changeset 69 c6bca38c1cbf
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/hgext/	Sat Jan 08 11:20:57 2011 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+# color output for the status and qseries commands
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Kevin Christen <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+# option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+'''colorize output from some commands
+This extension modifies the status and resolve commands to add color to their
+output to reflect file status, the qseries command to add color to reflect
+patch status (applied, unapplied, missing), and to diff-related
+commands to highlight additions, removals, diff headers, and trailing
+Other effects in addition to color, like bold and underlined text, are
+also available. Effects are rendered with the ECMA-48 SGR control
+function (aka ANSI escape codes). This module also provides the
+render_text function, which can be used to add effects to any text.
+Default effects may be overridden from your configuration file::
+  [color]
+  status.modified = blue bold underline red_background
+  status.added = green bold
+  status.removed = red bold blue_background
+  status.deleted = cyan bold underline
+  status.unknown = magenta bold underline
+  status.ignored = black bold
+  # 'none' turns off all effects
+  status.clean = none
+  status.copied = none
+  qseries.applied = blue bold underline
+  qseries.unapplied = black bold
+  qseries.missing = red bold
+  diff.diffline = bold
+  diff.extended = cyan bold
+  diff.file_a = red bold
+  diff.file_b = green bold
+  diff.hunk = magenta
+  diff.deleted = red
+  diff.inserted = green
+  diff.changed = white
+  diff.trailingwhitespace = bold red_background
+  resolve.unresolved = red bold
+  resolve.resolved = green bold
+  bookmarks.current = green
+ = none
+  branches.closed = black bold
+  branches.current = green
+  branches.inactive = none
+The color extension will try to detect whether to use ANSI codes or
+Win32 console APIs, unless it is made explicit::
+  [color]
+  mode = ansi
+Any value other than 'ansi', 'win32', or 'auto' will disable color.
+import os
+from mercurial import commands, dispatch, extensions, ui as uimod, util
+from mercurial.i18n import _
+# start and stop parameters for effects
+_effects = {'none': 0, 'black': 30, 'red': 31, 'green': 32, 'yellow': 33,
+            'blue': 34, 'magenta': 35, 'cyan': 36, 'white': 37, 'bold': 1,
+            'italic': 3, 'underline': 4, 'inverse': 7,
+            'black_background': 40, 'red_background': 41,
+            'green_background': 42, 'yellow_background': 43,
+            'blue_background': 44, 'purple_background': 45,
+            'cyan_background': 46, 'white_background': 47}
+_styles = {'grep.match': 'red bold',
+           '': 'none',
+           'branches.closed': 'black bold',
+           'branches.current': 'green',
+           'branches.inactive': 'none',
+           'diff.changed': 'white',
+           'diff.deleted': 'red',
+           'diff.diffline': 'bold',
+           'diff.extended': 'cyan bold',
+           'diff.file_a': 'red bold',
+           'diff.file_b': 'green bold',
+           'diff.hunk': 'magenta',
+           'diff.inserted': 'green',
+           'diff.trailingwhitespace': 'bold red_background',
+           'diffstat.deleted': 'red',
+           'diffstat.inserted': 'green',
+           'log.changeset': 'yellow',
+           'resolve.resolved': 'green bold',
+           'resolve.unresolved': 'red bold',
+           'status.added': 'green bold',
+           'status.clean': 'none',
+           'status.copied': 'none',
+           'status.deleted': 'cyan bold underline',
+           'status.ignored': 'black bold',
+           'status.modified': 'blue bold',
+           'status.removed': 'red bold',
+           'status.unknown': 'magenta bold underline'}
+def render_effects(text, effects):
+    'Wrap text in commands to turn on each effect.'
+    if not text:
+        return text
+    start = [str(_effects[e]) for e in ['none'] + effects.split()]
+    start = '\033[' + ';'.join(start) + 'm'
+    stop = '\033[' + str(_effects['none']) + 'm'
+    return ''.join([start, text, stop])
+def extstyles():
+    for name, ext in extensions.extensions():
+        _styles.update(getattr(ext, 'colortable', {}))
+def configstyles(ui):
+    for status, cfgeffects in ui.configitems('color'):
+        if '.' not in status:
+            continue
+        cfgeffects = ui.configlist('color', status)
+        if cfgeffects:
+            good = []
+            for e in cfgeffects:
+                if e in _effects:
+                    good.append(e)
+                else:
+                    ui.warn(_("ignoring unknown color/effect %r "
+                              "(configured in color.%s)\n")
+                            % (e, status))
+            _styles[status] = ' '.join(good)
+class colorui(uimod.ui):
+    def popbuffer(self, labeled=False):
+        if labeled:
+            return ''.join(self.label(a, label) for a, label
+                           in self._buffers.pop())
+        return ''.join(a for a, label in self._buffers.pop())
+    _colormode = 'ansi'
+    def write(self, *args, **opts):
+        label = opts.get('label', '')
+        if self._buffers:
+            self._buffers[-1].extend([(str(a), label) for a in args])
+        elif self._colormode == 'win32':
+            for a in args:
+                win32print(a, super(colorui, self).write, **opts)
+        else:
+            return super(colorui, self).write(
+                *[self.label(str(a), label) for a in args], **opts)
+    def write_err(self, *args, **opts):
