] * (n_columns - node_index - 1)
+    else:
+        return ["|", " "] * (n_columns - node_index - 1)
+def draw_edges(edges, nodeline, interline):
+    for (start, end) in edges:
+        if start == end + 1:
+            interline[2 * end + 1] = "/"
+        elif start == end - 1:
+            interline[2 * start + 1] = "\\"
+        elif start == end:
+            interline[2 * start] = "|"
+        else:
+            nodeline[2 * end] = "+"
+            if start > end:
+                (start, end) = (end, start)
+            for i in range(2 * start + 1, 2 * end):
+                if nodeline[i] != "+":
+                    nodeline[i] = "-"
+def get_padding_line(ni, n_columns, edges):
+    line = []
+    line.extend(["|", " "] * ni)
+    if (ni, ni - 1) in edges or (ni, ni) in edges:
+        # (ni, ni - 1)      (ni, ni)
+        # | | | |           | | | |
+        # +---o |           | o---+
+        # | | c |           | c | |
+        # | |/ /            | |/ /
+        # | | |             | | |
+        c = "|"
+    else:
+        c = " "
+    line.extend([c, " "])
+    line.extend(["|", " "] * (n_columns - ni - 1))
+    return line
+def asciistate():
+    """returns the initial value for the "state" argument to ascii()"""
+    return [0, 0]
+def ascii(ui, state, type, char, text, coldata):
+    """prints an ASCII graph of the DAG
+    takes the following arguments (one call per node in the graph):
+      - ui to write to
+      - Somewhere to keep the needed state in (init to asciistate())
+      - Column of the current node in the set of ongoing edges.
+      - Type indicator of node data == ASCIIDATA.
+      - Payload: (char, lines):
+        - Character to use as node's symbol.
+        - List of lines to display as the node's text.
+      - Edges; a list of (col, next_col) indicating the edges between
+        the current node and its parents.
+      - Number of columns (ongoing edges) in the current revision.
+      - The difference between the number of columns (ongoing edges)
+        in the next revision and the number of columns (ongoing edges)
+        in the current revision. That is: -1 means one column removed;
+        0 means no columns added or removed; 1 means one column added.
+    """
+    idx, edges, ncols, coldiff = coldata
+    assert -2 < coldiff < 2
+    if coldiff == -1:
+        # Transform
+        #
+        #     | | |        | | |
+        #     o | |  into  o---+
+        #     |X /         |/ /
+        #     | |          | |
+        fix_long_right_edges(edges)
+    # add_padding_line says whether to rewrite
+    #
+    #     | | | |        | | | |
+    #     | o---+  into  | o---+
+    #     |  / /         |   | |  # <--- padding line
+    #     o | |          |  / /
+    #                    o | |
+    add_padding_line = (len(text) > 2 and coldiff == -1 and
+                        [x for (x, y) in edges if x + 1 < y])
+    # fix_nodeline_tail says whether to rewrite
+    #
+    #     | | o | |        | | o | |
+    #     | | |/ /         | | |/ /
+    #     | o | |    into  | o / /   # <--- fixed nodeline tail
+    #     | |/ /           | |/ /
+    #     o | |            o | |
+    fix_nodeline_tail = len(text) <= 2 and not add_padding_line
+    # nodeline is the line containing the node character (typically o)
+    nodeline = ["|", " "] * idx
+    nodeline.extend([char, " "])
+    nodeline.extend(
+        get_nodeline_edges_tail(idx, state[1], ncols, coldiff,
+                                state[0], fix_nodeline_tail))
+    # shift_interline is the line containing the non-vertical
+    # edges between this entry and the next
+    shift_interline = ["|", " "] * idx
+    if coldiff == -1:
+        n_spaces = 1
+        edge_ch = "/"
+    elif coldiff == 0:
+        n_spaces = 2
+        edge_ch = "|"
+    else:
+        n_spaces = 3
+        edge_ch = "\\"
+    shift_interline.extend(n_spaces * [" "])
+    shift_interline.extend([edge_ch, " "] * (ncols - idx - 1))
+    # draw edges from the current node to its parents
+    draw_edges(edges, nodeline, shift_interline)
+    # lines is the list of all graph lines to print
+    lines = [nodeline]
+    if add_padding_line:
+        lines.append(get_padding_line(idx, ncols, edges))
+    lines.append(shift_interline)
+    # make sure that there are as many graph lines as there are
+    # log strings
+    while len(text) < len(lines):
+        text.append("")
+    if len(lines) < len(text):
+        extra_interline = ["|", " "] * (ncols + coldiff)
+        while len(lines) < len(text):
+            lines.append(extra_interline)
+    # print lines
+    indentation_level = max(ncols, ncols + coldiff)
+    for (line, logstr) in zip(lines, text):
+        ln = "%-*s %s" % (2 * indentation_level, "".join(line), logstr)
+        ui.write(ln.rstrip() + '\n')
+    # ... and start over
+    state[0] = coldiff
+    state[1] = idx
+def get_revs(repo, rev_opt):
+    if rev_opt:
+        revs = revrange(repo, rev_opt)
+        if len(revs) == 0:
+            return (nullrev, nullrev)
+        return (max(revs), min(revs))
+    else:
+        return (len(repo) - 1, 0)
+def check_unsupported_flags(opts):
+    for op in ["follow", "follow_first", "date", "copies", "keyword", "remove",
+               "only_merges", "user", "branch", "only_branch", "prune",
+               "newest_first", "no_merges", "include", "exclude"]:
+        if op in opts and opts[op]:
+            raise util.Abort(_("--graph option is incompatible with --%s")
+                             % op.replace("_", "-"))
+def generate(ui, dag, displayer, showparents, edgefn):
+    seen, state = [], asciistate()
+    for rev, type, ctx, parents in dag:
+        char = ctx.node() in showparents and '@' or 'o'
+        lines = displayer.hunk.pop(rev).split('\n')[:-1]
+        displayer.flush(rev)
+        ascii(ui, state, type, char, lines, edgefn(seen, rev, parents))
+    displayer.close()
+def graphlog(ui, repo, path=None, **opts):
+    """show revision history alongside an ASCII revision graph
+    Print a revision history alongside a revision graph drawn with
+    ASCII characters.
+    Nodes printed as an @ character are parents of the working
+    directory.
+    """
+    check_unsupported_flags(opts)
+    limit = cmdutil.loglimit(opts)
+    start, stop = get_revs(repo, opts["rev"])
+    if start == nullrev:
+        return
+    if path:
+        path = util.canonpath(repo.root, os.getcwd(), path)
+    if path: # could be reset in canonpath
+        revdag = graphmod.filerevs(repo, path, start, stop, limit)
+    else:
+        if limit is not None:
+            stop = max(stop, start - limit + 1)
+        revdag = graphmod.revisions(repo, start, stop)
+    displayer = show_changeset(ui, repo, opts, buffered=True)
+    showparents = [ctx.node() for ctx in repo[None].parents()]
+    generate(ui, revdag, displayer, showparents, asciiedges)
+def graphrevs(repo, nodes, opts):
+    limit = cmdutil.loglimit(opts)
+    nodes.reverse()
+    if limit is not None:
+        nodes = nodes[:limit]
+    return graphmod.nodes(repo, nodes)
+def goutgoing(ui, repo, dest=None, **opts):
+    """show the outgoing changesets alongside an ASCII revision graph
+    Print the outgoing changesets alongside a revision graph drawn with
+    ASCII characters.
+    Nodes printed as an @ character are parents of the working
+    directory.
+    """
+    check_unsupported_flags(opts)
+    o = hg._outgoing(ui, repo, dest, opts)
+    if o is None:
+        return
+    revdag = graphrevs(repo, o, opts)
+    displayer = show_changeset(ui, repo, opts, buffered=True)
+    showparents = [ctx.node() for ctx in repo[None].parents()]
+    generate(ui, revdag, displayer, showparents, asciiedges)
+def gincoming(ui, repo, source="default", **opts):
+    """show the incoming changesets alongside an ASCII revision graph
+    Print the incoming changesets alongside a revision graph drawn with
+    ASCII characters.
+    Nodes printed as an @ character are parents of the working
+    directory.
+    """
+    def subreporecurse():
+        return 1
+    check_unsupported_flags(opts)
+    def display(other, chlist, displayer):
+        revdag = graphrevs(other, chlist, opts)
+        showparents = [ctx.node() for ctx in repo[None].parents()]
+        generate(ui, revdag, displayer, showparents, asciiedges)
+    hg._incoming(display, subreporecurse, ui, repo, source, opts, buffered=True)
+def uisetup(ui):
+    '''Initialize the extension.'''
+    _wrapcmd(ui, 'log', commands.table, graphlog)
+    _wrapcmd(ui, 'incoming', commands.table, gincoming)
+    _wrapcmd(ui, 'outgoing', commands.table, goutgoing)
+def _wrapcmd(ui, cmd, table, wrapfn):
+    '''wrap the command'''
+    def graph(orig, *args, **kwargs):
+        if kwargs['graph']:
+            return wrapfn(*args, **kwargs)
+        return orig(*args, **kwargs)
+    entry = extensions.wrapcommand(table, cmd, graph)
+    entry[1].append(('G', 'graph', None, _("show the revision DAG")))
+cmdtable = {
+    "glog":
+        (graphlog,
+         [('l', 'limit', '',
+           _('limit number of changes displayed'), _('NUM')),
+          ('p', 'patch', False, _('show patch')),
+          ('r', 'rev', [],
+           _('show the specified revision or range'), _('REV')),
+         ] + templateopts,
+         _('hg glog [OPTION]... [FILE]')),