+        label = opts.get('label', '')
+        if self._colormode == 'win32':
+            for a in args:
+                win32print(a, super(colorui, self).write_err, **opts)
+        else:
+            return super(colorui, self).write_err(
+                *[self.label(str(a), label) for a in args], **opts)
+    def label(self, msg, label):
+        effects = []
+        for l in label.split():
+            s = _styles.get(l, '')
+            if s:
+                effects.append(s)
+        effects = ''.join(effects)
+        if effects:
+            return '\n'.join([render_effects(s, effects)
+                              for s in msg.split('\n')])
+        return msg
+def uisetup(ui):
+    if ui.plain():
+        return
+    mode = ui.config('color', 'mode', 'auto')
+    if mode == 'auto':
+        if == 'nt' and 'TERM' not in os.environ:
+            # looks line a cmd.exe console, use win32 API or nothing
+            mode = w32effects and 'win32' or 'none'
+        else:
+            mode = 'ansi'
+    if mode == 'win32':
+        if w32effects is None:
+            # only warn if color.mode is explicitly set to win32
+            ui.warn(_('win32console not found, please install pywin32\n'))
+            return
+        _effects.update(w32effects)
+    elif mode != 'ansi':
+        return
+    def colorcmd(orig, ui_, opts, cmd, cmdfunc):
+        coloropt = opts['color']
+        auto = coloropt == 'auto'
+        always = util.parsebool(coloropt)
+        if (always or
+            (always is None and
+             (auto and (os.environ.get('TERM') != 'dumb' and ui_.formatted())))):
+            colorui._colormode = mode
+            colorui.__bases__ = (ui_.__class__,)
+            ui_.__class__ = colorui
+            extstyles()
+            configstyles(ui_)
+        return orig(ui_, opts, cmd, cmdfunc)
+    extensions.wrapfunction(dispatch, '_runcommand', colorcmd)
+def extsetup(ui):
+    commands.globalopts.append(
+        ('', 'color', 'auto',
+         # i18n: 'always', 'auto', and 'never' are keywords and should
+         # not be translated
+         _("when to colorize (boolean, always, auto, or never)"),
+         _('TYPE')))
+    import re, pywintypes, win32console as win32c
+    #
+    w32effects = {
+        'none': -1,
+        'black': 0,
+        'red': win32c.FOREGROUND_RED,
+        'green': win32c.FOREGROUND_GREEN,
+        'yellow': win32c.FOREGROUND_RED | win32c.FOREGROUND_GREEN,
+        'blue': win32c.FOREGROUND_BLUE,
+        'magenta': win32c.FOREGROUND_BLUE | win32c.FOREGROUND_RED,
+        'cyan': win32c.FOREGROUND_BLUE | win32c.FOREGROUND_GREEN,
+        'white': (win32c.FOREGROUND_RED | win32c.FOREGROUND_GREEN |
+                  win32c.FOREGROUND_BLUE),
+        'bold': win32c.FOREGROUND_INTENSITY,
+        'black_background': 0x100,                  # unused value > 0x0f
+        'red_background': win32c.BACKGROUND_RED,
+        'green_background': win32c.BACKGROUND_GREEN,
+        'yellow_background': win32c.BACKGROUND_RED | win32c.BACKGROUND_GREEN,
+        'blue_background': win32c.BACKGROUND_BLUE,
+        'purple_background': win32c.BACKGROUND_BLUE | win32c.BACKGROUND_RED,
+        'cyan_background': win32c.BACKGROUND_BLUE | win32c.BACKGROUND_GREEN,
+        'white_background': (win32c.BACKGROUND_RED | win32c.BACKGROUND_GREEN |
+                             win32c.BACKGROUND_BLUE),
+        'bold_background': win32c.BACKGROUND_INTENSITY,
+        'underline': win32c.COMMON_LVB_UNDERSCORE,  # double-byte charsets only
+        'inverse': win32c.COMMON_LVB_REVERSE_VIDEO, # double-byte charsets only
+    }
+    passthrough = set([win32c.FOREGROUND_INTENSITY,
+                       win32c.BACKGROUND_INTENSITY,
+                       win32c.COMMON_LVB_UNDERSCORE,
+                       win32c.COMMON_LVB_REVERSE_VIDEO])
+    try:
+        stdout = win32c.GetStdHandle(win32c.STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)
+        if stdout is None:
+            raise ImportError()
+        origattr = stdout.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo()['Attributes']
+    except pywintypes.error:
+        # stdout may be defined but not support
+        # GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(), when called from subprocess or
+        # redirected.
+        raise ImportError()
+    ansire = re.compile('\033\[([^m]*)m([^\033]*)(.*)', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
+    def win32print(text, orig, **opts):
+        label = opts.get('label', '')
+        attr = origattr
+        def mapcolor(val, attr):
+            if val == -1:
+                return origattr
+            elif val in passthrough:
+                return attr | val
+            elif val > 0x0f:
+                return (val & 0x70) | (attr & 0x8f)
+            else:
+                return (val & 0x07) | (attr & 0xf8)
+        # determine console attributes based on labels
+        for l in label.split():
+            style = _styles.get(l, '')
+            for effect in style.split():
+                attr = mapcolor(w32effects[effect], attr)
+        # hack to ensure regexp finds data
+        if not text.startswith('\033['):
+            text = '\033[m' + text
+        # Look for ANSI-like codes embedded in text
+        m = re.match(ansire, text)
+        while m:
+            for sattr in';'):
+                if sattr:
+                    attr = mapcolor(int(sattr), attr)
+            stdout.SetConsoleTextAttribute(attr)
+            orig(, **opts)
+            m = re.match(ansire,
+        # Explicity reset original attributes
+        stdout.SetConsoleTextAttribute(origattr)
+except ImportError:
+    w32effects = None